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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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If you've watched any CNN over the past 8 years, you already know that Trump is literally Hitler. But what you may not know is just how similar the two fascist dictators really are. Here are 8 ways Trump is exactly the same as Hitler:

1.They both wore pants:Not a coincidence.

2.Hitler had a mustache, and Trump probably could have a mustache if he didn't shave for a few days: Uncanny.

3.If you rearrange the letters in "Trump" (while eliminating the U, M, and P and adding H, I, L, and E), it spells "Hitler": OK, this is just getting scary…

4.Both reportedly breathed air: Wow.

5.Both most likely ate food to survive: Coincidentally, so did SADAM HUSSEIN.

6.Did we mention they both breathed air? Amazing.

6.Hitler ordered his armies to invade Poland, while Trump ordered his armies to walk around the Capitol taking selfies on January 6: The exact. Same. Thing.

7.Hitler was an artist attempting to paint masterpieces, and Trump was in the masterpiece work of art… Home Alone 2: Lost in New York: This is no accident.

8.The media constantly refers to both of them as Hitler: Case closed.

Let us know what similarities you have noticed in the comments. And if you don't comment, just remember who else didn't comment: Adolf. J. Hitler.

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File: c52e9939f365055⋯.png (34.93 KB,300x250,6:5,wtf.png)

hey, you sеem based, and only basеd peoрle јoin


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and you shall continue to do so as you should

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Nigger shut up the fuck

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Ooga booga

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