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File: c88742747ceba24⋯.jpg (117.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG_39_.jpg)

b695ec No.6176 [Open thread]


1. Keep it music related.

2. Check the Catalog to make sure you're NOT posting the same topic before making a new thread.

3. Try to keep everything in one thread, I.E.: If there's already a "Goth Metal General", post your playlist there.

4. Promoting things is fine, but random threads for individual tracks or "mp3 download links" will be deleted if they accumulate.

5. No troons, lolicon/shotacon or anything that breaks the dost test. Use spoilers for NSFW album art or thumbnails.

* Note: this was updated (again) by the current (newest) BO

-Check out music made by the founders of the board




-The /mu/ wiki


-Where can I download X?

>4chan archive/sharethreads - https://rbt.asia/mu/ (8archive.moe used to be a thing, and maybe it will be again some day)

>Soulseek - http://soulseekqt.net (or Nicotine+ for Linux users - https://www.nicotine-plus.org/)

>Google/Startpage/whatever + "zippy" "mega" "rar" or "Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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f8418b No.104666


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File: b38400b39020530⋯.jpg (14.53 KB,351x351,1:1,460356470_1221401246842869….jpg)

585886 No.104588 [Open thread]


This is an FAQ/request thread for questions like:

"What's the song in my webm/mp4", "What genre is X", "Where can I find more of Y".

>please only bake new breads for new topics, unlisted genres, or otherwise novel ideas which will generate ongoing discussion.

Last thread: >>80813

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54b5a7 No.104584 [Open thread]

I’m fucking sick of Taylor swift and travis Kelce. The NFL rigged the playoff and Super Bowl so that the Chiefs will win cause Travis is dating Taylor and They wanted the swifties to watch so the NFL gets more views. Now they’re in the kids choice awards. I say that we rig it and make it so Taylor and Kelce lose to anyone else but them. I was going to post this on 4chan but The captcha is retarded so I’m posting this here. Post this around 4chan and here on 8chan and let’s make Taylor and Travis lose

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4a6549 No.104671

> I was going to post this on 4chan but The captcha is retarded

I get this thread is pretty old but you cannot be this retarded. No way you're too dumb for 4chan. Hope this is bait and you just have an autistic sense of humor.

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File: d1327e6fedb19d1⋯.jpg (245.62 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_5b4bab36_6257_4864_9c6a_f….jpg)

51ad55 No.104564 [Open thread]

i liked it, this is the first channel i saw that uses it, if you know more, send pls



its incredible how the ai now can make a completely song, with almost real voices

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df7974 No.104600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

← favorite

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df7974 No.104608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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df7974 No.104623

Vocaroo embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

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df7974 No.104660

File: 40e549b4c2bc2ae⋯.webm (1.32 MB,720x720,1:1,1725461096613653.webm)


The tech for music videos is here.

Why is hardly anybody using it?

>vidrel was stolen from /pol/

>so no audio

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000000 No.104668

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File: f383f3d17eab2e5⋯.png (10.21 MB,5973x5973,1:1,IMG_1439_1_.PNG)

5c5392 No.104663 [Open thread]


been trying to use blastbeats with access virus synths & a SP404, tell me if it sucks

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f8f12a No.104664


Sounds like Deathgrips in the beginning.

I vibed out halfway through

Then the second half was kind of clutterfucked which made me remember I was on bandcamp, though.

Only that sucks.

Otherwise, nice waveforms!

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File: 02d01b0306a40f0⋯.png (274.07 KB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

47f100 No.104642 [Open thread]

Hey, look at this awesome playlist that has sweet pro-Catholic/Christian and anti-Jewish songs!


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File: ce28562e224b808⋯.jpg (653.18 KB,800x1764,200:441,l7cwps6i2tx61.jpg)

9ed454 No.104309 [Open thread]

Hope someone finds this useful


Made lots of resources about alternate tunings, VSTs for recording, lots of stuff

Website version of the chord chart following tonalities I made:


(You might want to zoom out)

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775bf0 No.104632

File: 829a12ef1757879⋯.png (833.96 KB,1080x1920,9:16,music_tonnetz.png)

Hey guys.

Made this, and just wanted to post it somewhere. (First place i tried (though not my first thought) was Reddit, but they autoshadowbanned my account on creation. Shouldn't have done that.)

There is this libre Android app on Github called 'Hexiano', which is an 'isomorphic keyboard', the concept of which i like. And i also found this libre app called 'Designoverlay', which lets you lay an image over your screen.

So i put those two images together so i can play with the keyboard while seeing some music concepts.

Maybe somebody will find this amusing. Even though, as the name implies, it should be an app on its own.

There are likely many errors and misconceptions in it. Sorry.

Thanks, and bye.

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775bf0 No.104633

File: e0bc7d2e8393a09⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x1920,9:16,music_tonnetz_transparent.png)


Overlay version.

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File: 1f6b3c71aa2982b⋯.jpg (198.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,undefined_Imgur.jpg)

e5fc10 No.104257 [Open thread]

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e5fc10 No.104258

File: 26bcd69d260f4df⋯.webm (5.2 MB,280x280,1:1,mrbond.webm)

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496b13 No.104589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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496b13 No.104625

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 8dbb3f6f87501af⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

612d75 No.104597 [Open thread]


We're making musical propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.



>Generate 4min of audio in one click. You probably want to start here


>Generate music by chunk of 32 seconds. More control, more time-consuming


> "I want to run it on my machine !"


> Sound effects


> With video


> Voice generation / cloning / text-to-speech / speech-to-speech




>by posting in this thread you denounce the talmud

previous: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/472700790#top

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2b2517 No.104598


Original thread author from the 4chins


- Find some material (4chan thread, article, whatever)

- ctrl-a, ctrl-c, ctrl-v into claude.ai or ChatGPT

- "Please generate lyrics for a song about this". Adapt the prompt as needed.

- Feel free to edit the generation and request improvement, to make a chorus more catchy for instance.

- 3000 characters is the maximum for suno.ai. It seems that it matches the maximum for audio too (4min). I guess that 1500 chars will lead to a 2 minutes long song.

- If you use [Chorus]blabla, you can just specify [Chorus]without-the-blabla to save characters

- Use [Bridge] and [Verse: <singer name>] in order to have songs with multiple singers.

- Use [Banjo solo] for epic solos

- Flow and Rythm is hard to get right. I get better results if prompting the AI to behave as hip-hop/country/rockstar variant of Dr. Seuss (or any other excellently paced poet).

- It's usually a good idea to ask the AI to generate the lyrcs with the music genre you aim at. You'll get more consistant results

Prompting example using gpt-4o and suno.ai

Goal: improve on


Prompting session:


The first two results I got:


https://sunoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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612d75 No.104599

File: d47bde1ea4f9057⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1776x1776,1:1,UniversalUpscaler_dbd9a190….jpg)



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2b2517 No.104601


I turned a 4chan thread into a song:




I managed to get chatgpt to generate pretty explicit lyrics by asking it to:

1°) list interesting/funny/shocking elements

2°) retrieve the exact quotes from the thread

3°) generate the lyrics

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d95cc8 No.104614

File: f997599c2f25b93⋯.png (371.71 KB,1820x1833,140:141,D2ADB4D9_9F2D_4172_85FE_9B….png)

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f77476 No.104615

File: 1e7440b7903b860⋯.jpg (447.95 KB,1280x1267,1280:1267,1719873808926634.jpg)

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File: 0ae2f0635d87f15⋯.png (10.07 KB,256x256,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

d45e7a No.104603 [Open thread]

This is best channel for learning how to use ableton

>you suck at producing


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File: d4449233d105d2c⋯.png (101.9 KB,425x375,17:15,ClipboardImage.png)

703f3a No.104596 [Open thread]

Are you Honky enough to honk with us? Too honkin based to be moderated by tranny jannies? Tired of normies engorging themselves on goyslop psyops? Enjoy a forum where you can talk with other passionate honklers. Share your lyrics, songs or maybe help others reach their dreams.


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File: 31b89bd2ce27b38⋯.png (53.64 KB,860x645,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

2d7578 No.34317 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Let this be the only one.

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35a572 No.104240

File: 842737250c9f6f9⋯.jpg (752.31 KB,2500x2500,1:1,37_new_covers_37_pr.jpg)

Experimental Hip Hop mixed with free Jazz and Noise.


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76194f No.104244

File: 757acb76328bc87⋯.jpg (833.59 KB,1869x1400,267:200,corpsecandlecandy.jpg)

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a47447 No.104263

File: a58bb6befeeaff9⋯.jpg (87.42 KB,1200x1200,1:1,a1630728424_10.jpg)

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648b7b No.104286

File: 811ef404b5a4908⋯.jpg (928.42 KB,1200x1200,1:1,h_album_cover.jpg)

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202054 No.104595


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File: 37254ec30dca872⋯.png (107 KB,866x650,433:325,ClipboardImage.png)

e48ae3 No.97953 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post your stuff and put some tags on it

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574a40 No.104274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the soundcloud of Mario Alejandro Montano, a man who killed himself 3 years ago.


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574a40 No.104275

File: d9c9f46abdbd4f1⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,500x500,1:1,eliminativist_soundcloud.jpg)

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bbfb37 No.104282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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582352 No.104556

Soundcloud seems to have existed for many years, but believe it or not, Only now I decided to see what kind of music there is and all that. Well, the platform is cool, but I don’t like listening to everything online. It’s good that at least you can download tracks from SoundCloud to MP3 https://setapp.com/how-to/download-from-soundcloud-to-mp3 . Sometimes I use various online services where you can convert music using a link to a song.

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4d580e No.104592


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ca33d4 No.104585 [Open thread]

RadioQ Canada - the best music from Canada in one radio station. Discover the richness of Canadian music by listening to hits from different genres and eras. Enjoy your favorite tracks on any device using a convenient interface and high sound quality. Learn more here:https://radioq.com/country/canada.

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File: 8b3d61aae114b05⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,582.24 KB,1755x1584,195:176,xmplayer.jpeg)

b1ef68 No.104573 [Open thread]

International Demoscene Music. Chiptune is the Best


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