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File: 8b8d81363724d8b⋯.png (701.17 KB,1850x1509,1850:1509,reitiaammit.png)

1713ee No.380263

Welcome to The Pilgrimage.

>Who are we?

You are an acolyte of the Reitian Temple. After demonstration of your magical aptitude, the temple took you in, training you in doctrinal and magical lore before you had been deemed competent to undergo a pilgrimage.

>We’re doing what now?

Reitian Acolytes travel the world as mendicant pilgrims, teaching people about the Goddess and giving counsel and advice in bringing couples together. Somehow this is tied in with the acolyte’s magical ability. An acolyte who successfully completes a pilgrimage is considered to be a magical adept and is revered amongst the worshippers of Reitia similar to how a Paladin is seen by Tyrisians.

>Our poor pelvises, we are so raped.

Reitian Acolytes are ascetics. You have taken a vow of poverty and of chastity for the duration of the pilgrimage. Think of it as keeping yourself pure for a waifu you haven’t met yet.

>So we can have a waifu?

Yep, but that’s a game over. You can’t finish a religious pilgrimage when you’re settling down and having a family now, can you?

>So… What’s the point?

Explore the Post-Twilight world, and give good ends to good people?

>Ok let’s talk magic. What can we do?

You start with three spells.

<Arcane bolt - Offensive spell, pewpewpew, probably got about three or four uses in a day without replenishing your mana. Probably not enough to kill someone but you can significantly ruin their day.

<Restore - Channelled heal. As an acolyte you can probably heal a broken leg in about three days.

<Sense Aura - Gives you a rough idea of a person’s mood and motivation, think ‘know alignment’

You’ll have the opportunity to get more spells or better versions of the ones you have as you help more people.

>That makes no fucking sense.

That’s what the Enochian Circle of Magi said too, but the Reitians do seem to be learning magic somehow…

>Anything else?

You’re halfway decent with the iron-shod traveller’s staff you carry… You’re not completely defenceless when caught out of mana. And, just to reiterate, you’re a mendicant pilgrim. You have no moneys, and beg for food like a filthy gypsy. People may react unkindly.

>What do you need from us?

How about some basic stuff? I didn’t give you guys a lot of input on Adam in Child of the Australs, and I think the story suffered for that.

What is your name? I’m gonna ignore stuff like “Nigger McNiggerNigger”

Who are your parents? Are they both human, or a human-mamono pairing? If the latter, are you natural or abbey-born? Or are you a holdsward? An orphan unacknowledged by house or family?

What do you look like? You’re reasonably young, thinking late teens to early twenties, but are you fat, skinny, ottermode, bearmode? Hair/Eyes/Skin? These will impact the story. Fatties may cop shit but will be able to stave off hunger for longer… of course starving yourself will rapidly make you not-fat. Likewise a Suudenlander (blackfella) in the Nordenlandsreich may get a few funny looks.

Do you have any overt personality traits? Are you loud, shy, aggressive, cynical?

Lastly, do you need me to explain anything any further?

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e3b1e9 No.380265

File: 7a45c6c54689108⋯.jpg (168.46 KB,848x1200,53:75,bunyip_shitposting_w_flag.jpg)


>my favourite writer is doing a CYOA about my favourite goddess


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2e5b55 No.380270

Wew, were back, baby! Sprawling epics with drunk plotlines! Lets go!

I just fucking lost a really good run of stone soup, so I want a hardmode character

> What is your name

Mohammed Cheng

> Parents

Humans, we were raised on a farm, but never got /fit/ like our brothers from picking things up and putting them down again.

> Traits

We look like the most generic man in the planet, like one of those face composites.

A scar on our hand from being bit by a snake once, the scar kinda looks like a pair of eyes.

We have a bad habit of embellishing the facts, especially when it would get us in trouble.

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e66a11 No.380273


Whilst I can appreciate the desire for HardMode, Names like 'Jesus' and 'Mohammed' would be highly uncommon considering Abrahamic religions were annihilated eons ago, and after the departure of Mnemosyne, it's hard to tell if records of them even exist outside of the unreliable memories of immortals and near-immortals.

Not saying you can't do it, just that it won't have the impact you're expecting.

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a82592 No.380284

File: f136eee7fa2513a⋯.jpeg (120.62 KB,800x600,4:3,23628C4B-A99E-4EBB-9174-2….jpeg)

>RD is doing another CYOA

>about an acolyte of Reitia

My body is ready! Reitia Vult!

Now on to our character.


We are an orphan of unknown parents. The temple took us in when we were but a babe


Being an aesthetic and having been raised in a temple with monks most of our life we’re pretty skinny I’d say. Not just skin and bones though.

Looks wise idk. Brown hair, brown eyes and super pale from being in the temple all day?


Alex has a nice ring to it. Unless someone has another suggestion.


From what I’ve put so far I imagine someone who’s mostly quiet. We may not talk often but when we do it carries weight or meaning.

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e66a11 No.380298

So we've got Mo "Average" Cheng, the Hapa farmboy who apparently spent his youth exaggerating how much work he did, thus avoiding the righteous state of /fit/ that is the reward of honest labor, and Alex "Bullybait" the Holdsward, a pale, slight lad with a retiring personality that contrasts with his weighty insights.

Interesting start, any advances on these two or shall we duke it out from these selections?

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e3b1e9 No.380300

File: 88a6be35e117a73⋯.jpg (260.36 KB,553x900,553:900,we're back.jpg)



>What is your name?

Deniel. No last name.

>Who are your parents? Are they both human, or a human-mamono pairing?

We are human, holdsward of unknown but quietly-speculated-upon heritage. Can we have been raised by the Temple?

>You’re reasonably young, thinking late teens to early twenties, but are you fat, skinny, ottermode, bearmode? Hair/Eyes/Skin? These will impact the story.

We are 6'5" with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, a jawline like a mason's square, and possessed of what Kipling referred to as an 'ealthy brisket which is to say we are solidly broad of chest, bicep, calf, and waist on account of putting in more than an honest day's work and being fed reasonably well for an orphan. You may speculate upon impact this has upon our appetite and our vows. Our left arm is a little shorter than our right arm, and the pinky finger of our right hand is missing.

>Do you have any overt personality traits?

We are not quiet so much as reserved. We have a deep-seated need to finish what we start, which is good when we're repairing a wall but not so good when we've impulsively decided to face down the bloke in the pub who turned out to have more friends than his personality would credit.

We quietly consider Reitia a kind of surrogate mother figure, our own being absent. This might be good or bad depending on Temple doctrine and Reitia's own assessment of our development.

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e66a11 No.380301

>>380300 (Checked)

Deniel "Gimpy" the Holdsward makes his entrance, nice!

>Can we have been raised by the Temple?

Can be if you want, though you're probably sick of honey by now considering most temples double as bee-girl hives.

it's more likely that you grew up in the Abbey of Blessed Innocence and were raised Tyrisian, becoming a supplicant of Reitia after leaving.

>We quietly consider Reitia a kind of surrogate mother figure

You'd probably find this to be not uncommon amongst your fellow acolytes, in private conversation.

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e3b1e9 No.380302

File: ab9b4f676c7d606⋯.png (827.64 KB,1111x1111,1:1,reitia kneel.png)


>it's more likely that you grew up in the Abbey of Blessed Innocence and were raised Tyrisian, becoming a supplicant of Reitia after leaving.

This works as well. Whatever makes for good story and character hooks, you know? I quite liked Adz in CotA; felt like we were figuring out his personality as we went so it felt very naturally like a coming-of-age story, which it was.

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13de54 No.380310


Voting for Deniel.

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7bd577 No.380330


I'm voting for Deniel the Aryan.

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2302d5 No.380351

>My suggestion in the Reitia thread actually got a CYOA from a good writefag

The ideasguy triumphs again!


I'm putting in my vote for skinny quiet guy.


I don't see a guy who'd dedicate his life to the service of the Goddess of Love and Compassion as one who'd get in a lot of barfights. Maybe if someone insulted his waifu, or Reitia.

In any case being an orphan raised by the temple would let it make sense for us to become an acolyte, story-wise. Repaying Reitia for taking care of us growing up.

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387f71 No.380353


Is it possible to Waifu our Goddess?

Even Goddesses need the dick love.

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e66a11 No.380357


Firstly, Reitia is Sahnate Pora, the Kind Healer, the wellspring of goodness, and All-Mother of creation. She is not for sexual.

Secondly even if you DID manage to distinguish yourself to such a herculean degree that she no longer saw you as one of her children and started looking at you as a potential husbando, Ever heard of Semele? Fucking a God as a Human is a pretty guaranteed way to have your body reduced to a mist of irradiated particles spread across five or six realities, depending on how hard they came.

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e66a11 No.380358

So that's 3 votes Deniel, 2 votes Alex, and 1 vote Mohammed.

Unless anyone cares to weigh in I'll kick off within the next couple hours.

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2302d5 No.380362


Oh yeah, you said no waifus until the end, but are there any rules against qt traveling companions or yandere stalkers who follow us across the continent?

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a82592 No.380366


It’s not that you can’t waifu anyone until the end so much as the waifu ’’is’’ the endat least that’s how I understood it

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477f0e No.380370


>No waifus until the end.

>>380366 has it right. Once Deniel finds a waifu, his pilgrimage is over, as evidently Reitia sees him as a better husband to deserving monster than temple mage.

>Travelling companions.

Spending the entire cyoa with nothing but Deniel's internal monologue would kinda suck, don't you think?

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ef7c39 No.380372


it would be one hell of a way to go out in style. Also voting for nigger mcnigger Deniel

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2302d5 No.380373


Okay, I had read "pilgrimage" and assumed we had a destination to get to that we needed to stay chaste and impoverished for, and then we could look for a wife. Does that mean all of Reitia's clergy are chaste until they find husbands or wives, and then they quit working at her temples? They must have a pretty high turnover rate.

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477f0e No.380374


Just the Acolytes. The Adepts are assigned where they're needed and usually find a wife in the local community. Acolytes who aren't successful in keeping chaste aren't looked down upon, as happy couples are pleasing to Reitia, but it's basically taken that they don't have the chops to cut it as a temple mage.

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477f0e No.380375



You do, kinda. Becoming an adept is the goal of the pilgrimage.

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e66a11 No.380401

Sorry guys, server went down in a prison… Don't even ask.

Thread's up


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