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0987b0  No.260059

By Joel B. Pollak


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled Friday that two elite lawyers accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail into a New York Police Department vehicle last weekend should not receive bail and must return to jail.

Breitbart News reported Monday: “The two attorneys, Colinford Mattis, 32, and Urooj Rahman, 31, reportedly hurled a Molotov cocktail at a police vehicle in the 88th Precinct in Fort Greene Saturday as tensions escalated in the area.”

Mattis works in New York for the Pryor Cashman corporate law firm, and was suspended without pay after news of his arrest. He had already been furloughed since April due to the coronavirus pandemic. Rahman is a human rights lawyer.

They were released on $250,000 bond. Rahman’s bail was posted by fellow attorney Salmah Rizvi, who worked in President Barack Obama’s administration as an intelligence official, providing information for Obama’s daily briefing.

Prosecutors in the Eastern District of New York were dissatisfied with the suspects’ release and filed an appeal.


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2ffe6f  No.260071

BLM t-shirt, marks the proof. BLM are terrorist. I suppose being a lawyer makes it intent to insurrect, and terrorism.

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ac052e  No.260081


can a harvard law grad still claim they didn't know it was wrong?

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ee6f32  No.260095

Fucking stupid ass people..their whole career washed down the toilet…hope they burn

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4f5c93  No.260096

Lemme guess, both subhuman…check

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906a46  No.260097

>Colinford Mattis

>Urooj Rahman

More like Tracy and Pat. They make downies look normal.

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f41711  No.260102


> their career are over

Google "Kathy Boudin"

Google "Bill Ayers"

These two just got pre-qualified for careers in academia.

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