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50% More Joke Bans

File: 1445239767607-0.png (1.57 MB,990x1530,11:17,ASRIEL IS PERFECTION.png)

File: 1445239767611-1.png (1.29 MB,990x1530,11:17,ABSOLUTE PERFECTION.png)


Give me images to shop this image over/shop over this image

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File: 1445240214834-0.png (1.91 MB,1280x1024,5:4,1444454744165.png)

File: 1445240214835-1.png (256.68 KB,1360x898,680:449,1442982280087.png)

File: 1445240214835-2.png (4.82 KB,256x256,1:1,1443382791253.png)

File: 1445240214836-3.png (30.98 KB,2154x1732,1077:866,1443295331691.png)

File: 1445240214836-4.png (83.84 KB,1440x1791,160:199,1443068645576.png)

Can you do anything with these? Dunno how good your 'shop skills are.

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File: 1445240395365.gif (3 MB,287x191,287:191,188 MB of feels.gif)

Challenge mode: Make the picture pop up on the screen

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File: 1445241195511-0.png (2.72 MB,1280x1025,256:205,feeling like garbage.png)

File: 1445241195514-1.png (2.92 MB,1280x1025,256:205,non-subtle Assriel.png)


Made three versions of the first one

Actually Paint.net and my pasteable Asriel is sloppier than I remember

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File: 1445241217362.png (2.92 MB,1280x1025,256:205,subtle Assriel.png)

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File: 1445241511788-0.png (54.73 KB,1500x1500,1:1,1443049649224-0.png)

File: 1445241511791-1.png (47.26 KB,609x393,203:131,1442987018519.png)

File: 1445241511791-2.png (178.86 KB,600x877,600:877,1444209399449-2.png)



These are pretty grand.

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File: 1445245731669.png (174.25 KB,1290x707,1290:707,down there.png)


Tried to remake 3. I think I can make it look better though.

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Nice, nice. I just installed GIMP, care to post the pasteable assriel?

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File: 1445280301741.png (275 KB,990x1530,11:17,Pastable Asriel.png)


Got a few jaggies but here it is

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File: 1445281910306.png (546.24 KB,1192x670,596:335,GIMPTEST.png)


Here's what I made, gotta get used to GIMP a bit more and I'll be able to do better stuff.

If you can crop more asriel images I can use them.

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Not bad

I'll see what I can crop, post one if you want me to do a certain one

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Just start with what you can do. Lot of it seems pretty stupid (lookin' at Tanuki's work)

Maybe just start with Nebula's art?

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File: 1445283818525.png (153.66 KB,800x767,800:767,Lick lick.png)


This one's special because you can shop your own dick into it!

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File: 1445284225977.jpg (39.31 KB,615x553,615:553,1445039498716-2.jpg)


That's a great idea anon, but there's one crucial, critical thing I'm missing that makes the idea a non-executable for me…

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Then delete the hand and put your vagina/anus there smh

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File: 1445292008229.jpg (147.67 KB,469x400,469:400,banana-2.jpg)


I improvised.

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I really, really, really like this image.

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File: 1445294573267-0.png (144.56 KB,389x345,389:345,Banana3.png)

File: 1445294573268-1.png (150.88 KB,389x345,389:345,BananaAssriel.png)


Just for you.

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File: 1445325965115-0.png (856.15 KB,1437x2500,1437:2500,goat3.png)

File: 1445325965115-1.png (1.71 MB,2105x2500,421:500,86140055e87ab0a8fcbd62fdea….png)

File: 1445325965116-2.png (240.93 KB,800x800,1:1,35c1affda86017837e462cda5a….png)

File: 1445325965117-3.png (253.89 KB,700x941,700:941,1ed93d7083c44fb1a1e633b6ff….png)

File: 1445325965117-4.png (230.27 KB,800x999,800:999,c4bae460a4c08219f3ac00e089….png)

I could still use more cropped porn. I'm having trouble cropping it myself in gimp.

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Does Gimp have the Magic Wand tool? That second one would probably be really easy with it, but wouldn't help with the all-grey ones.

I might do those when I feel like it ] :^)

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Do people actually masturbation to goat

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