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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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Why do they keep letting Trump pick these retarded downballot candidates who keep getting slaughtered?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.



why do people keep supporting trump when all he wants to do is help niggers and kikes?

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As to Liberals for years Are all about Shutting down Internet sites/free speech, More Illegals/Trash from 🇲🇽, DiversityHire for Women ruining VGs, TV, Movies, Housing market, Cost of living up the ass compared to how easy/cheap life was from 2017-2021, & MOST!! of YOU DIDNT SEE A NIGGER ZOOMING THEIR FAT FUCKIN GORILLA 🦍 FACE INTERFERE WITH ALL YOUR TV/YOUTUBE VIDEOS WITH SHITTY ADS or (Niggers/(Homeless Encampment Nigger Bitches) Make it a Fuckin Goddamn Pain in the Ass to go outside to do something simple, like Buy gas or store, (little things like that)

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