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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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4d511c No.380400 [Last50 Posts]

You are Deniel the Holdsward, Acolyte of the Caladonian Temple of Reitia. After demonstrating your magical aptitude and completing your noviate under the tutelage of the Time-Spanned Disciple-Mages and the Hive-Queen Priestesses known as Mellisarae, you have been sent on a ritual mendicant pilgrimage. Designed to improve your magical abilities through humble service, you prepare yourself to step out into the wider world, not knowing where you will end up, but trusting that Reitia, Goddess of Love and Protector of Families will guide you on that path.

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4d511c No.380402

“I’m just saying…” The bald man insisted, rubbing a rough hand over his shiny pate before picking his tankard back up “…Baron Alexander’s married to his daughter, that’s close enough, isn’t it?”

“I always suspected you spent too much time peering at our tutor’s cleavage and not enough time in your actual studies, Jimmy.” his bearded companion chortled before taking another draught of foaming ale. “Firstly, the Caladonian faked his own damn death once to keep from the throne, and Lady Kylie takes after him. Secondly, Every time that someone who’s not Horus or Hathor take the feckin’ thing, the dead have a bad habit of waking up and causing mischief. I for one am happy to leave this ‘Senate’ thing in place until such time as the Caretakers of Duat get around to telling us they’re back.”

“Thank Tyris you’re not the one who gets to decide that, Chris.” The bald man teased, rolling his eyes.

Chris thumped the table with the pommel of his knife. “I’m a landholder, ain’t I? I got a right to vote as I like, don’t I?” He demanded from around a mouthful of food.

“Will it matter when all the votes in Dixon and Doric come down the same way?”

“Why would that happen? You could fit half of Doric in one Dixonian Landsholding.”

“Because Duke Raymond was raised Continental before he got acknowledged. He’s done this shit before. He’s managed to convince half the landholders to come together in something called a ‘Party.’ They all vote together, even when it’s not in all of their interests.”

Chris sliced another sliver from the juicy steak before him, chewing pointedly as he considered that. “That’s retarded. Still…”

“Still what?” Jimmy insisted, dunking a lump of bread into his hearty stew.

“Don’t think I’d be entirely comfortable seeing a Black Knight of Corvus sitting on the Throne. Bloody dour lot.” Chris murmured self-consciously.

Jimmy looked around, yet his eyes scanned over you without recognition. “You know who really weirds me out? These Reitians… They’re just so….”

Chris nodded conspiratorially “Hear ya. What ever happened to Worshipping Tyris and Maou like normal folks? Gotta complicate things up with…”

“Shh, it’s a Disciple!” Jimmy hissed, spotting a husky, middle-aged human stump through the door of the inn’s taproom. Dressed in a townsman’s garb, the Disciple planted himself with an explosive exhalation of breath at one of the empty tables near you and the pair of human landholders. An elegant, matronly Anubis made her way from the rear of the tavern, plopping a pewter tankard down in front of him.

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4d511c No.380403


“Water?” The man asked in puzzlement after studying its contents.

“You’re drunk, Travis.” The Anubis declared with no room for argument.

“Yeah, but only a little bit.” the Disciple agreed with a cheeky smile. “Robby decided that it was our duty to make sure that the sacramental mead wasn’t tainted after the Mellisari had casked it up.”

“Have you no regard?!” the Anubis gasped.

“We only tested it, I swear!” Travis insisted. “Just… Bees can make a LOT of mead, can’t they?”

The Anubis put her face in her paw briefly, her Jackal-like ears twitching in her exasperation. “You’re hungry, I take it?”

“Yeah…” Travis agreed, before his hand whipped out, surprisingly quickly for a man of his size, seizing the Anubis by one fluffy paw and pulling her into his lap, stopping her surprised shriek as he lowered his mouth to hers. Her paws beat against his chest for a moment before slackening and sliding about his neck. “…Missed you Dalila.” He murmured after breaking the kiss.

“M-missed y-you t-t-too…” The Anubis stammered, clearly torn between mortification at being so thoroughly wooed in public, and bliss at the man’s affections. “I need to finish off the orders before we close tonight… and there’s the new…”

“The staff can handle it, love… How long’s it been since we had a night together that didn’t involve just falling into bed a hair before the witching hour?”

“T-Travis! We’re in public!” Dalila squeaked, her long, pointed ears twitching madly and her dusky-gold skin aflame with embarrassment.

“Anybody here got an issue with me kissing my wife?” The Disciple asked in a loud, clear voice, looking pointedly about the common area as he did so. Mild chuckles and murmurs of negation were the majority of his answer, with a brief ‘Woo! Get some!” from an unknown female voice at the far end of the taproom. “See? No problem.”

“I don’t know how I get anything done married to you…” Dalila sighed meltingly, putting a paw to Travis’s face before pushing herself gently off him. “…I’ll see you at home, please try not to drink too much. We’re not as young as we used to be and I worry about you.”

“Bah, you’re only as old as the person you’re feeling… which puts me in my… would you say you’re twenty-five this year love?”

“Get on you!” The matronly Anubis shrieked, torn once again between mortification and flattery. Without further word, she dashed back into the rear of the inn.

The Disciple chuckled as he watched her depart, before his face turned serious as his attention returned to his tankard. Murmuring a few words, he passed his hand over the cup, and a pale, frothy head suddenly spilled over its brim. Smacking his lips, he drank deeply, before his gaze in turn fell on you.

“You know…” He remarked, as if completely unsurprised to see you “…You’re going to end up starving to death if you just hide in the corner like…”

“Here Pilgrim, I’m sorry it took so long!” A kobold barmaid gushed apologetically, setting a bowl of thick, meaty stew before you, and a half-loaf of warm, crusty bread beside it.

“Thank you kindly.” You respond with a smile “And I haven’t been waiting long at all.”

“That’s real nice of you to say… Actually… I was wondering…” The kobold mused, wringing her paws bashfully.

“Marie! The Fish! Hurry up!” A throaty yell from the kitchen demanded.

“Yes Chef!” The kobold responded, dashing from your side and back towards the kitchen.

“I stand corrected…” Travis murmurs amusedly, returning to his magically transmuted ‘water’.

You place your hand briefly upon your breast, bowing your head in acknowledgement of the Disciple’s faint praise, before tucking into the rich stew with gusto.

>After you finish, would you like to…

>Find the Kobold, ask what she was after

>Talk to the Disciple

<Tell the Disciple about the Landholders’ conversation

<Don’t mention it

>Talk to the Landholders

>Something else?

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6d217c No.380404


>wut do

tell the disicple about the landholder's conversation. if what the wan wanted to ask was important enough she'll find the time to ask.

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6d6284 No.380412


Ask the Kobold what she wanted, we're supposed to be helping people, and she brought us food.

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6f6102 No.380414

The kobold would not have asked if it wasn't somewhat important. We should find out what it is.

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75607f No.380420

The kobold probably needed some help with something and the conversation really wasn’t any of our business. Also let’s ask the disciple if he has any advice for us.

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4d511c No.380449



Is that a tiebreaker on tell/don't tell? Wanna make a call on that one or should I flip a coin?

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6d217c No.380450


I'll tiebreak. Going with "be nice to wan and ask her what she wanted" instead of "bring up conversation"

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c2e4d4 No.380458


Also with talking to the kobold.

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d2cd05 No.380461


Talk to the pupper.

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4d511c No.380493

>Talk to the Kobold

You leaned back in your chair, the pleasant discomfort of being thoroughly full spreading warmth throughout your body. You notice the Kobold placing a plate before the Disciple, a steaming, juicy cut of meat on a bed of roasted vegetables. The Disciple smiles his thanks, tucking in immediately, raising his tankard suggestively between bites. Yet once again the Kobold lingers, before being called back to the kitchen by another throaty yell.

Clearly there was something she wanted to talk about, and if the Disciple was being so deliberately obtuse, clearly it was something he expected you to address. Rising and dusting breadcrumbs from your simple tunic, you follow the lithe Mamono into the busy din of the kitchen.

“Marie?” You call questioningly, doing your best to keep out of the path of the scurrying staff. You pan your eyes over the organized chaos, trying to spot the Kobold…

…Something yanks you back into the hallway, slamming you against the wall. Hard.

“Well little morsel, scrounging for seconds? Our charity not sufficient for you?” That throaty voice asked, the undeniable sensation of a furred, taloned paw pinning you to the wall. You shook your head, blinking the swimming spots from your vision, to come face to horned, fanged face with a figure of nightmare. An Ushi-Oni, one yellow, feral eye almost glowing as it glared at you, the other hidden behind a crimson, runewoven seal.

“No! It was… very generous…” You wheeze, trying to draw breath against the pressure of that talon against your torso. “I was… Looking for… Marie…”

“I thought you Reitian whelplings were celibate… Are you falling off the wagon before you’ve even made it five miles, morsel?” The Ushi-Oni demands, her spideresque bulk looking massive behind her as clawed, chitinous feet tapped menacingly against the floor.

“It’s not like that… She needs… Help…”

The Ushi-Oni’s fanged mouth widened in sardonic amusement. “Does she?” She mused, seemingly to herself as much as you. “Marie!” She yells, releasing you to fall on the floor, wheezing and coughing in relief.

“Yes Chef?” The Kobold answers without a hint of trepidation, leaning out from the kitchen. Her eyes widen and she gasps in alarm as she beholds you on the floor, the looming figure of ‘Chef’ above you.

“You’re overdue for a break. Take this one with you.” She ordered shortly, pointing a deadly claw at you.

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4d511c No.380494


“I’m so sorry I didn’t think you’d come into the kitchen are you alright please say you’re alright Oh Maou I’ve ruined everything…” The Kobold babbled, almost coddling you as she lead you outside into the cool evening.

“I’m fine, really…” You assured her, gently extricating yourself from her soft, furred paws, leaning against the wall and examining your ribs gingerly. “…Is she always so…”

“Crabby? No, I think she might be pregnant again.” Marie whuffled, rolling her eyes. “I honestly don’t know how her husband’s still alive, let alone walking.”

“If it be true, Love will find a way through all trials.” You recited, somewhere between joking and sententious.

“Yeah… Guess it will at that…” Marie agreed, shuffling her paws. “Pilgrim… I was wondering…”

“Please, my name’s Deniel.” You offered with a smile.

“Deniel.” She repeats, her tail wagging absently behind her. “I’m Marie, by the way.”

“I know, it was kinda hard to miss.” You chuckle conspiratorially.

“Right? Anyway… How… How do you know if a boy likes you?” The Kobold asks, suddenly incredibly vulnerable.

“There are so many ways…” You began, absently adjusting your tunic. “…everyone’s got their own way. I take it someone’s caught your eye?”

“Uh huh!” The Kobold gushed, her eyes shining and her tail now wagging frantically. “His name’s Fynn and he’s cute and has the most amazing smile and he held my hand and put his arm around me and told me I was pretty and he has an ass you could…”

“Alright!” You laughed, holding up your hands pleadingly. “I think we can safely establish that you don’t love him from afar…”

“Well…” Marie trailed off.


The Kobold shuffled her paws in the dust again. “Y’see… he lives in Charlestown, over thataway a while…” She pointed a furred digit towards the southwest.

“How far’s a while?”

“Far enough he’s gotta bring a wagon and stay the night when he comes here.”

“Goodly distance.” You agreed. “He trades with Sea-Of-Grasses and the Holy Temple?”

Marie shrugged absently, her eyes cloudy with confused thought. “I guess so… but his dad gives him a list of stuff from other artisans here in Williamsberg as well… and he always finds time for me… but then he just leaves every time and I’m so confused and…”

You squeezed the Kobold’s arm comfortingly. “I think I get it. You want him to tell you that this time he’s staying here with you, but he never says it.”

“Yeah… I mean no… I mean…”

You nodded in understanding. “Have you tried to tell him how you feel?”

“I was… kinda hoping you’d help me with that? I mean I’d go myself but It’s real busy now and Chef’s pregnant and… and…”

“…And you’re afraid you’ll go all to bits and lose your nerve once you see him.” You concluded for her.

“Cybelle was right, you Reitians do know a whole bunch!” Marie gushed, pushing a folded piece of parchment into your hands. “She helped me write this, she’s so good with words!”

“Mind if I…” You ventured.


You opened the folded parchment, reading the undeniable angular script of Magisterium written by an Arachne hand. It was pristine, elegant… and thoroughly debauched.

“Reitia’s Mercy!” You choked, your face flaming and your eyes wide after a particularly lewd passage. “Did you know that she’s written…”

“Yuh-huh!” The Kobold answered sunnily.

“Even the bit with…”

“Yes, Deniel. I am aware. Yes, Deniel, I would like him very much to do that.” The Kobold stated evenly, staring at you unblinkingly as if to drive the point home


“A-alright…” You gulped, folding the parchment carefully and putting it in the satchel slung over your shoulder. “I guess I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning.”

“Eeeeeee! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” The Kobold yelped, throwing her paws around your neck and kissing you on the cheek, before releasing you just as suddenly. “Now I gotta get back to work! Thank you so much again!”

“R-Reitia Bless You…” You murmured to the ghost of her absence. When you were told you would be helping people in matters of love, this was the last thing that came to mind. Still, you concluded that if Reitia did not wish this task to be undertaken, She would not have put it so obviously in front of you.

Besides, you had to start somewhere, right? Charlestown seemed as good a place as any.

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4d511c No.380495


“Deniel.” The disciple greeted you with slurred voice and raised tankard as you picked up your staff and travelling cloak where they had been left at your now empty table.

“Reitia’s Blessings, Disciple.” You murmured in deference, ducking your head and putting hand over your heart.

“And you.” The Disciple replied almost nonchalantly, repeating the gesture. “Y’didn’t tell me about those two though.”

You looked across the emptying taproom to where the two landholders were staggering out, arms over each other’s shoulders, murmuring a continual succession of “I love YOU, Man!” to each other.

“No Disciple.”

“Call me Travis, kid, and have a seat. We’re hardly in public, the wife owns the place after all.” The Disciple chuckled.

“Travis.” You echoed with a nod, taking the offered seat.

“Now…” Travis continued, refilling his tankard from the crock of ale on the table. “…why not?”

You shrugged. “They were two men grousing over a meal, so they’re not entirely comfortable with Holy Reitia’s following yet. I’m not entirely comfortable with the new staircases in the temple, much too wide in my opinion. Doesn’t mean I want to take an axe to them.”

“Fair. Don’t dismiss grumblings about politics too quickly though. Sometimes people will talk about big issues because they’re afraid to talk about what’s really bothering them.” Travis grunted, taking a draught from his tankard. “Drink?”

You shook your head.“Thank you, no.”


You suppressed a snerk of amusement. “Hardly. But I’m on Pilgrimage. I don’t want to become accustomed and lament its absence.”

“Smart.” Travis praised, gesturing at you with his tankard, yet if he was being deliberately ironic or not, you couldn’t tell. “The business with the Kobold though… You know the Empire has a very well paid and perfectly functional postal service, right?”

You paused for a moment, taken aback at the Adept’s seemingly prophetic knowledge of what had occurred outside. “How did you…”

“Deniel, since you first came to the Temple, so fresh from the Abbey of Blessed Innocence you still made the Sign of the Sunburst before every meal without thinking, you’ve been unable to lie worth a damn.” Travis laughed fondly.

“But I didn’t…” You protested lamely.

“You roll up your sleeves to hide the fact your left arm’s a bit gammy, yet you’ve got no problem with the fact something took your finger clean off at the knuckle. Why? Because you hate the thought that you don’t have your own agency.” Travis continued pointedly. “And yet you just, not an hour ago, accepted on FAITH that Reitia would guide you, was guiding you, had put that Kobold in your path because that was WHERE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE.”

“I wasn’t thinking about that though!” You retorted. “She needed help… I wanted to help…”

“Reitia’s Mercy, I fucking LOVE where your head’s at.” Travis almost crowed. “So many Acolytes go out into the worlds with their heads jammed firmly up their own arses, so convinced of their own piety and virtue that they forget the whole point of this. Learning through Service. Keep wanting to help, but never forget to consider the lessons that you’re taught throughout. Everyone you meet has something to teach you, but it may be years before you understand the lesson.”

“I…” You blustered, your head awhirl. “…Thank you, Travis.”

“You’re gonna go far, m’boy, just you wait!” The Disciple declared, hoisting himself to his feet with a grunt. “Now… I’m gonna go find my wife.”

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4d511c No.380496


You groaned, picking straw off your face and out of your hair. Sitting up, you squinted as the morning sun lanced directly into your eyes. For a moment you forgot where you were, and then a hulking figure loomed large before you.

“Morning sleepyhead.” An amused female voice chuckled. “You know you sing in your sleep? It’s kind of adorable.”

For a moment you felt a rush of panic, had you betrayed your oath so quickly? Then, as your vision cleared, the memory of the previous night came back to you. Saying she was drunk was an understatement, and leading the near-paralytic Centaur into the stall of the inn’s cozy stables seemed an almost insurmountable task. Still, after much grunting and staggering and dodging sloppy, clumsy attempts at kisses, you had managed to get her securely ‘To Bed’, as it were. You had intended on only staying a moment to make sure she was alright… evidently you were more tired than you thought.”

“Thank you for sharing your stall with me, madam.” You begin politely, standing and brushing yourself off.

“Thank YOU! Not every day a girl meets someone who’ll put her to bed and not even rifle through her saddlebags!” The Centaur replied, far too sunnily for someone who had been so spectacularly drunk the night previously. She stretched, and you blushed and averted your eyes as her unbuttoned shirt revealed the generous endowments of her humanoid torso.

“Oh, whoops!” The Centaur giggled, buttoning herself up. “Guess the girls got away from me there.”

“As you say… uh… sorry, I never caught your name.”

The Centaur pawed the straw beneath her, batting her long lashes at you. “Rose, of the Split-Boulder clan. And you, cutie?”

“Deniel, Acolyte of the Reitian Temple.”

“You’re one of the ascetics? Maou… what a waste!” The centaur groaned lamentingly.

“We’re only under vows during our Pilgrimage.” You reply without thought. Funny, why did you feel the need to justify yourself to her? Was it pride? You made a mental note to meditate on that later.

“So where are you headed?”

“Southwest to Charlestown…” You began, picking up your staff from the straw and making sure your satchel was secure. “…Again, Miss Rose, thank you for your hospitality last night.”

“Oh I’m sure…” The Centaur chuckled, waving her fingers at you coquettishly.

You couldn’t have gone more than five hundred meters when the sound of hooves on the soft earth made you stop and turn.

“So I was thinking…” Rose began conversationally “…Since I’m heading in that direction anyway, want a ride?”

You fix the centaur with a level look. “Were you really?”

“Well… Okay no you caught me, but a twenty five mile run sounds like a good way to stretch the withers before lunch, whaddaya say?”

>Accept the ride

>Decline the ride

>Decline the ride, but ask if she’d like to come along anyway.

>Sperg out in defense of your precious virginity

>Something else?

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75607f No.380502

Let’s decline the ride, she’s welcome to come along if she wants though. We could use the conversation. Plus she might need help or love advice.

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8fbe5b No.380503


Don't centaurs only let their husbands ride them? If that's the case, we should walk but let her come along with us if she wants.

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fc5e6e No.380546


I don't think we know her well enough to ride her, but she's welcome to come along.

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f1025b No.380550


Decline the ride but if she comes along you can offer her some advice on her technique for picking up people, at the end of it just tell her that may mother Reitia bless you.

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6d217c No.380557


Decline horsepussy's offer nicely but may as well keep in her company. Going to need someone to chat with on the way.

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c2e4d4 No.380563


Do only centaurs husbands ride them here? If not, I'm good with a ride, if so, asking her to walk with us sounds good.

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6d217c No.380566


I'll agree with this anon. Waifu by horseback is the main reason I don't want to so if it's JUST a helpful offer with no shenanigans take the free ride.

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ccd6a3 No.380567



It's not only husbands, but it is a gesture of extreme familiarity for her to offer. Definitely out of place, well spotted.

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c2e4d4 No.380569


Would it be weird to offer to a pilgrim? Sometimes they can be accommodated in unusual fashions as such.

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ccd6a3 No.380571


Has she shown any reverence for Reitia or her followers?

(You know you guys do have that 'sense aura' spell…)

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c2e4d4 No.380574


Ah right. Would you be able to stick our spells and such in a pastebin and link it future threads? That stuff is only listed in the prep thread right now. That being said, how obvious is our casting? Like, would it be super obvious to her what we were doing if we cast right now? I feel like that's going to be important to know in the future.

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ccd6a3 No.380576



Derp, that would make sense. Will get on it as soon as I'm not phoneposting.

She'll know that you're doing something, but it's an aura reading, not a mind-reading, so all she'll really see is you wave your hand and mutter something in a language she doesn't understand.

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75607f No.380581


Wellness let’s also do an aura reading too. She’s being a bit too friendly for an almost total stranger

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75607f No.380582


Well then*

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fc5e6e No.380588


We don't need an aura reading to tell she's hitting on us. Politely remind her that we are celibate for the duration of our pilgrimage.

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c2e4d4 No.380589


Right on. After all that faffing about: use the spell, let her give us a ride if it doesn't look like she's up to anything weird, walk with her if she is, and fuck right off if it turns out she's secretly satan or something.

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7f5551 No.380595


Not everything placed in front of us is sent by Reitia, but Reitia’s hand may also be exercised in its restraint. The point of a pilgrimage is to knock the edges off and the cotton wool out, but excess suspicion will blind us to what we might actually learn.

A centaurback ride is a gesture of extreme familiarity, which in this context registers as both a test of us by her and a claim on us to others. It’s not only the action but the perception of the action that matters. A pilgrim who hops on a centaur’s back after spending the night in her stall may well be considered to have done something more than slept in her straw. That’s not good for the Temple and it’s not good for us. Additionally, we are far too early along to be accepting call options being bought out on us. It’s not an option.

Quietly call Rose’s attention to our knowledge of these facts by way of politely declining her offer of a ride but not of company. Perhaps an opportunity to help her will emerge in other ways, perhaps she’ll be pleasant company on the walk, or perhaps we’ll simply make the journey alone. Any of these are fine.

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aaae54 No.380615

Do not ride the centaur. We must walk.

She is welcome to join us as a traveling companion.

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4d511c No.380730

>Decline the Ride, ask if she’d like to come along anyway

<Use ‘Sense Aura’ to attempt to determine her motivation.

Spell list up: https://pastebin.com/5GYq5jeF

“Liaida Ananael…” You murmur, making a brief gesture with your right hand. The Centaur before you seems to glow, varying hues shifting and flowing about her form as your magic makes what you only understood as ‘the greater reality of her soul’ visible to you in mundane light.

“What?” Rose blurted in puzzlement, her brow furrowing. “Who’s lying and eating anal?”

“It’s nothing…” You assured her. Yes. Orange of Excitement, need for Socialization, of course the firey red hints of sexual desire, yellow/gold of joy and outgoingness… ‘Genki’, as the Zipangan masters would term it… But it was hollow. Grey and brown muddiness swirled beneath, speaking to pain… loneliness… abandonment…

“Oh Rose…” You sighed in sympathy. “…who hurt you so?”

“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about.” the Centaur babbled, her eyes wide in concern as she pawed the soft ground with a forehoof. “What’d you do, Pilgrim?”

You shook your head. “Nothing. Just looked.”

“Y-you were in my mind? Little Shit!” Rose seethed, rearing up.

“No! Not that! I would never!” You insisted, holding up your hands in supplication. “Reitia shows us how to see feelings… desires… it’s how we help!”

Rose seemed to calm, yet still regarded you with slight suspicion. “You’re not playing Mindflayer on me?”

“In the name of Mother Reitia, I swear it.” You pledged sincerely.

The Centaur huffed. “I don’t think I want you to ride me any more.”

“And here was me trying to find a way to let you down easy…” You drawl wryly. “…You’re a lovely woman, Rose. But I know what that means, the… intimacy of it.”

“It’s not you, it’s me…” Rose spits with poisonous cynicism.

You fold your arms, looking levelly at the centaur. It was one thing to reject the ego, it was another to prop up her victim complex. “You barely know me, why would you even ask me? Especially knowing I can’t be with you the way you’d like me to be.”

“I don’t know! I saw you and… I just thought… ‘good enough’, y’know?” The centaur whinnied desperately, rearing slightly as she gesticulated. “…Beggars can’t be choosers.”

“And you shouldn’t be a beggar.” You stated firmly. “You matter. You’re precious in the eyes of Reitia.”

“Trying to convert me now, Deniel?”

You shook your head with a chuckle. “I won’t ride you… But would you like to walk with me aways? I’d be more than willing to listen.”

“I… I don’t think I’m ready to go baring my heart to a stranger…” Rose answered haltingly, before her eyes snapped up and glared at you defiantly “…And if you DARE make a quip about being willing to bare anything else I’ll kick you in the face.”

“Would never dream.” You assured her. “Still, you’re welcome to come.”

Rose’s face softens and she gives you a small, genuine smile. “…Okay.”

“So tell me…” You began, striking out again towards the southwest. “…Where do clan Split-Boulder’s lands lie?”

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4d511c No.380731


“…but you know you just can’t get those apples just anywhere!” Rose declared, grinning at me cheekily.

“I would imagine not!” You laughed, patting the Centaur on her equine torso. The Grey-brown in her aura was receding, it was hard to tell by how much, considering so was your spell, but evidently she had been hurting for someone to just talk to.

“You’ve been alone for a while, haven’t you?” You ventured boldly.

“Is it that obvious?” Rose sighed without thinking, before her back stiffened as if ice water had been poured along its length. “I-I mean…”

“Can’t put it back in the bag now, though I won’t press if you don’t want to…”

“My mother died.” Rose interrupted. “And my sisters had long since married… I’m it. I’m the Matriarch of the Split-Boulder clan… and also the only member.”

“My sympathies.” You offer, resting a hand on an equine forequarter. “I can’t imagine what that must be like.”

“Fucked, human. It’s fucked.”

You furrowed your brow in thought. “If continuance is your only issue surely there’s an agreement you can reach with some of the male centaur…”

Rose’s grin was without mirth. “Ever seen one?”

“No, but they can’t be as bad as the Bulls of Ancient Time…”

“No, seriously. Think for a moment. Ever seen a Male Mamono? Like Ever?”

You pause in your tracks, rubbing your temple as you fervently sorted through your memory… Surely you must have. They existed, you were sure of it!

“I can’t say I have…” You admitted.

“Me either, and I’ve been amongst every clan in the Westerlands, from Caladon to the Brasil Protectorate. Everybody insists they exist, but nobody’s ever seen one!”

“That’s…” You trail off in bemusement.

“Here’s one to really cook your noodles…” Rose interjects again “…When did Mamono start birthing Human sons?”

“What do you mean when? They just… I mean…” Your directionless babble meandered from your mouth as you were forced once again to search for a specific example of something your mind stubbornly ‘knew’ was fact.

“You know what? My Great-Gramma used to tell me stories about the Sun-That-Was-Not back when Apophis tried to break the world… I think she actually broke some stuff and the Gods haven’t figured out how to fix it yet.”

“If I was a Tyrisian I’d denounce you for Heresy for that.” You chuckled.

“Well I’m glad Reitians don’t have THAT particular pole up their asses.” Rose snorted. “In fact… from what I’ve seen of your Disciples and the Bees they’re strangely deferent to… Not a lot seems to get under your skin at all. Maou, even Ammitians will get their backs up on occasion.”

“Because of who Holy Reitia IS.” You explain, secretly relieved to be back on familiar ground. “She’s the All-Mother of Creation… There’s a story in the Doctrines, about when She walked amongst us… She set things in place so a Mage would have the power he needed, when he needed to have it. If you’re dying of thirst and you magically come across a bucket of water, you don’t waste time debating which river it came out of, you give thanks and drink. That’s a big part of what it means to be a follower of Mother Reitia. If the end result is love, real love, then are the means really that important?”

Rose’s gait quickened slightly as she ran around a log fallen over the dirt trail, a log you clambered over without giving it too much thought. “I don’t follow.”

“If I look silly, but the end result is people being able to come together, then I’ll gladly look silly.” You explain. “Tyrisians don’t have that option, their faith was the primary load-bearing structure for the civilized world. They couldn’t afford to look silly.”

“Well they do anyway.” Rose huffs. “Did you know they STILL do that ‘Continuance’ thing?”

“Mmmm.” You acknowledge. “Magisterium’s still concerned about birthrates and… well… we’re used to it.”

“That sounds like experience…” Rose teases.

You look at the Centaur in surprise. “Who, me? No… I’ve never been called for Continuance. Not sure I realistically COULD now, being an Acolyte of Mother Reitia and all… I was Abbey-born though, so that’s…”

The remainder of your statement is quashed as the Centaur impulsively crushes you to her in an emphatic embrace “That’s AWFUL!”

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4d511c No.380732


“Wasn’t… That bad…” You reply, gasping for breath as you extricate yourself from arm and cleavage.

“Not knowing your Mother though…”

You smile. “But I do.”

“But you said…”

“I never knew the woman who gave birth to me, though I would like to meet her someday.” You explain. “But I have a Mother. A Mother who will love me, unconditionally, until the very stars burn out and beyond. A mother whose most fervent desire is to take all that lives into her arms and tell them how very loved they are.”

“Do you actually believe that?” Rose asks suspiciously.

“Absolutely.” You answer with the utmost sincerity.

The Centaur stomped hard on an unoffending twig. “Wish Maou took some notes from her then…”

“You know there’s no law in the Doctrines of Maou about Polytheism…” You offer, somewhat more cheekily than you intended.

“Git.” Rose snorts, punching you gently in the shoulder. “Look, I can appreciate what you Reitians do, but I’m just a bit uncomfortable with the fact you’re on such good…” The Centaur suddenly broke off, looking into the distance with an expression of wary concern. “Rider.” She hissed.

“I don’t hear anything.” You admit, straining your ears.

“Course not. You Humans are deaf as posts.”

“Bigot.” You accuse good-naturedly. “Still, it’s a free road, I don’t see what…”

“There’s only one kind of rider that makes THAT kind of noise.” Rose explained. “Quick! Into the trees!”

All bemused, you followed the Centaur off the rough road and into the mossy green that surrounded you. Ducking behind a fallen log, you peeked over, watching the road. Gradually, you became aware of a sound getting louder. Jingling of metal attachments, the rhythmic thudding of heavy hooves moving at a mile-eating trot… and then you saw him.

The horse itself was intimidating enough, black as the night sky, eyes glowing with eldritch light, hooves seeming to smoke where they hit the ground… but the rider atop it… Clad in plate which seemed to devour the very light around it, beaked helm fashioned into the head of a great raven… You fancied you could even hear him breathing, the harsh, hollow sound echoing in the cavernous depths of that helm.

“Black Knight!” Rose hissed, as if the words themselves were an insult.

“We’ll just let him pass by…” You offered in a hushed whisper. “…He’s got more important things to worry about than…”

The rider reined in.

“Oh Maou…” Rose whimpered.

“Why do you hide from me, little brother?” The Black Knight called, his helm facing towards you as if he could see through the trees themselves. “What cause has a good servant of the Rafnsdottir to fear me?”

Little brother? Why did he call you that? And damn it all, he had a point, what possible reason had you to fear a man who had shown you no violence?

“Don’t move!” Rose insisted, gripping your shoulder as if anticipating your thoughts. “Quick! On my back! I promise I’m not trying to do anything here! Just do it!”

>Get on the Centaur

>Stay where you are and hide

>Confront the rider peacefully

>Attack the Rider

<Use Arcane Bolt to attack the Rider

>Something Else

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75607f No.380737


Let’s try talking with this guy. He’s not attacked us, and running away may cause trouble if we ever see him again. Let’s also ask him why he called us “little brother”. Also who or what is Rafns?

I would suggest reading his aura, but since he can somehow see us through the trees I think he would know what we’re doing and take offense at it.

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4d511c No.380740


>tfw you keep forgetting not everybody's read all of your autism

Rafnsdottir is Nordenlander for "Raven's Daughter"

Corvus is the Raven

Reitia is the Daughter of Corvus.

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d2cd05 No.380741


Get on her back and ask her what's going on as soon as we're in the clear.

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75607f No.380744


Ah ok. Then we really shouldn’t be afraid of anything then.where do you keep the rest of your work. I want to read it

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fc5e6e No.380746


He's already seen us, no point in hiding. Go out and talk with him.

As for why we were hiding, just tell him he's an intimidating sight.

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5bfeb0 No.380752

File: 6ec4fee3a122618⋯.png (159.59 KB,956x860,239:215,BlowIt.png)


Tell him to blow it out his ass and ride out of there in style on the back of horse pussy

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6d217c No.380772


Talk while keeping a particularly healthy distance from this guy. Be ready to GTFO by riding Rose depending on how the situation goes, she's a lot faster than we could hope to be.

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4d511c No.380773



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63f842 No.380774


>what possible reason had you to fear a man who had shown you no violence?

>“Don’t move!” Rose insisted, gripping your shoulder as if anticipating your thoughts

Clearly, one person here has a better idea of what's going on than the other.

I'd normally talk to the dude but Rose, who obviously know more about what's going on here than us, is wigging out. Follow her advice and get on her back. Just because we think this guy isn't a threat to us, doesn't mean he isn't a threat to her.

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75607f No.380778


But just because she’s freaking out doesn’t mean we should run. He can see both of us and he hasn’t said anything about Rose. For all we know she’s only wanting to run because of stories and rumors.

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63f842 No.380781


You're not wrong, it's just a matter of choosing who to respond to. I'm just sticking with the person we do know, and has some idea (even if potentially flawed) about the situation, over the unknown.

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75607f No.380788


While that’s good thinking, what about when we inevitably run into him again? He may end up attacking us or causing some other trouble later down the road when we meet again. Whenever there’s interaction with characters that an NPC initiates and not the player;that interaction is extremely important. There’s either some information they have that we need to know, or they initiate a quest, or they affect the story later on based on how their interaction went.

Given that he’s referred to us as “little brother” and referred to Reitia as “Ravens daughter” he is likely a servant of Corvus. With that in mind, even on the off chance we never see him again he is likely part of a religious order that could give us trouble later down the road. It’s possible they even have some kind of power or authority over our church due to this relationship. Talking with him could have enormous benefits

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d2cd05 No.380790


If his church was connected to ours, we would know that already.

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6b4337 No.380798

Some Lore since I didn't really spell it out.

Deniel would be academically aware of Corvidian worship. The Baron Alexander, who is Husband of Princess Kylie, Cheshire Daughter of Samuel the Caladonian is probably one of the more high profile of his public worshippers. But he certainly doesn't dress like that or ride around on some kind of nightmare horse.

Reitians and Corvidians have no official relationship, but neither do they share emnity, the former being focused on spreading love and healing, and the latter… well… whatever it is they do. Apart from the Baron it's rare to even see one.

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1d77c6 No.380802


Can we Sense Aura him for a more informed decision?

Or would it be noticed and generally considered rude?

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aaae54 No.380804

Let's talk to the guy and see what's up.

Keep our distance though and be ready to cheese it on Rose if he tries anything funny.

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d02eab No.380805


He'd probably sense that too and call us out on it. Just come out and chat with him.

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7bde4a No.380810


He seems friendly enough. Go out and say hi.

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a4698c No.380816


>Little brother? Why did he call you that?

Because we're a monk (a 'brother') on pilgrimage? Has that term fallen out of favour?

>And damn it all, he had a point, what possible reason had you to fear a man who had shown you no violence?

This seems an abrupt departure from our previous line of thought. I wonder if we are being influenced.

I vote to hop on Rose while we still have the ability to do so.

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ac284c No.380818


Ehh I disagree.

This seems in character for Deniel. He doesn't seem to be the kind of person to be scared away based on appearances alone and he has yet to do anything nefarious to us.


I'm down for trying to be optimistic. Talk to him while still being ready to cheese it at the first sign of conflict. That said I doubt a centaur would be able to outrun whatever mythical beast he is riding, If things do break down. Don't try to jedi him either. He would obviously know what we're doing and it could sour relations

Apologize to the man and blame it on him cutting such a mean figure, Like other anon said. Really try to handle this diplomatically, Because I get the feeling he is on at least mid game boss difficulty level and we don't want to bad end when we've barely just started.

Mother didn't raise a little bitch.

Peace, Love, And Tranquility Motherfuckers

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2d68de No.380896

>Come out and talk to him.

>Be ready to give it legs if shit goes south

“…None, sir.” You called from behind the fallen tree.

“What are you DOING?!” Rose hissed.

“It’ll be alright.” You assured her in a soft whisper. “He doesn’t seem to know you’re here. Just stay down.”

“Bad idea! Bad idea!” The centaur whispered desperately at your back as you stood, making your way back to the road at as even a pace as your legs would allow, your heart hammering in your chest in nervous trepidation.

“…But you must realize, you strike an imposing figure, and I am hardly equipped for conflict.” You explained, stopping what you hoped would be considered a reasonable distance away.

The rider made a noise of acknowledgement, hollow within that raven helm. He swung an armored leg over the horse, coming to ground with a clatter of ebon plate. Turning to the steed, he placed his hand upon its forequarter, looking directly into a glowing eye.

“Go.” He ordered, and all at once the ’horse’ burst into a cloud of black smoke which dissipated into nothingness. Turning back to you, he gestured with a mailed fist, the fingerplates pointed like the talons of some terrible bird of prey. “I trust now you’ll find me somewhat less overwhelming, little brother?”

“Only somewhat…” You clarified, after all the armored figure still looked like he could tear you in half with a simple twist and pull. “…why do you call me that?”

“Ah… The Temples of the Rafnsdottir still avoid the conversation, I see…” The rider noted with a touch of sardonic amusement. “…She truly embraces Her calling, and I fear falls into the same mistakes.”

“Mother Reitia is beyond your insults, sir.” You chided, setting your staff into the ground and folding your free arm across your body “And you will gain no satisfaction if you seek to bait me.”

“You mistake my intent, but do your training credit.” The rider noted with what sounded like surprised approval. “My Divine Master has a particular… interest in the matter.”

You shook your head in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“Tell me, little brother. Do you know who I am… WHAT I am?”

“From all outward appearance I would hazard a guess that you are a Black Knight of Corvus.” You answered honestly.

“And do you know what that means?”

“No.” You admitted. “Baron Alexander is a figure known in Williamsberg, if only in passing, but…”

“The Lord Com… Baron…” The rider quickly corrected himself… was that a significant slip? You couldn’t tell, his face still being obscured by that intimidating helm. “…Performs the public duties of his secular office. The first and last of our order to do so.”

“Which would explain why the details of your order are the subject of rumor and speculation, sir.” You rejoined, unable to resist the temptation to slide that needle home.

“Hah.” The rider chortled, the sound hollow and mirthless within that helm. “Holy Corvus is the God of That which is Hidden. He is not to be known, only obeyed.”

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2d68de No.380897


“How sad.” You remarked. “I know the Love of Reitia… I do Her will because I want others to know it, not because I am driven to do so… You call me ‘little brother’ but I see no similarity between us.”

“Because you do not yet possess the means to SEE, pilgrim.” The rider retorted, clenching a mailed fist as if to drive his point home. “Reitia, All-Mother of Creation, nurtures a garden of boundless, wondrous beauty. Yet the Servants of the Dark God are those who tend to the weeds. It is an onerous task, and thankless, for it is my Master’s desire that the denizens of that garden be not distressed by the smoke of their burning.”

“If that’s the case wouldn’t it be easier for people to know what you do?”

“Easier to be welcomed into inn or taproom. Yes. Easier to obey the Will of Corvus? No.” The rider explained “For the denizens of the garden would beseech us not to tear out the strangling vine, for its flower is beautiful and sweet of scent. Yet they would not see the fledgeling orchard it has killed beneath its mass.”

“We’ll be at this all week if we start into parables, sir.” You interrupt, shaking your head. “What do you want from me?”

“From you, little brother? Nothing.” The rider explained. “But I tell you true, it was your light that led me to my goal.”

“Rose…” You blurted in sudden revelation.

“Just so… Your centaur companion is known to me.” The rider admitted “…As is her woeful attempt to sneak up on me from behind.”

You looked over the rider’s shoulder as a gasp sounded from behind him. There, at the edge of the treeline, the Centaur stood, shocked. Reitia’s Mercy, you hadn’t even heard her approach!

“I am Split-Boulder…” Rose intoned, her expression turning from surprise to naked fury, holding a hand to her side as if reaching for some unseen object. “…Wood and Earth, Attend me!”

The ground at her side split, a thorny vine springing upwards impossibly fast, forming itself into a spear, its head adorned with a razor-edged head of solid rock. The centaur yanked the spear from the ground, flourishing it with deadly proficiency.

“You come into your birthright, as I always knew you would.” The rider remarked appraisingly “Yet you will have no need of…”

“MURDERER! KIDNAPPER!” Rose screamed in whinnying fury, charging at the rider. “You can’t have him! Not again!”

The rider gave a snarl of frustration, making a gesture with his mailed hands and forming a blade of utter darkness seemingly from the very air itself. The two clashed, the Centaur’s height and weight offset by the rider’s armor and shocking strength.

“Deniel!” Rose whinnied, “He can’t take us both!”

“You have seen her pain!” The rider retorted, slashing to open space between them. “She is of the garden! She does not understand!”

“I understand plenty!” Rose yelled, driving her spear at the armored figure, the lower beak of his helm shattering free as her magical spear made contact. “You took my Jamie! You murdered his father!”

“You know nothing!” The rider growled, driving his plated shoulder into her equine torso, knocking the centaur off balance, her humanoid torso indefensibly open to deadly strike.

>Attack the Rider with staff

<Attack the Rider with arcane bolt

>Put yourself between them

>Do nothing

>Something else?

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7bde4a No.380903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Put yourself between them

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6d217c No.380904


>all this backhanded secretive bullshit from a ponce talking out of his ass

He's likely too strong/well trained for us to do any damage traditionally. Doesn't mean he's immune to everything. If Deniel arcane bolts him with the intent of using it like a flashbang to fuck with his senses while having Rose use her most effective option to disable him that should I hope give the pair enough time to GTFO and away from the blacked knight.

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af22ca No.380906


>Put yourself between them

Let's be smart, and bring it off

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7bde4a No.380907


If we do some basic brainstorming:

The black knight was guided to our location by a light. The black knight had known where we were despite our concealment. He had sensed Rose despite his being somewhat distracted in conversation with us. He can conjure a sword with his dick.

So from that we can gather that he has one or a combination of:

A. magic sight

B. premonition

C. precognition

D. superhuman senses

E. above average or superhuman spacial awareness

F. above average martial prowess

E. enormous confidence

G. magic resistance

Our dinky little fuckboi sparkle magic is going to do jack diddily shit. He doesn't want to kill us and it seems like he wants us and horsepussy for something. Get in between them. he'll probably save us from getting skewered by horsepussy. probably.

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75607f No.380916

File: 2d41c0bb0fc7882⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,78.84 KB,822x674,411:337,6EECC375-20D8-47E8-8D73-2….jpeg)

Well he knew Rose was coming and didn’t immediately attack her when she was trying to sneak up behind her. She technically started it. We should get between them and keep things from escalating further

He and rose obviously have a history and we should figure out what it is. Since he’s referred to her as “of the garden” it’s unlikley he’ll hurt her but we should keep her from being stupid, especially since he seems to know about her magic and whatever her birthright isand probably knows how to partially counter it at the least

From how he referred to himself and his order it sounds like they purge degenerates. Those who give the appearance of love and goodness but are in truth poison that kills real love and kindness. The quickest equivalent I can come up with this late would be an inquisitor from 40k

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128ec4 No.380917

File: 0aa1d9f3988fa24⋯.jpg (39.14 KB,640x777,640:777,heresy.jpg)


> “No, seriously. Think for a moment. Ever seen a Male Mamono? Like Ever?”

> You pause in your tracks, rubbing your temple as you fervently sorted through your memory… Surely you must have. They existed, you were sure of it!

> “I can’t say I have…” You admitted.

> “Me either, and I’ve been amongst every clan in the Westerlands, from Caladon to the Brasil Protectorate. Everybody insists they exist, but nobody’s ever seen one!”

< MURDERER! KIDNAPPER!” Rose screamed in whinnying fury, charging at the rider. “You can’t have him! Not again!”'

< “I understand plenty!” Rose yelled, driving her spear at the armored figure, the lower beak of his helm shattering free as her magical spear made contact. “You took my Jamie! You murdered his father!”

1. We can't remember something we're sure of

2. Weird mystery rider that no one knows anything about shows up

3. Mystery rider talks about weeding the garden

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ac284c No.380924


Step in. Hopefully they stop but we might have to take a blow, If so try to guide it into a not fatal area to the best of our ability.

Nigknight doesn't seem to want to hurt Horse Puss but if she keeps going at him he won't have a choice, And I still personally get the feeling him being serious could kill both of us with not that much difficulty.

If we get them to have a pause I think our best option would be to just implore him to leave so we can avoid more pointless bloodshed. He said she wasn't a "weed" so I think he'll let it go. We'd miss his side of the story for now but trying to hear out both sides right now would ignite the fight again. We can always ask him later if/when we see him again.

If he doesn't then I guess we have to pick a side or just let it be. I like Rose but I am damn near certain our little taser would do less then jackshit against our Dark buddies obviously enchanted high tier armor.

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aaae54 No.380925


Step in, break it up, and pull out the diplomancy.

Try to find out both sides of this story before coming to any conclusions.

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af22ca No.380937


Also, just thought of this, we could really use a calming spell. We should look into learning one next chance we get.

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75607f No.380945


A shield spell would also Be nice. It would be a good way to protect us and our companions as well as breaking up fights in a pinch. A better heal spell as well is needed.

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4d511c No.381014

>Get between ‘em

“STOP THIS MADNESS!” You yelled, secretly thankful that your voice didn’t crack. Seizing your staff, you ran forward, planting yourself firmly in front of the splay-legged centaur.

The rider paused, seemingly conflicted, the skin of his jawline, dusted with dark stubble now visible through his broken helm. He shook his head, and you saw muscle ripple along that jaw as he clenched it in determination.

“I won’t lose her again.” The rider declared firmly, before plunging that dark blade into your chest.

“NO!” You heard Rose’s whinnying scream as you spiralled into the dark.

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4d511c No.381015


“Mama didn’t raise no bitch…” A woman’s voice intruded, and you opened your eyes, surprised for a moment to recognise a scene from your childhood. You looked up at the round, disapproving features of a Tyrisian Priestess, one of the ‘Mothers’ from the Abbey of Blessed Innocence, the only home you had known since birth. “…And I don’t want to see you dissapointin’ Holy Tyris by standin’ idle while someone’s doin’ wrong again, y’hear?”

“Yes Mother… I’m sorry Mother…” You heard yourself murmur abashedly.

“Aww Denny-boy… “ The Priestess sighed, taking you in her warm, soft arms. “…I know Ben’s bigger’n you, and it can be hard to stand up to that. But the hardest times to do right are the most important ones.”

Your vision clouded, and you felt yourself floating, absent any sense of time or space, drifting in and out of awareness until you felt yourself come once again to ‘rest’. You blinked, trying to clear your vision, but could only manage to discern the faint outline of what looked like a woman’s torso above you, your head evidently in her lap. A cool, smooth hand stroked your face with exquisite tenderness. Her hair, long and blue as cornflowers framed a face of heartstopping beauty as she raised your head to kiss your forehead, lupine ears the same azure shade flicking absently atop her head. Grey shadows mantled you… were they wings?

“Mother?” You mumbled, feeling like a newborn babe in her embrace “Am I dead?”

“Far from it, precious one…” She whispered and your heart exulted at the sound of her voice. “…Now wake up.”

“…Wake up, Pilgrim.” Another voice echoed, and you felt yourself crashing back to awareness and the shock of dull pain which radiated through you. You groaned, rolling over on the ground, harsh and unforgiving when compared to that spectral embrace, and coming face-to-broken helm with the Black Rider once more. The shadows were long and the light dim, yet a cheery fire had been lit against the encroaching night.

“What did you do?” You demanded of the Rider, feeling your chest for any evidence of the blade which had peirced it.

“Pacified you.” The rider answered, rising to his feet. “I would have never armed myself with the means to kill you. Either of you.”

“Liar! You’re just savouring the victory so you can torture us!” You heard the centaur yell.

“Rose?” You murmured, shaking your head and regaining your feet, to behold the bound and hobbled figure of the centaur glaring death at the black-armored man. The sight would have been comical given any other circumstance.

“Now.” The rider continued, moving towards the centaur. “It is time, at last, for you to stop running.”

“I’ve outrun all of you for two years now, carrion.” Rose spat loathingly. “These ropes won’t hold me long.”

“Not ‘All of us…” The rider corrected, shaking his head. “…Just me.”

“What are you doing?” You demanded, picking up your staff that the rider had nonchalantly left lying on the ground.

“Showing her the truth…” The rider answered, turning his head to look at you through broken helm, before returning his attention to the centaur.

“You wouldn’t know truth if it kicked you in the parts… assuming you still have them.” Rose retorted witheringly. “I don’t care what you say, I’ll never forgive you for taking Jamie!”

The rider shook his head, unbuckling his helmet and pulling its shattered remains from his head. He was human, that much was clearly evident, with a head of wavy brown hair and green eyes that stared at the centaur with a desperate yearning.

“No!” Rose screamed, struggling against her bonds “No no no no! I won’t believe it, it’s not true!”

“Stop running, Rose!” The rider demanded, his voice now heartbreakingly human without the distortion of the helmet. “Pretty pony… It’s me… It’s Jamie…”

Rose kicked and flailed against the hobbles on her legs. “No! They killed your father!”

“They ended the life of a broken man sunk to vileness.” The rider… Jamie… corrected.

“They took you!”

“They SAVED me!”

“You left me!”

Jamie hung his head. “I did… The one thing I never wanted to do. I am sorry.”

“This is a trick!” Rose yelled in desperate denial, working desperately at the ropes binding her hands. Freeing one, she reached out again to the earth, forming a stone knife which she used to cut herself free.

“Please, pretty pony… stop…” Jamie begged “…I’m so tired…”

>This is a trick, tell Rose to run

>Jamie is being honest, tell Rose to stay

>You’re not convinced either way, don’t get involved

>Tell Jamie that he can’t force Rose to accept what he’s telling her.

>Ask Rose what she’s so afraid of

>Something else?

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79a9f8 No.381017


Well shit this is getting complicated. Let's not intervene, it isn't our place. At most we should get ready to distribute some heals if shit goes pear-like.

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d2cd05 No.381020


>Tell Jamie that he can’t force Rose to accept what he’s telling her.

>Ask Rose what she’s so afraid of

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75607f No.381025

Well I’ll admit this went a direction I wasn’t expecting. But we can’t just walk away from this. If there were ever a time when we were needed it’s now. Two long separated lovers who have a chance to reunite!

Firstly let’s ask Jamie if we can use sense aura to discern his character and whether or not hes deceiving us or Rose and if he’s not put Rose at ease. Secondly if he is being genuine let’s hear this story from the beginning and help both of them reconcile. Helping two lovers is our mission statement basically.

He easily could have killed us, yet he did not. He easily could have killed Rose, but he did not. Let’s at least try to bridge the gap here!

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c2e4d4 No.381046


I'm a little more cautious, but something along these lines could work. We could also go for getting her to ask him some questions only he would know the answer to.

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6d217c No.381063


>Pretty pony

>Other stuff

In light of this complete 180 of what I was expecting, figuratively send these two to bed without dinner until they sort their business out.

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6d6284 No.381066


Convince Rose to stay long enough for us to use Sense Aura on Jamie

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4d511c No.381172

<Use Sense Aura on Jamie

>Try and find out what Rose is so afraid of

>Tell Jamie to stop trying to force the issue

“Reitia’s Mercy…” You sighed explosively “…ENOUGH, both of you. You’re just hurting each other more!”

“I don’t care about a liar!” Rose spat.

“I will bear any pain if…” Jamie began sententiously.

“Commah Tah Noblo Zien” You interjected, soothing light springing forth from your hands and washing over Man and Centaur.

“Wha… Oh… Oh my…” Rose almost purred, the abrasions on her arms and legs fading, light returning to her eyes as her fatigue lifted. Jamie, however, merely gave a tearing moan, and you noticed with alarm that your energy was flowing into him at a much more rapid rate than you had anticipated.

“He’s…” You began helplessly. “…Liaida Ananael” you intoned, waving your hand and invoking your spirit-vision. Jamie’s Aura sprang out at you immediately, regal blues and golds… uprightness, integrity, nobility… Wait… Had it gotten dark all of a sudden?

With a sinking feeling you realized, the Blues and Golds were his core, the essence of his soul… But surrounding it were radiating waves of darkness that made you shrink back instinctively.

“He’s telling the truth…” You began hesitantly.

Rose shrieked, throwing the knife at an unoffending tree and bursting into tears. “He CAN’T be! Don’t you see? It’s not possible!”

“By all the Gods Rose, you’re making no sense!” You bluster, still nervously avoiding the radiating darkness of Jamie’s Aura.

The Centaur took a deep, shuddering breath. “I’m the last of my bloodline, the Scion of all Split-Boulder’s Magic… You can’t tell me the only man I ever truly loved is a Maou-damned Mage Hunter!”

“A WHAT?!” You declared in revulsion, shying away from Jamie, who looked at you with a somber expression.

“I was Mage…” The man admitted. “…like my father. A man given over to vile and forbidden rites…” He continued, shucking his gauntlets and unstrapping his cuirass. “…So many nights, strapped to his machines while he flensed me… bled me… tortured me…” Jamie hoisted off his gambeson, his torso covered in angry scars, traced in strange and arcane symbols… symbols which horrified you to the depths of your very soul. You felt something shift in your mind, and became aware of vile whispers, tempting beckonings from the oubliettes within the Palace of your Awareness.

“Reitia, Wellspring of all Mercy… Deliver me…” You whispered in fear.

“You told me you fell into a blackberry bush!” Rose accused, stepping towards the rider, unthinkingly jabbing a finger at him. Jamie caught her hand, and as their bare skin touched, the barriers of pain seemed to burst within her soul, the grimy greys and browns bleeding out to be replaced by pinks and greens… raw, agonized… but pure.

“Rose, my pretty pony… The Black Riders SAVED me… The Umbral Baptism cleansing me of all corruption…”

“But leaving you without your magic… Maou’s Glory, Jamie, I can FEEL it! Like the stump of a missing damn leg”

“The Dark God takes…” Jamie admitted, kissing her hand and stepping away from her. Spreading his arms, his body became shrouded in ethereal armor of utter nothingness. “…But he gives in return. As Tyris Bestows the Benedictus upon His chosen, so does Corvus anoint his Black Knights with the Inimicus.”

“Put it away! I thought you WANTED me to stay.” Rose demanded, shying away from the sight.

Jamie dispelled the nothingness, stepping towards the Centaur. “I want to be honest with you. No more secrets. No more hiding. No more running. I love you, Rose. I’ve always loved you.”

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4d511c No.381173


“…Dammit it isn’t fair!” Rose lamented as Jamie took her hand again.

“We can be together, love…” Jamie entreated, putting her hand against his face.

Rose stared at him, her heart in her eyes warring with fear and doubt. “Can we? What about our children? Can the Magic even pass to them after…what you’ve done to yourself?”

“Corvus is not a cruel God… there’s a way, I’m sure of it.”

Rose sighed, bending her equine torso in a strange kneel.

“What are you doing?” Jamie asked in puzzlement.

“Get on.” Rose answered snippily. “We have a lot to talk about… probably even more to fight about… and I’m not doing either without a barrel of ale in me.”

“As you wish…” Jamie laughed, the first time you had seen anything but somber sonorousness or pain from the man, as he swung his leg over the Centaur’s back.

“Farewell, Pilgrim…” Jamie called back to you “…I pray we are not fated to meet again.”

“For my sake, I take it.” You remark wryly.

“Just so.” The man nods, his smirk mirthless.

“Seeya Deniel!” Rose whinnies, galloping away from the camp with a speed which defied belief.

“Maybe I should have just feigned ignorance…” You sigh. Today had been a trying day, moreso for being the first of your pilgrimage. You tried to ignore the armor pieces lying neglected upon the ground, as absent their owner, they began to smoke and fade into nothingness. The cheery warmth of the fire soothed your troubled soul, and you sat in front of it, crossing your legs and breathing deeply, striving to clear your mind of the confusion and troubling implications the Corvidian’s words had nested within your thoughts.

“Sahnate, Pora…” You chanted reverently as you slipped into meditation “Reitia Dei in Excelsius…

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4d511c No.381174


You floated on a plane of twisting light and shadow, the markers of the Intersects stretching out like a fractal webway around you.

“As Above…” A musical voice intoned, and you imagined your breath catching in your lungs as an Angel, Radiant and Beautiful, floated before you.

“…So Below.” A second voice added, no less lovely than the first, A Dark Angel materializing, taking the Celestial by the hand and drawing her into embrace, both pressing cheek to cheek as they stared at you.

The nexus of the first intersect, your anchor on the Astral plane… shuddered. Alarm filled you as dark crimson spread from the intersect, a fractal maze to match the Heavenly Intersects growing like the diseased roots of some vile tree beneath you.

“No!” You cried in denial. “I don’t want any part of it!”

“That which has been seen…” The Celestial began

“…Cannot be unseen.” The Abyssal finished.

“But Your Choice…”

“…Is Your Own.”

“Mother!” You cried out in fear, and at once your vision blurred, spectral arms surrounding you in an embrace of acceptance and love.

“I Love You, Precious One…” Reitia’s whisper resounded within your soul. “…But the turnings of your journey are for you to decide.”

“I am Yours, Holy Mother!” You insisted, clinging to that sensation of unconditional love like an anchor. “I have always been yours!”

“I know, Precious One… But now you must wake…”

<You have learned the following DARK magic:

<Pain - Contact attack, agonizes the target until released

<Terrify - Fill the target soul with inescapable fear

<Rot - Putrify food/drink or other organic material, used on living things will render any wounds septic.

Basic Dark Magic will not automatically make you an evil git, but it will usually be more powerful/easier to obtain than the Light Magic, and, in case you hadn’t figured it out, High-End Dark Rituals may make you a target of Black Riders

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4d511c No.381175


“Hey… Young Feller, you alright there?” A Querulous voice demanded, the intrusive sensation of a boot in your thigh bringing you to awareness.

“Wh-What?” You mumbled, blinking as you sat up, the fire long burned out, and a white haired trader standing over you, his wrinkled face sun-browned and leathered by exposure.

“Sleepin’ in the middle of the road, yer liable to get run over!” The man chided good-naturedly.

“Sorry… I didn’t…”

“Didn’t think, I’d wager. By Tyris it looks like someone’s done made off with yer supplies too!”

“Supplies?” You echoed dumbly, still not fully aware.

The trader frowns in puzzlement. “Did they cosh yer noggin? Are ye after makin’ a report to th’Waylanders?”


“Whoever left ye with naught but a stick and a sack-o-books, o’course!” The old man explains with a slight note of exasperation.

“Oh… Well, it’s not quite…”

“And they got yer horses too!” The man laments. “Poor mite. Well hop on up, I’m bound for Charlestown fer the Chancel Sowing. Y’can see if the Browncoats done arrested any brigands. Not holdin’ out much hope, but Tyris Willing y’might be lucky.” He assured you, making the Sign of the Sunburst and gesturing to his battered wagon, drawn by a pair of indifferently groomed draught horses.

>Accept the ride, tell him who you are.

>Accept the ride, play along with the misunderstanding

>Decline the ride, you need to forage for breakfast

>Decline the ride, we’re too holy for this shit

>Something Else?

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75607f No.381182


Let’s accept the offer but be honest about who and what we are. Let’s not lie to take advantage of him.lets never use those dark spells. That will lead to a bad end.

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3315bf No.381183


Accept the ride and tell him who we are. A ride and company is welcome, especially after our ordeal.

Ask about any interesting going-ons and try to learn a little more about where we're headed.

Also, no dark magic. Ever. Good pilgrims of Reitia's love don't do that shit.

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3250b9 No.381184



Terrify is the least evil out of all the spells so we might as well go with that, and let's be honest with the guy.

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e488d7 No.381185


Accept the ride and be honest that we're a pilgrim of Reitia. Better to get in trouble for telling the truth than to get caught in a lie.

Avoid dark magic cause shits nasty. Avoid consumption of dog shit.

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6d217c No.381210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Be honest and accept the ride. Don't sniff his petrol stash either

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ac284c No.381223


Hold up, So we got corrupted by the dark just from seeing the scars left on NigKnight from his culty background? One of the guys who's whole job is to smite out magical Hersey? If Corvus went through the trouble of purging the evil from his body and soul you'd think he make sure to fix the issue of the infectious corruption on his chosen's skin. So basically Corvus a Cuck, Is what I am getting at here.

Still though, The dark side powers seem pretty great, Especially at this early stage. You've got me curious as to what the high end dark spells that require rituals would manage to do. The temptation has already taken root. I hope you lead us into situations where we have an actual pull to use them instead of it being just a one of thing.

I go for option A.

No reason to lie to the man.

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7de243 No.381227


No, the symbols were powerless. You just understood enough of them to unlock awareness of the dark intersects along what mages call 'The Path'. (A bit like how seeing a cloud in a particular shape may trigger association or memory.) You have not been infected or corrupted. All evil you do from this point onwards is on you and you alone.

The reason Jamie still has them is to remind himself of what evil mages are capable of, in case one makes with the pleading eloquence in the future.

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7de243 No.381232


>You've got me curious as to what the high end dark spells that require rituals would manage to do.

You could probably push yourself as close to godhood as someone who can only exist in one place at any given time and only perceive five or six dimensions can get.

Jamie's dad's original motivation was a way to ressurect his dead wife, but after a few failed attempts he just got a taste for it.

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75607f No.381238


The dark side leads to pain and suffering.To the bad end.


quick question about your TFT. Is the twighlight of the gods set in the same ‘verse as child of the australs, tales of the wanderer etc.?

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aaae54 No.381240


Nah m8. We're playing a NG pilgrim of a NG goddess.

Even if using some dark magic won't automatically make us evil, it'll still be shitty and be like insulting our goddess.

Also, i've played an asshole in tabletop for a while and want a wholesome adventure for once.

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7de243 No.381242


Yep, everything I've written so far is in the same questionably-consistent magical realm

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62ddc2 No.381247

Take the ride and accept the Dark offer. Go with terrify because that's the most NG option and use it always as a last resort.

Just because it's dark magic dosen't mean it's evil magic. LG Clerics get some sketch spells too.

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4d511c No.381259


You're not accepting anything, you KNOW these spells, you're not obligated to use them.

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0a817f No.381264


Scaring the shit out of someone isn't exactly nice, but could be useful to end a confrontation nonviolently.

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ac284c No.381284


><You have learned the following DARK magic:

I think some of you guys are missing this, We don't have to choose a spell, We just now know how to use these.


Or maybe the best end?

U N L I M I T E D power in service to Mother's teachings. Joking aside, completely denying the dark side might bite us in the ass. Don't just completely rule it out, especially since our tipsy storyteller is making a big point to say just using them doesn't flip a switch and make you evil

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a287ea No.381325


>Accept the ride, tell him who you are.

Lets go with this.

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62ddc2 No.381350


Oh, well that's a error on my part. Thanks for clearing it up OP.

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4d511c No.381528

Sorry about the delay Heroes, leadup to Christmas has my wagecuck ass run around

>Accept the ride, tell him who you are.

You stood with a slight grunt, retrieving your satchel and staff. “That’s a very kind offer, sir…”

“Call me Geoff, young feller.” The old man interjected, clambering into the wagon with practiced ease and holding a hand out to help you up. You take his calloused hand, taking a seat on the rough wooden bench next to the wagoneer.

“Geoff.” You echoed with a nod. “I’m Deniel. And just to clarify…”

“Hungry?” The man interrupted again, pulling a loaf of bread and a hunk of cheese from a sack behind the bench.

“Famished, but I think…”

Geoff pulled out a knife, flipping it over in his hand and offering it to you hilt-first. “Eat first, Deniel.”

You sliced off a couple of pieces of bread and some of the sharp, crumbly cheese, taking a bite and murmuring your thanks. Geoff places the bread and cheese in his lap, and briefly muttered a prayer to Tyris, raising his arms in the Sign of the Sunburst before carving himself off a generous portion. Holding it in one hand, he nonchalantly flicks the reins at the horses, and the wagon begins its trundling journey down the road.

:”Now…” Geoff muttered after taking a long pull on a waterskin and passing its sloshing bulk unceremoniously to you. “…You were saying?”

“Well it’s kind of after the fact…” You chuckled somewhat self-consciously, taking a drink to clear your throat. “…But I wasn’t robbed. I’m a Reitian Acolyte on Pilgrimage.”

“I’m afraid I don’t follow you, Deniel.” Geoff replied uncomprehendingly, wordlessly accepting the waterskin back and putting it away behind the bench.

“It’s a mendicant pilgrimage. We take nothing but a few holy texts, relying on the good-will of our fellow sapients for sustenance.”

The man’s eyes widened slightly. “Huh… So that’s a thing then. I’d heard rumors but I don’t really keep up to date with these new religions. You’re not what I’d have expected an ascetic to look like though.”

You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I think ‘ascetic’, I’m thinking those hardcore Ammittians who stagger through sometimes. Shaved head, dirty linen robe, babbling nonsense.”

“Necromancers.” You chuckle slightly. “Ones in training anyway.”

“The babbling makes sense then!” Geoff snickered. “I’ll go to stand before JUSTICE in time like everyone else, but far as I’m concerned man’s got no business staring death in the gullet on purpose.”

“We agree on that. Plus I’d imagine Mausoleums aren’t the most comfortable places to sleep.”

Geoff gave a noncommittal noise, rocking his hand back and forth. “Can’t wake up with a stick in your ass atop a stone slab. But you know how they talk about the ‘Quiet Dead’ atimes?”

You nod. “I’ve heard the term”

“They’re not. Wights constantly babbling and arguing to each other. Banshees caterwauling about whatever’s got ‘em on edge this week. Ghouls fighting over a choice bit o’ carrion…”

“You’re speaking from experience I take it.”

Geoff burst out in an ugly, mocking laugh. “I’ve been all over the Westerlands in my years, Deniel m’boy. Get a graveyard to a big enough size and it becomes almost a city in its own right.”

“That’s got to get complicated.”

“Ammit’s Keepers seem to have good heads on their shoulders… At least I’ve not heard any stories of anybody’s young wife dead in childbirth crawling back into the marriage bed after a few days.”

“Thank the Gods for that.” You murmured in relief. The dourness of the Corvidian Jamie had been unsettling enough without actually needing to interact with the Undead, let alone try and counsel one that had risen to find her husband again.

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4d511c No.381529


You rode along in silence for a time, the old man seeming to be lost in his own thoughts for a time.

“So this pilgrimage…” Geoff began, breaking the silence. “…what happens when they say no? Or when you’re on the road and there’s nobody to beg alms off?”

“Forage, ideally… worst case scenario the human body can go a surprising length of time without food, and water’s plenty easy to come by.” You replied confidently.

“But if you’re in the desert or something…”

You chuckled to hear the question of a younger you from the old man’s lips. “It’s a vow of poverty, not stupidity. If I’m going into the desert I’ll go prepared.”

“You say that like common sense is common, m’laddo.” Geoff snickered. “Seen wagoneers half-dead because they thought a few kegs of beer would substitute for water down in the drylands.”

“Urgh…” You grunted sympathetically “…sounds like a terrible way to go.”

“Yeah, ‘specially when that beer turns in the heat and they’re vomiting and shitting more liquid than they can keep down.” Geoff added with a grimace. “I was just thinkin’. Say if I were to tell you I hadn’t the supplies to keep you fed ‘til we get to Charlestown. What would you do?”

You looked out across the lush meadow the road tracked its dusty brown length across “If that’s the case, thank you for your charity with breakfast. You don’t need to worry, Caladon’s almost swarming with rabbits this time of year.”

“That it is, but my old bones can’t handle the work.” Geoff laughed. “Tell you what though, if’n you manage to knock up a nice brace o’coneys, I’ll stew ‘em up fit for a lord’s table.”

You smiled. “Deal.”

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4d511c No.381530

The shadows were lengthening, the evening breeze cool in your face as you crept slowly forwards. You had spotted your quarry pop-hopping their way into the longer grass. Pausing, you tested the wind as it eddied, no sense your smell driving them to their burrows.

Suddenly, with a heart-stopping flurry of wings, a flock of pheasants burst from the long grass. You raised your hands, focusing your magical energies.

“Vime Alonusahi” You almost snarl, as tearing bolts of arcane energy ripped through the pheasants, hitting four and dropping them to the ground.

“Thank you.” You murmured sincerely as you quickly wrang their necks, picking them up by their horny, clawed feet. Feeling thoroughly pleased with yourself, you began your way back to the camp, when a rustle in the grass made you pause. Two black, lupine ears twitched atop a humanoid head, and a pair of feral green eyes glared at you with frustration. She was a young thing, the gangly coltishness of adolescence giving her an awkward look, but her limbs were lithely muscular, and she was gathered in a crouch that looked as if it could become a springing charge at any moment. She looked at the pheasants gripped in your hand with open yearning, licking her pink lips.

>Give a couple of pheasants to the Wolf-Girl

>Invite her back to the camp

>Ignore her

>Tell her to go away

>Attack her before she pounces

<Use Arcane Bolt (3 uses remaining)

<Use Terrify

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c2e4d4 No.381536


>Give a couple of pheasants to the Wolf-Girl

No reason not to be charitable.

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75607f No.381538


Let’s give her one or two pheasants. We should have more than enough for two people even with just two pheasants. They weigh a few pounds a piece. And even when you remove the bones and feathers and such you can probably get a pound of meat together

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d2cd05 No.381548


Invite her to come back to camp with us.

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a287ea No.381556


>Invite her back to the camp

Introduce yourself and tell her who you are. Invite her back to camp to eat with you. If she declines, then throw her a single pheasant, your blessings, and be about your way.

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14e2ed No.381557


Invite the wan for dinner

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6d217c No.381574


Gib wan a couple of dead birds, but do NOT invite her back. Last thing we need is a practical demonstration in sex ed … along with pissing off our ride.

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c2e4d4 No.381576


After giving it a think and looking over the other responses, I'm changing my vote from >>381536 to inviting her back to camp for dinner. We can give her some pheasants if that doesn't fly with her.

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a287ea No.381589


>Last thing we need is a practical demonstration in sex ed

If Deniel can't fend off a horny wolf-girl pup, then he's hardly fit for his job. It was Reitia's guidance that led to his encounter with her. It's perfectly fitting for someone in his position to be open and friendly to all, and particularly monstergirls.

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ac284c No.381590


I'm down for inviting her for dinner. If push comes to shove I think we could manage her if she gets rapey.

If she doesn't like that, Just toss her a bird. She knows we are here now so it would be best to try and create good relations to hopefully avoid getting jumped by the pack in the middle of the night.

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4d511c No.381938

>Invite Wolf-Girl back to camp

You smiled, crouching slightly to look the wolf-girl in the eyes. “Hello there.”

She started at your voice, a cagy look in her eyes belying her internal debate on whether you warranted running away from. Finally, it seems curiosity (And likely hunger) won out over caution.

“Hi.” She answered hesitantly, still not moving from the grass.

“Can’t help but notice you admiring the birds. You hungry?”

The wolf-girl nodded enthusiastically, gradually inching towards you.

“Well, it’s late, and I can’t imagine you’ve already got a fire going.” you noted, sniffing at the air as if to drive your point home.

The wolf-girl stood slowly, forlornly shaking her head and holding one arm awkwardly across her adolescent frame.

“It’s a good thing that we do. You’re welcome to come along if you like.”

The wolf-girl swallowed. “Y-you’re sure?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked with a smile, before shying away in mock fear “Not going to try and gobble me up are you”

Her features were a mixture of outrage and amusement. “N-no!”

“Come on then.” You beckoned, and as if that were enough to overcome her last resistance, the girl loped towards you on canid feet, looking up at you curiously.

“How’d you do that?”

You raised an eyebrow. “Do what?”

“You know, with your hands and the ‘pew pew pew’… the magic stuff!”

“Oh, well it’s a little hard to explain… Some thoughts, have a certain sound, that being equivalent to a form…”

“Oh, I get it!” The wolf declared girlishly “…wait… nope… That made absolutely no sense to me.”

You pat the teenager briefly on the head. “Took me seven years to grasp it, and that’s even WITH being… gifted…”

“Did you burn your house down? My friend Wendy? She’s a Hellhound. She burned her house down… Her daddy was so mad…”

You chuckle, shaking your head. “No I didn’t burn the house down. It was mostly about dreams, some I even had while I was awake, except they weren’t really dreams.”

“Did you kiss a Jabberwocky? Little Billy from that logging camp up north says his brother kissed a Jabberwocky and they say he was seein’ stuff for weeks.”

You laugh out loud at that. “You get around a bit then?”

“Well, we did…”


The wolf-girl scuffs her paws against the grass “Mama and papa and me…”

“Hold on…” You pause “…do we need to tell your parents where you are?”

Lupine ears twitched as the wolf-girl shook her head. “No, they know where I am.”

“You sure?”

She raised her eyes to yours, her gaze challenging. “Yuh huh!”

“Well alright…” You concede, ducking your head and handing her a pair of the birds. “…I’m Deniel, and you can carry these two.”


“Glad to meet you Lucy, now come on, Geoff’ll be thinking I got eaten by something.”

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4d511c No.381939


“Yer back then?” Geoff noted, dusting himself off as he stood from where he was chopping wild herbs, evidently gathered in your absence, on a flat block of slate. Noticing the wolf girl, he peered at her through squinted eyes before cocking his head and giving a deranged smile. “Bit scrawny isn’t she? Sure she’ll feed us both?”

Lucy gave a brief scream, instinctively hiding behind you before the old man started laughing.

“Sorry girl, couldn’t help m’self.” He apologized, wiping his eyes. “Now are those some nice fat pheasants I see?”

“I’m surprised she didn’t throw them at your head, Geoff.” You chided, tsking as you made to hand the birds over.

“Ut ut!” Geoff interrupted. “I’m cooking, you clean.”

You frowned uncomprehendingly. “Fair… but…”

“Clean the birds, boy!” Geoff demanded in exasperation.

You give an “Oh!” of comprehension and a rueful grin as you turn to the wolf-girl. “Help me Lucy? We’ll still be hungry at midnight if I’ve got to dress and butcher four birds myself.”

“Okay.” Lucy agreed, following along behind you. “Did you know he was a Tyris-man?” She asked softly when presumably out of earshot of the old wagoneer.

You shrugged as you began plucking a pheasant “I didn’t ask specifically, but it doesn’t surprise me. How did you know?”

“He smells like it.”

You paused, looking quizzically at the wolf-girl. “What does a Tyrisian smell like?”

“Like when your dad is REALLY mad at you.”

“How is that… that’s not even a smell!” You laughed helplessly.

“Made more sense than that thought-and-sound stuff…” Lucy muttered to herself as she began plucking another pheasant.

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4d511c No.381940


“Sweet Tyris…” Geoff groaned, rubbing his stomach. “…I think I outdid myself there.”

You attempted to suppress a belch, your body filled with warmth and the insistent weariness of having eaten well and plentifully. “I think you missed your calling Geoff, that was magnificent.”

“I think I ate too much.” Lucy moaned, looking slightly discomforted.

Geoff laughed. “No such thing my girl. Times of plenty are to be savoured and enjoyed, for when tribulation comes the memory is all the sweeter. Family, friends, food. These are comforts we all share.”

“Small comfort…” Lucy murmured darkly, a sudden departure from her more innocent mannerisms previously.

“Everything alright Lucy?” You asked the wolf-girl, concern worming in your breast.

“Come now girl.” Geoff cozened, looking every inch the kindly grandfather. “Whatever’s troubling you I’m sure we can find a solution. After all, where there’s life, there’s always hope!”

“Yeah…” Lucy murmured in affirmation, her ears twitching as she seemed to mull over that statement. “Wait… YEAH!”

Standing, she sketched a bow towards the both of you. “Thank you both so much for dinner… and… I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” You echoed in befuddlement. “Whatever for?”

“This.” Lucy murmured almost sadly, before kicking you solidly in the face.

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4d511c No.381941


“Deniel! Deniel!” A male voice intruded on the blissful shroud of oblivion. “You alright boy?”

You groaned, gingerly touching your face, halfway convinced your hand would meet nothing but pulp. Whilst you sported the beginnings of what would clearly be a black eye, and a couple of your teeth wiggled slightly in your jaw, you seemed to be little the worse for wear.

“What happened?” You mumbled, blinking to try and clear your swimming vision, your head throbbing as consciousness re-asserted itself.

“Your little friend kicked you rather solidly in the face. Never seen a man’s head go all the way back like that before, was worried she might have broken your neck.” Geoff explained with gruff brusqueness. “Little bitch stole my good pot too… Stupid girl, if she wanted to take more with her she could have just asked.”

“It’s not hunger…” You pondered, looking at the clear drag marks leading off the road and towards a rocky copse some small distance away, the bright, gibbous moon bathing the landscape in silver. “…did you see her face drop when you said ‘Family?”

“She’s too skinny too… Wolf her age should have no trouble hunting enough to keep herself fed…” Geoff agreed. “What’s the little mite gotten herself into?”

You nod. “Shall we find out?”

Geoff chuckles mirthlessly. “I’m too old to be breaking a leg in the dark, boy. And I can’t do an axle taking the wagon off-road when I’ve got a full load.”

“Mmm…” You acknowledged, still staring towards the copse.

“Come. It’s a pot boy, I won’t lose any sleep over it. And I’m sure every man’s got a story about having their clock cleaned by a surprise smack from a desperate Mamono, Tyris knows I could tell you stories…”

One of the horses nickered in its traces. The wagon might not be able to make it across uneven terrain… but a horse?

>Track down the Wolf-Girl

<Ask for a horse

<Take a Horse

<Go on foot

>Leave her be

<Tell the Waylanders in Charlestown about her waylaying you

<Don’t tell anyone about it

<Heal yourself before taking your chosen course

>Don’t bother, it’s minor and who knows, bruises might make begging easier in Charlestown?

>Anything Else?

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a287ea No.381948


The silly girl was too desperate and childish to ask for help, when she clearly needs it. We should help her. This is Reitia's guidance and another trial to overcome. There's nothing to say that love letter must reach Charlestown ASAP. But lets not forget about it or anything.

<Heal yourself before taking your chosen course

Before we go anywhere, lets spend a few minutes healing up our face and clearing our mind. We could be going into a situation involving bandits or worse.

<Ask for a horse

Ask Geoff for a horse we can borrow. He has been more than generous, so I'd understand if he said no. But I've got a bad feeling about letting that wolf-girl go on as she has been doing. She'll end up getting hurt or killed. And worst case scenario, she could end up becoming a bandit herself.

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6d6284 No.381951


We're gonna hunt that wan down and we're gonna help the fuck out of her

Ask Geoff if he can spare a horse, though I doubt he can

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a287ea No.381952


As an addendum to this. If we do discover a bandit camp, or something equally dangerous, then we should definitely not go inside on our own. We should just carefully observe the place and take note of its location, before leaving to go get help from Charlestown.

As a side note: We should have used Sense Aura on the wolf-girl. That could have given us insight to avoid some risk in this situation.

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6d217c No.381955


>the posters above me behaving like a bunch of swedes

Waylanders need to know about this miserable little shit. Also, help Geoff keep an eye out for any suspicious activity just in case the previously mentioned little shit has family and friends of a similar bent.

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2b19e9 No.381962

Let's heal our face and hunt down the wan without using a horse. Horses aren't exactly stealthy and Geoff has been more than generous to us. There's something fishy going on here and I want to find out what it isalso because wan deserves some kind of punishment for assault and theft.

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c2e4d4 No.381968


Let's try to track down and help the wan, skip the horse.

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c2e4d4 No.381969


Oh, and skip healing for the moment. Bruises are useful as evidence at this point, and we should keep as much of our juice in reserve as we can right now.

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a287ea No.381974


>skip healing for the moment

He should at least heal himself to the extent that his mind is no longer dazed or clouded. But yes, it not necessary to go so far as to fully heal every scrape and bruise. Extra delays could be costly in the long run.


>Waylanders need to know about this miserable little shit

Heartless as ever. Are you trying to turn us away from Reitia?

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d2cd05 No.381976


ask for a horse and go on foot if he won't let us borrow it

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62ddc2 No.382016

Find the girl and teach her a lesson about stealing and throwing hospitality back into ones face. No magic, but maybe we can scare her straight with that nifty new spell. Or just, you know, good old fashion discipline.


>Heartless as ever. Are you trying to turn us away from Reitia?

There comes a time when the open hand must become a fist. Does that mean we should kill her? No, absolutely not. Kick her ass? Still no. Teach her a lesson that may or may not involve a stick? Yes. We took a vow of chastity and poverty, not pacifism.

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cb7a98 No.382017

File: 553162f6b0a3920⋯.jpeg (18.45 KB,500x462,250:231,images.jpeg)

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a287ea No.382034



>There comes a time when the open hand must become a fist.

I agree that she should be taught a lesson. But that heartless anon was recommending ratting her out to the city guard and turning our back on her. She seemed like a nice girl, with unfortunate circumstances sending her down the wrong path. And a good spanking just might help get her back on the right path.

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4d511c No.382323

>Go after the wan

>Ask for a horse

“She could be in trouble, Geoff.” You insisted, before settling on your knees, raising your hands in front of your face. “Commah Tah Noblo Zien”

Geoff sucked at a tooth in thought. “Could be bandits, boy… sure you want to be wasting that magic on a shut eye and a split lip?”

“Just enough… Ahhhh… Praise you, Mother Reitia… To clear my head.” You sighed, feeling the throbbing recede. “A clear mind will serve me better than any magic.”

“You’ll never catch her on foot.”

You nodded, regaining your feet. “Which is why I must beg your charity again.”

“Tyris be Merciful Deniel, I told you my wagon…”

“Not the wagon.” You corrected. “Just a loan of a horse.”

The old man fixed you with a studious look. “Are all Reitians as presumptuous as you?”

“Some are worse, sir.” You admitted with a slight grin.

“Tyris save our Holy Mother Church then.” Geoff chuckled helplessly, throwing a blanket over the back of one of his unkempt draughts and releasing the gelding from its traces. “Take Dom here then, he’s not liable to shy on you.”

“Dom?” You echoed, accepting the rude rope halter and patting the placid horse’s nose.

“After Dom the Null… A Hero of Caladon’s Centaur from before the time of Seti the Great.”

You nodded your understanding and thanks, mounting the animal with some small clumsiness, the horse peering over its shoulder at you, as if questioning if the funny human who didn’t seem to know what he was doing was entirely serious in the matter.

“I’ll give you until dawn…” Geoff grunted, plopping himself on a crate. “…then I’ll send the Waylanders after you. We’re close enough to Charlestown to be in the patrol route now.”

You took the halter in hand “For what purpose?”

Geoff looked at you soberly. “If you’re not back by dawn, you’re probably dead. And if our opportunistic little wolf IS tied up with the wrong sort of people, I’d prefer Dom didn’t become further plunder.”

“Understood.” You nodded, suppressing the slight chill of foreboding that ran down your spine.

“Tyris go with you, Pilgrim.” Geoff offered, raising his hand in benediction.

“Thank you, my friend.” You replied sincerely, placing a hand on your breast and bowing your head in acknowledgement, before setting heels to the draught horse, which snorted, cantering towards the copse as you bounced clumsily upon his back.

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4d511c No.382324


“Woah Dom… shhh….” You hissed, pulling the draught in as you reached the edge of the trees, the twinkling of a fire visible through its branches.

“D’ya hear that Tommy?” A harsh voice demanded as you slid from the horse’s back. You tied the halter to a sturdy-looking sapling, praying the horse didn’t get it in his head to pull too hard.

“Bah, scavengers.” another voice answered. “Old mate’s been dead a couple days now, he’s starting to get fragrant, isn’t he Marge?

A wordless snarl met that mocking enquiry, deep and full of hatred. What in the name of Reitia was happening here? You crept forward, willing yourself to keep as quiet as possible. As you approached, you saw a rough wooden hut, a blazing fire burning in a pit before it. You crawled forward, grimacing as the low bushes scratched at you. There… beside the fire was Lucy, spooning the pheasant stew into a bowl held presumptively out by a positive bear of a man, his face raggedly bearded, one eye white, a scar running along the length of his face.

“Please…” Lucy begged “…I did as you asked… J-just let us go!”

“Let you go?” The other man laughed in disbelief, roughly shoving the wolf-girl aside and sloppily filling his own bowl, corded muscle criss-crossed with angry red scars covering his bare arms. “Tommy please explain to me why we should let dear Lucy go for naught but a pot of pheasant stew?”

“S’good stew though Rufus…” The one-eyed man mused, before laughing cruelly. “You fucked us, Lucy-girl. You and your mam and your da there. We’ve got a code, y’see… you don’t just walk away from that.”

“P-please…” Lucy sobbed. “…Let me bury him at least…”

“And lose out on my wager? I’ve got five silver chalices says yer mam eats him before the rot sets in completely.” The one identified as Rufus snorted dismissively. You bit back bile and disgust at the concept, looking towards where the man indicated. A chain jingled where it was attached to a post nearby, feral green eyes staring out of the blackness where a shape loomed over a prone figure… human, from the look of the boots.

“Nah Rufus… It’s true love…” Tommy spat mockingly. “…She’ll starve herself mad before she even thinks about it. Which leaves me to wonder… what to do with you…”

“I’ll go…” Lucy promised desperately “…I won’t say anything!”

“Go?” Rufus cackled. “Bitch, you came back even after yer own MOTHER told y’to run!”

“Loyalty…” The bearlike man mused in a rumbling voice. “…Question is, how best to turn it to our advantage?”

“They say a Mamono’ll never forget her first.” Rufus suggested lewdly.

“That true, Lucy-girl?”

Lucy began backing away from the men on shaking legs “D-don’t… please don’t…”

“Shoot you for it?” Rufus held out a fist towards the hulking Tommy.

“Nah… She’d never survive the Tommy-knocker…” Tommy chuckled, grasping at his crotch.

“Guess it’s on me then… C’mon Lucy-girl… let’s make a woman of you.”

“No!” Lucy screamed, stumbling on shaking legs, holding out a paw beseechingly, Rufus bearing down on her, his eyes alight with intent as he unbuckled his breeches…

>Confront the bandits, Mama Reitia didn’t raise no bitch.

<Attack them with Staff

<Attack them with Arcane Bolt

<Attack them with Agony

<Terrorize them

>Wait for the Waylanders, Lucy can endure this and everyone makes it out alive

>Try and reason with the bandits

>Not your Brewery, Not your Satyros. Go back to Geoff and let the fruits of Lucy’s evident banditry be plucked.

>Something Else?

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75607f No.382328

It time for a good old fashioned lynching! Attack them with arcane bolt and terrify. This shit will NOT stand.

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566453 No.382333


This, it's definitely a lynching scenario.

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6d217c No.382336


Do we have to leave them alive else we end up on the wrong side of the law? Yes. Does this mean the bandits need to be taken into custody in good condition? No. We leave enough for the Waylanders to deal with … but no more than absolutely necessary. Still leaves plenty of room for Deniel to lay plenty hurt on them.

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21f71c No.382345


I vote for a combination of arcane bolt and stick beating

I reckon if we could somehow free the mom she'd kill the both of them with her bare hands though

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75607f No.382355


>leave them alive

These animals are guilty of banditry, at least 3 counts of kidnapping, at least 1 count of murder, attempted rape of a minor, and are starving the girl’s mother to force her to eat the remains of her husband. The fact that they are still breathing is an affront to JUSTICE! Tonight they have an appointment with a noose and Ammit and by all that is good in the world we shall must them to her!

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d2cd05 No.382356


I've got an urge to purge. Hit them with agony.

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6d217c No.382357


Any personal interpretation of JUSTICE shouldn't ignore the JUSTICE of the world. That being said, if mama awoo was the cause of some unfortunate accident that cost the bandits their lives? I'm not going to say anything.

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ac284c No.382360


Seems like everyone has already gave in to our dark arts. Y'all are great.

I vote for trying to sneak up behind Tommy while he's distracted and hit him over the head with the heaviest thing we can manage to pick up. If that knockes him out then [Arcane Bolt] the living hell out of Rufus while we caught him with his pants down. Bonus point if we aimed for his boys and it just so happens to burn them off.

I'd advise against freeing the Mother. She is feral'd and might attack us as well. Dannyboy has to handle this one himself

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6d6284 No.382365


I feel like I ought to add to my vote by saying we should avoid using the dark arts just because we have a couple of targets in front of us who particularly deserve to be tortured.

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a287ea No.382366


<Terrorize them

<Attack them with Arcane Bolt

These are probably tough experienced bandits. We need to move quickly and decisively. Terrorize each of them as you run in, and hit the nearest one with your staff. Arcane bolt the other and continue beating the shit out of them both until they pass out. Prioritize neutralizing those 2 bandits. If all goes well then we should be able to have them under control within a minute or less. While you tie them up, ask the wolf-girl if there are anymore bandits than just those 2. Once we're confident that the area is secure then we can ask the wan to free her mother. But we should not stay there any longer than necessary, just in case more bandits are around.

We should not try and stop momma-wan if she wants to kill them. That is her right to decide. Not ours.

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62ddc2 No.382379

Agony and then coup de grace with the staff. Kill 'em all 2018.


>he wants to let them live

Aww how adorable.

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6d217c No.382386


Deniel isn't a murderhobo. Also, there's a lot more pain in suffering until one dies, then confronting Ammit and having your heart devoured than meeting her right now. It would be much better for them to suffer in prison and have the taint of false hope from surviving before their final judgement.

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c2e4d4 No.382390


>Confront the bandits, Mama Reitia didn’t raise no bitch.

Except replace "confront" with "ambush". Fuck fighting these guys fair. Wait until the one guy's got his pants down, then nail the other with arcane bolt. Then, apply staff liberally.

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4d511c No.382447

2 votes for no dark magic

4 votes for, 3 for terrify


Seeming general consensus for releasing Wan mum

>Attack the Bandits with Arcane Bolt, Terrify, and Staff

“C’mere girl…” Rufus almost drooled, the crude, muscular bandit reaching forward to seize Lucy with one grasping hand, his other holding his unbuckled trousers from tangling about his legs.

“Caladon, Reitia, and the Holy Empire!” You yelled, bursting from the bushes and raising your staff in both hands, tensing your muscles in anticipation of the strike.

“The fuck…” Rufus grunted dumbly, caught with his pants down both figuratively and literally as he instinctively reached for a wicked-looking knife.

You brought your staff down in a two-handed strike, its metal-banded end impacting the man’s forehead with a crack you felt resound through your entire body. Rufus’s head jolted back, and the man collapsed as if his legs had turned to jelly beneath him.

“Deniel?” Lucy gasped in disbelief. “No! Stupid human! Run!” She demanded.

“This monstrosity will not stand…” You snarled, turning towards the bearlike Tommy.

“Whazzis then?” Tommy chuckled in a voice which spoke of death as he hoisted himself to his feet. “Some farmboy who wants to play hero?” The massive bandit hefted an axe nonchalantly in one hand, an axe you would have struggled to lift with two. “Don’t die too quick then, farmboy… I’d have you scream for the inconvenience.”

Your eyes narrowed as you flourished your staff, turning it in one hand to rest across your back as you held out the other towards the bandits, your fingers already tingling as you focused your magics.

“Vime Alonusahi” You snarled, luminescant bolts of arcane fury shrieking as they flew from your hands to strike the bandit solidly in the torso. Tommy gave a choked cry of pain as the power flung him back, and you felt a momentary alarm as you sensed the effort your magic was beginning to expend upon you.

“Fucking… Mage… Shit…” A voice from behind you hissed, and you turned, spinning your staff into a guard as you saw Rufus regain his feet, his scalp open and bloody from your strike, his trousers now fastened and that knife held expertly before him “…I’ll feed you your own parts.”

You noticed that Lucy was nowhere to be seen, and relief washed over you like a momentary balm. Good. Let her flee from this fear, this horror that such a vile creature had visited upon one who deserved the Love of her Family, as Divine Reitia intended. A family now broken…




“Kadishtu N’ghft” You choked, the words of the Dark Tongue uncomfortable, almost painful in your throat. A Shadow lept like smoke from your mouth as you completed the incantation, ensnaring the man’s head before forcing its way into the orifices of his face.

“I…” Rufus began, before taking in a deep breath and shrieking so loud it almost hurt your ears, the bandit clawing at his eyes as if to rid himself of a sight too horrible to see, collapsing to the ground and clawing at the bare earth, in wordless search of a refuge from the terror which assaulted his very soul.

“Reitia…” You gasped, shocked at facing the naked reality of Dark Sorcery’s power.

“Dunno who you are mage…” Tommy’s voice forced you to spin again, the bearlike bandit staring at you with his one good eye, leaning on his axe as he panted his weariness. “…But I’m tempted to parlay…”

The clank of a limp chain hitting the ground rang through the night air like a crack of doom. Tommy’s eyes widened in fear and understanding.

“Tyris Fu…” He groaned as a snarling, slathering black shape descended upon him, tearing him open from throat to belly with a pair of powerful swipes from ebon paws which might put a Jinko to envy. The bandit’s screams were wet and raw, blood frothing from his throat as he dropped his axe, desperately trying to stuff his innards back into his ruined torso. The She-Wolf gave a low ‘Roooo’ of satisfaction, bending to the bandit as if to kiss him. Tommy’s screams became an open AAAAHHHHH as she seized his lower jaw in her mouth, ripping it from his face and spitting it onto the ground. The bandit collapsed, his screams turning to gurgling chokes as he slowly drowned in his own blood.

“What did you do to him?” Lucy asked almost conversationally as she appeared from the shadows, pointing with her paw at the figure of Rufus, who had now clawed his eyes from his face, and was screaming and laughing, holding the ruined orbs to the pitiless sky, gibbering in utter insanity.

“Something terrible…” You gulped, suddenly awash with guilt.

“Good.” The wolf-girl sniffed, before burying her teeth in the mad bandit’s throat.

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4d511c No.382448


“Blood… he has spilled it…” The Dark Angel noted almost clinically as you hovered in that fractal twilight of the Astral planes.

“The Cause was Just!” The Light Angel insisted, her voice joined with the chorus of the Heavens.

“Action begets Reaction. The Primary Universal Law.” The Dark Angel rejoined.

“Tyris will Absolve him!”

“Tyris is no longer his Lord.”



“Enough! Both of you!” A new voice intruded as a light the colour of a new rose began to glow between the light and dark. A light from which a figure emerged. She was a slight thing in comparison to the other angels, an intricate bow slung across her slender frame, her wings a pale pink to match her wavy hair.

“His path is yet indistinct” The Dark Angel objected, turning to face the new arrival.

“Yeah well, shit happens.” The smaller figure sniffed dismissively.

The Celestial, her golden radiance burning brightly rounded on the new arrival. “These are weighty matters which are not served by your nonchalant…”

“Listen, Goldilocks. Is he or is he not ultimately under our purview?”

“Certes, but…”

“Then off you flit. I’ve got it from here.”

“He is not adept! He is at the third intersect, fourth at a stretch!” The Dark Angel objected strenuously.

With a flick of her pale pink hair, the new arrival folded her arms over her modest chest. “Fun fact. Don’t care. Scram.”

The angels paused for a moment, before fading into auroras of light and dark respectively. The pink-winged angel approached you, crinkling her nose as she looked up into your astonished features. “Deniel, Deniel, Deniel… What are we going to do with you?”

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4d511c No.382449


“What are we gonna do with you then?” A male voice intruded as you returned to reality. You started, blinking in the morning light (It was morning? What happened to the night?) scrambling to your feet and grabbing instinctively for your staff.

“Hey! He’s back with us!” The man, clad in Waylander’s browns laughed over his shoulder. “Now you’re not about to do anything stupid, are you boy?”

“No, Waylander.” You answered respectfuly, resting your staff on the ground in as non-threatening a manner as you could.

“Tyris be Praised!” Geoff’s now-familiar voice rang out, the old man hobbling over to put a hand on your shoulder before shaking you roughly. “What in the hells did you DO?”

“It’s a long story.” You sighed, guilt still clawing at you from what you had been party to. “Wait… Where’s Lucy?”

“I’m not leaving my daddy!” The wolf-girl’s voice cried, and you spied her being bodily forced into a caged wagon, her wrists and ankles bound in shackles. Her mother, likewise shackled, snarled and snapped, struggling against the militia which forced her likewise. The wolf came down on one of her paws for a moment, her snarls changing to a cry of agony, and you spied a poorly bandaged wound on her calf, pus leaking through the flimsy bandages.

“Reitia’s Mercy… Have a heart Waylander, she’s hurt!” You begged beseechingly “Both of them have suffered enough for one…”

“Deniel, is it?” The Waylander rounded on you. “I don’t know your part in this, but rest assured you’ll have your chance to speak your peice. Until then… Guards!”

“Waylander!” Geoff objected “The boy’s innocent. I will vouch that…”

“Respectfully, your Worship…” The Waylander interjected, holding out a leather-gauntleted hand. “…I am Law in Charlestown, and you too shall be welcome to present your testimony. At the appropriate time.”

Your Worship? Geoff was… a paladin? The thought so shocked you that you barely noticed as you were shackled and bundled into the caged wagon with the wolves.

“Mama…” Lucy sobbed, clutching at the she-wolf. “…They can’t just leave him there!”

Your heart broke for them. “Geoff!” You yelled at the old man through the bars of the cage. “Your Worship! I beg you… her father lies there… Give him rites, for pity’s sake.”

Geoff paused in the act of being helped atop Dom’s broad back. “Tyris…” He murmured resignedly “…Why do you curse me with such a soft heart?” He hobbled back towards the hut. “Which one?”

“Behind the hut.” You sighed in relief, turning to Lucy. “Don’t worry Lucy, Geoff is a good…”

“Benedictus Benedicat…” You heard the old man begin “…per Tyris Dominum Nostrum. Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus.”

“All Glory to The Most High.” A few militiamen, evidently more pious than their fellows intoned, raising their hands briefly in the Sign of the Sunburst.

“No!” The She-Wolf howled as fire sprang from the rear of the hut, spreading quickly to envelop the wooden structure, the aged form of Geoff hobbling back to his horse, the militiaman paitently waiting to help him atop.

“Good…” The She-wolf spat at you derisively, before taking her daughter as best she could in her shackled paws, the two mamono weeping bitterly as your cage began its bouncing trundle towards the main road to Charlestown.

You looked back at the flames… strange… they seemed to resonate with a perculiar energy… the sensation… uplifting… destructive… as above… so below…

<You have learned the spell: Cleanse - Holy fire which will remove magical corruption from an object or person

<You have learned the DARK magic: Hellfire - Basically a tactical fucking napalm strike (Range increases with ability)

>Try and Comfort the wolves with scripture

<Offer to heal Mama-Wan’s leg (This will leave you without magic for the rest of the day)

>Ask the wolves their stories, try and find out some context for what happened.

>Ask the wolves how the hell you just up and missed half the night

>Try and talk to one of the guards, find out what the hell was going on considering you ended up in medias res for this whole thing.

>Meditate in silence, we’re too holy for this shit right now and opening our yap might complicate matters.

>Something Else?

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d2cd05 No.382451


Get that leg fixed first and foremost. We shouldn't need any magic for a while since we're going into town.

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d2cd05 No.382452

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75607f No.382461

Let’s heal the wan and ask what happened after we passed out. Also let’s see if we can’t learn anything from the guards. But cleanse sounds really cool and useful the next time a situation like this pops up

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62ddc2 No.382462

File: 23954c7016ba726⋯.gif (2.14 MB,460x290,46:29,IMG_2845.GIF)

>You have learned the DARK magic: Hellfire - Basically a tactical fucking napalm strike (Range increases with ability)

This is why people fall to the Dark Side. Heal her leg, we can always be lawful evil.

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a287ea No.382479


<Offer to heal Mama-Wan’s leg (This will leave you without magic for the rest of the day)

>Ask the wolves their stories, try and find out some context for what happened.

>Meditate in silence, we’re too holy for this shit right now and opening our yap might complicate matters.

Do these, in this order.


>This is why people fall to the Dark Side. Heal her leg, we can always be lawful evil

I can see the appeal of it, for sure. But we've not done anything that could truly be considered evil just yet. We're approaching True Neutral, at worst. I think we should just continue forward, using dark magic as a last resort. But even dark magic has a time and place where it is appropriate.

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a287ea No.382480


OP, could you update https://pastebin.com/5GYq5jeF with these new spells and descriptions? It's quickly becoming a bit much to keep track of.

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a287ea No.382481



>update with these new spells and descriptions

Better yet, update it with all our current spells and their descriptions. And divide it into Light and Dark magic sections, please.

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6d6284 No.382487


I fucking said dark magic was a terrible idea, and now look. It's knocked us out and made us look like murderers. Even if these waylanders accept a defense-of-a-third-party plea, they're gonna have some fucking questions about why that guy clawed his own eyes out.

Check the mother's wound and offer to heal it (and if it's infected heal her whether she wants it or not) and ask what happened in between us beating that guy with a stick and us being in a cart bound for jail.

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75607f No.382491


Yeah uh… I wasn’t quite expecting that to happen. Run away in panic sure but not so far as to claw his own eyes out and go insane. No more dark magic.

We couldn’t control either of the two girls though. We simply came to the defense of a girl and her mother who were being brutalized. Though I admit them eating the bandits probably won’t look good to the waylanders

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d02eab No.382494


We heal the leg and talk to the wolves. We went through the trouble of asking and now we're in the same shit.

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4d511c No.382495



Done, unsaging for info

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a287ea No.382497



>Though I admit them eating the bandits probably won’t look good to the waylanders

I don't think they ate them at all. Unless you're just talking about their attacks. I didn't notice anything that would imply that they ate their bodies afterwards.

>Dark magic is fucking hardcore

Yeah… I also did not expect terrorize to be quite so irreversibly effective. I don't plan to use anymore dark magic unless it's absolutely necessary. At least the hellfire spell doesn't seem quite so evil, but I also greatly underestimated terrorize. Our actions are clearly being judged for their moral fiber. Our options were very limited with those bandits. Perhaps we could have beat them without using any dark magic. But either way, we should be very careful with dark magic, even with an elemental spell like hellfire.


Thanks, OP.

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4d511c No.382498


They didn't eat the bandits, just tore them apart with fang and claw.


Hellfire's dark magic because it's utterly destructive. Normal fire has its place in nature but Hellfire is primal destruction given form, which is why the Avatar of Entropy in the form of The Great Dragon was vomiting it so liberally during the War of the Angels.

Just as a bit of context.

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d80500 No.382508


> cleanse sounds really cool and useful the next time a situation like this pops up

If it calls on the power of Tyris, its probably anti-monster. Might be less destructive, but we should be careful where we cast it anyway.

Heal wan's leg

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dba4e2 No.382510


>power of Tyris

Nope, ecumenical holy fire. Basically say if you came across someone who'd been afflicted by dark magic, cleanse would consume the magic.

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5314c8 No.382511


heal mum

ask how you missed the night

ask their story

in that order

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6d6284 No.382538


I've waited all day to call you a faggot and tell you to sage your posts.

You're a faggot, sage your posts.

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a287ea No.382540

File: d6669f5e372dfd2⋯.gif (360.79 KB,260x400,13:20,yes.gif)


>I've waited all day to call you a faggot

Autism so thick you can almost reach out and touch it. I approve

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6860d1 No.382542

>Heal Mama wan

>Ask them about what happened

>Ask them their story

“Madam…” You ventured as the wolves weeping ceased.

“What?” The She-wolf snapped, glaring at you.

“Mama!” Lucy gasped. “Deniel helped us!”

The She-Wolf growled. “Didn’t need it.”

Lucy sighed, a surprisingly mature sound from the adolescent wolf. “No… We didn’t.”

You stared at the wolf-girl incredulously. “Lucy, I don’t mean to scratch at fresh wound but you were not exactly in a position of power last night.”

Lucy shook her head at you. “Close enough to fuck is close enough to fight. I could have outrun him easily, why would I edge away like a mewling infant?” The wolf-girl glanced around, seeing no guards paying much attention to them. “Lead him beyond the firelight, get my teeth in his throat, make the appropriate noises in the dark, then take his keys, sneak around our house… that your ‘Good Man’ just burned to ashes, by the by, fuck you… Release Mama and both of us could have taken down Tommy with surprise on our side.”

“Oh…” You blurt in a mixture of embarrassment and shock at the innocent-looking wolf’s cruelly calculating plot to straight up murder the bandits.

“It was very gallant of you though… I… Thank you, I know I didn’t give you much cause to show me any further kindness.” Lucy admitted, smiling at you softly.

“What is this?” The She-Wolf demanded.

Lucy turned her limpid green eyes upward to face her mother. “I kicked him in the face after he and the Tyris-man fed me, mother. I would have ransacked their wagon in the hopes of finding something to distract Tommy and Rufus but the old man started glowing and… I just…”

“Lucy! You disrespect the Den-Rite?” The she-wolf gasped, lowering her head towards you. “I apologise, sir, for my daughter’s dishonour.”

“There’s no need, Madam.” You insisted, waving off her submissive gesture. “And please, call me Deniel.”

“Marguerite.” The wolf replied, sniffing and nodding.

“Will you let me look at your leg, Marguerite?”

“Are you healer?” The wolf asked, holding out her injured leg with a grimace.

“After a fashion…” You admit, raising your shackled hands and making the required gestures as best you could. ”Commah Tah Noblo…”

“Ere! What’s goin’ on then?” A guard demanded, jabbing at you with the butt end of a spear.

“Healing her wound, Sir.” You answered honestly. “Without it she will sicken and die.”

“What’s a murderin’ bandit to worry about?” The guard scoffed.

“The Law will decide her fate, soldier. Leave the mage to his mercy.” The Waylander ordered, his eyes flicking towards you and giving a faint nod of approval.

“Aye Waylander.” The guard conceded, tugging his forelock deferrently before giving you a suspicious look. “No funny business, I’ll be watchin’ you.”

“Commah Tah Noblo Zien” You intoned, glowing light springing forth from your hands and flowing into the infected wound. Putrescence at first boiled forth, causing Lucy to gag, covering her nose with an ebon paw.

“Remove the bandage, Lucy… I need to see it.” You muttered, concentrating on the healing magics.

Gingerly, Lucy unwrapped the wound, eliciting a poorly suppressed whimper of pain from her mother, a whimper which quickly turned into a sigh of utter relief as your magics worked their way through her flesh.

“How long’s this healin’ take then?” The guard demanded.

“As long…” You panted, struggling valiantly against the EFFORT of maintaining the magic. “…As it takes.”

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6860d1 No.382543


You returned to wakefulness at the calming sensation of something patting your head gently, something soft under your head. “Mother?” You muttered, opening your eyes and blinking to find the amused face of the She-Wolf Marguerite looming above you.

“I hope not.” She chuckled.

“Yeah, that’d be weird.” Lucy agreed.

“Sorry, what happened?” You blustered, removing your head from where it rested in the wolf’s lap.

“You healed Mama’s leg!” Lucy exclaimed brightly, pointing at where the faintest of scars was all that remained of the once pustulent wound. “Then you said something about being tired and fell asleep.”

“Must have been a nastier wound than I thought… I’m glad I could help.” You admit seriously, trying to shake off the sheer exhaustion which wracked your body.

“W-would Mama really have died?”

You nodded at the young wolf-girl. “If nobody saw to that wound.”

“Mama!” Lucy chided, huffing at her mother.

“It wasn’t the most pressing danger recently, dear.” The She-Wolf replied consolingly.

Lucy pouted for a moment, before her gaze turned back to you. “What happened to you last night, Deniel?”

You shifted in the tight cage, trying to get comfortable in your shackles and the tight confines. “How do you mean?”

“You know… after…”

“I don’t know…” You admit “…it was like the dreams I used to have before I pledged myself to Reitia. I went… somewhere else. Enochian mages call it ‘The Path’.”

“But you didn’t go anywhere!” Lucy insisted. “You just… you just sat down, and it was like you were listening really hard to something… But I didn’t hear anything.”

“For hours?” You ask disbelieveingly. The young wolf-girl nods with such earnest innocence that you can find no reason to disbelieve.

“That’s… Strange.” You admit, puzzled. You had experienced brief ‘daydreams’ throughout your training, usually prior to a new understanding of magical theory, but truly CEMENTING the knowledge required deliberate meditation, and the ‘daydreams’ were NEVER of that length. Was something manipulating you? And who exactly was that pink-winged Angel?

Lucy shook you rougly with her ebony paws “Deniel?”

“What is it?” You blurted in surprise.

“Oh, I thought you ‘went away’ again. You had your thinky face on.”

“Oh, No… Actually come to think of it Lucy, why didn’t you run? If I was just sitting there, and the problem was… resolved… so to speak, you and your mother could have just.”

“Our traditions forbid us to abandon one who has come to our aid.” Marguerite sighed forlornly, looking at the approaching town with resignation. “No matter the cost.”

“Productive morning there, Waylander?” A voice rang from the bailey surrounding Charlestown. The Waylander sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly before looking up. You followed his gaze, noting with slight surprise the Ratatoskr hanging three-quarters of the way out of the fortifications, one clawed hand inside a murder-hole all that held her secure.

“Somewhat. And I’ll thank you to keep a handle on your enthusiasm this time, Emma. The rule of Law…”

“Pish to that Waylander!” The Ratatoskr scoffed, waving her free paw dismissively. “The people have a right to know! What do we have here, a trio of dark cultists, clearly, caught in the act of foul ritual… no… CANNIBALS! Yeah that’s the ticket!”

“False Witness is a vile sin in the sight of Holy Tyris, young lady…” Geoff’s voice rang out in chiding displeasure.

“Your Worship, you are NO fun at all…” The Ratatoskr pouted, her fluffy tail brushing out behind her as she vaulted back inside the walls.

“Not feeling particularly at risk of losing control of your magic, are you boy?” The Waylander asked you despairingly. “I could be easily convinced to look the other way if you were to cramp that one’s feet for a week or so…”

“Waylander!” you gasped, equally shocked at the suggestion as well as his casual suggestion of crippling the squirrel-girl. “Reitia Forbid!”

“Never mind I think he did all his magey-stuff fixing Mama’s leg.” Lucy added.

Odd… How would she even know that?

“Quiet now.” The Waylander insisted. “Regardless of what you may think, Ladies, I take no pleasure in this. But the Law is the Law, and will be upheld.”

“Reitia Bless you for your uprightness, Waylander.” You intoned in benediction. “I have no doubt our innocence will be proven.”

Marguerite made a noise, giving you a sidewards glance, her expression unreadable.

“To be certain, Madam… I never asked exactly how things ended up so…” You began, only to be hushed as the She-Wolf put a paw to your mouth.

“You’re a gentle soul, sweet Deniel. And that is not a tale I wish to tell twice.”

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6860d1 No.382545


“Your trial will have to wait until tomorrow.” The Waylander informed you, his tone almost apologetic as he locked the cell door. “With you being a mage and all, there are forms that need to be obeyed.”

“You need to send to the Temple in Sea-of-Grasses?” You asked, a sinking feeling in your guts.

“What? No… There’s a mage in town who’ll serve well enough as Amicus.” The Waylander chuckled in surprise. “You’ve given us no trouble, and no sense making a big deal out of this, if, as Geoff suggests, you are indeed innocent.”

“Waylander, you don’t strike me as one who thinks we did anything wrong.” You state pointedly.

“Rufus the Glut and Tommy the Knocker dead as last week’s breakfast? This is not something I’m terribly upset about, I won’t lie.” The Waylander admitted. “But the law is the law, and Marguerite is… not unknown in Charlestown.”

“Surely Lucy though…”

“The Law is the Law.” The Waylander repeated. “And the circumstances surrounding what happened must be examined properly, as the Law dictates.”

“Please tell me Lucy is at least with her mother.” You near-begged.

“Of course, Mage.” The Waylander chuckled, shaking his head as he walked towards the door. “I’m a Waylander, not a monster.”

“Ooh, new fish…” A smoky, sultry voice mused as the Waylander shut the door of the cell block behind him. A pair of red, luminescent eyes shone in the dimness of the cell opposite, and powerful ashen claws seized the bars as a face the colour of charcoal grinned at you through a fanged mouth. Two lupine ears twitched atop her head, and you spied a canid tail lashing behind a pair of sleekly muscular thighs. “…whatcha in for, new fish?”

“Leave the boy alone, Becca.” Marguerite’s voice sounded from somewhere down the hall. “He’s not for playing with.”

“Marguerite?” the Hellhound, for that was surely what she was, gasped in astonishment. “Maou’s ample arse, what are you doing here?!”

“Settling accounts.” The She-Wolf answered simply.

“C’mon… Don’t just leave it like that!” The Hellhound begged, pausing as the She-Wolf’s pointed silence gave firmer answer than speech ever could.

“Hey! New Fish! Why’s Marguerite here, and Where’s Domenic?” The Hellhound demanded.

The words ‘Who’s Domenic’ had almost left your mouth before the sound of Lucy’s soft sobbing answered that question for you. Your heart broke once again for the poor girl, and you wished you could hug her, and tell her that Reitia would look after them.

>Tell the Hellhound what happened.

>Ask the Hellhound to leave it be, it’s upsetting the poor girl

>Try and deflect, ask the Hellhound why she’s here

>We’re too holy for this shit, Meditate on the Word of Reitia… Maybe ask the pink angel what gives with the unexpected forced trances while you’re at it.

>Something Else?

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a287ea No.382547


>Ask the Hellhound to leave it be, it’s upsetting the poor girl

Tell the inquisitive Hellhound to ask Marguerite what happened to Domenic. It's not your place to speak on it.

>We’re too holy for this shit, Meditate on the Word of Reitia… Maybe ask the pink angel what gives with the unexpected forced trances while you’re at it.

Afterwards lets meditate and see what more we can learn about "The Path" and our place in it.

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d2cd05 No.382550


>>Ask the Hellhound to leave it be, it’s upsetting the poor girl

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d02eab No.382551

File: a74b7aafada9c84⋯.png (297.59 KB,447x524,447:524,1467647841554-0.png)


Going with this anon. Also pink angel is now Moka

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6d217c No.382554


Was going to post literally this, but it was posted before I typed it out. Throwing my hat in this ring.

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6d6284 No.382556


Voting for this except we should tell her to just drop it, she should be able to put two and two together from Lucy's crying

Also voting to ask the angel what's her angle with a shit eating grin

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75607f No.382559

It’s not our place to say, and the loss is still fresh on their minds. Let’s not drive the knife in further. For now let’s just meditate and try to figure out what’s going on with this path business.if the pink angel says anything about us using terrify we honestly had no idea it would be so horrible.

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d02eab No.382563


Terrify should be renamed Self-Mutilate honestly. If we ever need to resort to dark magic again, Agony might be better. Have to keep on mind the magic isn't evil in itself, just how we use it and for those bandits, I'd say justified. Just have to be careful not to attract the black knights.

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a287ea No.382564


>Have to keep on mind the magic isn't evil in itself, just how we use it and for those bandits, I'd say justified.

I agree that intent is definitely a big part of the equation. But there is all but certainly a taint being put upon our soul resulting from using any kind of dark magic, regardless of our intent. Just being exposed to it, next to the dark knight we met, was enough for it to leave a mark upon on us (that's how we learned it in the first place). After seeing the effects of terrify, it's definitely not something we should fuck around with. Our other dark spell, pain, is probably going to be almost as bad. I have mixed feelings about hellfire. But it's still magic we should avoid using if at all possible.

It's clear that we could have taken a different more saintly path with how we handled the wolf-girl. We should have used Sense Aura on Lucy when we first encountered her. We were too trusting at that point. Then we could have gotten enough insight to convince her to tell us what was bothering her. We could then have rallied the Waylanders to help us with those bandits. And we wouldn't have been tempted to the dark side. Hindsight is 20/20. And I very much doubt this will be the end of our easy way out temptations with dark magic. But if we want to stay true to Reitia then we need to be wiser and not put ourselves in those situations. And be more resistant to taking the easy path.

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6860d1 No.382581

>Tell the Hellhound to leave it alone


“Becca, is it?” You begin mildly. “Why don’t you leave it alone, it’s upsetting Lucy.”

“Ooh… New Fish wants to be the big man…” The Hellhound growled throatily, her eyes smouldering “…Why don’t you turn on around there and give Becca the Bonebreaker something to look at…”

“Becca the Bonebreaker?” Another voice laughed sibilantly, some kind of Reptilian perhaps? “You’re a virgin who gets the Waylander to lock you up every time the heat’s on you.”

“SHUT UP YOU SCALY SHIT! I’LL BITE OFF YOUR FUCKING HEAD-SPINES!” The Hellhound snarled in a mixture of rage and mortification, slamming so hard into the bars you feared for a moment they would break free of the stone they were mounted in.

Hoots and mocking derision sounded from the remainder of the cells’ occupants. A militiaman bursted in, smacking the bars of the cells with a truncheon and spitting a stream of invective and threats which left you almost in awe of its sheer vulgarity. The man must have sworn for three straight minutes without repeating himself once!

“And you, Mage? Any smartass from you?” The guard demanded, smacking his truncheon against the bars of your cell.

“No sir.” You smile, sitting cross legged on the (surprisingly clean) floor of your cell.

The guard narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What’s this then?”

You smiled serenely, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. “Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…”

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6860d1 No.382582


You glanced about in surprise and mild concern when instead of the Twilight of the Astral Realms, you found yourself in what appeared to be the dim closeness of a forest clearing. Birds sang sweetly overhead, the warm sun casting dappled beams of light through the trees. A chuckling spring bubbled over rocks, emptying into a clear pool, and within that pool, a figure of wonder.

Her hair was still the same rose-pink you remembered, likewise her wings which shook sparkling drops of water into the air that glittered like diamonds. Yet instead of the shining armor of the celestial host, she wore a simple shift of white samite, rendered nearly translucent from the water, her bow and quiver of arrows lying discarded upon the bank.

“Deniel!” She exclaimed in a musical voice. “Back so soon? Do you like what I’ve done with the place?”

“I… Uh…” You mumbled, feeling the heat rise in your face at the sight of her. Merciful Reitia, that shift left absolutely NOTHING to the imagination.

“Well come on, get in the water.” The angel orders presumptively.

You lower your eyes, your face flaming. “I am sworn to chastity.” You hiss through clenched teeth.

The Angel gives a peal of crystalline laughter. “I told you to get in the water, not have your way with me.”

You blushed even harder, if that was even possible. “S-sorry.”

The Angel smiled warmly. “Don’t be. I’d be more worried if that wasn’t where your mind went.”

You swallowed, moving to shuck your tunic from your body, only to have your hand meet your own bare skin. Looking down in utter horror, you noticed you were completely nude.

“Reitia’s Mercy!” You choked, your face again aflame and your hands covering your crotch in mortification.

“Deniel…” The Angel chuckled, emerging fully from the pool, her samite shift clinging to her in a MOST unfair fashion “…Do you think you were ever wearing clothes in this place? You are naked to the universe. Mind, Soul and…”

“Body.” You finished for her, removing your hands from your crotch and valiantly attempting to recover the scraps of your dignity.

“Just so.” The Angel agreed. “Now come on, get in the water.”

You approached the Angel, wading into the pool. “Who ARE you?”

“You can call me Cirice, for now.” The Angel smiled, putting a wet hand on your chest, the other behind your head, immersing you gently on your back, floating you face-up in the pool, the warm sun on your face and chest contrasting noticeably with the cool water you were suspended in.

“Washing away my sins?” You mused.

“What is sin, Deniel?”

You pondered that for a moment “I guess it depends.”

The Angel smiled. “It does. And no, this is not a baptism, whether of Body as the Ammitians dictate in their daily ablutions, or of Anima, as the Tyrisians insist of their Priestesses.”

You studied Cirice’s delicate face. “You’re not of the Heavens’ Choir then?”

Cirice looked down at you quizzically. “You really don’t know what I am then?”

You shook your head, water sloshing in your ears. “No idea.”

“They called us ‘Cupid’, once upon a time… And we never really fit in anywhere… The Heavens tolerated us, the Hells found us an amusement… We, the sowers of Agape, The True Love… ironically alone.”

“Until Reitia.” You added, understanding at once in a flash of Inspiration.

“Yes.” Cirice smiled, her eyes shining with utter devotion. “The Holy Mother embraced us as none other through the Infinite Universes of Light. She is our everything, we are for Her.”

“Praise Forever the All-Mother of Creation.” You intoned, caught up in the Angel’s reverence.

“Don’t get sententious, Deniel.” Cirice chided gently, flicking water at your face.

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6860d1 No.382583


“Why did you order the Celestial and the Umbral to leave? Why did you do… all this?” You asked, wiping your face instinctively.

“Mother Reitia is… Unamused.” Cirice answered delicately. An answer which hit you like a knife in the guts.

“I must make penance.” You grunted, trying to extricate yourself from the Angel’s hold.

Cirice held you firm. “Don’t splash. Why do you think so?”

“I have displeased Her.”

“Have you?”

“You just said…”

Cirice stroked your face with her delicate hand. “I said she was unamused, not that you were the cause.”

“But I used dark magics!”


“Because they took Lucy’s father. Marguerite’s husband… They robbed the world of Love.”

“A Reitian driven to unthinking fury by the blasphemous death of Love? What an unexpected occurrence!” Cirice mocked gently, tweaking your nose.


“Driving the man to such terror as to claw his own eyes out? Not the IDEAL method, but what is this pilgrimage for, Deniel? For you to learn. And how do Humans learn? By making mistakes.”

“Then Mother Reitia is not wroth with me?”

Cirice smiled down at you. “Holy Reitia is Goodness Incarnate, but she is also wise enough to know that Humans are not. You have seen the marks on the Corvidian Knight, how he keeps them to remind himself of the dangers of the darkness… Now you too have a reminder. Of what the darkness is capable of.”

“Where does it come from?” You asked, your arms drifting listlessly in the water as you stared up at Cirice’s perfect features.

The Angel stroked your face again. “From you.”


“All humans have capacity for Good and for Evil. Too many insist the corruption of their souls must have sprung from external source, when in fact, they simply gave in to their heart’s most debase desires. Do you think those bandits afflicted by some possession?”

“No, they were just bad men.”

“Just so. Just as you are learning to be a good man. Learning how to nurture and spread Love.”

“Thank you, Cirice.” You sighed, feeling peace flow through you at last. “But we seem to have gotten distracted.”

“We have, but it’s nice to be able to talk to you like this.” Cirice admitted. “You’ve seen the Light and the Darkness… I want to show you everything else.”

“Everything else?” You echoed.

“Feel the Water around you Deniel… feel the power that flows through it from where it begins in the deeps of the earth, feel the trees as they harness the very power of the sun, how they breathe…”

“I… I feel…” You gasped, sensing the intricate and subtle flow of magic all around you.

“This is Natural Magic… you would have known it as ‘Mamono Magic.’ The power of life and death, of the world and its turning… of the furnaces in the deep places of the earth and the unstoppable power of the winds.”

“How have I not known of this before?” You asked, amazed.

“You have.” Cirice answered “When you cast bolts of arcane power, you are using the distilled power of nature, yet absent of its intrinsic properties. You can learn how to restore those properties.”

“I have so much to learn…” You breathed reverently.

“Dear Deniel…” Cirice giggled, smiling sweetly down at you “…You’ve only just Begu…”


The sheer Authority of that command ripped you into spiralling chaos, and as your vision fled, you fancied you heard Cirice’s outraged voice yelling “I wasn’t finished!”

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6860d1 No.382584


“What…” You gasped, blinking in the darkness of the cell as you returned to mundane reality. Your vision focused on a stern-looking man in an elaborate robe standing in front of the bars to your cell. “…Who are you?”

“You may refer to me as Archmage Nicholas, or Archmage.” The man sniffed. “And yes, I am the one who ceased your sojourn on The Path.”

“An Enochian then.” You mused, grunting as you regained your feet.

“A diminutive title…” Nicholas glowered “…coined by hedge-mages and cenobites to disparage what they have not the wisdom to revere.”

You stretched your limbs, stiffened by the inactivity of your meditation.“You will be this ‘Amicus’ in my trial tomorrow?”

“It has pleased me to concede so to the Waylander’s humble request.” Nicholas nodded “Though I am friend to the court, not you.”

“Why are you here then?” You retorted bluntly, somewhat annoyed at the man’s presumptive termination of your meditations.

“To inspect you, to determine if you are worthy of further attention by The Circle.”

“I am sworn to the service of Divine Reitia, an Acolyte in Holy Pilgrimage…” you intoned.

“You are an abbey-born holdsward who barely meets the criteria of manhood…” The Archmage interrupted witheringly. “…a boy who clings to this myth of ‘Organic’ magical development, born of the amateur and God-blinded delusions of those Time-Spanned ‘Disciples.’”

“If you are only here to dispariage my faith and myself, I would prefer you left me to my meditations… Archmage.” You seethed, putting as much venom into the title as you could.

Nicholas grabbed the bar with a bony hand. “I see your potential, boy. You are worth more than the inexpert and piecemeal tutelage which would render you an ‘Adept’ of the Reitian Temple.”

“Get thee behind me, Adversary.” You intone in cold anger. “I will never forsake the Holy Mother.”

The Archmage smirked. “Did I say anything about your worship, boy? You are free to give obeisance to whichever God you deem fit. I’m talking about your TUTELAGE.”

You shook your head. “I cannot…”

“How do you think you will better serve Reitia? As some cenobite in temple? Reciting ritual and performing small miracle for dumb and adoring populace? Or as a true mage, privy to the collected wisdom and knowledge of the Great Circle of Magi?” Nicholas entreated, stepping back and clenching his fist to drive his point home. “Tomorrow in the trial, make the sign of the Seal of Enoch. This will grant me Authority to have the case ‘Moved’ to a Council of Archmages. Your name will be wiped from all record, any stain you have borne from this… misadventure will be as if it never happened.”

>Accept the Archmage’s offer

>Call him every nasty word you can think of

>Get liturgical up in this motherfucker

>Meditate like a pacifist boss at him

>Be polite, tell him you’ll think about it

>Tell the Hellhound behind him to smack him across the head if she can reach.

>Something Else

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884f94 No.382596


Politely refuse and try to get our temper in check.

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ac284c No.382603


Say we'll think about it and start preaching the gospel. Spirituality is a big thing is prisons, Maybe we can pick up a convert or two from those who are listening in on our conversations.

I am kinda torn of The Circle. Possible early powerup being under direct teachings of masters but I feel like we would be betraying Mother, Which is a no go. I personally think we should just stay true to our pilgrimage. Our guardian Cupid basically told us we are not locked off from other forms of magic and that she would like to show us more of what can be done, So I think taking the slow approach while staying true is our best option.

Plus we'd be abandoning Mamma And little wolf by being removed from the court. If we stay we can still possibly help out at their trials. Unless the court is corrupt we will be fine, But we are the only witness to what was going on in regard to their situation.

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75607f No.382608


I second this option

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a287ea No.382611


>Be polite, tell him you’ll think about it

As >>382603 says, it's worth some thought. The Archmage is arrogant, but probably rightfully so. At face value, their path is not ours. But perhaps it is not totally incompatible with Reitia's teachings. I don't want to do this sign of Enoch and be swept away to some mage college. I don't want to abandon Lucy and her mother. However, I don't want to shun the idea of receiving some of their teachings in some capacity. As long as we are still allowed to worship Reitia and take the path we see fit. But I doubt that will be very compatible with their teachings. And honestly, now that we've learned to perceive Nature magic (AKA Elemental magic), we really don't need them.

>Get liturgical up in this motherfucker

Sure, why not? We've had our beliefs reaffirmed by Cirice. Lets annoy the shit out of the other prisoners and guards with our feeling of relief and Reitia's love.

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c2e4d4 No.382648


Tell him we'll think about it, don't take him up on the offer.

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6d6284 No.382655


Tell him we'll think about it (we shouldn't take his offer but we also shouldn't piss off a guy who's going to be heavily involved in our trial)

Also preach The Good News to all of our fellow prisoners and to the guards as well.

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d2cd05 No.382659


The merchant guy we were traveling with could back up at least part of our story. Try to get him on the witness stand if they don't listen to us at first.

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75607f No.382670

2 things have occurred to me that I want to ask about now. Firstly does the arch,age try to circumvent the courts every time a mage gets arrested? This seems suspicious to me. Why would he go out of his way to offer to teach us magic? There’s something fishy with that.

My second questionwill we be able to waifu Cirice once pilgrimage is done?


The “merchant guy” we were traveling with is named Geoff and he is a paladin of Tyris. He has already vouched for our own innocence and once the situation is fully explained I’m sure everything will be sorted out.

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fbc12e No.382675


>archmage interfering

When it's a circle mage or someone who is likely to become one.

The Circle operates largely on mentorships. A particularly gifted student is usually viewed to be so due to the expertise of their mentor which affords them greater renown and influence within the Circle's internal politics, but you don't know that


Yeah I don't see why not. Fair warning though it's going to be adorable. Cirice has a big thing for hand holding and weddings.

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75607f No.382679


Oh so he’s doing it to try to further his own ambition then. At the very least it’s not nefarious in and of itself, which is somewhat relieving but since we don’t know that I think ultimately deciding against following him simply out of our own desire for independence should be sufficient.

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6d217c No.382680

File: 5debe121b3c14e3⋯.jpg (10.95 KB,207x244,207:244,images.jpg)


>the cupid spoilers

You're a affront to this board with that filth

Deniel needs to check his temper and politely decline this offer. And what kind of Reitian acolyte would we be if we didn't shitpost in prison? Might as well take a bit of 'get liturgical up in this motherfucker' along with 'Deniel needs to politely refuse'

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4d511c No.382896

>Politely decline

>Get Religious

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and recentering yourself. Opening them, you inclined your head politely to the robed archmage, looking the cadaverous man in his cold, grey eyes.

“I have been short with you, Archmage. My apologies.”

Nicholas’s thin lips turn upwards in a smug smile. “Then I can expect…”

“I will adhere to the judgements of the Waylanders, guided by your esteemed direction, as must any good and faithful Citizen of the Empire of the Westerlands.” You interject “But I cannot surrender my role as an Acolyte.”

The smile died on the man’s lips. “Stupid boy! You spit on the memory of the venerable Mages whose tribulations granted you the abilities you possess today! The power of magic must never again be subject to the whims and vagaries of religion!”

“It is written, Archmage, that all Power is a gift from the Gods. For did not Tyris in His wisdom sacrifice the Hosts of Heaven against The Dragon, that His Covenant with Humanity endure? Did not Maou humble Herself that Mamono may endure upon this world in the ancient days of the Pax Deus? The Gods ever deserve our praise and veneration, for they are worthy of our supplications.”

“All Glory to the Most High!” A male voice yelled harshly from somewhere along the row of cells.

“Spare me this sententious pap…” Nicholas scoffed, his lip curled in a sneer. “…We are not the Resonants of old, beholden to and humbled by reliance on the vagaries of external authority, distrusted and mutated by its whims. Magic is OF us, and FOR us!”

“I’m sorry Archmage…” You continued, ignoring the man’s derision. “…All of our magic is dwarfed before the greatest of all forces, before which all power is as nothing.”

“And that would be?”

“Love, of course. And we should Rejoice, for Holy Reitia gives of it without cost. For in the Words of the Mellisari, “He who gives Love shall inherit Love, she who embraces it shall too be embraced. And She, even She who is the Wellspring of Goodness and Mercy shall be their God, and they shall be Her children.”

A noise interrupted your sermonizing, and you glanced over the shoulder of the Archmage to see the Hellhound Becca, once again clinging to the bars, yet this time her smoking, smouldering eyes were filled with utter longing.

“Run out of sermon, did you boy?” The Archmage scoffed, mistaking your pause for wordlessness. “Just as well, for I have run out of patience… Guard!”

The clanking steps of a heavily armoured Militiaman resounded up the stone hallway, as the Archmage was led deferently from the cells.

“Reitia grace you, Archmage!” You called after him, “For all are deserving of Her grace!”

The clang of the outer door was your only response. Sighing, you resumed your cross-legged position upon the floor, ready to resume your meditations.

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4d511c No.382897


“Hey… New fish…” The Hellhound’s voice interrupted.

You opened your eyes, looking at the ashen-skinned mamono. “Yes?”

“Did you mean that? Everybody deserves love?”

“Everybody.” You smiled with utter certainty.

“E-even me?”

You resumed your feet, leaning your arms against the bars of your cell. “Especially you.”

The glittering of sulphurous tears welled in the Hellhound’s eyes. “Then… Why won’t he notice me?”

“Oh HERE we go…” the reptillian hissed in exasperation.

“Do you lament Love’s absence such, that you must mock others who have the bravery to bare themselves to Her Mercies?” You retorted sternly.

Utter silence was your only answer. Not even the guard moved to quiet you.

“Kisha want Love.” Some unknown Mamono grunted sorrowfully.

“You really are stupid, aren’t you?” The harsh-voiced human snarled in reply.

“Roger mean!” The mamono lamented accusingly “Kisha thought Roger friend!”

“Fuck’s sake Kisha! Why do you think I stuck with you all this time?” The Human laughed bitterly. “I’m staring down ten years in the quarries for you, and you still can’t get the obvious through your bone-plated wyrm skull.”

“Tell her then man.” You entreated. “Confess in the eyes of Reitia.”

“It’s not that simple… Uh… I don’t even know your title, your honour…” The man blustered.

“I have none, call me Deniel. But it’s more important that you tell HER.”

“How can I? I’ve got nothing to offer her… She deserves better than me.” The man admitted woefully.

“Tell Kisha what?” The Wyrm demanded, rattling what sounded like impossibly huge chains.

“That… Oh Tyris, hell with it. That I love you, you beautiful great natural disaster. I’ve always loved you.”

“Roger… Love Kisha?”

The man chuckled bitterly. “Yes, though you deserve so much more than some two-bit…”

A terrible sound of tearing stone and shattering steel rang through the cell block, and a cloud of billowing dust boiled up, causing you to cough, staggering as the very building shook.

“Merciful Tyris! Alarm! Alarm!” The guard yelled in panic. “Jailbreak! Call the Waylander!”

A large shape hurtled past your cell, the strange melange of Dragon and Serpent which characterised the rarely-seen Wyrms. A clearly shell-shocked man was draped over one shoulder where she held him posessively, her other talon extended in anticipation of her impact with the door. Once again the building shook as the door caved in with a shrieking of metal and an explosion of wood.

“This way out!” The wyrm declared delightedly.

“Kisha, for you, any sodding way’s out.” The man over her shoulder cursed, as you stared all bemused as they disappeared into the dust and rubble of the Mamono’s unstoppable exit.

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4d511c No.382898


“I suppose you think…” The Waylander noted as he stood in front of your cell, his gauntleted arms folded across his chest, his high-collared brown jacket framing his disapproving features. “…That was terribly clever.”

“It was most definitely NOT expected.” You admitted, shaking the dust from your hair as best you could before sneezing.

“Whipped ‘em into a religious frenzy, he did!” The guard accused, one arm bound across his body in a sling.

“You’re a liar!” Becca accused with a snarl, grabbing through the bars at the guard. “He didn’t tell them to do anything!”

“Ere! Waylander! The regular’s after me!” The guard cried, ducking behind the brown-coated human.

“Regular? REGULAR?!” Becca growled, slamming her body against the bars. “I’ll have your throat! How dare you?”

“Becca.” The Waylander snapped shortly. “Down.”

“Waylander I’m sick and tired of…” The Hellhound spat, her eyes aflame.

“DOWN!” The Waylander roared in a tone of implacable authority. Slowly, reluctantly, as if the very concept of obeying that command was anathema, the Hellhound backed away from the bars, and you surmised you knew who the ‘he’ she craved attention from was.

“Now, what happened?” The Waylander demanded.

“The new fish… Deniel… He… he told us that we deserved love.”

The Waylander made a surprised sound in his throat. “That was all?”

“Well he said a bunch of other stuff that seemed to crawl up the back passage of that skinny man in the dress but I wasn’t really paying attention to that and… Waylander… You smell really good…”

“Becca, focus.” The Waylander demanded.

“Do you remember when we used to chase wisps in the trees when it was just Becca and Ian not Waylander and whatever I am to you now? When did you get so far away…”

“Becca!” The Waylander snapped.

“He told Roger to confess his feelings to Kisha.”

“That Wyrm he followed from disaster to disaster?” The Waylander sighed “The one we’ve kicked out of town seven… no… eight times?”

“Yeah. Listen… Waylander.. I really have to tell you…”

“Took him long enough.” The waylander chuckled cynically, ignoring the Hellhound and turning to the bandaged guard. “That sound about right, guardsman?

“He was real eloquent with it though, used a buncha big words that mighta been magic and…” The guard justified lamely, shuffling his feet on the stone.

“Trust me. If there was even a trace of magic used, Esteemed Nicholas would have been nipping at my heels like a Kobold pup. You heard how quickly he wanted down here while the pilgrim was at naught but sitting on the floor doing… What was it you were doing, Deniel?”

“Meditating, Waylander.” You replied politely.

“Riveting…” the Waylander mused dryly.

“Quite.” You agreed, flushing slightly at the memory of Cirice in that wet samite shift.

“Ian! Waylander!” Becca growled.

The Waylander turned without a hint of fear to face the Hellhound again. “Was there something else, Becca?”

“I need to tell you something… in um… in the name of Reitia or um…”

“You’re in Heat, Becca.” Ian noted clinically. “Tell me next week.”

“No! Dammit you’ll listen now while I’ve got the nerve and…”

“I don’t accept confessions from drunks, wether they be lust-drunk or drunk-drunk.” Ian interjected. “Tell me next week. Guard, summon the next watch, ensure the cells that remain are examined METICULOUSLY. We don’t need another jailbreak during the night. Post a notice for Roger and Kisha as wanted fugitives, though I seriously doubt we’ll see them again.”

“Aye Waylander.” the guard replied, stiffening to attention before following the Waylander from the cell-block. The sound of Becca’s frustrated sobbing the only noise which remained after their footfalls had passed beyond earshot.

“It’s not fair!” Becca lamented “It’s just not fair!”

“Why can’t you tell him next week?” You asked as gently as you could.

“B-because I’ll get all tongue tied and then I’ll just try and jump him and then I’ll end up down here for real…”

“Told you!” The Reptilian hissed again.

“You’ve got no cause to talk, braining that merchant…” Marguerite retorted, the first time she had spoken up since the evening began.

“W-what do you know about…” the Reptilian spluttered

“Just shut up, all of you.” the She-wolf demanded. “Lucy is trying to sleep.”

You couldn’t help but smile at that, as you found the rough wooden cot which would comprise your bed for the evening. Kneeling beside it, you folded your hands in front of your face. “Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…”

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4d511c No.382899


“Shahiss of Three-Rivers…” Waylander Ian intoned from behind a heavy oaken desk, staring levelly at the green-scaled reptilian standing in shackles before him. “…You stand accused of assault and battery most greivious against the person of Goodman Benjamin, factor of the trading company Tenno and Goldstein. What is your plea?”

“It’s not like that!” Shahiss objected strenuously, her sibilant voice echoing in the small courthouse. “It’s tradition!”

“The Goodman seemed most surprised that your… congenial friendship to that point be brought so abruptly to an end at the point of a blade…” The Waylander clarified. “…You do not deny that you did violence towards him?”

“I… I…” Shahiss shook her head softly, her eyes squeezed shut as the long, thin, hairlike spines atop her head rustled with her movement.

The Waylander rifled through a few parchments on the desk. “Goodman Benjamin has requested recompense in the usual manner and I have seen fit to grant his request. You are sentenced to twelve months indentured servitude.”

“To whom am I beholden, Waylander?”

“To me, of course.” A man’s voice rang out, and a richly dressed merchant stepped down from the (blessedly small) public gallery. “To tutor me in swordplay.”

“Ben?” Shahiss gasped, her eyes welling with tears.

The merchant approached her with a small, cheeky smile, holding out his hand. “Perhaps, if next year you again attempt to make court of me, you can do so on a more… egalitarian footing.”

The Reptilian lowered her head submissively, yet she could not hide the naughty smile of triumph on her soft lips as she kissed the merchant’s hand. “It shall be as you say… Master.”

“Tyris bless that man’s insight.” Geoff’s voice murmured suddenly from beside you, and you turned in surprise to behold the old paladin, doubly so to see the finery he had bedecked himself in. Reitia’s Mercy, you didn’t even hear him approach!

“Your Worship?” You gasped. “What are you doing here?”

“Playing the peacock, it would seem.” Geoff grumbled, plucking at his surcoat and grimacing.

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4d511c No.382900


“Next Case.” A clerk intoned “The Imperial Throne Versus Marguerite of Scarred Mountain Clan, also known as the Night Shadow, also known as Despair’s Howl, also known as…”

“I think we can dispense with the theatrics.” Ian interrupted as the She-Wolf was led forward in chains. “Madam, you are accused of Murder, of Banditry, of interfering with a Magisterium Missive, of burglary, of Assault and Battery, and of poaching livestock.”

“I refuse to answer these charges.” Marguerite declared, holding herself proudly erect. “I am Scarred Mountain and I but defended the lands of my people from their illegal occupation.”

The courtroom murmured with confusion as the clerk rapidly leafed through a large tome. “Waylander, the accused refers to a matter relating to disputed seizure of lands and titles during the war with the followers of the False God Apophis.”

The Waylander pinched the bridge of his nose. “And the verdict?”

“…Indistinct, Waylander. It would appear there was some dispute between the landholders prior to the war which devolved into accusations of treason and apostasy. The matter is still under appeal with the Imperial Senate.”

“And my tribe forced from our home! My Husband… my dear Domenic… He was the rightful heir to the Barony!” Marguerite interjected hotly, her eyes full at the memory of her husband.

Ian leaned forward over the desk. “Then the bandits…”

Marguerite’s eyes lowered. “Once loyal men and women… desperation is a cruel and unyielding mistress, Waylander. But I swear to you, we took not one scrap that was not our due by right!”

The Waylander shook his head. “Tommy the Knocker once a soldier… I fear I can barely believe it.”

“I will not honour that traitorous THING with a name.” Marguerite growled.

“Let us table the matters of Burglary and Banditry and Poaching and whatnot until more appropriate counsel can be sourced…” Ian murmured, scribbling on a parchment. “…For if she is indeed correct, then legally speaking she COULD be said to be entitled to them. Now. Onto more concrete cases. The Murder of Tommy the Knocker, of Rufus the Glut, and of the Assault of one Acolyte Deniel of the Reitian Temple.”

“Acolyte Deniel also stands in accusation of that matter, Waylander.” The clerk noted delicately.

The Waylander looked at you levelly before nodding. “He does. Deniel?”

“I am here, Waylander.” You replied evenly, stepping forward to stand beside the Wolf. The cadaverous figure of Archmage Nicholas bored holes in the side of your head with his steely gaze, as if he would will you to make the sign and turn yourself over to him.

“I did it!” Lucy’s voice piped up, the adolescent Wolf having slipped her shackles somehow, shouts and confusion spreading through the courthouse. “I kicked Deniel in the head! Me! I tore Rufus’s throat out! I let Mama free, all crazed with hunger! She can’t be held responsible for what she did! It’s my fault! All of it!”

“ORDER! I will have Order in this place!” Ian roared, slamming a weighted gavel against the table, glaring at the courtroom as it came to silence. “Acolyte, does the youngster speak the truth?”

Lucy turned to look at you, her large green eyes pleading.

>Tell the truth, including your use of dark magic

>Tell the truth, excluding your use of magic

>It’s a bit fantastic, give them a more easily swallowable version

>If Lucy wants to make this bed, let her.

>Something else?

Just as a note, you don’t have to worry about the lands claim business. That’s just flavour, needless to say Marguerite through good or ill believes she and Domenic had a right to the holdings they raided.

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d19e11 No.382901


>Tell the truth, including your use of dark magic

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c2e4d4 No.382906


>Tell the truth, including your use of dark magic

Let's stay on the level with this, including up not knowing that Terrorize would do that, if asked.

>B-because I’ll get all tongue tied

Hellwan needs help with love issues? You'd best bet we'll step the fuck in. If nothing else, let's help her write a letter or something to give to him if she's worried about fucking her words.

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6d6284 No.382907


Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Mention that Terrify seemed like it would, at most, paralyze the target in fear, not drive him to claw his eyes out.

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6d217c No.382908


Let's not get skimpy with the truth and tell the Waylanders exactly what happened.

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ac284c No.382909




And this too. We aren't done here yet. We have to get Nighound to get her feelings across.

If they make it out of this okay, Give Lucy a headpat before we go. Little wan has had it rough.

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9c8a8b No.382914


Tell the whole truth.

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a287ea No.382922


>Tell the truth, including your use of dark magic

This seems to be the consensus, and I see no reason to go against it. As long as we clearly emphasize, like >>382907 mentions, that we thought that terrify would only temporarily cause someone to be fearful. Not that it would drive them to insanity. And we will be trying our best to avoid dark magic, henceforth. Because it is a terrible thing.

And since we're telling the truth and all, we must also tell the truth of what Lucy did in assaulting us and murdering Rufus. We should carefully and compellingly explain the situation as we encountered it. Highlighting the evil atrocities of the men who were murdered. Particularly their betting on Marguerite eating the dead body of her husband to avoid starvation. And Lucy's looming rape. But don't mention what Lucy said about them being able to handle themselves in that situation. She has already incriminated herself enough.

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a287ea No.382923

I really have mixed feelings about admitting to using dark magic. It may be the truth. But is that really wise to admit to? I don't even know if dark magic is considered to be blasphemy, or if simply using it is itself a crime. Clearly, evil dark magic users are deservedly hunted down. But it's possible that it could only be seen in a neutral light, at best. What is societies general view of dark magic, OP?

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75607f No.382946


This seems really important to know. If admitting to dark magic could get us imprisoned or otherwise disappeared by knights of Corvus or some other group we shouldn’t admit to it

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a287ea No.382948


If it is a really big deal, then it could easily end up overshadowing everything else. And we'd be much better off keeping our mouth shut about it. But I really have no way of telling. Perhaps that Archmage already knows? If it was a terribly big deal you'd think he would mentioned it. It would be a good tool to leverage us into joining his magic school. But if he doesn't know, then we might be able to pass it off as being unsure what happened if we're asked about it. Really don't have enough info about this world to make a good call on it.

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75607f No.382950


You’re right, if the archmage knew then he probably would have used that to force us to join him. I dont think using the defense “we didn’t know what the spell would actually do” will hold up under scrutiny. It’s kind of like “I didn’t know this new gun would kill him because I’ve never fired it before.” We are a magic user with at least a basic level of training, we know that it can be dangerous and trying to play it off that we don’t know what we were doing exactly will not look good for us

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a287ea No.382951


>we know that it can be dangerous and trying to play it off that we don’t know what we were doing exactly will not look good for us

That is exactly what we did though, kek. But with different expectations than the results we got. Regardless, I'm still curious if using dark magic is even actually a crime. And if it is, then how serious of a crime is it? It could be highly politicized "it's worse than murder" shit, as far as we know. And if that is the case, then we really might be better off turning ourselves over to the Archmage, for better or worse.

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d19e11 No.382953


Not so much "I didn't know that gun would kill people because I never fired it before" as "I thought that taser I found would hurt enough to stun them, I didn't know it was made to fry people's innards".

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a287ea No.382954


Yes, that is a better analogy. The effects were much more effective and permanent than I had imagined. I had expected them to be harsh but temporary. The spell would be better named "Invoke Insanity"

But I just thought of another question. Do these court systems have an expectation that you must testify against yourself? Is there something equivalent to real world idea of pleading the 5th to avoid self-incrimination?

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4d511c No.382959

>Dark Magic

As far as secular law? Not a crime any more than having a gun makes you a murderer. What matters is what you do with it. You do have a reasonable point that there was nothing to indicate to you Rufus would respond so strongly. (The reason he did was he was already half-cooked from a number of other factors. Rufus and Tommy both definately had their 'survive at all costs' modes on.)

Of course that's not to say Nicholas won't be a cunt about it…

>5th Amendment.

As so much of this world's legal system began in rigid theocratic dictates from the Cathedral Solar, there is minimal legislation around the rights of the accused. Ammittian practice has, however, helped change the secular local systems to focus more strongly on reconcilliation and restitution (JUSTICE) than retribution (Vengeance)

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a287ea No.382964


>Good info

Thanks OP. Well, given that, I guess I'll stick with what I said in >>382922. Lets just try to be tactful with mention of dark magic and not dwell on it. Focus more on the idea that we were trying to be "Just" in our actions. We were just trying our best to help Lucy.

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75607f No.382984

Thanks for sorting that out OP. with that in mind I second >>382964 let’s be honest but not make it the entire focus of our defense

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62ddc2 No.382992

File: b08a7698a1a36cf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.5 KB,450x494,225:247,IMG_2851.JPG)

Y'all're stupid. Yeah, let's just tell everyone we used evil magic. For a good cause it may have been, but a crime it was none the less. Christ is like you want the Inquisition equivalent to get called and for the guy to get excommunicated or something. I don't think we can have a bad end and die, but all the same.

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a287ea No.382996


Turns out we were mostly worried about nothing. But you never know how any given world is going to react to dark magic, necromancy, demonic summoning and the like. Some see dark magic as a tool like any other form of magic. Some see it as such an evil thing that common people are scared to even speak of it. And accusing someone is enough to make them "disappear" in the middle of the night. This world seems to lean more towards the idea of viewing magic as a tool to be used. But it still seems to have a fair amount of stigma associated with it. And more disconcertingly, there are religions which consider it to be apostasy, even if it isn't illegal in secular law.

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d2cd05 No.383008


It's a crime in the same way shooting JaRaqeous when he tries to run off with your TV is a crime. There's a slim chance you'll be found guilty, but any judge who even skims over the events leading up to it will see that you're in the right.

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9c2d18 No.383010


Tell the full truth - especially the near-monstrosity - and brush over the dark magic without misleading the court. What actually happened was that we expected our spell to temporarily and non-lethally disable him, our attention was pulled away by mortal peril, and by the time we returned our attention to him, he had committed rather brutal suicide. If we had cast upon him before the situation became life or death, we would be culpable for whatever the manslaughter equivalent is here. But the situation was life-or-death, we had no other choice, and the non-lethal means we used could not reasonably be expected to lead to the bandit’s death. The situation here is a little like having a Taser trigger an undetected heart problem in a knife wielding maniac and then failing to give CPR because you were occupied in fighting off a second knife wielding maniac. Tragic but in no way criminal.

It is very, very important that the Law not be mislead here. We are simultaneously at the tip of its spear and safe beneath its shield.

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8e25f2 No.383061


This. Assuming the Monstrosity laws still apply at this point in the timeline (last I recall them being brought up was with Samuel's older brother, but I see no reason why that'd be taken off the books ever), and assuming Lucy's young enough that they apply (and given Deniel explicitly refers to the attempted rape as 'monstrosity', that seems a safe assumption too) - That's functionally a death sentence for the guy, right? So, accidental death whilst attempting to prevent someone commiting a crime that carries the death penalty. I'd say we're in the clear for being absolutely, 100% truthful here.

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c2e4d4 No.383064


On the topic of dark magic, disregard the not knowing what it would do if asked. say so if pressed, but I don't think we want to say anything resembling "I didn't know it would do that" around FuckFace McMageGuy.

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d19e11 No.383065


And make it seem like we willingly had the guy claw his eyes out? That will just make us look worse. They might think we are perfectly fine with hurting people that way. At least by pleading ignorance they will understand that we'll try to avoid using such spells in the future.

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c2e4d4 No.383067


Eh, I'm just wary of the possibility of Mr. Mage being able to pull some legal shenanigans if we say we used magic on somebody without knowing how it worked. There's probably some strong arguments that could be made by somebody with enough political clout about putting us into "protective custody" for training or some shit because we're a danger to ourselves and others or whatever bullshit arguments they want to go with. Honestly, going either way with this has it's downsides, so I don't think either option is without consequences.

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a287ea No.383083



I think it's more unwise to act like we purposely used magic in an objectively evil way (a lie that makes us look like a sociopath criminal), than to claim the spell had effects beyond what we were expecting (the truth that makes us look a little stupid and untrustworthy with magic). I'd rather tell the truth and face what consequences may come. But I doubt it'll be as bad as Wizard McFuckFace dragging us off unwillingly, though that isn't an impossibility. The law seems to have a lot of leeway for intent (with our judge, at least) and ensuring that JUSTICE is properly served.

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6860d1 No.383176

>Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Reitia.

>Admit to your use of Dark Magic

>Don’t submit to Circle Authority

“Sorry Lucy, I can’t let you take that all on your head.” You smile softly, shaking your head.

“It’s the truth!” The Wolf-Girl insisted.

“Leaves something to be desired when it comes to details.” Nicholas sniped from the gallery.

“The Esteemed Archmage has the right of it… though I don’t know if he has to be quite such a boor.” Geoff interjected with a glower in the cadaverous man’s direction. “Waylander, if I may?”

“Please, Your Worship.” The Waylander inclined his head respectfully.

The old Paladin stumped down from the gallery, “When Deniel brought her into the camp, Lucy was… conflicted would be the mildest way to describe it.” he began, all traces of the ‘folksy trader’ gone from his voice. “She tried her best to hide it, but she positively radiated despair and fear… but not for herself. Fear, evidently, for the mother she had left behind.”

“You KNEW?!” Lucy gasped accusingly.

“That you’d left your mother? Yes. Exactly what was going on? Of course not. You kicked Deniel in the head and ran off before I could even get a proper sermon going.” The Paladin replied mildly.

“You started glowing!” Lucy cried helplessly.

Ian looked at you askance. “Deniel?”

“I can’t speak for the glowing part… Lucy has one hell of a heel-kick.” You admitted ruefully, the wolf-girl preening at the praise momentarily before guilt at the true realization of what she had done overrode her smugness.

“I’m sorry, Deniel… I… I didn’t think you’d listen and…”

“You were afraid.” You smile forgivingly. “For what it’s worth, Waylander, I hold no fault against her for it. After all, I’m hardly the worse for wear.”

“The fact that the left side of your face is a lovely shade of purple notwithstanding…” The Waylander mused dryly.

“I suffered worse in the Abbey as a boy, Waylander.”

“On a slightly related note, Deniel…” The Waylander noted, pointing a quill at the Paladin. “…You had His Worship with you, yet you followed after Lucy alone.”

“I thought him but a Trader, Waylander.” You answered honestly.

“Somewhat unworthy of you, Geoff.” Nicholas noted snidely.

“The Blessings of Holy Tyris are many, but crawling around in the dead of night is not something these old bones can readily do, Archmage.” Geoff retorted, rounding on the Archmage. “Or are you impugning me?”

The Archmage’s thin lips spread mirthlessly. “Should I?”

“Make your accusation then. I would just love the opportunity to put you to Confession…” Geoff almost snarled, his shoulders glowing with the faint outline of golden, etherial armor. Caught in his bluff, the Archmage blanched at the Paladin’s easy command of Tyris’s blessing.

“ORDER, Gentlemen.” Ian yelled, rapping his gavel against the table again.

“Forgive me Waylander.” Geoff replied immediately, bowing his head deferrently towards the oaken table “But returning to the case, Deniel borrowed my horse and followed on after Lucy. After Dom returned without him, I sought you out, and we made our way after them together.”

Ian nodded, scribbling at a parchment. “Thank you, Your Worship.”

Geoff bowed, squeezing your arm before returning to the gallery.

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6860d1 No.383177


“Acolyte Deniel, please continue.” The Waylander prompted.

You outlined how you had followed the tracks created by Lucy dragging the pot back to the hut hidden in the rocky copse. How you had seen Tommy and Rufus, how you had heard them admit to killing Domenic, outrage building within your breast with every word.

“…and Waylander, I swear this in the Holy Name of Reitia… Those foul men… They had wager on wether Marguerite in her hunger could be driven to consume the body of her Husband, Ammit Judge him Lightly.” You seethed, barely retaining the presence of mind to make the Sign of the Scales of Ma’at.

“Monstrosity!” Someone in the gallery shrieked, outraged voices taking up the cry.

“And then…” You continued, spurred on by the crowd’s revulsion “…Rufus, Damn him to the Void, he made to RAPE Lucy! An innocent child!”

“Foulness!” Someone yelled.

“Tyris smiles upon those who smite the wicked!” Another cried

“Innocent! The Reitian is Innocent!” A third insisted.

“I WILL HAVE ORDER!” Ian bellowed in that implacable tone, slamming the desk so hard with his gavel you swore he would break the thick oak in half. “Lucy, does Deniel speak the truth?”

“I could have gotten away…” Lucy sobbed, her eyes full “…He didn’t have to…”

“And what if you didn’t, Lucy?” You interjected, kneeling down in front of the wolf-girl and holding her arms in your hands. “I couldn’t watch you defiled like that. Couldn’t bear to take the chance…”

“D-Deniel…” Lucy gasped, wide-eyed and thoroughly overwhelmed by the passion in your voice.

“An accusation of Monstrosity must be verified by instrument of the Benedictus.” Ian intoned. “Deniel, will you submit to Confession?”

“Gladly, Waylander.” You answered immediately.

“Well this is an exercise in formality.” Geoff scoffed, stumping down to stand before you again. “Never in all my years seen a liar agree to Confession willingly.” The Paladin raised his arm, planting it atop your head as golden light suffused you both. “In the Name of Tyris, The Most High, God of the Light of Order, the Lord of Humanity, has the testimony thou hast given been True, against thy eternal soul?”

“It is.” You answered without fear.

“He speaks truth.” Geoff nodded. “Did you do violence against those men to prevent the commission of Monstrosity?”

“I did.” You admitted, a slight worm of guilt crawling in your gut.

“Truth.” Geoff remarked casually, his stance relaxed as if thoroughly convinced of the rightness of your actions. “Now let’s bring this ridiculousness to an end. Were your actions spurred by the desire to prevent violence to you, or in the justified defense of another?”

“They… Were?” You stammered before your conscience looked pointedly at you, tapping its metaphorical foot in disappointment.

“T… Wait… That was a lie!” Geoff gasped in shock, his expression darkening as if you had personally insulted him. “Again, Deniel, against your soul. Why did you do violence against them?”

“I… I wanted them to suffer.” You admitted with a gallows sigh “For what they had done… for what they would do, I wanted them to be afraid, to feel pain. Forgive me… I have sinned.”

“Yes.” Geoff agreed, removing his hand from your head. “But hardly without cause…”

“And the killing blows?” Ian interjected.

“We killed them!” Marguerite snarled challengingly. “As the Law of Maou permits, has always permitted, past the Pax and to the beginning!”

The Clerk unrolled a thin hide scroll, the unmistakeable runes of High Pandemonian scrawled along its length. “She speaks the truth, Waylander. She has the right to the kill for the violence done to her and her daughter.”

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6860d1 No.383178


“Then that answers that.” Ian sighed, leaning back in his chair. “As far as I am concerned the actions of all three accused are permissible by law, even as…”

“A moment, Waylander…” Archmage Nicholas interrupted “…As Amicus to this court, I would have specifics of the magic utilized by the Acolyte.”

“Is this really necessary, Esteemed Nicholas?” Ian sighed.

“You requested my presence in this hearing.”

Ian looked at the cadaverous man with open exasperation. “As a matter of legal requirement!”

“Even so…” Nicholas smirked, pulling a sheet of what looked like blank vellum from his robe and holding it out in front of you. “…Inscribe the spells you used that night. Assuming you have the capacity.”

You fixed the Archmage with a level look for a moment, before inscribing the Angelic runes which allowed you to cast bolts of arcane power.

“How provincial…” Nicholas scoffed. “…Is that all?”

You swallowed, gathering your nerve. “No, Archmage.”

“Well, don’t leave us waiting all day.” Nicholas demanded, waving his hand in front of the vellum as if the runes were naught but dust to be brushed away. The vellum stood blank and spotless before you once more.

With hesitant hand, you inscribed the words of the Dark Tongue… those words that had instilled such terror in Rufus that the man had clawed his own eyes out in desperate insanity.

“Merciful Tyris!” Nicholas gasped, dropping the vellum as if it had become a live snake. “IALPRG!” He intoned, and a bolt of fire incinerated the vellum to fine white ash.

“What is this, Nicholas?”

“Where did you learn this, boy?” Nicholas demanded, ignoring the waylander. “Who instructed you?”

Taken aback, you could but stare uncomprehendingly at the Archmage. “Nobody!”

“Don’t lie to me!” Nicholas hissed, striking you across your bruised face with his bony hand. “Who unlocked the Dark Intersects for you?”

“Nobody! The words were written in the flesh of a Black Knight of Corvus!” You insisted, the pain in your face awakening outrage in your breast.

“Impossible!” Nicholas gasped, staring at you in a mixture of fear and avaricious anticipation.

“Am I, or am I not Waylander, Archmage?” Ian seethed, standing and leaning over the table threateningly. “You will cease, and tell me what this is all about.”

“Forgive me, Waylander.” Nicholas replied, taking a breath and forcing himself back to equilibrium. “Deniel has used Dark Arts, and given his testimony under Confession, I would argue in manner malevolent.”

“Which the Law has Justified…” Ian replied, frowning in slight puzzlement.

“Has it?” Nicholas retorted, planting a posessive hand on your arm “With your permission I will remove the Acolyte to the Circle to better ascertain…”

“You will not.” Ian declared. “I will not subject one who has, in the eyes of the Law, defended an innocent against monstrosity to further indignity.”

“He has… though it should be impossible… defied the Edicts of the Grand Circle of Magi. Under Magisterium Law, we have the right to insist that the act be properly chastized. He can come with me, or he can go under the lash. Your choice, Waylander, will you whip an innocent, will you give me my due, or must I call upon the Black Riders?”

Ian’s face expressed helplesness for the first time. “Deniel… I will not speak for your fate. This decision is yours.”

You took a deep breath, whispering a silent prayer to Reitia before deliberately moving the Archmage’s bony hand from your arm. “The Whip, Waylander.”

“Are you demented, boy?” Nicholas decried incredulously.

“I am a Servant of Reitia.” you replied, raising your eyes to the heavens. “I will not forsake my pilgrimage. I will bear any pain, and through it do due penance for my sin.”

“The boy’s insane!” Nicholas blustered “You cannot…”

“You presented the same choice to me, Archmage.” Ian interjected. “Do you cast dispariagement to my sanity?”

The Archmage’s jaw trembled with fury and frustration, before he swept his robes about him, storming from the courtroom.

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6860d1 No.383179


“Prisoner… Halt!” The guard ordered as you came to a halt in front of a rough, bloodstained post, greasy leather bindings hanging limply from its top.

“For the crime of breaching Magisterium Legislation relating to the Appropriate use of Magic, Acolyte Deniel of the Reitian Temple is sentenced to Fifteen Lashes.” Ian intoned, as a curious crowd began to gather.

The guard fastened your hands firmly to the leather straps, before glancing about and pulling a rolled cylinder of tough hide from his pocket.

“Bite down on this, son.” The guard insisted, pressing the cylinder against your lips.

“Reitia look fondly on your Mercy, Sir.” You gulped, unable to keep the worm of fear from your voice, before gripping the leather in your teeth.

“May Ammit ever inspire JUSTICE upon the Offices of Law.” Ian continued in ritualistic fashion before sighing. “I take no pleasure in this…”

The whistling of the whip gave you the barest warning before a line of fire inscribed itself across your back.

“One!” The guard shouted.

Again… “Two!”

Again… “Three!”

Again… “Four!”

Your legs began to tremble, the leather felt like it was choking you. “Five… Six… Seven…”

You spat it onto the ground, whimpering in pain, panting, desperately trying to catch your breath…

Sahnate… “Eight!”

Pora… “Nine!”

Reitia Dei… “Ten! Eleven!”

''In Excelsius…” “Twelve!”

“Mother…” You groaned.

“Thirteen! Fourteen!”

Your legs gave out from under you. “…I’m sorry…”


You heard the sound of scampering paws behind you… Marguerite’s voice faint, as if coming from a long way away. “Lucy! What are you doing?”

“Commy Toy… Uh… Knobbled…” The Wolf-girl’s voice stammered behind you, thick with tears. “Dammit! Please… Please Spirits… Help Me…”

You groaned in utter relief as soothing warmth washed over you, the pain of the lash rapidly fading, before being shut off like a switch as Lucy whimpered, her body hitting the dusty ground of the square with a soft sound.

“Medicus!” You heard Ian yell desperately, as darkness fell upon you.

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6860d1 No.383180


“He’s awake.” A female voice remarked as consciousness reasserted itself. “Lucky for you, Waylander.”

“What was I to do, My Lady?” A man’s desperate voice. “Nicholas invoked Magisterium Legislation. I don’t have the authority to gainsay…”

“That walking corpse invoked the letter of the Law whilst shitting all over its spirit. Maou’s ample bosom, I’ve used more damnable incantations after shutting my paw in a door!” The woman declared.

“The Law is…”

“Kshaaaa…” The woman hissed, and you fancied you saw a felinid tail lashing in the dim light. “…The Law… No wonder you’re still single. Do you cuddle Imperial Legislature in bed at night, Waylander?”

“Lady Amaranth, you’re better than that.” That was definately Ian, his disapproving tone was unmistakeable.

“Whipping a Reitian in public square for quite possibly the most milquetoast application of Dark Magic the Westerlands has seen in…”

“Don’t blame him.” You protested, your mouth dry.

“Hush, pilgrim.” The woman ordered you presumptively, a black and violet felinid paw patting you briefly on the cheek. “He was dumb and deserves to be bullied.”

“She’s awake, My Lady.” Marguerite’s voice intruded, and you raised your head off the simple yet comfortable bed to see the Wolf standing in a doorway, her posture surprisingly submissive.

“Oh Goodie.” The violet-haired felinid clapped her velveteen paws together in delight. “Now if you’ll excuse me…”

Between one breath and the next, the Cheshire vanished.

“Lucy?” You croaked questioningly. Marguerite crossed the room to you, kneeling beside your bed and stroking your hair gently.

“She is well.” Marguerite whispered, her voice choked with overwhelming pride. “And better than well. My little girl is Shaman! And it was your pain which awakened her magic. You will be remembered amongst my tribe, Acolyte Deniel. Remembered with fondness.”

“Then I thank Reitia…” You coughed, attempting to rise “…For the suffering.”

“Lie still Deniel.” Marguerite insisted, her tone warm and mothering. “Are you thirsty?”

You nodded. “Parched.”

“I will get you some broth.” The She-wolf promised, kissing you atop the forehead with affection.

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6860d1 No.383181


You shifted your newly returned satchel across your chest, putting a hand over your heart and ducking your head as you stood without the luxurious townhouse where you had been so generously sojourned the night before. “Reitia bless your charity, Lady… er….”

“Amaranth.” The Cheshire finishes for you, her plump mouth curved in the smug smile so common to her kind.

Your heart skips a beat, and you take a knee, looking intently at the ground.

“Something the matter Pilgrim?”

“Forgive me, Your Grace! I did not know you!” You apologised fervently. Reitia’s Mercy! The Daughter of Princess Kylie and Lord Baron Alexander! Granddaughter of The Caladonian HIMSELF!

“Oh Maou… Not another one…” Amaranth sighed, stepping forward on velveteen paws to raise you to your feet. “…I’m not my Mother, or my Father, or my blessed Grandfather. I’m me, and nobody else. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes My Lady.” You swallowed nervously.

Amaranth giggled slightly, tweaking your cheek gently between her claws. “You’re cute. Has a girl ever told you that before?”

You’re sure at one stage you spoke Magisterian… You must have, yet the command of a civilized tongue seemed to escape you at present, your face flaming in mortification.

“Heartbreaker, this one.” Amaranth chuckled to nobody in particular, patting you on the cheek before turning away. Pausing, she turned back to you, studying you with those slitted, amethyst eyes. “Incidentally, where’s your pilgrimage taking you next?”

“Wherever the Will of Reitia Leads, Your Grace.” You replied honestly.

“The matter of Scarred Mountain’s claim is not liable to be finalized quickly, and I’ll not see Marguerite and Lucy lament in a cell for the remainder of their natural lives. I have offered to house them on my estate, which happens to be within the lands of the Ghost Plain Wolf Clan… Lucy will need education now that her Shaman’s powers have come to the fore, after all.”

“Lady, that is most kind of you… Surely Reitia will…”

“Mother says there’s not a set of odds tempting enough to bet against her Blue-Haired little friend having this whole thing planned in advance.” Amaranth interjected teasingly. “Which means, she MEANT for you to be here.”

“If such be Her will.” You replied reverently.

“Nyawww… You’re so ADORABLE!” Amaranth near-squealled, wiggling slightly as she clenched her paws to her face. “Point is…” She continued, composing herself “…Lucy could probably use someone she trusts on the trip.”

“Her mother will be…”

“Someone who UNDERSTANDS what magic involves.” Amaranth interrupted. “We won’t be leaving until tomorrow, take some time, think about it, pray about it… Does Reitian prayer involve singing? If so, wait until I’m around to hear it.”

“I will give the matter the consideration it des… ACK!” You blurted, grabbing at your backside where it felt like a velvet claw had just pinched you on the cheek.

“Wasn’t me.” Amaranth declared ingenuously before vanishing from sight.

“Reitia… These Mamono do not play fair at all.” You grumbled, ensuring the Kobold’s letter was secure in your satchel, and heading towards where you had been told this ‘Fynn’ lived with his mother and father.

<FINALLY we get to deliver that letter. After we’re done, would you like to:

>Go with Amaranth, Marguerite and Lucy

>Wait around, Becca the Hellhound still needs a shove in the Waylander’s direction

>Fuck this town, fuck these highborn you’d fallen into the laps of, let’s go to Atlantea or Doric or Dixon where, Reitia willing, shit will get a little less high-stakes.

>Pray to Reitia for inspiration

>Something Else?

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75607f No.383185


Once the letter is delivered let’s help Becca get together with the waylander,then meet up with amaranth, Lucy and them.

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3c22a5 No.383188


I'd like to help the hellwan, as well as the wan wan. We should offer to write Becca a letter, telling Ian how she feels, then tell her to give it to him when her heat passes. That way she can confess without worrying about stammering and stuttering.

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3c22a5 No.383189


And by "write her a letter" I mean have her dictate one to us. That's assuming she's illiterate but who am I kidding she's a nighound :^)

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75607f No.383191


>written her a letter

Oh come on they’re both in this town. There is absolutely no reason to have her write him a letter when she can tell him in person. It’s much more meaningful that way.plus given what happened the last time we agreed to deliver a letter I wouldn’t put it past us that we accidentally hand over the wrong one or something

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a4cfe6 No.383192


Deliver the letter and help Becca out in confessing her love to Ian.

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d19e11 No.383193

Write the letter, Becca needs our help.


Problem is she finds it really difficult to talk about her love with him. This way she won't get tongue tied. Of course we'll make sure she's around for him to read the letter, and maybe we'll make up for her inability to say it herself by making it poetic.

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664496 No.383200


Help Becca out, then leave with Amaranth and Lucy.

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6d6284 No.383208


Since Ian said he wouldn't accept a confession from her while she's in heat, I was thinking more

>Becca writes down (or has written down) all her feelings for Ian

>She waits a week or however long it takes for her heat to wear off

>She goes to Ian to give him the letter full of things she doesn't have the courage to say aloud

Bonus points if she bows her head and presents the letter with both hands like in my Vietnamese CBS All Access Shorts

This is assuming that Becca is actually in heat and Ian wasn't just coming up with an excuse to blow her off. I don't really know how to check that.

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a287ea No.383209


Great update!

>Go with Amaranth, Marguerite and Lucy

Lets make it our top priority to travel out with Amaranth, Marguerite, and Lucy. We should take this opportunity to begin exploring Nature magic with Lucy. Cirice implied that Mamono also make use of Nature magic. So it works out perfectly. We definitely deserve some time for relaxation and meditation after what we've been through lately.

>Wait around, Becca the Hellhound still needs a shove in the Waylander’s direction

Time permitting (before the Wan crew leaves for the lands of the Ghost Plain Wolf Clan), lets try to see if we can't help out Becca somehow.

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006828 No.383211


But telling it to him in person and overcoming her flaw is what makes it romantic. Letters work best when the lovers are separated by distance. Here it is better she overcome her poor speaking and proclaim her affection to him.

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ac284c No.383212


>Mother says there’s not a set of odds tempting enough to bet against her Blue-Haired little friend having this whole thing planned in advance.”

I am slow, Who is she referring to? I get the impression based on Daniel's reaction its Retia, But I'm not sure and it wouldn't make much sense for her to be so familiar to just a regular royal.

We've comes so far and put up with a ton of shit, Glad to finally deliver that damn erotic letter. We have the rest of today so we should be able to go give Becca some assistance in her love life. Go find Waylander Ian and ask if we can have her pulled into a interrogation room so we can speak with her privately, Should he being willing to oblige. If not we can do it in the cell block, But Nighound would not be able to save face. I personally think writing a letter would be her better option, And I personally find it cute. If she can read/write we can help her articulate her feelings and make it more eloquent, If not we can do that and pen it for her. She can tell us where she lives or just a safe space for us to leave the letter so that when her time and heat is up she can personally deliver it.

While I would personally like to accompany the faggotprincess and Wans, Would that still be okay with our pilgrimage? Pilgrims don't normally set down roots and jumping on this wagon might tie us up for the considerable future.

I guess we should meditate and get a divine opinion on our actions and future choices

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a287ea No.383214


>I am slow, Who is she referring to?

All but certainly Reitia. As for how she knows Reitia's intentions so well, I guess we'll learn in time?

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c2e4d4 No.383222


If we can, I'd like to help Becca write a letter for Ian, and then go with the trio out of town the next day. If push comes to shove, helping Becca is what I'd consider higher priority.

By they way, given the amount of smut in your other quest, I'm curious if sticking it in a lady is the end of the line for us in this one. I don't think we'd be going crazy if not, but I'm curious how that ties in with the Reitan teachings

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a287ea No.383230

>I'm curious how that ties in with the Reitan teachings

Based on what I've read of this story, marriage is not forbidden from Reitian followers. They only wish to remain chaste while they go out on their mendicant pilgrimage. I don't know if this is done out of respect or just to keep Acolytes from being nabbed by the first horny monster they come across. But it would be pretty silly for the Goddess of Love and Families to forbid those very things from her most devout followers. As a matter of fact, we meet an older Reitian Disciple (I think…) at the very beginning of the story who is married to an Anubis. I'd imagine that he met her at some point during his own pilgrimage adventures.

Aside from the practical benefits of requiring chastity of Acolytes during their mendicant pilgrimage, I don't know if getting some monster muff would actually have any impact on their magic. I would imagine not, but I don't recall the story implying anything one way or the other. I suspect it's just a rule to keep monsters from jumping their bones and let them actually be useful for a while before settling down. Maybe OP can shed some more light on this. I'm just doing a bit of speculating!

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6d217c No.383231


if I remember things right getting MAMONOMANA'd is a game over of sorts this time around. we should treat Deniel like a wizard apprentice or throw him in situations to bully the virgin

for stuff? I think going along with the two wolves would be a good idea. teaching wereditz about magic will presumably help us with ours because we have to explain what we do to someone else …. and make it simple enough for them to follow. and remember to deliver that awfully descriptive letter before we do anything else.

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c75272 No.383232


What? Having sex in this one won't wipe out our magic. The time spanned disciplines practically got married immediately and still maintained their magic

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a287ea No.383234


>teaching wereditz about magic will presumably help us with ours because we have to explain what we do to someone else …. and make it simple enough for them to follow. and remember to deliver that awfully descriptive letter before we do anything else.

Don't forget that we learned to perceive Nature magic (the magic Mamono use) just recently when we were with Cirice. We'd be foolish not to pursue that avenue of magic with Lucy. We could potentially learn as much from her and she from us.

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6d6284 No.383235


We need to treat Deniel like a wizard because when we violate our oath of chastity or get our oath of chastity violated it's game over. Deniel would presumably still have his magic, but it wouldn't be much of a pilgrimage CYOA if we weren't on a pilgrimage anymore.

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6d217c No.383240


that's not coming from me, that's coming from OP.


good point. forgot about that. however I want to throw in: if that faggotcat tries to faggotcat we break out a medieval spray bottle on her ass.

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6860d1 No.383243


>Who is she referring to?


>But I'm not sure and it wouldn't make much sense for her to be so familiar to just a regular royal.

Kylie, Amaranth's mother, isn't really a regular royal. She's a Handmaiden of Hell's throne which puts her only just below the Lilim in the Demonic Heirarchy. Her father is Samuel the Caladonian, who has claim to the throne of 3 seperate empires, is over 500 years old, is the only remaining Resonant on the planet, and regularly bullies Gods. Her Mother Yumi is the adopted daughter of Maou Herself. (Also Kylie was with Reitia during the Apophean Wars before she Ascended to Godhood.)

Feel free to have Deniel get stroppy with Amaranth about her familiarity with his Goddess, but she's going to come back with something like "She didn't have a problem with it when She stopped in for dinner last week…" then probably grope you.

>Pilgrims don't normally set down roots and jumping on this wagon might tie us up for the considerable future.

3-5 days travel until the Ghost Plain Shamans will basically say "Cheers for not letting her completely fuck up the elements, now sod off, secret wolf business…" and you're on your way. Amaranth is completely aware of what your pilgrimage entails. (How? Well… that's something you'll have to ask her.)







>Sex and Magic

Getting waifu'ed will end the GAME, it won't affect Deniel's magic whatsoever. It and dying are the 'lose' conditions ('Win' condition as well I suppose)

And Reitians are not only permitted, but positively encouraged to marry. They're only chaste on pilgrimage because they're supposed to be selflessly focused on nurturing love within others.

>All these 'Do Both' votes.

There's a reason I set travel times the way I did. If you stick around to help Becca, Lucy will already be amongst the Ghost Plain wolves before you can catch up with her and they'll politely tell you to GTFO. But, you'll have nearly a week to preach the word of Reitia in a law-abiding, low risk environment, where the populace already see you as a bit of a Holy Martyr, and the Chancel of Tyris regularly feeds the indigent such as yourself.

You can write/help becca write a letter and go with Amaranth, but you're leaving it to the whims of fate as to wether or not the Hellwan actually mamonos up and gives it to him or just tries to rape him out of hand. However, you're in a position to have 3 days worth of conversation with someone who has personally spoken with Gods and Heroes, as well as exploring Nature Magic with Lucy.

Or you can say 'Fuck both options, this shit's retarded and I'm gonna go elsewhere' which considering you just got your back peeled, wouldn't be an unreasonable reaction.

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8e25f2 No.383248


As tempting as the magical cart journey may be, I feel like we ought to go with

>Wait around, Becca the Hellhound still needs a shove in the Waylander’s direction

Since the point of our pilgrimage is to help bring others together in loving unity, I feel like we'd be doing a disservice to our faith and to Mother Reitia if we went "Oi cunt write a fuckin' letter aye?" and buggered off into the wildy for a handful of days in hopes of learning cool things.

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6d6284 No.383249


If we need to choose one or the other, I'd like to help Becca, but the best course of action is to pray for guidance. If Reitia says we need to go with Lucy, we go with Lucy. If she says stay in town, stay in town. We should still make time to say goodbye to whoever we aren't going with though, either give Lucy some parting advice on magic or help Becca write a letter.

Changing my vote from what I said here >>383188 to prayer, with a bias for staying put. ( >>383188 and >>383208 are both me but my ID keeps changing from mobileposting so don't count these as separate posts)

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75607f No.383257


This is me originally in case ID changes. Let’s jsut help Becca get together with Ian. 5e whole point of pilgrimage is to help the world grow more love.

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d2cd05 No.383263


If you're making us choose one, then we should stay here and help Becca.

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a4cfe6 No.383264


We already helped Lucy out. Now we should help Becca. Spread around the faith a bit afterwards before heading out of town.

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c2e4d4 No.383272


>supposed to be selflessly focused on nurturing love within others.

Well that settles it for me. I'll go with straight up helping Becca. Helping her is definitely more in line with our goals than Magical Cart Ride.

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6860d1 No.383275

>Deliver the Letter

>Stay in Charlestown to help Becca

>Preach a bit while we’re here

“Excuse me.. Fynn?” You called to the young man at the front door as you wove your way through the thick garden surrounding the house.

“Yes?” The young man replied, and you instantly understood the Kobold’s infatuation. You were hardly a retiring waif yourself, yet Finn’s build made you feel instantly inadequate. Six and a half feet tall if he was an inch, broad and deep in the torso, the corded muscle of his arms evident in the short sleeves of the simple shirt he wore. His strong, square jaw bore a close-cropped red-brown beard, and his hazel eyes where they focused on you were clear and somewhat intimidating.

“I bear a message from Williamsberg.” You explained, holding aloft the letter the Kobold had given you.

Fynn’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh?”

“Yes. A young lady named Marie?”

“Marie?” Fynn echoed in slight alarm, snatching the note from your hand “What’s happened, she’s alright isn’t she?” He demanded, rapidly reading through the letter, sucking in breath as he grasped its contents.

“She is well.” You replied simply, unable to keep the smile from your face as the young adonis stared bug-eyed at the lewd contents of the letter.

“We’re talking about the same Marie here, right?” Fynn blustered, waving the letter, his face flaming.

“Brown fur, wavy hair, bubbly personality, works at the inn under a terrifying Ushi-Oni?” You clarified somewhat cheekily, allowing yourself a hint of smugness at the man’s clear embarrassment.

“She wrote this?”

“With assistance.” You admitted.


“Reitia no!” you assured him. “I won’t lie to you, sir. I can only guess at the meaning of some of those… entreaties.”

“Whose then?”

“An Arachne, friend of hers… Name of…” You trailed off, struggling to remember the conversation.

“Cybelle.” Fynn growled, finishing for you. “I swear to Tyris if that spider put her up to this…”

You shook your head. “As far as I can tell, she was entirely sincere in this confession.”

Fynn took a deep breath, screwing his eyes shut and rubbing his forehead with the fingers of his free hand. “It never rains but it pours.”

“Something the matter, sir?” you queried, slight concern worming in your guts.

Fynn studied you again. “I know you… You’re the Reitian, the one that was whipped in the square yesterday.”

“I suffered thus for my sins, yes.”

“Sins!” Fynn scoffed. “Were it my little sister in that wolf-girl’s place, I’d have cooked that bandit alive. Over a slow fire.”

“Sadly you are not an Archmage.” You noted with slight cynicism, the memory of pain still fresh in your mind.

“No.” Fynn agreed. “Listen… are you bound to confidence in this matter?”

“If you wish it. Is something wrong?”

Fynn shook his head. “Not here, my stepmother’s a Troll…”

“Sir!” You chided. “You shouldn’t say…”

“What? Oh, no… I mean, she’s actually a Troll, and there are no secrets in a Troll’s Garden.” Fynn clarified.

“Oh!” You exclaimed in understanding. “Shall we walk, then?”

Fynn grunted in agreement, and as if summoned, a soft voice called from within the house. “Who’s there? Fynn, you know I don’t like strangers in the house.”

“We were just leaving, Mother!” Fynn replied over his shoulder, gesturing for you to follow him.

“Abbey born?” you ventured as the muscular youth closed the garden gate behind him, the letter still held absently in his hand.

“No. My Father and I were from the Nordenlandsreich originally…” Fynn explained. Well that explained the height and the build. “…My birth mother… she…”

Your heart wrenched with sympathy. “I’m sorry.”

Fynn shook his head dismissively. “It was a long time ago. Besides, it’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“If you don’t share her feelings…” You began.

“It’s not that.” Fynn interjected. “I’m… Oh hells, Tyris forgive me my pride, but I’m in demand.”

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6860d1 No.383276


“Should that matter? Just follow your heart. If that lies with Marie…” You encouraged.

“No, you don’t understand.” Fynn interrupted, a hand against your chest to halt you where you walked with him. “As in Continuance. Two, three times a month the Priestesses call on me.”

“I’m sure Holy Tyris appreciates your devotion.” You replied, frowning slightly in puzzlement.

“I’m sure He does, but say I accept Marie’s advances… court her… marry her… and in ten years the Faith Militant brings a boy-child to our house. A boy born of another woman. Can I do that to her?”

“My Father didn’t… He denied me.” You stated simply.

Fynn stared at you in horrified outrage “That’s AWFUL!”

You shrugged. “I’m sure he had his reasons. One day I may even learn them. But I don’t hate him for it.”

“You’re a more forgiving man than I could be.” Fynn sighed, shaking his head. “I could never deny my child… Never.”

“Your integrity does you credit, friend Fynn.” You praise, clapping him on the shoulder. “Do you know the cornerstone of any healthy marriage?”

Fynn smiled at you in bemusement. “Why don’t you tell me?”

“Honesty.” You explained. “If she means as much to you as you evidently do to her, don’t you think she deserves the opportunity to hear her concerns from you? To make her decision being told openly of what being married to you will mean?”

Trepidation filled the muscular man’s eyes. “What… What if she decides it’s too much? What if she doesn’t want to be with me?”

You sighed in sympathy. “I could give you a comforting scripture, some analogy to make you feel better, but it will hurt, there’s no way around that. But that’s where faith will sustain you.”

“Tyris has little in His doctrines to…”

“Not Tyris.” You corrected. “My Goddess is Abundant Love, and Joy… I truly believe Reitia placed me in the right place to make sure that message…” You gestured to the note in Fynn’s hand. “…Reached you. I believe Marie loves you. And I believe that Love, Reitia’s most sublime blessing, can overcome anything.”

“It was always something that was easier to deal with later, you know?” Fynn sighed “It was never the right time…”

“It never is. But you must be strong, if you love her. Be courageous, be forthright… I believe Kobolds are receptive to that.”

“Aren’t you pilgrims supposed to be chaste?” Fynn chuckled.

“You don’t have to taste the fruit to know its sweetness.” You replied in mock sententiousness, affecting a superior expression.

“Get on you…” Fynn laughed, the man’s expression now showing clear relief. “…And Pilgrim?”

“Deniel, please.”

“Deniel.” Fynn echoed, before enfolding you in a rib-crushing hug “Thank you. It’s so hard to talk about these things. Truly the Gods sent…”

“Fynn!” You choked, gasping for air in the man’s suffocating embrace “I’ll thank you to not kill me!”

“Sorry!” Fynn cried, releasing you and smoothing your tunic in embarrassment. “I guess… I’d better make plans to head to Williamsberg then?”

“Soon.” You agreed with a nod. “She’s waiting for you.”

“My poor pelvis.” Fynn groaned dramatically.

“I don’t need to know.” You snickered, shoving the man good-naturedly. “Go, and Reitia be with you.”

“And Tyris with you, Pilgrim.”

Your heart felt light as you watched Fynn head back towards his house. Surely Reitia was watching over him, and you were sure everything would be alright.

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6860d1 No.383277


“Noooooo!” Lucy wailed as she clung to your waist. “I won’t go without you!”

“Now little wolf…” You smiled, taking a knee and patting the wolf-girl’s head fondly. “…You’ve been given a great gift, and Lady Amaranth is showing you and your mother a great kindness in nurturing it. I thank Reitia for my small part in helping you be who you were always meant to be.”

“I’m scared…” Lucy sniffled.

“So was I, at first.” You admitted. “But Magic isn’t something to be afraid of. You can help people, do so much good…”

“I wish my daddy was here.”

You took the wolf-girl in your arms. “I don’t know much about wolf-magic, but I’m sure he’s proud of you, smiling from paradise.”

Lucy wiped her nose on an ebon paw, pushing you away to stare you in the eyes. “Y-you think so?”

“I know so.” You assured her. “I’m a big powerful scary mage, remember?”

“You’re a doofus.” Lucy giggled. “Will I see you again?”

“I hope so, if it be the Will of Reitia.”

“I hope so too.” Lucy agreed, before lunging forward, planting her lips to yours in a soft kiss. You froze, shocked by the adolescent mamono’s action, but before you could compose yourself, Lucy fled back into the townhouse, her mother smiling fondly after her, shaking her head.

“I didn’t…” You justified lamely.

“She’s young, and you’ve been a true friend to her, Deniel.” Marguerite replied, taking your hand in her onyx paws and leaning up to kiss you on the cheek. “Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome, Madam.”

Marguerite smiled wordlesly, patting you on the cheek before following her daughter back into the townhouse.

“Oh great…” Amaranth’s voice lamented from thin air before the Cheshire materialized in front of you. “…Everyone else stole all the kisses and now he’ll be paying attention!”

“My Lady.” You bowed slightly, unable to keep the smile from your face at the Cheshire’s unabashed forwardness.

“Sure about this?”

You nodded. “I am. There’s a Hellhound who…”

“Becca and Ian? Oh Maou… PLEASE put an end to that tragedy, one way or another.” Amaranth begged, rolling her violet eyes.

“That’s… the plan?” you murmured, taken off balance by her casual knowledge of the Hellhound’s unrequited love.

“Well, it’s a shame. Still, can’t say you’re not consistent.” Amaranth sighed. “Well?”

“Well?” You echoed in confusion.

“Urgh… Humans!” Amaranth groaned, before seizing your face in her paws and kissing you deeply. “Wow…” She exclaimed, releasing you with a look of surprise.

“I… Uh…” you stammered helplessly.

“Maou’s bountiful buttocks… what a waste!” the Cheshire lamented, vanishing from view again.

“Thank you?” You murmured to the empty air, before shaking your head in exasperation. Your head awhirl, the ancient words of the Spiritual Patron of the Australs, Saint Bruce the Vigilant were all that came to mind…

…Bloody Mamono…

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6860d1 No.383278


“…For they were all of them alone…” You preached, a small group of townsfolk gathered around you, staring at you in mild curiosity “…And Holy Mother Reitia came to each of them, banishing the darkness with gentle touch and soothing word. ‘I am Here’, she spake, and Her Love filled them and healed the pain of their souls. So too She comes to each and every one of us, and we but need to call upon Her, and Her Love, given without cost, will be granted to us in no less abundance. So Rejoice, peoples of the world! Rejoice, and Love one another, as our Holy Mother has Loved us!”

“Like it’s so easy…” a sour-faced woman interjected.

“Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, sister.” You replied with as much warmth as you could muster. “But it is worthwhile. Please, talk with me, perhaps we can find…”

The woman spat at your feet with a venomous expression, before storming off as if you had mortally insulted her.

“Well I don’t know that she needed to do that.” A man grumbled, clearly taking umbrage at the woman’s rudeness.

“Leave her be.” Another sighed, clapping his compatriot on the back “She’s a bitter old cunt.”

“Pray for her, sirs. Pray for her to find peace.” You entreated the men. “For Compassion is a virtue to Holy Reitia, even as it is in the eyes of the Most High Tyris.”

“All Glory to the Most High.” One of the men responds instinctively, raising his arms in the sign of the Sunburst.

“She spits at yer feet and you ask for us to pray for her?” The other asked incredulously.

You smiled at him. “Why not? She is deserving of Love, as are we all.”

A militiaman stamped his way towards you, pushing people out of the way. “Acolyte Deniel, Waylander Ian wants to see you.”

“Will you whip him again?” Someone yelled. “For telling us to love?”

A rotten head of cabbage flew out of the crowd, splattering against the militiaman’s boots. “Boo!”

“Who threw that?” The guard snarled, hand on his broad-bladed shortsword.

“Gentles all!” you called out, stepping in front of the Militiaman and spreading your arms protectively. “Your Waylander is a good man, a noble servant of Law. If he wants to see me, his reasons are just, and I go willingly.”

“He’s such a good boy!” An elderly woman exclaimed meltingly from within the crowd.

“Bless me, Pilgrim!” A young Arachne, barely a woman begged, skittering forward and grasping at your hand.

“Reitia grace you with Love, and Love abundantly.” you intoned, taking the spider-woman’s chitinous hand in yours.

“Does he really love me?” She whispered in a soft voice, her eyes filled with longing.

“Talk to him. Speak with honestly, speak from the heart. If your love be true and returned, She will bless you.” You encouraged her.

“Thank you Pilgrim!” The spider sobbed effusively, her carmine eyes wet with tears.

“Leitha!” A young man’s voice called from somewhere in the crowd, and a figure pushed his way through to stand beside the Arachne “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking earlier. Please, come with me to the Harvest dance? I can’t think of anyone I’d rather take.”

“Pfft.” The arachne scoffed, her vulnerability suddenly gone, her expression haughty. “I GUESS I can spare the time.”

The young man’s face lit up. “Pick you up at sixth toll then?”

“I-I guess… d-don’t be getting the wrong idea or anything.” The Arachne scoffed, desperately trying to appear oblivious to the knowing snickers around her.

“Poor doomed bastard.” The Militiaman grumbled, gesturing for you to follow after him.

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6860d1 No.383279


“Deniel…” Ian sighed in acknowledgement, his eyes shadowed with weariness. “…Drink?”

“Water, please.” You replied “Are you alright?”

“Becca had something of… a rough night last night.” Ian sighed. “Hearing her… it was hard.”

You nodded in sympathy, a Hellhound in the throes of Heat, frustrated in her attempt to slake her desires… you felt for her, if nothing else. “Is she coherent now?”

“She is. The room you requested has been prepared.” Ian replied. “Can I ask…”

You smiled, shaking your head. “I’m counselling her in matters of the soul, Waylander. It’s not for me to decide what to tell you.”

“Fine.” Ian grumbled in obvious frustration, waving you off in dismissal.

You followed the guard down the hall, nodding your thanks as he opened the iron-bound door leading to the sparsely furnished room, bare except for a plain table, bolted to the floor and two chairs.

“Finally!” Becca growled, lunging at you and seizing you in her ebon paws. “What kept you, new fish?”

“Had to make sure you were able to speak Magisterian, Becca.” You replied, patting her (surprisingly soft) paws before extricating yourself, sitting at the table and gesturing for her to join you. “Now where were we?”

Becca rolled her glowing, smouldering eyes. “Dear Ian…” She recited “…I wanna climb all over your dick and…”

“No, Becca.” You smirked. “From the heart.”

“I…” Becca stammered, her dark ashen skin flushing. “…When you look at me, I can’t think. All the greatest times of my life, you’ve been there. I want you so much… I… I love you, with all my being.”

You smiled encouragingly. “There you are. Now, are you ready?”

“What, now?” the Hellhound gasped, staring at you in utter horror.

“The heat passed last night, didn’t it?”

“W-well yeah but I mean we shouldn’t rush into…” Becca justified lamely.

“Becca.” You chided “Are you a Hellhound or a Kikimora?”

“The fuck you say to me New Fish?” Becca seethed, her eyes blazing.

“I’m sorry, I was labouring under the impression that Hellhounds didn’t just run from a challenge!” you yelled at her, standing and leaning over the table.

“WE RUN FROM NOTHING!” Becca snarled, springing over the table and pinning you to the wall.

“You sure?”


“Good!” You grinned. “Guard! Waylander Ian’s presence is required!”

“W-wait What?” Becca gasped, releasing you. “You… you PLANNED this!”

“Would I do that?” You drawled smugly.

“Deniel?” Ian’s muffled voice sounded through the door as the latch turned. “You called for me?”

Becca backed away from the door. “No no no no… I’m not ready! I need…”

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6860d1 No.383280


“Becca.” Ian greeted the Hellhound as he entered the room. “So what’s this all about?”

“Tell him.” You insisted. “The Heat’s finished. He deserves to know.”

Ian folded his arms across his chest. “Deserves to know what?”

“You run from nothing, remember?” You prompted.

Becca took a deep breath, clearly working herself up, her smouldering eyes dripping flame as she opened her mouth “IAN I LOVE YOU AND I’VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND I WANNA MAKE BABIES WITH YOU.”

“Well… that’s not what we practiced.” you murmured, your eyes wide with surprise.

“Becca… Do you know what you’re asking?” Ian demanded, stepping towards the Hellhound.

Becca swallowed, her paws trembling as she forced herself to stand firm. “Y-yes! And if you don’t have feelings for me you’d better…”

“Just checking.” Ian muttered, before seizing the Hellhound about the waist, crushing his lips to hers forcefully.

“Mmmph!” Becca squealed in surprise, pulling away from the kiss to stare at the Waylander in shock. “Why would you…”

The Waylander stroked the Hellhound’s dark ashen cheek tenderly. “I needed to hear it from you, Becca. Not when you’re in heat, not when it could be anyone in front of you… When it was just like it used to be… Just Becca and Ian.”

“Y-you made me wait so many years…” Becca accused, shoving at the Human with her powerful paws.

“No Becca.” Ian countered, gripping her with surprising strength. “You made ME wait.”

Becca let out a soft moan, halfway between a sob and a laugh, throwing her paws around the man’s neck and kissing him passionately. She broke the kiss again, panting, her eyes blazing with lust and her bust heaving beneath her simple garb. Looking over the Waylander’s shoulder at you, she pointed a claw imperiously at the door.

“Out.” She demanded.

Laughing, you inclined your head, exiting the room and latching the door firmly behind you. The muffled sounds of bodies impacting into things rang through the door. The table, walls, chairs, floor… Roof?

“Guard?” You called, the Militiaman leaning lazily against the wall at the end of the hallway raising his head at your summons. “Is there a provision for someone to take over the Waylander’s duties if he is indisposed?”

“Worshipful Geoff of the Chancel would usually stand in… Why?” The guard replied, glancing behind you at the firmly closed door, which shuddered as something crashed into it. “Wait… are they…”

“They are.” You nodded, grinning.

“Thank Tyris!” The guard groaned in relief. “Fucking took them long enough!”

“That does seem to be the going opinion…” You laughed, clapping the man on the shoulder.

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6860d1 No.383281


The crowd waited with baited breath as the door creaked open. Geoff, once again clothed in the finery of a Paladin, stepped forth. “People of Charlestown…” He began, raising his arms to the crowd. “…As is demanded by Imperial Legislation, the Faith Militant will be assuming temporary duty of enforcing the Law, due to the august person of Waylander Ian being… temporarily indisposed.”

“Did she break his pelvis yet, Geoff?” Someone laughed.

“Shaddup you!” The old man growled, unable to keep the grin from his face. “And I am happy to announce, in completely unrelated news, that a wedding will be held a week hence….”

“Only a week?” a woman cried incredulously.

“You’re a horrible, lewd lot, and may Tyris have Mercy on your souls.” Geoff accused, chortling helplessly.

“Is the Reitian performing it?” another voice asked, and a general murmur of acclimation built around you, shoving you towards the front of the crowd.

“People, gentle peoples all…” You began, holding your hands out for peace. “…as much as I rejoice with the rest of you, I’m afraid I don’t have that authority.”

The crowd groaned in disappointment.

“But!” you continued. “The Disciples and the Mellisari of Sea-of-Grasses are always willing to celebrate and solemnize the joyous occasion of marriage.”

The crowd devolved into rolling murmurs of discussion and debate as they mulled that over.

“All’s well that ends well, eh boy?” Geoff smiled, stepping down and putting a wrinkled arm about your shoulders.

“Thank Reitia.” You agreed. “Listen, Geoff, I never got the opportunity to apologize.”

“Hmm? What for?”

“Lying to you.”

The old paladin gave you a shove. “You were lying to yourself, boy. Don’t ever do that… If we can’t be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest with anyone else?”

You nodded, humbled by the old man’s wisdom. “You’re right, of course.”

“Staying for the wedding?”

You smiled, shaking your head. “I fear a few of the Priestesses of Tyris have surmised the reason for Fynn’s sudden departure before the Sowing of the Chancel.”

“That was you?” Geoff exclaimed, his bird-bright eyes wide. “Agreed… in fact if you start running now you might just get away.”

You laughed helplessly. “Any thoughts?”

Geoff pondered for a moment. “You’ll likely find traders heading to Atlantea and Doric. Ian’s wedding is likely to be something of a lavish affair, after all. There’s also a caravan heading to the Abbey of Blessed Innocence in Dixon. With your Healing magics, I doubt they’ll have objection to you tagging along.”

“Didn’t we just discuss Priestesses?” You snickered.

“At ease boy.” Geoff laughed, cuffing you gently. “They’re already pregnant.”

<Where to go from here?

>Dixon - The Abbey of Blessed Innocence, communal nursery and school for humans born as a result of the Rite of Continuance. Ironically enough, the place of your birth. A thriving settlement has sprung up in its surrounds over the millennia of its existence.

>Doric - Mining and manufacturing Duchy, the source of most of the engineering marvels developed in the Empire over the last few centuries

>Atlantea - A ‘Free City’, and major coastal trading hub for the eastern seabord of the Westerlandian Empire. If you want to leave not-America, this would be the best place to do so

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75607f No.383285


Let’s go to Doric. Citieshellholes that they are always need of love spread in them

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6d217c No.383286


atlantea, because a trip to noteurope should be a thing.

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a287ea No.383288


>Atlantea - A ‘Free City’, and major coastal trading hub for the eastern seabord of the Westerlandian Empire.

This sounds good to me. Dixon would be better for a final place to stop by before settling down with a nice waifu. And Atlantea just sounds more fun than Doric.

I'm disappointed that we didn't get to study Nature magic with Lucy. Can we at least practice with it independently? It may be slower going than working with Lucy, but surely we can figure out some stuff with it on our own. Or perhaps ask a friendly magically-inclined monster to give us pointers.

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6d6284 No.383289


Doric, cause dumb steampunk/magitec shit is fun

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6860d1 No.383290


>Can we study nature magic

Short answer, yes.

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d19e11 No.383294


Spread the word of Reitia across the ocean! Maybe we can visit Doric later though.

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a287ea No.383295


>Short answer, yes.

Good. I'm afraid anons will be unable to resist the call of dark magic (myself included), if shit hits the fan again. And we don't have anything more effective than Arcane Bolt level 1 magic missile. I plan to try to avoid combat, if possible. But shit happens. Besides, we really need to be able to defend ourselves effectively on a pilgrimage like this.

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c2e4d4 No.383308



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6d6284 No.383333

File: cc303196c5a0b2c⋯.jpg (133.5 KB,1080x775,216:155,bigiron.jpg)


>Use dark magic once

>Accidentally kill a man

>Get publicly whipped

>Maybe next time it'll work better

Nigger, no.

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a287ea No.383345


>Nigger, no.

That's obviously why we need to learn some other useful magic. So we're not helpless in combat (aside from dark magic).

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ac284c No.383350


Nigger did you not read that following update?

Do you honestly think a little bit of a whipping Which turned out to have a good outcome, by the by. would be enough to kill the temptation of calling in a gods damned napalm strike? And keep in mind these are still noob spells. That temptation is mighty strong.


Atlantea sounds more fun so I say go along.

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6860d1 No.383356

>To Atlantea!

>Learn some new non-dark magic.

“…and I assure you, I’ll contribute however I can…” You continued gratefully, shaking the sun-browned trader’s hand.

“Ah shaddup with that. Gilly’n me’ll be glad for the company, and it’s not that far.” The man scoffed dismissively in a thick Australian accent. “In fact we’d probably better hurry. Gilly’s likely to leave without us.”

The man hobbled ahead of you out of the trading posts, his right leg bound with iron and leather bracing from ankle to thigh.

“May I ask what…” You ventured delicately.

“Born gammy.” The man replied shortly. “It is what it is.”

“Me too.” You grin, suddenly feeling an instinctive rapport with the trader as you held your arms out in front of you, the left noticeably shorter than the right.

The Trader grinned. “Heh. Well if I hadn’t agreed before, I would now. Us manky fuckers need to stick together, yeh?”

“Agreed, but I suppose you’ve picked the right profession…” You laughed as you rounded the corner to where the wagon was billeted. “…After all, the Horses do most of th… REITIA’S MERCY!” You yelled in sudden shock, coming face to snout with a pair of terrifying reptilian monsters. The beast nearest you yawned its cavernous maw, a varihued frill standing out from its neck.

“Down Scrot, you shit.” The trader ordered casually, punching the beast in the side of the head. Miraculously, the lizard quieted.

“W-what…” You gasped, pointing at the lizards in disbelief.

“Never seen Bungarra before Pilgrim?” the trader chuckled, scratching the beast along a horny eye-ridge. “Don’t worry, they’re kittens.”

“Don’t sleep in front of them though.” A soft female voice added, a canid mamono clambering over the canvas-covered wagon. But WHAT a mamono… She must have been pushing seven feet in height, her long, lupine ears, furred paws and hair a shade of rose-gold so pale as to be almost white, her skin flawless and burnished bronze.

“Unless you’re volunteering to be a snack.” the trader laughed.

“Robbo, don’t be disgusting.” The Mamono chided with a look of profound distaste.

“Gilly, I assume?” You ventured politely.

The mamono made a noise of affirmation. “Who’re you?

“Deniel, I’m an Acolyte of Reitia on Pilgrimage. Robbo here…” You paused, glancing at the trader. “…is that really your name?”

“S’what me mother called me, so yeh.” the man grinned, checking the traces on the massive lizards.

“Well, he’s graciously allowing me to tag along with you to Atlantea.”

“I suppose.” the canid replied simply, barely deigning to look at you.

Your brow furrowed in concern. “Have I done something wrong?”

“Nah mate.” Robbo chuckled. “Dingos tend to be women of few words… Get her drunk though and she’ll sing fit to…”

“Stop filling heads with your tales.” Gilly snapped, still not looking at either of you.

“You love me.” Robbo snickered cheekily, clambering into the wagon and offering you a hand.

“Yes.” Gilly admitted, wrapping a paw possessively around the man’s chest as you hoisted yourself onto the bench.

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6860d1 No.383357


“Cheater.” Gilly accused as you gutted the plump deer.

“Why’s that?” You asked, wiping the sweat from your brow instinctively, before realizing you had done little but replace it with blood.

The dingo sighed, scooping the offal from the carcass and dumping it in front of the lizards, who wasted no time in noisily setting upon the foul offering. “Used magic.”

You shook your head in bemusement. “Is it any less dead because I stunned it first?”

“Human. Wouldn’t understand.” the dingo sniffed.

“Tent’s up.” Robbo interjected, as he hobbled over to you, kissing the Dingo on the cheek before bending to the firepit, sparks flying as he applied flint and steel. “You being a traditionalist again love?”

Gilly sniffed haughtily, but did not reply. Shrugging, you bent to finish dressing the deer.

Dinner was a simple yet filling affair, smoking cuts of venison roasted over the fire, with coarse bread and beans boiled in gravy.

“Good cooking.” Gilly smiled, kissing the trader softly.

“Thank the pilgrim, can’t believe I never thought of putting beans in the gravy!”

“It’s a Dixonian recipe.” You replied, suppressing a belch. “The southern holdings do seem to delight in finding new and fun ways to clog their arteries.”

“Ammit be Glorified…” Robbo groaned. “…I don’t think I can walk after that.”

“Baby.” the dingo demanded.

“Now don’t start that again…” The trader groaned.

Gilly stiffened as if the man had hit her, before standing and stalking away from the fire.

“Balls.” Robbo cursed. “Gilly I didn’t mean it like that!”

Silence was his only answer, broken by wood popping in the fire and the snuffling crunches of the Bungarra devouring the remainder of the deer carcass.

“Is everything alright?” You ventured.

“She’ll forgive me… eventually.” Robbo sighed. “It’s just… we’ve been trying for a while, y’know? She came out a bit the worse for wear in a fight with a few yowies ‘bout five years back. She’s scared the injuries might have… Worsened our odds.”

“Ah.” You nodded your understanding.

“You’re a mage…” The Trader ventured. “D’you think maybe…”

“Healing?” You finished for him. “If the injuries were fresh I’d say sure, though I can’t lie, the process would be exhausting for both of us. After five years though?”

“Why the difference?”

“I can’t heal my arm.” you shrugged. “I know academically they should be the same length, but my body… how best to explain it… It’s used to it now, considers it ‘normal.”

“I guess I see yer point.” Robbo sighed. “If I woke up not limping tomorrow I’d probably fall flat on me face.”

“I can ask though.”

Robbo looked at you in confusion. “Who, Gilly?”

“No.” You smiled slightly, pulling yourself upright and crossing your legs under yourself. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. “Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…”

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6860d1 No.383358


“Deniel!” Cirice’s musical voice sounds delighted as your vision cleared to that tranquil forest clearing again. “What took you so long?”

“The story is long and altogether complicated.” You sighed, inclining your head to the rose-winged angel.

The Cupid took you presumptively in her arms, her head nestling beneath your chin. “I saw. You were very brave.”

You shrugged, returning the angel’s embrace unthinkingly. “It is what it is. Holy Mother Reitia…”

“…Sees the POSSIBILITY of an outcome. You’re the one who made it reality.”

“C’mon Cirice.” You blushed, extricating yourself from the angel’s arms. “I’m not that special.”

Cirice gave a wry smile before pinching your cheek. “Of course you are. You all are. Now come on…” She demanded, dragging you towards the pool “…we’ve got a lot to catch up…”

“Actually…” You interjected, resisting her pull “…I wanted to ask you something specific.”

“Oh?” Cirice paused, her coral eyes questioning.

“Healing. Fresh wounds are not a problem, but something that’s long-scarred I can’t quite manage.”

“Hmmm… Would that have anything to do with the Dingo currently crying behind the wagon not thirty feet from you right now?”

Your heart wrenched in sympathy. “She’s crying?”

Cirice gave an adoring ‘awww’, fixing you with a soppy smile. “I can see why that Cheshire has such a crush on you.”

“T-that wasn’t…” You blustered.

“I know, I know, she kissed you… you lothario.” Cirice teased, reaching up to tweak your nose. “Now, you’ll have to understand what you’re looking at…” The angel continued, unbuckling her samite shift and standing shamelessly naked before you.

“Cirice!” You gasped, locking your eyes to the grass and blushing furiously.

“You’re not a teenager, Deniel.” Cirice chided gently. “Say you’re called to help a woman in childbirth, her modesty is not going to be of primary importance, so you’d better get used to seeing naked women.”

“You’re right, of course.” You conceded, swallowing hard before forcing yourself to look at the angel’s brain-meltingly perfect body. “It’s just… You’re very distracting.”

“And aren’t you just the sweetest boy to say so.” Cirice giggled, pushing you to your knees before taking your hand and placing it palm-down on her lower belly. “Now reach out, like you did in the pool. Learn my body…”

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6860d1 No.383359


“That sounds so lewd.” You muttered helplessly, steeling your will.

“Focus.” Cirice chided, rapping you on the head with her knuckles.


“Well start big-head thinking already.”

You swallowed, tracing the lines of intricate energies which flowed through the Angel’s body.

“Ahn…” Cirice whimpered “…A-a little higher than that…”

You moved your inspection hurriedly “Sorry!”

“It’s alright… you’re very warm…” Cirice giggled somewhat naughtily. “…there.”

“What am I looking for?” You asked, studying the magical outlines of her internal organs fervently.

“Nothing. This is your baseline. I don’t mean to sound like a braggart but I am… thoroughly unspoiled.”

Your ears were flaming so hard you thought they would surely catch fire, yet you set your mind to etching the layout of those energies in your memory as unwaveringly as diamond-cut stone.

<You are now able to fix old wounds after careful study. This will take a full day to accomplish. You still cannot fix birth defects.

<Your magical reserves have increased in efficiency. You can cast Arcane bolt an additional time per day, and you can heal most fresh injuries in a day. Yes I’ll update the damn pastebin :^)

“I think I’ve got it.”

“I think so too.” Cirice agreed, raising you to your feet. “Now come on, you’ve got time enough for something else before the trader starts thinking your mind’s gone.”

“Er… Cirice…” You venture, pointing at her abandoned shift with your free hand as the Cupid drags you towards the pool.

Cirice grins over her shapely shoulder at you, her wings shifting. “Will you have seen me less naked for getting dressed again? It’s kind of pointless now, don’t you think?”

“Says you…” You muttered.

Cirice circles you, her hands against your back as you face the pool. “Oh Deniel…” she whispered naughtily in your ear “…am I really that distracting?”

“Yes.” you breathed, your heartrate quickening.

“Well…” She mused, before shoving you with surprising strength into the water “…Get used to it.”

You spluttered and coughed, kicking desperately as your feet sought and failed to find the bottom. “How deep is this thing?” You demanded.

“About thirty eight billion years…” Cirice answered simply, sliding elegantly into the water and floating out to bob next to you.

You frowned uncomprehendingly. “What?”

“What?” The Angel echoed with a smug smile.

“Never mind.” You grumbled.

“Now on your back, as before.” Cirice instructed, resting the back of your head in one hand while easing you into a float.

“How are you….” You murmured, looking in puzzlement at the angel who was as stable in the seeminly bottomless pool as if she stood on solid rock.

“Angel dear. I cheat.” Cirice giggled cheekily. “Now don’t be afraid, we’re going to get a little intense…”

The sky darkened and thunder rumbled, before with an almighty crash, a powerful bolt of lightning struck the trees. Fire sprung up instantly, spreading with terrifying quickness, roaring like a wild animal as it came closer and closer to the pool.

Concern wormed in your gut. “Cirice…”

“You need to decide, Deniel. The fire will overtake the pool. Do you want to wrestle against it? Do you want to fight the storm? Or let the waters cover you?”

“I can’t breathe underwater!” You declared incredulously

“Can’t you? Whoever heard of a Mage drowning?” Cirice teased. “Quickly now Deniel, or the fire’s going to make the decision for you.”

<What would you like to learn?

>Fire - You will learn the flame blast Nicholas used in the courtroom, and a sustained fire which can be manipulated to encompass a person or object

>Lightning - Arcane blast becomes a motherfucking thunderbolt

>Water - You will be able to breathe underwater

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5bfeb0 No.383361

File: 20ea3ed82c31a44⋯.jpeg (60.78 KB,768x576,4:3,DB1F3EBF-70A4-4087-9D4D-A….jpeg)


>Which would you like to learn?

Lightning. It’s the best option, it can stun anything with a nervous system, can be non-lethal, can cure fags of the big gay, and we can make shitty lightning puns

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d19e11 No.383362



I would like to be able to breathe under water so we can go to water mamono territory, but we really need a strong offensive attack spell that isn't considered immoral by most people.

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aaae54 No.383363


Something tells me water is going to be the best bet in this situation and would have great utility later on.

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62ddc2 No.383369


This. Who gives a shit about breathing underwater? It's a skill that, while useful, is incredibly situational. Lightning is the only real option.

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62ddc2 No.383370

File: 1154b7c5b9af643⋯.png (33.82 KB,361x333,361:333,IMG_2859.PNG)


>dingo girl being tall




>the thing that, with a strong leg and a stiff wind, can be punted ~5 meters

Immersion broken. The Yowie mention almost made up for it.

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6860d1 No.383373

File: 283e96171d3f568⋯.jpg (221.45 KB,640x427,640:427,5844623806_8736e83989_z.jpg)


>Doesn't know the legends of the Great White Warrigals


>Punting the best Aussie Goodboyes


This degeneracy does not become you, sir.

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62ddc2 No.383380


>>Punting the best Aussie Goodboyes


>This degeneracy does not become you, sir.

A Dingo tried to eat my cat. From that day forth I always take any opportunity to beat the shit out of the fuckers.

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ac284c No.383383


I think fire is better for cheer diversity of powers We should kneel down on one knee, Take her hand into ours and thank her for what she has done for us after we deal with this. playfully bullying her aside, She has been very sweet and helpful to us for the last little while and deserves a proper thank you.

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c2e4d4 No.383387


>Be Deniel

>Help Wolf Girls

>Help Hellwans

>Help Dingos

>Deniel, He Who Helps Bitches

Anyway, Gonna go with water. Seems topical, with the going to a coastal town and all. Gonna agree with >>383383 and say we need to thank Cirice afterwards. top tier waifu material, that one

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1df32b No.383388


I've got encounter markers dotted all over my map (Well at least 2 steps ahead anyway) and you guys just keep hitting the wans! Also you forgot horsepussy

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c2e4d4 No.383389


Yeah, poor horsepussy, gone but not forgotten; she just didn't fit thematically :( Also, side question: we're not gonna be joining the angelic choir if we end up boning Cirice, are we? I recall that being a going hazard previously

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6d6284 No.383390


I vote water

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1df32b No.383392


Just as an example, The Trader you would have rode along with to Doric would have been struggle-snuggled by a dryad and you would have had to deal with that or just stolen his shit and driven on


>One way ticket to heaven

Not exactly.

One, Deniel's not a Scion

Two, folks like Lucifer and Rhaziel were drawing on the power of the entire choir, not just their waifus

Three, Reitia's Cupids don't quite have the rattle-your-very-existence POWER of the Celestial or Umbral Angels… yet.

You'd definitely still feel it in your mana bar the morning after, though, if you follow me.

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6d217c No.383394


going with water on this one. increasing Deniel's survivability is always good.

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75607f No.383395

Since it seems likely we’ll be going overseas water sounds useful. Plus we still need to heal Mrs. Dingo

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a287ea No.383399


>Lightning - Arcane blast becomes a motherfucking thunderbolt

This will work nicely. It's precise. It's effective. It fits perfectly for us.

I like the idea underwater breathing, for the sake of exploring underwater areas. But that still leaves us in pretty much the same situation as before, with having no effective non-dark offensive magic.


>We should kneel down on one knee, Take her hand into ours and thank her for what she has done for us after we deal with this. playfully bullying her aside, She has been very sweet and helpful to us for the last little while and deserves a proper thank you.

We should definitely do this. We've never been able to thank her properly before. Last time we met her we were unceremoniously torn away by an asshole.

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53ddda No.383432


>outdoor cat

Just nature’s reminder to keep your furry Jews inside instead of letting them kill everything like a nigbull owner would let his dog attack children.

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53ddda No.383439


Not to mention as well that harming wildlife, and vulnerable ones at that is illegal and immoral unless the dingos in question are mutts (have feral dog in them) in which case it’s morally justifiable but still illegal

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53ddda No.383440


Excuse my lack of sage

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53ddda No.383442


Kangaroos are also an exception, excuse my lack of coherence

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62ddc2 No.383451


He isn't an outdoor cat. Bastard (both his name and title) likes to follow me around. I do my best to keep him inside but somehow he gets out.


The ones around where I live are grade A assholes. My neighbors dog got badly mauled by the fuckers, and the gov isnt gonna come all the way out to the sticks to tell us to fuck off.

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d02eab No.383453

Going with water

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53ddda No.383454


Okay, that explains it, sorry for the aggression/spergery. I’ve lost lots of natives to basically feral cats so it’s a bit of a touchy subject. Sorry bout your cat.

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6d6284 No.383455


Just like train your dingoes lmao

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62ddc2 No.383456


My cats fine. The assholes chased him up a tree, and ran after the aforementioned punting of one of them.

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d02eab No.383458


My argument for water is for learning that sweet ass ice magic later easier maybe.

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dba4e2 No.383460


Where the hell do you live? Here in waitawhile they'll at least put out baits/traps if there's an aggressive pack in the area.

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7bde4a No.383475

File: 3d0812b54e57e33⋯.jpg (130.29 KB,747x900,83:100,1430075319129.jpg)

File: fd567ab3b6e1549⋯.jpg (195.84 KB,656x880,41:55,2134980712984y3124.jpg)


>>Lightning - Arcane blast becomes a motherfucking thunderbolt

The only choice.

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1df32b No.383527

Lightning - 5 Votes

Fire - 1 Vote

Water - 6 Votes

>Sink beneath the Waters

>Sincerely thank Cirice for being such a sweetie

“Do it.” You stated firmly.

“Deep breath…” Cirice chortled mockingly, as if she finds the whole process intensely amusing, before pulling you beneath the calm waters.

The fire roils over the surface, and for a moment you stare up at it all bemused, a second pool of glowing red above you, the sapphire fading to utter blackness below you.

“Beauty exists everywhere, Deniel…” Cirice murmured, her voice muffled and echoing in the water. “…Now focus… concentrate on the water around you.”

You screwed your eyes closed, pushing your awareness into the water around you and feeling… nothing… there was the underlying current of magic that flowed through all of reality, but it was as impenetrable as solid rock, no weft, no weave with which to unpick its mysteries.

A momentary panic gripped you, your lungs spasmed for want of air.

“Blrgbl!” You choked, a cloud of bubbles occluding your vision of Cirice’s serene face for a moment. Her nose crinkled in amusement, a small trickle of bubbles leaving that perfect pink bow of her mouth as your body jerked, your subconscious mind trying to force you to kick for the surface as red stars began exploding in your oxygen-starved brain.

“Don’t be afraid…” She whispered, pulling you close and putting that soft mouth to yours, her breath sweet as it filled your lungs.

Your panic was not so much momentarily sated as it was knocked ass-over-metaphorical-breakfast by the Cupid’s action, and you could do little but stare dumbly at her as you both floated beneath the water.

“You can no better change the REALITY of the water than you can pick up a mountain with your bare hands.” Cirice explained. “So work within it.”

“Augh doughblnt ublrerkngstunmd” You burbled, that precious air fleeing merrily back to the surface at your unthinking statement. Cirice giggled, pulling you close again and once again filling your lungs with breath… was that her tongue flicking against your lip at the last?

““How small can a bubble be blown, Deniel? By a mouse? A wisp? A Fairie? By the tiny microbial life that swarms unseen all around us?””

With a rush of revelation, you understood at last. As small as it needs to be!

You reached out again, not trying to wrestle with the substance of the water, but what was IN the water… air! All around you, unseen, dissolved within the water. Separating them? A matter as simple as a baker sieving chaff from his flour.

“Aalco De Zlida” You intoned, touching your fingers to your throat, and with a fizzing rush, you drew in a breath, clean and pure as a mountain wind.

Cirice smiled at you, putting her arms about your waist and pulling you against her again… Your heart raced as you anticipated those lips once again approaching yours…

With a wink, she beat her wings, driving the pair of you upward impossibly fast, the water pulling almost painfully against your skin as you rushed surfacewards, bursting through the fire as if it wasn’t even there. She hovered there in the air, above the flames which reached with unthinking hunger into the sky, before giving a single beat of her wings, the shockwave rivaling the angry storm above. The strength of that wingbeat blew out the fire in an instant, and you came back to rest on blackened, smouldering earth.

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1df32b No.383528


“Reitia…” You gasped in amazement at Cirice’s power.

“And there you are.” Cirice concluded smugly. “You did very well, dear Deniel.”

“Thanks to you!” You gushed, overcome with gratitude. Taking her hand in yours, you sank to a knee before her. “You are a Paragon of Her Virtue. Your Kindness, your Selflessness, your Patience… Cirice I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

“D-Deniel stop, you’ll make me blush!” Cirice lamented, covering her face shyly with her free hand and mantling her wings around her still-naked form.

You gripped her hand insistently. “I mean it. We’ve known each other mere days, yet I feel like you’re the greatest friend I’ve ever had.”

“Oh! Oh Deniel…” The cupid whimpered, and her hand trembled in yours. “…You can’t…”

“Can’t what?”

“Think about me like that.”

“I’ve broken no vow, and I’ll fight anyone who tells me otherwise!” You declared hotly.

“Will you fight yourself?” Cirice asked mysteriously, removing her hand slowly, reluctantly from your grasp.

“I don’t understand.”

“No… you don’t… you don’t grasp what this all is… Deniel…” Cirice whispered, her cheeks wet with tears as she knelt down before you, your faces close together again. “…This, all this. It’s all in your head… Even me.”

You shook your head in utter denial. “I can’t believe that. I won’t!”

“The trees are gone… the next time you come here, you’ll see… you’ll remember…” Cirice almost sobbed, touching you on the forehead. “And now you have to wake up.”

“Cirice!” You cried in anguish as the world fell away. In the building darkness you spied a tiny glimmer of rose-coloured light. Desperately, you reached for that mote, feeling your fingers close around something as everything went black.

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1df32b No.383529


“Who’s Cirice?” Robbo asked, kicking dirt over the smouldering firepit, smiling at you all bemused.

“Doesn’t matter.” You winced as your muscles protested their overnight abuse.

The trader snickered, hobbling over and patting you on the back. “Falling asleep sitting up… You’re a mad cunt.”

“Pretty feather.” Gilly remarked pleasantly. Evidently the night had born some significant kissing and making up from the lamed human, the Dingo was almost kittenish where she lounged on the canvas cover of the wagon.

You blinked at the Mamono. “What?”

Gilly pointed a white-furred digit. “In your hand.”

You looked down to see a soft, pale pink feather clutched between your fingers. Hope, so suddenly dashed, began to bloom within your breast like a desert rose.

“It is…” you smiled “…isn’t it?”

“I’ll find you…” You promised the angel in the vaults of your mind as you stashed the feather securely in the folds of your tunic. “…if it takes me all my life.”

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1df32b No.383530


“Yeah nah cunt you just said last night…” Robbo objected.

“That was last night, this is now.” You sighed, not really feeling like arguing any further. A moment of objectivity suddenly gave you an insight into how Mages like Nicholas came by their overweening superiority, and you felt a momentary pang of empathy for the Archmage’s selfish drive, and guilt for it’s reflection in yourself. “Sorry Robbo, I don’t mean to be short, but I spent the entire night meditating on the problem, and I’m sure I have the solution.”

“She’s gotta open her clothes though?” Robbo spluttered.

“I need to touch her skin.” You explained.

Robbo’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “If this is just an excuse to touch up the wife…”

“I wouldn’t contemplate such a thing.” You assured him… Well, not with Gilly… sure she was beautiful, but you were in no doubt that the amazonian canid could snatch your arm off and beat you to death with it for even the merest hint of impropriety.

“Let him try, Love.” Gilly pleaded, putting a furred paw on the man’s arm.

“No funny business.” Robbo ordered sullenly, shuffling away from where you knelt before Gilly’s reclined form.

You shook your head. “I promise.”

The Dingo opened her simple tunic, and your eyes widened at the sight of her unclad. Her abdominal muscles rippled under her bronze skin, criss-crossed with the silver of old scars that seemed to shimmer in the firelight as she pulled down her leggings, her lupine build sleek and utterly deadly.

“Stop Gawping.” The Dingo ordered, blushing slightly and covering her breasts and nethers with her paws.

“I wasn’t…” You insisted. “…well not like that anyway… You’re the strongest-looking woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Compliments later.” She whuffled, yet a small smile of pleasure curved the corners of her soft lips.

“As you will. I need to put my hands on you now.” You advised, ignoring Robbo’s strangled grumbling from somewhere behind you.

The Dingo nodded, allowing you to push her paw aside, your hands on the taut, warm skin of her lower abdomen. Closing your eyes, you pushed your awareness into her body, ignoring the Dingo’s gasp as your magic spread within her. Her energies were not the pure lines of light you had seen within Cirice, but somehow more raw… Wilder.

“Warm.” The Dingo sighed, and you felt her relax.

“So I’ve been told.” You smiled, hunting along the lines of her organs… There… Something was snarled, an old scar leaving an energy flow knotted like amateur lace. You felt sweat drip from your face as you strained against that blockage, the manipulations of your magic felt like nothing so much as trying to pick up a greased coin from a polished floor. Still, you persisted, ignoring the knots forming in your back, the dizziness building in your head, the harsh, panting breathlessness in your chest… The last weave… just a little more… there…

“AWOOOOOOO!” Gilly howled desperately as you saw the knotted up energy spring free, flowing through her like water too long dammed. You felt her shove you away from her, the view of her energies scattering like fireflies.

“What’d he do?!” Robbo demanded, lurching to his feet.

“T-tent!” Gilly panted, ripping her clothes the remainder of the way from her body and stalking nude towards the man. “NOW!”

“Orright Love if you insis… Ack!” Robbo cried as the dingo scooped him up bodily, hauling him into the tent.

“You’re… Welcome…” You panted, suddenly intensely weary. You retained the presence of mind to pull a blanket from the wagon, before wrapping yourself up in it and collapsing near the fire.

The harsh panting of the Traders exertions mixed with the extatic howling of the dingo’s delighted lust. “Put a baby in me!” She wailed, the slapping of flesh on flesh lewd and insistent. You sighed, rolling your back to the tent, torn between happiness at their renewed hope and praying that they didn’t have the fortitude to keep it up all night.

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1df32b No.383531


You woke to the sensation of a wooden bowl against your lips, your body rocking as the wagon trundled underneath you.

“Drink”. Gilly’s voice insisted sweetly, and you felt her soft paw raising your head.

You drank, the sweet, cool liquid laving your throat and refreshing you. “Sweet…” You murmured, taking the bowl in your hands and draining it thoroughly. “…Thank you, what was it?”

“Just juice.” Robbo chuckled from the bench at the front of the wagon.

You licked your lips. “I’ve never tasted its like. What is it?”

“They call it ‘Ananas’ in the Brasil Protectorate.” Robbo explained, yanking the Bungarra away from some malodorous corpse on the side of the road. “Bloody Atlanteans leavin’ roadkill all over the shop.”

“So far out?” You wondered before noticing the city strewn at the base of the hill you were cresting.

“So far…” Gilly chuckled. “…You’ve slept all day!”

“That was harder than I was expecting.” You admitted.

“Yeh well, you’re my new favourite person in the world, Pilgrim.” Robbo grinned at you, leaning back to squeeze your arm roughly. “We’re on our way to the “Ruby’s Legacy”, the best damn tavern the free city’s ever seen, and I’m gonna get you falling down drunk and so well fed you can’t walk for three days!”

“You don’t need…” You protested abashedly.

“I fuckin’ WANT to!” Robbo insisted. “And I’ll fuckin’ pay for Kikimora to soothe the pains of your hangover in the mornin’… in their fuckin’ smallclothes!”

“I’m sworn to chastity.” You replied automatically.

“Really?” Gilly exclaimed in surprise, and Robbo looked somewhat abashed.

“Then I’m doubly sorry for being a shit cunt last night.”

You shook your head. “Don’t be. If you didn’t know that means you trusted me to be above board, and that means a lot.”

“Gah. We’re getting soppy.” Robbo blustered. “C’mon…” He cried, whipping the Bungarra into scrambling motion. “…The Legacy awaits!”

You gawped openly at the bustle of the Free City. Mamono of every kind rubbed shoulders with humans just as fantastic looking. Suudenlander men with skin as dark as ebony wood, golden rings in their brows and noses, their heads covered with rich silken wraps. Giant blonde and russet-haired Nordenlanders, their hair and beards braided and banded with silver and steel. Diminutive, emerald-haired Gremlins, plowing paths through the crowds in machines which defied understanding. Bat-winged visions of heart-stopping loveliness, their spade-tipped tails swaying under clothing which barely qualified as such, their magic so potent you could almost smell it as you passed.

“…And She stood before the Pretender, unafraid, for Her Love was such that all the World was encompassed…” You caught over the din of the crowd. You hunted desperately for the source of that voice, spying a young man preaching atop an empty crate, his simple clothes like your own, a satchel slung across his chest, leaning on an iron-banded staff.

<What do you want to do?

>Thank the Trader and the Dingo, leave and greet your fellow Pilgrim.

>Stay with the Wagon, you can try and find him later. Bros are bros but food is good and free is delicious.

>Bully the other pilgrim from atop the wagon as you pass. We’re the fucking MC here dammit!

>Something else?

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75607f No.383532


Let’s stick with the trader for now, we could use some quiet time and just enjoy a good meal.are there any of the confederate monuments still standing or have they been destroyed over time?

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5324ca No.383536


Greet the other pilgrim.

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ac284c No.383551


We've rested enough, Say our goodbyes. We can always meet up with them in that tavern later on this evening. Go greet our brother and see how the path is treating him. Perhaps we can ask him if he's also had/has an Angel on his shoulder giving him magical advice and mental counseling.

So did we kill the Cirice thing by our own actions or were we supposed to lose her at this point? Because Imma feel like a right jackass if my suggestion ended up with us having to part.

Im glad we got to help them have cubs and a great evening, But we might actually have the change our name to Cesar if this keeps up.

>>Deniel, He Who Helps Bitches


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c2e4d4 No.383552


>Stay with the Wagon

Got to celebrate the good times. Other guy isn't in any trouble that we can see, we can try looking him up later if we want.

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aaae54 No.383556


Look like our fellow pilgrim has things pretty covered. Let's take it easy and stay with the wagon. Have some fun and enjoyment. Besides, we might find someone else to help at the tavern.

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a287ea No.383557


>Thank the Trader and the Dingo, leave and greet your fellow Pilgrim.

Tell Robbo and Gilly that you'll meet them at Ruby's Legacy a little later on. Then hop off and chat up this Pilgrim. Maybe he'll know of some fun stuff for us to get into.

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a287ea No.383558




>Perhaps we can ask him if he's also had/has an Angel on his shoulder giving him magical advice

And lets ask the Pilgrim if he's seen any Cupids or angels as well.

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6d6284 No.383562


I'd like to add on to this and say we should see if the other pilgrim is a mage as wellb and if so swap advice on magic.

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6d217c No.383565


no love lost over food. there's zero sense being friendly when we can get something in us and recover a little.

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1df32b No.383573


Atlantea's what Atlantic City evolved into, Atlanta was completely razed after 3 way riots during the Third Great Depression. "Georgia Weeps" was the rallying cry of the Human Supremacist factions as they spurred a second American Civil War in its aftermath.

(Yes the Ilian scum co-opted southern pride. Yes it's ok to boo them for this.)


No, if you pushed anything resembling an interest or friendship with her, she was always going to get confuzzled. She's not used to actually being acknowledged for her work and she doesn't know how to really quantify, ler alone deal with what she's feeling right now.


I'll tell you for free he absolutely is a mage if you want to change/update your vote.

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a287ea No.383576


>No, if you pushed anything resembling an interest or friendship with her, she was always going to get confuzzled.

So we made her so embarrassed and overwhelmed that she had to banish us back to reality? That's too cute. I'm liking her more and more.

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6d6284 No.383578


>Georgia Weeps

>Over Atlanta burning down

Immersion broken, there are no Georgians in Atlanta and Savannah is the true state capital

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a287ea No.383580


>lore autism

What lore are you guys even talking about exactly?

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6d6284 No.383582


I don't know about RD's lore, but the official lore of the State of Georgia is that if you ever ask someone where they're from and they answer "Atlanta" you need to ask them where they were from before they were from Atlanta.

Go Braves though

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a287ea No.383589


I thought you were talking about some MGE lore of some sort.

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7a3246 No.383602


I have about fifteen thousand years worth of autism invested in this world, from current year +5 to totally not a rip-off of 40k with monstergirls.

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a287ea No.383746


>totally not a rip-off of 40k with monstergirls

Is this something of your own invention or some kind of established lore? What's it called?

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a287ea No.383749


Oh yeah. You also still haven't updated the pastebin spell info for the new spells! :^)

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d19e11 No.383750


Any alien monster girls in the 40k rip-off?

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6d217c No.383753

File: 9f06d02e1333e68⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,462x582,77:97,fucking newfags.jpg)

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a287ea No.383757


I've been reading /monster/ for a year or more and read lots of MGE lore and green text stores. And I know what 40k is, but I never played any of the games. But this 40k rip-off thing with monstergirls? No idea on that. It's basically the 40k universe but with monstergirls? Search turns up some 41st century monstergirl stuff, but nothing really substantial.

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1df32b No.383871


At this stage it's a series of incoherent dot points under the heading "SPAAAAAAAACE" in my wips.


I'm pondering it. The basic premise for going off-world was The elves cheated. They were supposed to perform Aut-Nan Anuun and get eaten by Ilias but some made magitech spaceships and got the fuck out of dodge without telling the humies or mons and I haven't developed it much beyond that.


>Search turns up some 41st century monstergirl stuff, but nothing really substantial.

That's because I haven't written anything besides dot points yet, friendo.


Have too, and I totally didn't just do it after forgetting.


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75607f No.383886


>The elves cheated

That reminds me, I was gonna ask earlier but it slipped my mind. Are we going to see any elves in this CYOA? The ending of twilight of the gods seemed to hint at the elves coming back and invading.

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1df32b No.383888


Lemme put it this way. There are Elven encounters. Wether you hit them or not is another matter entirely.

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1df32b No.383889

Looks like 5 to 3 in favour of seeing the other pilgrim. Guess it’s Bros before Gluttony, Drunkenness and Comfy pampering from Kikimora in lingerie… I’ll have you know I’m very disappointed in all of you

>Thank Aussie and Wan, Greet your fellow pilgrim.

>Ask him about magic

>Ask him if he’s seen angels on the path

“Listen, Robbo…” You began, “…That’s a brother pilgrim. I’d be remiss if I didn’t…”

“Yeh yeh, go on, rattle yer dags then…” Robbo jostled you good-naturedly before reining the Bungarra in.

“May Reitia bless you abundantly for all your charity.” You offered sincerely.

“After last night?” Gilly mused with a slightly naughty smile “I’d say we’re good.”

You laughed openly, hopping down from the wagon and waving to the trader as the wagon trundled away. You began weaving through the crowd towards the young man still preaching atop the empty crate. Reitia’s Mercy, it really didn’t look this crowded from atop the wagon!

“…And they knelt, their hearts filled with sorrow, for it had seemed all hope had fled. But the Disciples of Our Holy Mother, those time-spanned souls, born of ages long past had been blessed with Her Divine Fortitude, and in the face of defeat, they spoke the Words.”

“Sahnate, Pora…” You interjected, pushing your way through to the front of the gawping crowd “…Reitia Dei in Excelsius”

The other pilgrim started in surprise, before his eyes widened at the sight of you, a boyish grin covering his face. “Yes indeed! And well met, my brother! Sahnate, The Healer. For She is the mender not only of the body, but of the heart and soul. Pora, The Good and Kind. For She is the wellspring from which flows all Goodness and Mercy. Reitia Dei in Excelsius…

“Holy Reitia, in the Highest.” A youthful looking Succubus translated, stepping forward to study the both of you. “Low Pandemonian… Where did they learn that?”

“It is said.” Your brother Pilgrim replied “That the Disciples were the guests of Hell itself for a time, before Reitia took them again to her bosom.”

“Humans? In Hell?” The Succubus tittered disbelievingly before quieting herself. “It’s a lovely story in any case…”

“You don’t believe?”

“You’re mages, not priests… Even the Black Knights of Corvus bear the mark of their God.”

“Faith sustains.” You remarked, not really liking the Succubus’s implications.

“If you say so… and bound to chastity…” She mused, before sighing piteously. “…What a waste.”

The magic of the eloquent sermon broken, the crowd began to disperse.

“Reitia’s Grace be upon you all!” The other pilgrim called with a slight note of desperation to the departing crowd.

“You had them, before that pretty little Advocatus Diaboli…” You offered with a sigh, holding out your hand.

“Deniel.” The other pilgrim chuckled, shaking his head as he hopped down off the crate, eschewing your hand in favour of a warm, brotherly hug.

“Thomas.” You replied, returning the embrace before gripping the young man’s arms and holding him at arm’s length. “You’ve been well?”

“It’s been over a year and I haven’t starved to death!” The young man laughed. “And you?”

“A week, maybe two? Seemed like things got complicated the instant I left the Temple.”

Thomas laughed, clapping you on the shoulder and gesturing for you to walk with him. “Is Dalila still mothering us outrageously?”

“Worse, now that both of her daughters are married.” You admitted, unable to keep the smile from your lips.

“How’s Disciple Travis handling that?”

You rocked your hand back and forth. “He drinks, and makes bad jokes, but I think he misses them more than she does.”

“What father wouldn’t?”

“I suppose.”

“Sorry…” Thomas added quickly “…I keep forgetting you’re abbey born.”

You shook your head with a chuckle. “Why does everyone keep bringing that up like it’s a touchy subject?”

“It is for some, I’ve found.”

“Where’ve you been?”

“Aestenlands, Brasil Protectorate, educating the heathen in the far reaches of the world on our Holy Mother’s Glory.” Thomas replied haughtily, waving his hand in a mockery of sententious piety.

“You sound like a Tyrisian.” You chuckled. “Not the Australs?”

“This is a Pilgrimage, Deniel.” Thomas remarked incredulously. “Not a martyrdom. Do you have any idea how many ways there are to die on that awful island?”

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1df32b No.383890


“Brasil’s just as bad, I’ve heard.” You objected, more out of fond brotherly banter than any real conviction.

“The Quetzalcoatli have almost civilized it, would you believe… It’s beautiful down there, vast cities of stone that appear out of nowhere in the jungle… Villages on the sides of mountains that have no reason to be there, yet…”

“Maybe Reitia will guide me there someday too.”

Thomas nodded with a grin. “That why you’re in Atlantea? Looking for passage?”

You shrugged. “Maybe? I don’t know… I just felt like it was the right place to be.”

Thomas made a noise of affirmation. “I wonder if we’ll miss it, just picking a direction and going…”

“The ‘Mendicant’ part of it isn’t my favourite thing.” You admitted somewhat guiltily.

“Haven’t had to resort to theft yet?”

You frowned at your brother pilgrim. “Wash your mouth out!”

Thomas laughed. “Nine months ago I was driven to pilfering chicken coops. The landholder caught me, turned me into the Waylander who gave me a months labour on the man’s holding in repayment.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Thomas shook his head. “Don’t be. It was so peaceful… I discovered more in that month than I had in three of living hand-to-mouth on the road. I helped a Taurean and a farmhand realize their feelings for each other. She was with child the day I left, and the Landholder put on such a feast I could barely walk up the road to leave.”

“Reitia be praised.” You intoned reverently.

“Praise Her indeed.” Thomas agreed.

You cleared your throat somewhat self-consciously. “On the subject of learning, how goes your sojourn on The Path?”

“Well! I hope to reach an Adept’s proficiency this year.”

“Congratulations! Any chance… er…”

“No cheating, Deniel.” Thomas chided, pushing at you.

“Not like that!” You objected with a laugh, “I was more wondering how you fared with Cirice?”


You slapped your forehead. “Of course, silly me, she wouldn’t be the same for all of us. The Cupid who helps you with the Natural intersects.”

“Cupid? Deniel have you been drinking? Cupids are metaphors for Reitia’s will.” Thomas scoffed.

“Oh yeah? Then how did you learn the Natural intersects?” You demanded, trying to hide your confusion with bluster.

“Two weeks with a Yeti Shaman in the Mountains of the Aestenlands.” Thomas replied, looking at you all bemused. “And believe me, dodging the Griffons on the way up there was the easy part.”

“I’m sure…” You acceded lamely.

Thomas grabbed your arm, pulling you to a stop and peering at you speculatively. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Yes… well… Up until now I could have sworn to it… You saw the Celestial and the Umbral at the First Intersect, Right?”

“No, dammit!” Thomas crowed in disbelief “You have to show me.”

“In the middle of the crowd?!” You declared incredulously.

“Of course not, don’t be daft!” Thomas scoffed. “I’ve got a place, follow me.”

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1df32b No.383891


“Thomas, is that you?” A woman’s voice called from within the unassuming building you had entered via an unobtrusive back door.

“Yes Sapphire, and I have a brother pilgrim with me, I hope that’s alright.”

“As long as he knows the rules!” The woman replied with a strangely liquid chuckle.

“Of course…” Thomas sighed, removing his tunic and standing bare chested inside the door before gesturing for you to do the same.

You raised an eyebrow in puzzlement, and Thomas made a sound of frustration. “It’s in the name of hygiene, or so she claims.”

“And you believe her.”

“Of course not, but she’s happy just to gawp, it doesn’t hurt anything.”

Shaking your head, you removed your own tunic, hanging it on a hook next to Thomas’s and setting your satchel and staff alongside. As an afterthought, you carefully tucked Cirice’s discarded feather between the pages of one of your tomes. You followed Thomas into a fish-smelling workroom, where the curvaceous, tentacled figure of a Kraken was gutting, cleaning and filleting away.

Thomas cleared his throat, and the Kraken turned, her alien, cephalopodian eyes drinking you both in with naked lechery.

“Goooood boys.” She drawled, “After all, we must be exacting in our… ufufufufu~ Hygeine, mustn’t we?”

“Of course, Sapphire. We wouldn’t want anyone to question the freshest fish in Atlantea.” Thomas replied ingratiatingly.

“Mmmm… No… Mustn’t question…” The Kraken breathed, colour running in intricate patterns along her mantle as two tentacles reached out to caress both of your torsos lingeringly. A shudder of lascivious delight ran through her body, her ample bust jiggling with the movement.

“We’ll just be in my room, then.” Thomas continued, bearing the groping with good grace, gesturing for you to follow.

“Behave yourselves then…” The Kraken insisted to your backs as Thomas shut the wooden door behind you. “…Or if you’re not, at least let me watch!”

“Only Gawping…” You drawled evenly.

“For free bed and breakfast? I’ll bare the occasional grope.” Thomas replied philosophically before unrolling a woven mat and kneeling on it, gesturing for you to take a place opposite. “Now come, show me…”

You knelt, feeling the pressure of Thomas’s mind on your own as you closed your eyes. “Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…”

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1df32b No.383892


“That was quicker than I thought. You’ve done this before.” Thomas remarked as your vision cleared to the now burned-out forest.

“Stefan thought it a good trick, his mother was a Nightmare, after all…” You chuckled “…He didn’t think it nearly so funny when we learned how to turn it around on him.”

>Though not really a spell in and of itself, willing mages can enter each other’s minds. Entering the mind of the unwilling requires a little more skill.

“Evidently. What’s this? I thought you were showing me The Path?” Thomas remarked, looking around.

“Cirice made it, when She was showing me…”

Thomas shook his head. “Nuh uh… Deniel, this is a memory.”

“It can’t be, I don’t remember anything like this.” You insisted.

Thomas gave a quiet ‘hmmm’, before closing his eyes in concentration. “The path is here… underneath this… Whoever brought this forth from your mind was immensely powerful.”

“She’s amazing. You’ll understand everything when you meet her.” You insisted, your heart racing with anticipation to see the Cupid again. “Cirice? Where are you?”

The sky began to darken, thunder rolling through the blackened skeletons of the trees.

“Deniel! The Intersects are moving, I can feel them!” Thomas cried, raising himself into the air with a muttered incantation.

“Oh what, you can fly?!” You declared in disbelief.

“It’s easier here, there’s no weight to thought.” Thomas explained, glancing down at you with a tight grin. “It’s a hell of a thing to do in the real world though. Scares the shit out of folks.”

“I can imagine!” You yelled over the building wind and rain. “Cirice!” You called again, desperately looking around for the Cupid.

“I can’t…” A whisper caressed your ear on the very edge of hearing “…Please…”

“There!” Thomas called, pointing through the blackened trees. “There’s a building, we can find shelter while this memory…”

A shattering bolt of lightning struck the earth, knocking Thomas out of the air.

“Thomas!” You cried in horror, rushing to your brother pilgrim’s side.

“I’m fine.” Thomas coughed, but accepted your help as he regained his feet. “Deniel, you have to stop the storm, we could both go mad if we stay here!”

“I don’t know how!” You admitted helplessly.

“Reitia’s Mercy… Deniel this is your mind, I can’t change anything here!”

“…Please…” The whisper sounded again.

“Mother Reitia…” You prayed fervently “…Give me strength…”

“Holy Mother!” Thomas yelled in panic “Deniel! The Fire!”

Your eyes snapped open, and you held your hand aloft, your teeth bared in a rictus. If this was to be the end, you would not go quietly. As if answering your challenge, the cloud above roiled, and you felt a tingling spread through your entire body.

With a sound beyond sound, your body was engulfed in a lightning strike, your vision going white as your body was wracked with pain.

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1df32b No.383893


“Do you think it’s like this anywhere else?” The young naiad mused, her girlish hand playing along your palm.

“Of course it is, Kimmy!” You heard yourself reply, your voice piping and boyish. And I’m going to see it all one day!”''

“That must be nice…” Kimmy sighed. “…Sometimes I wish…”

“All water comes together somewhere, right?”

“Leave my pool? Oh no Deniel, I’m not going anywhere. This is my home.”

“There you are!” A dark, sardonic voice declared, and the memory of your younger self scrambled to his feet. A hooded figure stalked towards you from the edge of the treeline. ”And you won’t get away from me this time.”

“S-Stay away from Kimmy!” You stammered, trying to look brave and strong like the Heroes in the stories your Mothers in the Abbey told you. But the figure ignored you, continuing its implacable advance.

“In The Name of Tyris!” a female voice yelled from behind you, and a golden spear leapt over your head to strike the hooded figure.

“Meddling bitch of a priestess!” The figure swore as the mother who threw the spear scooped you up in her arms, dragging you away from the pool.

“No!” You cried, reaching out towards the Naiad girl, helplessly floating in the forest pool. “Kimmy! Run!”

“I can’t!” The naiad whimpered in fear. “Please Deniel… Don’t leave me!”

“Give him Back” The figure demanded ”Or she dies!”

But the mother didn’t listen, dragging you back through the trees towards the Abbey, ignoring your screams and your struggles, Ignoring the high, shrill sound of terror and agony as fire fell from the sky, engulfing the clearing in angry black and scarlet flame…

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1df32b No.383894

“Kimmy!” You cried in tearing agony, the lightning still playing through your body. “Never again! Do you hear me? NEVER AGAIN!”

With a primal yell, you wrenched the wild energies of the lightning into submission, raising your arm clawlike and firing bolt after bolt into the roiling sky. The clouds seemed to shudder under your assault, before torrential rain fell from their pregnant bellies, dousing the fire in their deluge, and causing the scene around you to melt away…

“…This…” Thomas remarked, his voice sounding loud in its suddenness. “…This looks more familiar…”

You opened your eyes, to behold the twilight of the Astral realms, the Fractals of the Path weaving away all around you, the Natural intersects perpendicular to the brilliant branches of the Celestial, and the twisted roots of the Umbral.

“Where was she?” You murmured, your heart still heavy with the memory so rudely thrust upon you. “She should have been there!”

“This Cupid? I don’t know Deniel, the mind’s a funny thing… But… Reitia’s mercy, you’ve opened up the Dark Intersects?”

“I didn’t open anything. They were just there.” You objected.

Thomas nodded, waving away your explanation as he gazed avariciously at the darkness below. “Sure, sure, whatever you say… just…”


“Deniel, do you have any idea the POWER that’s down there?”

You stared levelly at your brother pilgrim. “Yes. And there’s nothing good about any of it.”

“Power’s not inherently Good or Evil, Deniel…”

“I Said NO!” You yelled hotly.

Thomas held up his hands placatingly. “Alright, alright… It’s not worth a fight with you, brother. Especially not when it’s your house, so to speak. But I think we’ve lingered long enough. Shame, you almost had me convinced she was real.”

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1df32b No.383895


You opened your eyes to reality to see the alien eye of the Kraken peering through the boards of the door to Thomas’s room. “Awww…” She lamented as you both regained your feet. “…You’re not going to kiss or anything?”

“Sapphire, you really need to find a husband.” Thomas sighed in resignation.

“You offering?” The Kraken asked hopefully.

“Chastity.” Thomas replied simply.

“What a waste!” The Kraken moaned in sheer frustration, and you heard the wet, slapping slither as she dragged herself on tentacled limbs away from the door.

“I need some air.” You mumbled.

“Good idea, I’ll go with you.” Thomas declared brightly.

<You have Learned Lightning Bolt. 3 Casts per day. Thought I’d better give the guys who lost out last entry a little something

<What do you want to do?

>Agree to Thomas coming with you

>Agree, show him the feather

>Agree, give him enough info about Dark Magic to scare him off the topic

>Decline, say you’d rather be alone

>Decline, rip him a new one about his interest in Dark Magic

>Punch him in the face

>Something else? A different combination of the above?

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75607f No.383899


I say we agree and try to scare him off his interest in dark magic. When we next see cirice lets ask why she won’t appear. Something tells me it’s important and that for now it might be better our brother pilgrim thinks we had a hallucination or something.

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d19e11 No.383900


Cool, thanks! Now we are much less likely to die if we're attacked.

>Agree, give him enough info about Dark Magic to scare him off the topic

>Mention the lashings we got

>Punch yourself in the face

Okay, maybe not that last one.

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75607f No.383901


>that reading comprehension

dont forget to sage

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181422 No.383904


Show him the feather, she's real to us dammit!

>tfw monster girls are real and you still fall in love with the one in your imagination

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a287ea No.383906


>Agree, show him the feather

She is real! We're certain of it. She's just very shy since we tried to become a little closer to her?

And steer the conversation away from dark magic if Thomas brings it up again.

>Thought I’d better give the guys who lost out last entry a little something

Thanks OP.

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c2e4d4 No.383930


>Agree, give him enough info about Dark Magic to scare him off the topic

Either it works, or he's the kind of guy it tempts even worse. Regardless, we tried.

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7293b5 No.383935

Tell him about the dark magics but be very detailed on what they do. He has to know what he is getting into.

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6d217c No.383941


agree, be upfront and honest about the dark side of the force magic and how it's a very bad idea in practice

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6d6284 No.383943


A thought occurs: Why hasn't Thomas hooked up this thirsty squid woman with a man to quench her? Could it be he's craving calamari?

Probably not, but we should bully him about it anyways.

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a287ea No.383945


Good question. Maybe it's just so he gets free rent.

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6d6284 No.383946


All the more reason to bully. We're pilgrims here, not NEETs. She deserves a husband who's into that weird tentacle shit and doesn't mind the smell of fish.

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a287ea No.383947


>All the more reason to bully.


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6d217c No.383953


bully the man for ignoring the squid tiddy. it's his choice that he lives with a dirty fujo

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a9fa21 No.383956



>Talking shit on Krakens in a ResonantDrunk CYOA

It's like you want the MC forcibly matangoed…

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c2e4d4 No.383976


Gonna tack on asking about the Kraken, since she does seem like she might need help.

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4b7392 No.384031

Big squiddo needs someone to be a big friendo to help her with love. Or mabey just someone to talk to for a while.

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2d68de No.384100

>Agree to Thomas coming with you

>Show him the feather to prove Cirice is your girlfriend who lives in canada real.

>Put the fear of Tyris, Corvus, Maou, Reitia, and about half a dozen minor deities into your fellow pilgrim on the subject of dark magic

>Bully Thomas about the Kraken

“Sure.” You shrugged, exiting the room and ignoring some lewd comment drawled at you by the Kraken.

“She doesn’t mean any harm, really…” Thomas assured you as you both dressed yourselves, picking up satchels and staves and heading back out into the bustle of Atlantea’s streets, hardly any quieter even with the sun sinking below the western sky.

“I was meaning to ask you about that…” You began, dodging a group of drunkenly caterwauling sailors “…Clearly she’s looking for someone. Haven’t you….”

“No Deniel, I’ve deliberately ignored the fact that my host is lust-drunk in every waking moment.” Thomas drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Reitia be merciful, the woman absolutely REFUSES to take anything seriously! I’ve been subtle, I’ve gently probed, I’ve confronted her, I’ve been coldly casual, and today you saw me being resignedly dismissive. She simply dodges the issue, or tries to slide a tentacle into my trousers!”

Your grin was involuntary, even in the face of your brother pilgrim’s evident frustration. “Do you think maybe…”

“Me?” Thomas blurted incredulously. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“She’s pretty enough, and it’s evident she finds you attractive.”

Thomas stared levelly at you. “I know you don’t think love’s that shallow, Deniel. We have nothing in common, our interests are wildly divergent, and also… tentacles… Not to mention…”

The young man’s rant cut off mid-beat, and he stared blankly ahead, his jaw set as you continued down the busy promenade.

“Not to mention…” You prompted.

“Hah.” Thomas laughed bitterly. “More fool me for hoping you wouldn’t pick up on that.”

“Thomas, I’m your brother in faith.” You assured him. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

Thomas took a deep breath, pausing as he gathered himself. “I’m afraid of the water.”

You blinked in surprise. “You’re what?”

“You heard me!” Thomas blustered, “I’m afraid of the water, anything over knee deep and my mind just goes to pieces. I spent three days belowdecks on my first voyage, trying not to scream in terror every time we hit a wave. I’ve been in the scully every time since, trying to pretend I wasn’t aboard a ship. It’s ridiculous, I know… but…”

You put a comforting hand on Thomas’s shoulder. “We all have our fears, brother… your confidence is secure in…”

“BAHAHAHAHA!” A voice laughed in drunken mockery, a sailor pointing and laughing from a nearby building “What a little…”

“Find your amusement elsewhere, my friend.” You warned levelly.

“Yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?” The sailor blustered.

You walked calmly towards the man, striking the butt of your iron-shod staff on the ground with each step. Though no Nordenlander, you were broad of chest and arm in your own right, and you loomed over the wiry sailor as you approached. “I could do so many, many things to make you apologise… and yet I am nothing compared to him. Walk away.”

“You’ve got a mouth on y… SWEET TYRIS!” The man shrieked, staring over your shoulder to where Thomas had levitated himself a full three feet off the ground, his fists lit with eldritch fire and a cruel, sardonic grin writ large over his face. “S-sorry! I’m sorry, your eminence! I didn’t know you were mages!”

“Go.” You ordered shortly, and the sailor wasted no time in finding somewhere else to be.

“That was unworthy of us.” Thomas remarked, extinguishing the fire and lowering himself to the ground.

“It was.” You admitted, smiling benignly at the muttering, wide eyed witnesses.

“Felt good though.”

“Didn’t it?” You grinned cheekily.

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2d68de No.384101


“Beautiful night.” Thomas remarked as you gazed out over the laden harbour, the waning moon spreading its silver radiance over the water.

You nodded, sighing resignedly. “I wish I could ask Cirice about Sapphire though, she’d know exactly…”

“Deniel, I think you need to admit to yourself that she’s…”

“She’s NOT a dream!” You retorted hotly, digging in your pouch.

“Brother, the mind is a treacherous maze. Sometimes the figments of our imagination can…”

You held the pale pink feather in front of his face. In the dim light of torches and lanterns, it seemed to glow with a soft light all its own. “Does this look like a figment of my imagination?”

“Reitia’s Mercy!” Thomas gasped, half-reaching for it before halting himself. “…May I?”

You nodded, and the young man stretched forth his hand again. A strangled moan escaped his lips as his fingers made contact with the feather. “Holy Mother… The Grace! The Love!”

You raised an eyebrow in confusion. You felt a shadow of the Cupid’s power within the feather, but Thomas seemed to be overwhelmed by this mere touch. “Are you alright?”

“Yes… Yes I think so…” Thomas gasped, withdrawing his hand reluctantly. “You’re a rare breed, my brother… to touch the divine and to not be affected?”

“But it’s so small…” You murmured, still not understanding “…compared to when she held me in her arms it’s…”

“Oh NOW you’re just telling tales!” Thomas accused with a laugh. “I don’t deny you’ve seen… something… and that explains why that memory was so strong… but to have been embraced by the Word of Reitia made flesh?”

“If it makes it easier to accept.” You conceded, not wanting to get into an argument.

“But on the subject of memory…” Thomas continued. “…The dark mage… who was that?”

“Is that what he was?” You murmured, unable to focus on much past the terrified shrieks of your childhood friend… Kimmy… How could you have forgotten her?

“You can’t deny after seeing that…”

You grabbed your fellow pilgrim by the front of the tunic “Alright. We’re going to have this discussion now.”

“Easy Deniel…” Thomas warned.

“No. I don’t know HOW you’ve become as skilled as you are whilst remaining so blissfully ignorant.” You snarled, releasing Thomas’s tunic and shoving him away from you. “I used the Dark Arts once. Only once. In defence of a wolf-girl who was threatened with rape. A simple matter, I thought… Scare him a little, fill his heart with terror… such a small thing, right?”

“I…” Thomas blurted, his face screwed up in a mix of umbrage and incomprehension.

“Do you want to know what happened, when I spoke the words?”

“Of course I want to know!” Thomas blustered.

“He was afraid. So afraid. The Magic showed him something so mind-shatteringly terrible that he ripped his own eyes out to try and escape it. That his sanity shattered to be free of its influence… THAT’s the reality of Dark Magic. It Hates, Thomas. It is the antithesis of the Love Reitia has showered upon us since we were born. It hates you, hates me… Hates and hates and hates the world for even existing. Your intent doesn’t matter, it wants everything to be destroyed.”

“Magic doesn’t have…”

“Consciousness? Doesn’t it? Are we so wise as to think we know everything about it?” You interjected. “Do you think the Dark God would charge His servants with policing its use if it wasn’t a dire threat?”

“I don’t presume to know the Will of The Raven…” Thomas murmured with a shudder.

You shook your head. “Nor do I. Nor do I know why the intersects opened for me. I don’t know why the Angels took such an interest in me. I don’t know why I can do what an Archmage of the Circle declares an impossibility. All I can do is try to be what our Holy Mother wants me to be… and I have no idea what that is!”

“We are wisest when we realize that we are ignorant in all things…” Thomas intoned, putting a hand on your shoulder.

“The first lesson.” You smiled in spite of yourself. Your stomach grumbled insistently, breaking the morose spell your discussion had cast over you both.

“Hungry?” Thomas chuckled. “Me too. Let’s see what the Charity of Atlantea can bring us, eh?”

>Go begging with Thomas

>See if Robbo and Gilly’s offer still stands

>You can bear a hungry night, find somewhere quiet to meditate, see if Cirice will show up.

>Go back to Sapphire’s, see if you can bully some answers (And maybe dinner?) out of the Kraken

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83bccf No.384103


Tavern time with the Aussies.

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d19e11 No.384105


Yeah, let's go to the tavern and bring Thomas with us.

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75607f No.384117


Let’s go visit dingo and co.

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a287ea No.384128


>See if Robbo and Gilly’s offer still stands

Lets head over to Ruby's Legacy. And invite Thomas to come along, if he would like.

And speaking of Thomas, perhaps we can also alleviate his fear of water by teaching him waterbreathing. If you can breathe underwater then there is truly nothing to fear! And then he might just hit it off with Miss Squid.

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c2e4d4 No.384130


>See if Robbo and Gilly’s offer still stands

Let's see if we can't reverse your previous disappointment in us.

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c2e4d4 No.384131



Also, spaced on this, but for sure we should teach Thomas water breathing before we leave/do whatever. Maybe Miss Kraken can help him overcome his fear of water.

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6d6284 No.384138


See if the offer still stands, even if it may be in poor taste to bring a +1 to an offer of a free meal. Try not to get anything expensive if they do agree to feed the both of us.

Also in favor of trying to explain waterbreathing to Thomas, even if our explanation is "Just like, breathe water"

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a287ea No.384142


>Just like, breathe water, dude.

kek, I think it will take a bit more than just that. I was more imagining entering his mind similarly to the way he entered ours. And then teaching it to him in a comfortable setting for him.

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a287ea No.384145


>See if the offer still stands, even if it may be in poor taste to bring a +1 to an offer of a free meal

I doubt they'll mind feeding a friend of ours. We did them a VERY big favor.

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a287ea No.384147

Just thinking about our healing magic a bit more. But our healing magic is rapidly becoming very advanced. I may be wrong, but I suspect that healing magic this advanced would be rare and quite expensive if you were paying a mage to do the healing.

Is that a fair assessment, OP?

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ac284c No.384151


I'd think so logically. The Aussie traders are likely not rich but I imagine are fairly well off if what he was offering to us earlier was true. Either that means healing mages are either hard to find or are very pricey, Because I'd imagine they'd have made it a priority if it was within reach. Even if it is however, I would dislike the idea of charging for it unless we are in a really tight spot.

I vote for meeting up with Rob&Gil to see if that offer still stands. He offered to feed us until we are stuffed for days, So perhaps we can get 2 decent sized meals and still come out ahead on the karma scale.

I'd also like to try and teach Thomas how to breath water. Maybe we can trade it for levitation or the fireball he used earlier. He's our bro and if we can do anything to help alleviate his fears then we should. Also I am against trying to ship him with Sapphire. He genuinely seems not to be that interested in her romantically. I still think we need to aggressively investigate why she won't try looking for a relationship, But I don't see her with Thomas.

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2d68de No.384154


You are quite advanced in healing comparative to your experience, it's true. But you don't hold a monopoly. Tyrisian Priestesses and Paladins have you beat still, purely by the benefit of having a divine blessing.

As to why Robbo and Gilly didn't seek healing from them? That's a Dingo thing. Dingos are STAUNCHLY Ammittian, and unfortunately healing ability is pretty sparse amongst the Caretakers of Duat.

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2d68de No.384155

>See if Robbo and Gilly’s offer still stands.

“I’ve got a better idea.” You grinned. “Do you know where the ‘Ruby’s Legacy’ is?”

“Oh we’ll find no joy there…” Thomas assured you “…In fact we might come out with bruises on our backsides from the Hyaenae at the door.”

“We won’t be begging. I had an offer earlier for dinner from the Trader I was travelling with.”

“YOU had an offer…”

You clapped Thomas on the shoulder. “Well if he doesn’t choose to extend his charity, I’ll split mine with you.”

Thomas laughed openly at that. “You’re too good for this world, Deniel.”

“All part of my charm.” You grinned, gesturing for your fellow pilgrim to lead on. The streets were growing quieter, as more people crammed themselves into the noisy establishments which lined the waterfront.

“There.” Thomas gestured, pointing to an almost opulent three story building on the corner. There was almost an aura of peace about its threshold, as those entering or leaving did so with purpose, enforced, no doubt, by the intimidating pair of Mamono at the door.

“Those are Hyaenae?” You murmured, your eyes wide. To say the Mamono were canid-like would be to do them a disservice. Sure, they had paws instead of feet, and their small, rounded ears poked through hair brindled in tan and brown. Brushy tails moved absently from the small of their backs. But that was where the similarity ended. Their shoulders were massively developed, almost hypertrophic, and their clawed hands were oversized at the end of arms which seemed too long for their bodies. Their gaze was predatory, and occasionally one of the women would bark out a chilling, soulless chuckle which made nearby patrons flinch.

“They are. If they get pushy, just walk away. They’re tough, disgustingly so, and I’d rather it not devolve into ‘us or them’.”

“I’m with you on that front, brother.” You agreed, before swallowing and walking pointedly towards the door.

“Stop.” One of the Hyaenae demanded. “Looks like Reitian pilgrim, yes Harharie?”

“Does look, Seheesa. Does look…” The other agreed, hooting that chilling laugh.

“You no have money. No begging here. This classy place.” Seheesa ordered.

“Classy yes.” Harharie agreed “Many money trader. You go. No make trouble.”

“…or maybe do…” Seheesa pondered, licking lips on an overgenerous mouth, her face oddly soft and girlish for such a deadly-looking creature.

“Is two of them… Hahaha… Fun now, fun later?” Harharie drawled, her tone more than slightly depraved.

“I would rather you find Love, and Love more Abundantly.” You replied, trying to sound as serene as you could. “And we’re not here to beg. Trader Robbo of The Australs and his wife Gilly invited us.”

“Said.” Seheesa noted, pursing her lips.

“Said one!” Harharie objected.

“Not so full it make difference, and I no argue with Dingo Warrigal.” Seheesa retorted, shuddering slightly. It seemed that Gilly could give even these two pause.

Harharie hooted her agreement, before placing a palm on the door and pushing it inward. You began to head inside, nodding your thanks, before Seheesa grabbed your arm.

“Harharie bad girl, but not mean. Like all men, all time…” The Hyaena muttered, almost on the edge of hearing. “…Seheesa no want. Meet poet-man two days time… You ask Reitia-Goddess give blessing for Seheesa?”

“For a fulfilling date?’ You smiled. “I would be more than happy to.”

“You have good night pilgrim-boys.” Seheesa insisted, louder this time, shoving you through the doors and shutting them behind you. You stopped, stunned as a melange of smells struck you, each one more mouth-watering than the last.

“Reitia’s Mercy…” Thomas almost groaned.

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2d68de No.384157


A Maitre D’ spotted you, making his way over in that hurried-but-not-hurried pace mastered only by the truly gifted restaurateur.

“Pilgrims.” He greeted you with ineffable politesse. “I don’t know how you convinced our staff to allow you entry, but I fear this establishment cannot permit begging…”

“We did not come to beg, sir.” You assured the man. “We are expected. Robbo of the Australs invited us.”

“Ammit be Gracious…” The Maitre D’ breathed a long-suffering sigh. “…Then I pray you can convince him to be a little more restrained as he throws himself face-first into every passing ale tankard?”

“We can but try, sir.” You mused philosophically.

The Maitre D’ sniffed. “Of course, this way please.”

“I don’t get it…” Thomas remarked in your ear. “…It looks like a tavern, but people are…”

“Behaving themselves?” You chuckled. “Apart from the decor, is it any different from the Shining Sands back home?”

“Yeah well Dalila isn’t shy about setting on folks who get too rowdy with a freshly peeled switch.”

“And those two ladies out the front don’t serve similar purpose?”

“Good point!” Thomas chuckled, as you approached a long, rowdy table. A familiar shape stood up unsteadily, spreading his arms as he circled towards you.

“Maaaaaaaaate.” Robbo drawled drunkenly, embracing you in a rough hug.

“Reitia’s blessings upon you, Robbo.” You smiled, returning the embrace.

“Whozzis then?” The trader demanded, breaking the hug and peering owlishly at Thomas.

“A brother pilgrim. Thomas by name. Forgive me, I know it’s presumptuous in the extreme to impose but I couldn’t have him beg alone while I was here.” You apologised.

“Well that depends.” Robbo pondered, affecting a studious expression. “D’you drink?”

“I’ve been known to partake, sir.” Thomas grinned.

“Then sit the fuck down cunt, grab a tankard and wish blessing upon my wife and our unborn child!” Robbo laughed, shoving Thomas into an empty space at the table and forcing a heavy mug into his hand.

“So soon?” You blurted in surprise as you were manhandled into a seat next to the trader’s Dingo wife.

“A Woman Knows, Deniel.” Gilly sniffed, before giving you a brief, soft kiss on the cheek.

Robbo laughed drunkenly, shoving another tankard in front of you. “Drink! Drink all youse cunts!”

“To Gilly.” Thomas proposed, raising his tankard. “May Holy Mother Reitia multiply this blessing with many more brothers and sisters in the future.”

“Gilly!” The table declared in various degrees of sobriety, beer sloshing down its length as tankards were clumsily clanked together.

“Skoll.” A rumbling voice insisted, a positive hulk of a man with a wealth of straw-blonde hair raising his tankard to you. “Or… ‘Cheers’, as you are saying in the Westerlands.”

“Cheers.” You smile at the Nordenlander, drinking deeply of the rich, bitter ale.

“Where are me fuckin’ manners?” Robbo lamented. “These two bright young lads are Deniel and Thomas of th’Reitian Temple. Deniel’s th’one who healed th’wife, and if this Thomas bloke is worth half the regard that old mate seems to put on him, he’s a good cunt too.”

The table laughed, and a few hands reached over to clap Thomas on the back in camaraderie.

“Pilgrims, we’ve got here Director James De Sephiny of the IMFC… fucking pirate.”

“Freelancer!” The richly adorned man cried in mock injury.

“Captain Sigurd of the Shieldmaiden…” Robbo continued, ignoring the man and pointing at the blond, bearded Nordenlander. “…Mad Corvidian cunt he is.”

Sigurd grunted, a small, tolerant smile on his lips.

“…Earl Charles of Longley… that’s in the fuckin’ Angel Isles if anybody gives a shit.”

“I’ll job you one, mate…” The surprisingly humbly dressed man promised with a laugh.

“…and Ellie, mage of the Circle… though I don’t know who invited this bitch…” Robbo continued, waving dismissively at a robed human woman.

“Is that any way to talk about your little sister, cunt?” The woman laughed in a broad Australian accent, blowing a kiss at the trader.

“Love you, y’vile cow.” Robbo declared fondly. “And all this talk’s made me hungry. Waiter! Are you raising that fuckin’ beast from infancy? I’m paying a shitload of very good coin to see this lot properly fed! Step to!”

“I’ll see what the delay is at once, milord.” A waiter promised obsequiously, ducking his head and hurrying towards the kitchens.

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2d68de No.384159


The sour looks of the unmentioned spoke louder than any words that some kind of power play was in motion here, and not a few had shuffled closer to Thomas, clearly trying to ingratiate themselves to the Trader’s new favoured guests. Who WAS Robbo, you wondered, to be rubbing shoulders with people of this renown?

“You’re from Caladon, yeah?” Earl Charles asked you pointedly, filling your tankard unbidden.

“Williamsberg… The Temple at Sea-of-Grasses if I have to be specific.” You replied.

“Lovely country that.” Charles sighed. “Love to go someday.”

“If I might recommend the Shining Sands during your stay?” You smiled, raising your tankard in thanks. You hoped the dinner wasn’t too far away, the ale was rich and strong, and you were aware how quickly it could catch up with you.

“He won’t go.” Sigurd stated simply. “He will meet some Caladonian Taurean and fall desperately and hopelessly in love.”

“It’s the horns…” Charles justified lamely.

“Horns. Sure.” Gilly quipped mockingly.

<Short one today, who do you want to talk to?

>James De Sephiny, director of the Independant Merchant and Freelancer’s Combine, not so much a pirate king as one of a large handful of constantly bickering pirate princes.

>Captain Sigurd of the Shieldmaiden. Nordenlander and lay-worshipper of the Dark God Corvus.

>Earl Charles of Longley - Minor noble of the Angel Isles (not-britbongistan) and apparent cowtit afficionado.

>Ellie, Circle Mage and Robbo’s little sister.

>Robbo, who keeps surprisingly august company for a seemingly simple trader

>Nobody, shut the fuck up and listen to other people’s conversations

>Something else?

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a287ea No.384162


Who to chat up?

>Earl Charles of Longley - Minor noble of the Angel Isles (not-britbongistan) and apparent cowtit afficionado.

Don't want anything to do with anyone who worships Corvus. The pirate king sounds less than trustworthy as well. And it might cause problems with Ellie realizes we're the one that Archmage was probably ranting about recently. But Charles, he sounds alright. I'm curious about these Angel Isles too. Are their angels on these islands, or is that just the name? Aside from that, I'd also like to learn more about Robbo and see who he really is. Because he sure as hell seems to have a lot of influence.

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aaae54 No.384175


Let's talk with Robbo and ask for tales of how he met all these interesting fellows.

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75607f No.384181



>has a thing for cow girls


Interesting.Let’s talk to Charles, see why he doesn’t want to go. I think there’s something we may need to help along there. Also we need to be doubly sure to congratulate them again on their child(ren?). Maybe find out who he is in the process of talking to the earl.

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2d68de No.384194


>I'm curious about these Angel Isles too. Are their angels on these islands, or is that just the name?

It's a devolution of "England", though it is a VERY Tyrisian region of the Magisterian Empire (The Great Necropolis of Londinium aside) so…. maybe?

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c2e4d4 No.384197


>Robbo and Gilly

I'm pretty interested in our hosts.

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8e25f2 No.384261



Let's be friendly while avoiding diving headfirst into some sort of international trades politicking.

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2d68de No.384266


“If you know your heart’s desire, why not follow it, my lord?”

“Please, just Charles, Pilgrim. You’ll be falling over titles all night otherwise.” The Angel Islander chuckled.

You nodded your thanks. “Then I’ll insist you call me Deniel. I did notice the company tonight is surprisingly… August.”

“Spotted that did you?” Charles drawled. “This is apparently how Australians conduct a war council.”

You started at that. “War?”

“He didn’t tell you?” Charles mused in puzzlement. “Strange…”

“Tell him what?” Robbo slurred, retrieving another tankard and clapping Charles on the shoulder familiarly.

“About your most righteous campaign, My Lord Baron.” Charles smirked.

“Ah shit.” Robbo cursed. “Got m’self deposed. Fuckin’ Succusluts on the council of matriarchs STILL consider the Dingo tribes feral for no good fuckin’ reason, so some climber used me marriage to Gilly to have me given the arse.”

“That’s monstrous!” You cried in horror. True love was to be celebrated, not punished! “I’m no expert on Politics but aren’t the Australs still a Magisterium protectorate? Surely…”

“The Magisterium Court will spend half a fucking century just readin’ the legislature to prepare the notice to consider hearing the petition on the possibility… Fuck me you get the idea.” Robbo drawled cynically “And the current Dominus is a fuckin’ post turtle.”

“Post turtle?” You echoed confusedly

“Yeh. Like a turtle on a fencepost. You know the cunt didn’t get up there on his own, he doesn’t belong there, you wonder what cunt put him there, he can’t do anything while he is there, and the kindest thing you can do is knock the fucker off.” Robbo explained.

“Hohohohoho.” Sigurd rumbled in laughter. “That is of never gettings old.”

“Course not.” Charles drawled. “I taught him it.”

“But still…” You interjected “War?”

“Put it from your mind, Mate.” Robbo assured you. “I invited you as thanks for what you’ve done for me and the wife. I don’t expect anything from you, and I wouldn’t dare to ask. But Toowoomba is MINE.” The man snarled with surprising vehemence. “The bones of my family have enriched the earth in that place for eleven fuckin’ millennia. I’ll get her back…”

“Even if he has to disrupt trade for a decade to do so.” The IMFC director interjected cheekily.

“Shaddup cunt, I’m paying you to agree with me.” Robbo retorted, rounding on the man in mock fury, before taking his tankard and resuming conversation further up the table.

“This doesn’t seem possible…” You mused.

“What’s that, Deniel?” Charles prompted.

“This morning Robbo and Gilly were just a couple in a wagon… now…” You trailed off helplessly.

Charles rocked his hand back and forth. “There’s an explanation for that… Though technically it hinges on blasphemy.”

“I’m not that precious.” You assured the noble.

“You can thank the Tyrisian church.” Charles began. “And please understand, I am a loyal and devoted servant of The Most High… but administratively?”

You shook your head. “I’m afraid I still don’t follow.”

“Eons of nobility during the Pax being the only ones who breed with humans exclusively… well… on paper anyway.” Charles noted. “Add to that two… no… three near-global wars? It’s gonna get heavy at the top, every second and third son trying his damnedest to find whatever loophole in Pater Familias they can to eke out their own claim.”

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2d68de No.384267


Your brow furrowed as you studied the noble. “You sound like you’re speaking from experience…”

“There’s the legendary perceptiveness of the Reitian Pilgrim…” Charles chortled. “…My ‘Earldom?’ A simple town and a handful of farms and forges. You’d call it little more than a Holding here in the Westerlands. Given to my great-great-great grandfather to stave off civil war.”

“Then why not go to Caladon if the situation irks you so?” You prompted. “Find a nice girl, build a home, raise a family…”

“A minor noble named Charles with a weakness for Taureans appears in Caladon…” The man laughed bitterly. “…The poetry is exquisite… Long story short, I’d be MOBBED, man! And I’d spend the rest of my life wondering if my wife was ever truly with me because she wanted ME, or wanted to birth the next Hathor.”

You shook your head sadly at the man’s cynicism. “You think people that fickle?”

“Observe your friend, Deniel…” Charles prompted. You looked over to where Thomas was regaling Ellie with some tale or another, the female human staring at him with smouldering eyes, a slender finger held teasingly between her teeth. “…The Suudenlanders have a saying. “Beware the huntress when she sights her prey.”

“If it be Reitia’s will…” You began lamely.

“If.” Charles echoed pointedly “Love is not the only motivator to drive one into the arms of another.”

Thankfully, at that moment dinner arrived, and the Earl’s cynicism was swept aside as the table stooped to the more pressing concern of filling belly.

“This is excellent!” You murmured to Gilly, pointing at some cut of moist, white-fleshed meat. “What is it?”

“Bungarra.” The dingo replied daintily around her own mouthful.

“Those awful lizards you use as horses?”

Gilly sniffed in confirmation as you paused in your chewing. The meat was soft, yet delicately flavoursome and almost seemed to melt in your mouth. “Miracles never cease…” You chuckled.

“Technically they’re not, not being from the Australs and all…” Thomas explained “…Memphis in the Old Nagaraj has similar beasts, they call them ‘Sand-Striders’.”

“You’re so well travelled, Pilgrim!” Ellie gushed girlishly, staring at Thomas in seeming adoration. You frowned slightly, the mage couldn’t lay it on any thicker with the aid of a trowel.

“I’ve been around…” Thomas drawled, clearly lapping up the attention.

You glanced askance at the Dingo to your side, who simply rolled her eyes. You were glad to see you weren’t the only one who could spot it, and prayed sincerely that Thomas himself was not exempt from that number.

True to his word, the spread Robbo put forth was generous and astonishingly diverse, and your frequent declarations of being full ‘clear up to here’ were weakened by the passing of yet another delicious-smelling dish.

“You have murdered me, Baron!” Director De Sephiny moaned, loosening his belt and leaning back in his chair.

“Pretend I said something profound in reply to that.” Robbo grunted, his face red and his hands holding his own distended stomach. Gilly laughed, leaning over to kiss the man warmly.

“I think I need some air…” Ellie remarked, before dramatically stumbling “…Whoops!”

Thomas, fool that he was, reached out, catching her about the waist. “Are you alright?”

“Teehee… my Hero.” the mage giggled brainlessly, stroking him along the cheek with her delicate hand. “…Though it seems I’ve had a bit to drink? Will you walk with me, Pilgrim?”

“Ellie, I am having something I wish to show the Pilgrims. You can steal him later, yes?” Sigurd rumbled.

“Not to mention Deniel still looks disgustingly mobile, and we can’t have that!” Robbo laughed drunkenly “After all, I’m a man of my word…”

A few guests shuffled uncomfortably at that, and you guessed some deeper political thrust had just struck home.

<What do?

>BEGONE THOT! Thomas isn’t going anywhere with 3dpd.

>Cockblock time, offer to go with them.

>Convince Thomas to stay and see what the Nordenlander wants to show you

>Not your Brewery, not your Satyros. If Thomas wants to flirt with breaking his vows that’s his problem. Stay here and keep drinking.

>If it be Reitia’s will, who are you to stand in the way? Let the thot fish for dick.

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d19e11 No.384270


>Convince Thomas to stay and see what the Nordenlander wants to show you

Gotta protect our brother and his vows. I also am curious what Sigurd wants to show us.

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aaae54 No.384272


>Convince Thomas to stay

Let's hear out Sigurd. Also, Ellie just screams political maneuvering 3dpd. She can fuck off.

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6d217c No.384273


first off: dirty fujo kraken >>> 3D

in light of this, Thomas is going fucking nowhere with her and will be coming along with us with the russian nordenlander.

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a287ea No.384274


>Convince Thomas to stay and see what the Nordenlander wants to show you

I'm in agreement on this. Deny the thot. Besides, I think Thomas might actually really like Miss Kraken, though he is reluctant to admit it. Maybe a bit less reluctant if we teach him water breathing :^)

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75607f No.384275


Convince Thomas to stay. Maybe give him a little jab about the flirtations of miss sapphire.

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ac284c No.384288


She trying to pussywhip our boy for nefarious means.We are duty bound and brother pilgrims and as bro's to stop them. Convince him to stay and listen to what the Nord had to say

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c2e4d4 No.384294


>Convince Thomas to stay and see what the Nordenlander wants to show you

Hope she's not too sour about being boxblocked.

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6d217c No.384332


who cares if the cunt gets clamjammed?

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c2e4d4 No.384335


Potentially us if she takes it personally?

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6d6284 No.384341


Bros before hos. Convince Thomas to stay, she probably only wants him for his phenomenal cosmic power.

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1df32b No.384476

>Convince Thomas to stay and see what the Nordenlander wants to show you

“We’d be glad to oblige you, Captain Sigurd.” You announced, looking pointedly at your brother pilgrim. “Wouldn’t we Thomas?”

“Deniel I’m sure we…” Thomas began lamely, glancing at the giggling mage still lounging in his arms.

“I’m sure the Baron is more than capable of making sure his sister… you know, the CIRCLE ADEPT… gets safely to wherever she’s staying tonight.”

“What, upstairs?” Robbo murmured in apparent incomprehension.

“Oh why not just piss DIRECTLY into me fuckin’ porridge, brother mine?” Ellie hissed, pushing herself off Thomas, her drunkenness seemingly evaporated in an instant. Grabbing Thomas’s collar, she shamelessly pulled the shocked man’s mouth to hers.

“Wh-what?” Thomas blurted in shock as the mage broke her kiss.

“Don’t make me spell it out.” Ellie seethed at him, as if the whole thing was somehow his fault, before storming from the tabled commonroom.

“Seems to have taken quite a shine to the Pilgrim.” Charles remarked phlegmatically.

“When she does she does, I s’pose.” Robbo mused philosophically, before turning his head slightly and winking at you.

“That was unworthy, Deniel.” Thomas accused, straightening his clothes.

You fixed your brother pilgrim with an innocent expression. “You weren’t planning on taking her up on anything, were you?”

Thomas’s face flushed. “No, of course not, but…”

You grinned. “Ware your ego, brother mine. No castle has been built that will withstand the machinations of that particular traitor.”

“Truer words, little brother…” Sigurd chuckled in his rumbling voice, and your ears pricked up. Did he use that particular reference deliberately? “…Come now, you must be seeing.”

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1df32b No.384477


“Really though?” Thomas murmured.

“Have you grown so inured to the touch of a woman staying with Sapphire you don’t recognise the kinds of silly decisions a man makes with a woman’s softness pressed against him?” You replied levelly.

“That’s different. She’s not…”

“What, Human?”

“Yes… I mean no! Sapphire doesn’t… Understand.”

You raised an eyebrow askance. “Understand what?”

Thomas sighed. “What it means to be a mage… Deniel you’ve been on Pilgrimage for under a month, you haven’t had to come to terms with it yet.”

“With what?”

“Loneliness.” Thomas replied honestly. “I’ve helped breathe life into Love across half the world now… and I keep none of it for myself. I’d never met anyone who could truly UNDERSTAND what we do, not really.”

You squeezed Thomas’s arm in sympathy. “Disciple Jonathan told me something, before I began my pilgrimage. It’s hard to think that someone can understand you without empathizing with you… but it happens, and it’s the most vulnerable position we can find ourselves in. After all, what is the Remonstration of the Seeker?”

“Guard thou well the Treasures of thy Heart, O beloved.” Thomas Recited almost automatically. “For yea, that which heals can be made to harm. The fire which comforts shall also burn, the water which sootheth may yet drown, the linens which succor may also suffocate.”

“Glorified be the Wisdom of the Holy Mother.” You intoned, placing a hand atop your breast.

“Glorified be.” Thomas agreed with a sigh. “But she’s not like that!”

“You’ve known her for an hour? Two?”

Thomas grumbled in reluctant admission. “You’re right.”

“Do not worry about Loneliness, little brother.” Sigurd interjected from where he walked ahead of you. “For it is said, that the millstone of power must ever be born alone, and none shall bear it from us, for its price is ours, and ours alone to pay.”

“I don’t recognise that… Tyrisian?” You frowned.

Sigurd shook his head. “This is wisdom of The Raven of the North. Corvus, Itreks-jod

“The Dark God.” Thomas breathed with not a little trepidation.

Sigurd paused, a look of surprise on his bearded face as he looked between you. “You think Him so? Then we have been leavings it for too long already. Come… you must see.”

The Nordenlander led you through the maze of back-alleys, coming at last to a strangely peaked building, looking as if it had been strangely grown, rather than built, its buttresses and arches spiked in the manner of a coral reef.

“So quiet now… once always full of life. But none allowed here any longer… It doesn’t want it remembered.” Sigurd murmured almost to himself. “But the Sea remembers… and I remember.”

The neglected doors were pushed open with a creaking of wood and rusted hinges, and the Nordenlander busied himself with flint and steel at an oil-stained brazier until it sputtered to orange, smoky light.

“There.” Sigurd pointed to a pool of water at the far end of the room, tiles elevating it like some kind of altar. Compounding that were the stylizations of Mer and Kraken in mosaic on the wall above it, beatified like saints where they pointed tridents and cruel coral-swords towards the pool. “We go. Is not far. You can hold breath yes? Ten seconds, maybe twenty, is not far.”

“Y-you want us to go… IN there.” Thomas gulped, his eyes widening and his face going pale in the ruddy glow of the brazier.

“I go first. Show you. Is no danger.” Sigurd promised, stepping without hesitation into the pool, which submerged the big man in dark water to the neck. “Deep breath.” He instructed, before taking in a huge lungful of air and pluging his head beneath the water.

“I can’t!” Thomas whimpered in sheer terror, stepping backwards away from the pool as if the water would come alive and grab him. “I… I just can’t! I’m sorry Deniel.”

<I didn’t want to break it here but it allows for more options if I do. Good news is I have all the rest planned out so it should be fairly quick to post the next part once you guys pick

<What do you want to do?

>Tell Thomas to go back, whatever Sigurd wanted to show you, you can tell him about it, and this isn’t the most soothing environment to have your brother confront his fear.

>Bully him for being a little bitch, try and guilt him into it

>Teach him Waterbreathing and hope that stills his fear.

>Cast Waterbreathing on the both of you, guide him through yourself, time enough to teach him later. (This will strain you magically)

>Knock his ass out, cast waterbreathing on him and drag the pussy little faggot through while holding your breath like a real man.

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b0890e No.384479


Give a short speech about how one must overcome his fears and how you experienced learning water breathing. Then teach him water breathing.

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03c4d4 No.384480


>Teach him Waterbreathing and hope that stills his fear.

Try to teach him, but if he's 100% against this right now, let him go back.

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6d217c No.384481


this. but I do like the idea of konking him on the head with Deniel's staff if he doesn't co operate. so: all for "teach Thomas water breathing" … and if there needs to be a tiebreaker for knocking him out or not … consider me in the "bop him on the head" camp.

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d19e11 No.384482


Teach him Waterbreathing and hope that stills his fear. If he can't learn it soon, cast it on both of you.

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75607f No.384488


Teach him to breathe underwater

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a287ea No.384493


>Teach him Waterbreathing and hope that stills his fear.

Try this.

>Cast Waterbreathing on the both of you, guide him through yourself, time enough to teach him later. (This will strain you magically)

This as a last resort.

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ac284c No.384497


Yep, Though I really do like the idea of smacking him upside the head. It out of character but it would be hilarious

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a287ea No.384515


It would be pretty funny. But I doubt Thomas would like it very much.

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6d6284 No.384519


Teach him waterbreathing

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d19e11 No.384542


Hey, we're the follower of the Goddess of love, and some people need a little tough love.

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1df32b No.384658

>Teach Thomas Waterbreathing.

You gripped your brother pilgrim by the arms. “Thomas! Don’t worry, I can help.”

Thomas looked at you helplessly. “How?”

“Open your mind to me.” You insisted, putting a hand atop Thomas’s head.

Screwing his eyes closed, Thomas nodded, sinking to his knees on the paved floor with you. “Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…”

As you chanted, you felt the world fall away from you, standing again in that twilight of the Astral Plane. You paused, amazed at the difference in how your minds wrought the endless maze of The Path. Thomas’s mind was much more regimented, almost geometric in its structure, a vast web of glittering gemstones, every facet a new intersect on The Path.

“Alright Thomas, I want you to think of Water for me. Make it real.”

You sensed liquid swirling around your ankles as reality shifted within your fellow mage’s mind. Suddenly, you were presented with a boundless vista of ankle-deep water, the sky blue and clear from horizon to endless horizon.

“No chance you could make it just a bit deeper?” You ventured. Thomas stared at you levelly. “Alright, fine. Can you make a wall of water? Just make it taller than me.”

Thomas made a strangling noise as his will fought against the primitive fear in his mind.

“Remember our lessons.” You assured him. “You’re the master here, my brother. Nothing happens in this place but that you will it.”

“Unless a memory runs roughshod over your consciousness, or did you forget so quickly?” Thomas spat derisively.

“Build my wall, Thomas.” You smirked, not rising to the bait. Thomas sighed, raising his hand in front of him, the water flowing around your ankles as he raised it into a rough block of water, some fifty feet in length and ten or so in height.

“That’ll be fine.” You assured him, before deliberately stepping backwards into the wall.

“If you’re thinking of simply shaming me into…” Thomas began, his voice muffled as he stood without.

You shook your head, putting your fingertips to your throat ”Aalco De Zlida”. Once again a fizz of bubbles erupted from your mouth, and in a moment you were breathing normally.

“How are you…” Thomas gasped, at once too amazed to be afraid.

“First you need to change how you view water. You can’t change its nature, but you can work within it. There is air within the water, and all you need do is draw it out.”

“I have to try this… but…” Thomas paused, fear once again warring with eagerness.

“The wall’s not going anywhere. You can just lean back anytime.” You reminded him assuringly from within the elongated block of water..

Thomas leaned forward, seemingly agonizingly slowly, his face breaking the surface of the water, then his shoulders, then his arms. “Aalco De Zlida” he intoned, a bubble of air appearing suddenly around his mouth and nose. “Hey! It worked!”

“Why make the transition in front of your face though?” You asked, floating within the water.

“What if the water’s full of weeds or sand or whatnot?” Thomas replied, stepping forward unthinkingly.

“That’s a fair point… Guess what?” You chuckled.

“What’s… Hey! I’m in here!” Thomas remarked in amazement. “This is… fine… I don’t know why I…”

A deep, burbling laugh resonated through the water, and you fancied you could see a massive shape moving somewhere along the wall’s length.

“Nope.” Thomas declared, and your feet were driven out from under you as the wall collapsed into the endless, innocent, ankle-deep pool.

“What…” You coughed, blinking as you regained your equilibrium.

“Something I do not want to deal with.” Thomas replied firmly. “Not yet at least.”

“Memories are assholes.” You declared, sluicing water from your hair.

“You said it, brother.” Thomas agreed as the world once again fell away.

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1df32b No.384659


“Why did I think this was a good idea?” Thomas moaned as he gripped your shoulders.

“You’ve got this, Thomas.” You assured him. “Now just focus on holding the spell. I’ll take care of the swimming.”

“Reitia’s Mercy…” Thomas groaned as you gently dragged him along with you into the darkness of the pool.

“Still with me?”

“Y-yeah. Yeah… Hey is that light over the…Ack!” Thomas gasped as a powerful current suddenly thrust you forward, hurtling down a weedy, brick-lined corridor, pale phosphorescence coming from strange growths spaced far too regularly to be completely natural.

“That damn Nordenlander lied!” Thomas yelled, his voice burbling through the magical bubble around his mouth and nose. “This is very far! Very far!”

“Hang onto me. We’re alright!” You insisted. “It’s barely been fifteen sec…”

With a rushing swirl, you were emptied unceremoniously out into a mirror image of the pool you had entered. Thomas spluttered, kicking for the surface and dragging himself out of the pool as quickly as his flailing limbs would allow. Shaking your head, you could do naught but follow.

“Captain Sigurd?” You ventured, blowing water from your nose as you approached the hunched figure in the centre of the dark, vaulted room you found yourself in.

“Little Brothers!” Sigurd cried in apparent relief, standing and turning to face you. In a hand soaked with gore was held a cruel looking knife, coated with foul ichor, as if he had completely forgotten he held it. “What was of takings so long?”

“Reitia’s Grace!” You exclaimed in surprise “Never mind us! What in the name of All the Gods happened here?”

“Is trouble.” Sigurd grunted, bending and wiping his knife on the wet, stinking remains of whatever it was that was evidently stupid enough to engage the big human. “Is trouble I hoped not to be seeings.”

“Okay I’m done with the obfuscation.” Thomas declared, sluicing water from his tunic pointedly. “Why are we here? What is this place? What the fuck was that? What the fuck did you kill?”

“This? This is history. Show you.” Sigurd insisted, striking flint and steel at an oil-filled channel that jutted out from the side of the wall. A greenish flame leapt up as a spark caught in the oil, and you gasped at the intricate mosaics that were brought to light in the verdant fire.

“This one…” Sigurd began, pointing a thick finger at the nearest “…Is of showings The Antient Mariner meetings the Ruby Witch.”

“Meeting.” Thomas echoed, and as your eyes panned across the image you felt your face grow hot. Idealized and Beatified the images may have been, but this was CLEARLY a mosaic of a human and a crimson-skinned Kraken copulating.

“Stops beings old lady.” Sigurd chuckled mockingly. “This one is The Antient Mariner and Ruby Witch sheltering the Fallen afters the War of the Angels.”

A white-haired infant was surrounded by a glowing halo as it was held between golden angelic hand and crimson tentacle, the baby’s face preternaturally calm and a silver Triskelion floating above his imperiously raised hand.

“No prizes for spotting Lord Heirarch Enoch in that one, Ammit Rest his Soul.” Thomas snickered softly, and you nodded, frowning as you noticed another figure in the mosaic.

“Who’s the man in the Feathered cloak?”

“You are not beings serious…” Sigurd stated incredulously. “…Is Itreks-jod! Lord Corvus!”

“I’ve never seen him depicted like… that!” You remarked. To depict the Lord of Destruction as something so… Ordinary! It defied belief.

“No, you are of seeings scary childrens books yes?” Sigurd snickered “Not be doings of Evil or Corvus come throw you in the Void, yes?”

“I’m pretty sure I read that one…” Thomas admitted. “…What? I did!” He protested as you fixed him with a disapproving stare.

Sigurd shook his head, blowing air through his moustache as he pointed to the next mosaic. “Here, Seeing Transcendence of the Mariner, birth of new sea-witches.”

“Whoever did these mosaics REALLY had a thing for showing Krakens getting ploughed…” Thomas remarked, the mosaic again being at once reverent and graphically carnal at the same time.

“Getting you all hot and bothered?” You quipped mockingly.

“Tentacles, Deniel.” Thomas replied levelly, shaking his head before pointing at the largest couple in the mosaic, the crimson-skinned Kraken of the pair unmistakeable. “They made a mess of this “Mariner” though, he almost looks like he has fins!”

“He was of changing.” Sigurd explained “Is not mistakes.”

Thomas shuddered involuntarily, and you couldn’t help but agree with your brother pilgrim. Tyrisians you were not, but forsaking your humanity? That was a Taboo bred into your very cells. Sigurd moved to the next mosaic, the green fire lighting his face with an almost eldrich radiance as it spread along the channel.

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1df32b No.384660


“This one, the martyrdom of the Ruby Witch. The Exile of the Mariner.” Sigurd explained, the Kraken being peirced through by countless cruel weapons, the dusky-skinned demons holding them warped and twisted in comparison to the Kraken’s benignly Beatified features, hands folded and eyes raised reverently to heaven. Below, the Half-man form of the Ancient Mariner, a battered tricorn hat pulled down to obscure his face.

“Are we reaching some kind of point, Sigurd?” You sighed wearily, your nerves frayed with tension.

“Is all coming to bear, little brother.” The Nordenlander promised, crossing to the second-to-last mosaic. “Here, the Purification and the Ascension. The Mariner is Anointed.” Sigurd turned to face the pair of you, a wry smile on his lips. “Am sure I am not havings to explain who that is.”

“Holy Mother!” Thomas exclaimed, putting his hand over his heart and bowing his head reverently. You stared open-mouthed at the mosaic. There, an unmistakeable figure, her wings storm-grey, hair the azure of a spring sky, lupine ears and tail so exquisitely detailed you expected them to move any second. Her slender arms reached towards the monstrous half-man form of the Antient Mariner, and the artist, clearly in the throes of some kind of artistic fervour, had encrusted the stylized power emanating from her hands in a king’s ransom of crushed gemstones.

“Mother Reitia.” You murmured reverently, mirroring Thomas’s pose.

“Thanks be to the Rafnsdottir for Life and Joy. Beings they ever abundant on the world.” Sigurd intoned, making the same respectful gesture. “And look, little brothers, what is of coming from the mariner’s back?”

“Darkness…” Thomas replied thoughtfully, and you nodded agreement. Crushed obsidian was set in similar manner to the bright gems, trailing away to a single gemstone so dark it seemed to suck in even the dim light.

“The Raven was of fightings against The Dragon… and The Dragon was of fightings… and was prevailings not.” Sigurd recited, tracing his fingertips along the ebony gemstone before placing his palm to his forehead in a ritual gesture. “Light from light, dark to dark… Purified of all corruptions. No longer Arin, no longer Mariner…” Sigurd traced off as the fire finally reached the end of the vaulted room, springing to roaring life as it illuminated a majestic figure wielding a pair of trident blades, a finned, coraline crown resting upon gem-crusted brow. “…But God! Oannes! Lord of the Waters!” Staring open-mouthed, for a moment you were struck dumb by the sheer theatricality of the gesture.

“Never heard of him.” Thomas remarked simply, shattering the spell and drawing a muttered curse from the muscular Nordenlander.

“That is of beings the POINT!” Sigurd lamented in frustration. “How is entire city of forgetting Oannes? Entire Country? World maybe?”

“It seems impossible.” You admitted.

Thomas nodded. “But here we are.”

“Yes. Before the doors to the Abyss.” Sigurd grumbled, bashing his fist against the statue, and you noticed for the first time a seam running up the middle of the majestic figure, a seam from which leaked a thick, foul substance.

“Eurgh…” Thomas remarked in distaste.

“Dark Magics.” Sigurd explained. “I am simple Captain. I am not of having magics, I am not of being annointed with the Void. I am of having no power to make of fixings. I am hoping that maybe you can?”

“Why?” Thomas asked in puzzlement. “I mean, if Oannes wants to be forgotten, who are we to gainsay a God?”

“Oannes is of being a Proud God. He is of welcoming sacrificings and praise. His altars were of running red with the blood of traitors and criminals… But now those altars are of being dried black, and shadows are of whispering a new name. A foul name. A name which should be beings dead long past… Dagon.”

<Woah nelly! We’ve gone and stumbled into a fucking blue between sea-gods.


>Fuck this could get seriously sideways right quick. Maybe scarper and ask Ellie if there are any more Circle Mages who could be meatshields provide support.

>Lots of Krakens in these murals… wonder if we know anyone who could provide a Kraken’s-eye view on this shitshow?

>Try and contact Cirice, if Gods are involved we’d probably better ask Mum if it’s okay to poke at first.

>If there’s that much Dark Magic, why hasn’t this Corvidian summoned the Black Knights? Something’s fucky here… Nope the fuck out of there and get as far away from Atlantea as you can.

>Something else?

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ac284c No.384673


This shit is getting heretical.

I am really weary with touching Dagon shit.

That said I think we have to do something. Oannes is someone Retia cares about, and this can be seen being about love. Sigurd loves his God and can't do anything to help. Thats a good enough excuse for us I think. Also gathering some goodwill from the Gods is never a bad thing.

So I'd try to ask Mother or Cirice, When that inevitably gets us no where since we don't have a direct line to a God and the angel on our shoulder is still to embarrassed to talk to us, Ask why hasn't he made a call for the a Black Knight. Given a good enough answer then we start Mass Cleansing this shit.

We will likely get attacked by deep ones once we start so make sure everyone is prepared and knows whats going to happen. Also we should have an evac route should shit go sour.

Sigurd and Thomas can easily carry themselves in a fight, So can focus on purifying.

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a287ea No.384680


>Try and contact Cirice, if Gods are involved we’d probably better ask Mum if it’s okay to poke at first.

Let's do this. Cirice will probably be more receptive if we come without Thomas. Be sure to lovingly thank her for her help too. Tease her if she starts acting all shy again, telling her she better get used to it! Just like she expected us to get used to her nudity. :^)


Do this if Cirice is still acting like a shy little girl, despite our earnest request for guidance.

The bottom line is that this place needs to be cleansed of the darkness.

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75607f No.384681

My gut instinct is to immediately purify it, but last time we were rash like that it ended poorly. Let’s ask sapphire about this. Given her name it wouldn’t surprise me if she was a descendant of Ruby. Depending on what she tells usif anything it might be wise to call for backup. If we end up summoning a horde of demons or something having extra mages on hand would be useful.

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a287ea No.384695


Really rather not have circle mages sticking their noses into this. They seem like the types who would blow it to bits instead of trying to cleanse or understand it.

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a287ea No.384697



Oh wait, Sapphire is the kraken, not the circle mage. Never mind. Asking Sapphire probably isn't a bad idea. I know you didn't imply this, but I still wouldn't want to mention it to Ellie.

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c2e4d4 No.384699


>Lots of Krakens in these murals… wonder if we know anyone who could provide a Kraken’s-eye view on this shitshow?

Let's start with asking Sapphire, we can kick it upstairs to Cirice and Mom after we have some more info if needed.

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6d6284 No.384707


Sapphire seems a good person to ask, but even better would be a Shoggoth. Where we would find one I don't know, but if we're dealing with an eldritch threat it would help to ask something that is also eldritch.

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8e25f2 No.384725


>Ask Sapphire

And afterwards, if that doesn't get us a comfortably solid way forwards

>Ask Cirice and Mum

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6d217c No.384737


count me in for asking the dirty fujo Sapphire

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d0c0d2 No.387059


Call Circe

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