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File: f4c2f133d8af9e5⋯.png (276.3 KB, 654x399, 218:133, China_says_UK_has_poisoned….png)

4dc5e0  No.263475

By Guy Faulconbridge


China blamed the United Kingdom on Thursday for deteriorating ties after Prime Minister Boris Johnson slapped a 5G ban on Huawei, accusing London of poisoning the relationship by meddling in Hong Kong’s affairs.

“These actions have seriously poisoned the atmosphere of China-UK relationship,” China’s ambassador to London Liu Xiaoming told reporters.


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38d232  No.263486


china get more money out of the UK-china trade.

if they want degradading the relation further, the UK will win.

the only country that would lose from stopping trade with china is germany, which is the only country with a positive trade balance with china.

in other words, go fuck yourself chicom.

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735123  No.263490

Fuck China, STFU! In America we don't steal tech we develop it, we don't lend money to control other countries we lend it to help them, we don't kill people to gain control. This is how the Republic is suppose to work in America. If it weren't for the Chinese and Russians trying to control the left by pouring money into the Democrat party, the Republic could work….so fuck off.

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735123  No.263491

China hasn't dealt with real Americans yet, Trump is just the beginning.

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