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/newsci/ - Science and Math

For people with theoretical degrees in physics


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File: 671d0d450e4d78c⋯.jpg (89.17 KB,1080x425,216:85,SS1.jpg)

 No.57 [Open thread]

I would.

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File: e6ce7ebe4fc5cbb⋯.png (894.55 KB,1286x663,1286:663,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13 [Open thread]

Tactica Imperialis is now doing A-Level and GCSE physics lessons.


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Hi, and thanks for the recommendation. Now, many different resources help with physics lessons, but it isn't easy to find something beneficial. Especially when you are not a beginner or already at a certain level. From what is really useful for me, I can highlight https://edubirdie.com/physics-tutor which helps me with my homework, and my teacher, who agreed to conduct additional lessons with me because he sees potential in me. It may be trite to say that good educational resources and teacher support are important for learning progress, but this is true.

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Thank you for sharing!

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File: 876298069eeb1d8⋯.jpg (5.75 KB,290x95,58:19,1652282838993.jpg)

 No.26 [Open thread]

Do you know this formula?

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File: a58c2c5014cbfed⋯.gif (2.61 KB,287x46,287:46,_2_.gif)

american meat

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It is a hoax that Google has calculated pi to 100 trillion digits.

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Qanon John Titor

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File: e3910170e6b8b67⋯.jpeg (35.46 KB,739x415,739:415,images_11_.jpeg)

Google is liar


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File: 6f0bd9c11011dae⋯.jpg (198.25 KB,407x559,407:559,GodfreyKneller_IsaacNewton….jpg)


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File: 75e953f057ff771⋯.jpeg (87.74 KB,915x743,915:743,CTG.jpeg)

 No.21 [Open thread]

Discuss! I'll start:






dopamine sensitivity


supplements (omega, b12, d3, …)

nootropics(lions mane, lsd)


learning new things (if you can't come up with anything, just try juggling or learn a new language)

brain exercises (?)

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>not keeping your testo-levels above 400ng/dl blood

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File: 323b5f3aee46492⋯.jpg (48.33 KB,506x337,506:337,1395539128158.jpg)

 No.17 [Open thread]

>PhD in math

>Any job I want

>300k starting

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Holy based.

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Where are people looking for vacancies now? I've worked for the same company for many years. It so happened that my company was closed, and now I'm looking for a job.

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Listen, it must be hard for you now, because you always get used to the old team, the old company, and suddenly changes come. I usually check https://uk.jooble.org/jobs-dhl/Birmingham , there are always many job openings to be found here for any profession. I recently had a period when I quit my job and I was looking for a new job.

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Evolution is just a theroey (a geuss)

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File: 72fdf3355c9a526⋯.jpg (34.92 KB,455x640,91:128,55eb55c2f018fbb8f8baa2ec.jpg)

 No.25 [Open thread]

What do you think about the bitch on the right? She is just a slut who wants to be renown and therefore somehow approaches our main guy. She is a worthless slut that should be beheaded. We shouldn't even have known her name. She didn't do any contributions to any science but she is still known to public for being a bitch and approaching Nash whenever he gets appreciated for a research. Do you know if she had any contributions to science? Or is she just a slut who gets her ass fucked to other people when Nash has a mental breakdown and begs for Nash to accept her as his wife whenever Nash publishes something important?

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File: 5c83e5b6949af8c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.53 KB,850x638,425:319,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

 No.22 [Open thread]

Brain transplant is possible, like if someone gets a heart transplant, they will are able to understand that they had a heart transplant, same for any other body parts. The brain transplant performed in the past on subjects which although died after a shot time showed us that brain could be transplanted like any other organ and the host would realize that their has changed just like in the case of a heart or any other transplant. But if we create a exact copy of a organism (say human like you), as now biological printers are a real thing (although they are unable to print complex organisms like us yet). Butif we are able to simulate every memory through recording each nerve action and simulating the same for the printed one of that organism to the original printed one, and create an exact copy.. It will be that organism but not it since it does not have the same conscious as the original one, it would have a free conscious than the original, then where actually lies the consciousness?

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File: f1d30a9cf82217d⋯.png (14.63 KB,378x311,378:311,1577391141970.png)

 No.2 [Open thread]

Did you know that in an incompressible, potential, irrotational, inviscid flow we have it that a body will experience no drag force? It's true! Solve Euler's equations discover that fluid mechanics is literally made-up bullshit that doesn't describe reality.

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Literally all theories are made up and don't describe reality 100%. A theory that describes reality well enough for 99.9999% of cases is pretty good.

What you want is a Theory of Everything. Come back in a few decades, we might have one for you then.

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Thiz nigga gets it. If middle and high schools would properly teach this, there'd be fewer idiots saying ignorant shit like "Relativity means Newton was wrong".

A theory is a model that makes reliable predictions. Newtonian mechanics, for example, was reliable enough to put people on the moon. Special relativity is reliable enough to make GPS work as intended. The germ theory of disease is reliable enough to reduce, measurably and significantly, the proliferation of a disease.

Mere belief systems, such as astrology, homeopathy, and islam, make no reliably measurable predictions about how anything works. Assertions, that people simply want to be true, do not qualify as theories for this reason.

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I was looking at pdes earlier and this topic came up. I ignored it cause I don't give a fuck if my math can be applied to reality. Physicists are the biggest cucks, they try to apply math to the real world without even realisng that math can't describe it and isn't valid in it lol

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File: 05483afcf940373⋯.jpg (31.63 KB,580x172,145:43,Math.jpg)

 No.3 [Open thread]

Somebody solve this

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My calculator says the left side equals 84, and the right side equals 50.

So it's false.

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You're correct that it's false, but if you'd use your brain instead of your calculator, you'd know that the left side is 13, not 84.

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File: 6174e1c3f512ed2⋯.png (6.35 KB,230x412,115:206,Screen Shot 2020-01-21 at ….png)

 No.6 [Open thread]

Method for deposition of graphene and graphene allotropes on glass substrate by enhanced evaporation of isopropyl alcohol-graphite solution:

A non-enclosed glass surface is set upon a flat area. A solution of graphite and isopropyl alcohol is mixed and poured upon the flat glass surface into a thin layer. This very thin layer of isopropyl alcohol mixed with graphite coats the surface of the glass substrate evenly. The surface of the glass with the isopropyl alcohol and graphite solution is then ignited with a flame. This evaporates the isopropyl alcohol and the graphene then adheres to the glass substrate below. The excess graphite which did not adhere to the glass substrate can then be washed off with water then the substrate can be dried. Graphene is thus produced and is adhered to the glass substrate.

please archive I'm seeding this info out

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1. Post video of this process, if possible.

2. How do you confirm presence of adhered graphene?

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File: 0a464d2f9979512⋯.png (1.24 MB,1060x1060,1:1,__nazrin_touhou_drawn_by_s….png)

 No.1 [Open thread]




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What is spray geometry?

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It's when you spray a bitch's tits with a nut and draw triangles with the cum.

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File: 8c693b394a9ad6c⋯.jpg (67.22 KB,700x933,700:933,71a67082ab800e840ef46b8649….jpg)

Spray on over to /virtua/ at xchan for math, physics and engineering with attitude: https://xchan.wtf/virtua/index.html

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File: 81711aab3e2d5e5⋯.png (13.56 KB,649x505,649:505,Screen Shot 2020-01-21 at ….png)

 No.4 [Open thread]

Method for graphene production by deposition of aqueous graphite solution on heated liquid gallium surface:

A thinly coated liquid gallium surface is heated above the temperature necessary to boil or vaporize drops of water. An aqueous graphite solution is then added to the hot surface of the liquid gallium by drops or at a small amount at a time. Since liquid gallium does not wet graphite, when the water boils off or vaporizes off the hot surface the liquid gallium, the graphite is left behind which sets on top of the surface but does not adhere. The movement of the water molecules from liquid to vapor form also cause the graphite to ablate and spread out across the surface of the liquid gallium.

please archive

seeding this out

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Sorry but gallium is expensive

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