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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: af15dfd238386c1⋯.png (1.16 MB,720x995,144:199,chrome_screenshot_13_Oct_2….png)


This month,

Sims Greatest Sequel yet!!

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Fuck Reparations

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File: 5f6c5e2b32cfec7⋯.png (34.93 KB,300x250,6:5,wtf.png)

hеy, you sеem based, and onlу based pеоple joіn


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Yea yea yea nigga in the club

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Fuck u nigger bitch

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Die nigger die

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Nigger in da tha club

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Nigger slave

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Where did that white slave bitch go

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File: b0880a719e611ae⋯.png (864.14 KB,720x709,720:709,chrome_screenshot_28_Dec_2….png)

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Theres nothing to do over at mexico huh bitch boy


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i have seen screenshots of someone playing plantation in sims 2 but i have never seen screenshot from a plantation made in rimworld. all that is needed is the "prepare carefully" mod that lets you coons character create instead of having to use random characters.

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File: faa5946fdc43cf7⋯.png (586.61 KB,618x616,309:308,faa5946fdc43cf7ba7c4c377ef….png)

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File: 3e909d764c4537c⋯.jpg (122.4 KB,348x880,87:220,3e909d764c4537cdbc2dbb96e7….jpg)

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