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File: 47b78657ef3c7c4⋯.jpg (549.75 KB,1461x2065,1461:2065,__hoshikawa_lily_konno_jun….jpg)

File: e85b6160d12a429⋯.png (885.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,eeh.png)

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File: b57272428008ff3⋯.gif (231.4 KB,540x306,30:17,the only normal one.gif)

d200c3 No.373781 [Last50 Posts]

Zombie anime is good

I want to fuck cuddle zombies now

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e65f7d No.373787

Here's the first episode https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SfPEg4bp5Zs

Also I know it's illegal to like the guy but man do I like the producer

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b5b91b No.373789

File: 9deafee573a69ae⋯.png (476.48 KB,535x590,107:118,9deafee573a69ae07539219545….png)


>directly linking Jewtube instead of making and posting a webm from anywhere else.


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e65f7d No.373790


Yeah I'm autistic with images and videos even though I spend most of my time on imageboards

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e65f7d No.373791

To simulate discussion what are you looking to next episode?

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45d638 No.373796


>Not using the anti-jewtube script for embeds

>Not just streaming the video through an external player downloading the video with youtube-dl without even needing to open it

>Expecting everyone else to do the job for you

Help yourself you fucking karl marx

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d200c3 No.373801

File: ad258263111b6f9⋯.jpg (170.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,legendary tae yamada.jpg)


I want to see whats the deal with this girl, she's probably not going to awaken for a long time judging from the preview. Whatever she has going on with her is probably a big plot point.

Watch her be like the manager's wife or something. Calling it now.

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e65f7d No.373806


I heard guesses that the main girl was ran over by the producer also think the producer was related to one of the zombies

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e65f7d No.373807


>the legendary

This going to be a meme i know it

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6e0d7a No.373842


Woody Harrelson's appearance.

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9cc914 No.373876

Holy shit, this is too much. I can't watch this straight due to laughing too much. Zombie idols is crazy enough. The producer is also a special piece of work. But the zombies headbanging to death metal, fuck.

This is gold right here. Perfect for this month.

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12e556 No.373900


>some garbage channel with a shitty frame around the video and awful audio quality

>when it's freely available as a torrent from literally anywhere

Just terrible anon, at the very least link horriblesubs.

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b5d18b No.374231

It's a good time.

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d200c3 No.374253

File: 82418d331828324⋯.png (1.99 MB,1920x1080,16:9,mine too.png)

File: c5d23766d46d54e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,tf.png)

So how old is this girl suppose to be?

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ef49a6 No.374255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Zombie animu grills headbanging to Impetigo and early Death

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6fe12f No.374270

File: c67e3bd456a56e3⋯.jpeg (67.91 KB,768x432,16:9,Obi-Wan-Kenobi_6d775533.jpeg)




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e65f7d No.374293


She's from the time period where those were popular

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6b258a No.374338


I feel ancient now.

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bab6e5 No.374402

File: 75a22f94399e8bd⋯.webm (15.18 MB,640x360,16:9,zombi360.webm)

>Nobody posted this yet

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9cc914 No.374405

Man, this anime is plain ridiculous and dumb. I like it. It's made me actually crack up with each episode.

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9cc914 No.374407

File: ebf16e938e7b056⋯.png (212.38 KB,600x730,60:73,IMG_1238.PNG)

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a52ded No.374414

File: e5fef33b11e8c1c⋯.gif (573.14 KB,267x199,267:199,1535863203808.gif)


>zombie girl idols

>fucking rap battles

holy shit what is this

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9cc914 No.374417


Fucking gold is what it is.

>Zombie girls headbanging to death metal

>Rap battles

I'm excited for what the next episode brings.

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414764 No.374425

File: a91d724244c32a1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,427.78 KB,1200x679,1200:679,71170272_p0_master1200.jpg)

Not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this.

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fc93a2 No.374426

File: 0d9581b49d1d602⋯.png (Spoiler Image,831.31 KB,1200x679,1200:679,thefug.png)


god that neck\

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6fe12f No.374443

File: 85706c92cdfdb91⋯.png (409.25 KB,639x799,639:799,85706c92cdfdb911901560e9c1….png)


I know, brainlet. See this >>374338 , then check this >>374270 again and you will understand.

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8aef01 No.374726


Consider suicide my man

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fd2a7f No.374816


That's the best part about zombie girls, you can customize them.

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d200c3 No.374863

File: fbf7ef5f06c2178⋯.png (1.73 MB,1920x1081,1920:1081,when you're the dumbass of….png)

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a0314b No.374877

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54f337 No.375219


She's a biker, so assuming she has a licence, she has to be somewhere between 16-18 years when she died. Tamagotchi had it's peak at the end of the 90's. So she'd be in her mid or late 30s.

In other words, my age. Shit I'm old.

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bc159f No.375342


She is already awake.

Notice how, during the first episode, her eyes were alight like Sakura's before the others' were.

Notice also how she's “Zombie No. 0.” Sakura is “No. 1”, the others who awoke after her have higher numbers.

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97b50a No.375349

File: 6ab30262ec0b727⋯.png (279.42 KB,500x500,1:1,b8.png)

> disgusting idol waifubait trash

no thanks faggot zombina is the only zombie for me

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725a5f No.375384


zombina is a dirty fujo.

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cd4cc1 No.375389


We need more zombie girls, not less

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d200c3 No.375402

File: 3a124815cc2c263⋯.png (1.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1.png)

File: 67d709b4a8c598e⋯.png (1.56 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2.png)

File: 9fbebe4b747b67c⋯.png (1.82 MB,1920x1080,16:9,3.png)

File: b74fafb4998cb9b⋯.png (1.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,4.png)

File: 7d1b38659b51c06⋯.png (1.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,5.png)

What do zombies smell like.

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d200c3 No.375407

File: b32e5bb03aba9f6⋯.png (1.13 MB,1920x1080,16:9,6.png)

File: b889ecabdf4bfbf⋯.png (1.56 MB,1920x1080,16:9,7.png)

File: bce1ee6fbda5927⋯.png (3.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,8.png)

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16b3a3 No.375417

File: e40cf736645bab1⋯.png (45.68 KB,597x445,597:445,Rottytops smells like cand….PNG)


Depends on the zombie.

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1482ec No.375428


They'd smell like formaldehyde, most likely.

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cd4cc1 No.375432


Depends on if they're rotting or not. If they are then godawful wouldn't be enough to describe it, if they aren't then there wouldn't be much of a smell to them

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c66fd7 No.378013

Lily's a guy, a tranny, a trap, I can't believe no one has brought this up here yet.

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aec8df No.378016

File: fa82b1022053390⋯.jpg (44.7 KB,576x463,576:463,russian pidorashka rooster….jpg)

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bffb2e No.378018


Because it's fucking degeneracy and has no place in this board.

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746b24 No.378026


Wait what?

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eb1206 No.378028


A trap, not tranny. At least I have Tae Yamada, best girl.

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4c3441 No.378033


they smell like MAMONOMANA, clearly

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50d6fd No.378049


What does MAMONO MANA smells like?

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c46d4a No.378092


There was a girl I had a crush on when I was in 7th grade, really short, played the violin. Things didn't work out, but I remember taking her to a school dance and hugging her. The way she smelled when I hugged her made me think of wood smoke and savory bacon.

It might be different for other people, but that is what mamono mana smells like to me.

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0586df No.378096


Mah nigga


Well for unklown reason he decided he wanted to be cute and be a child star. Probably related to the fact that his mom died and his date makes bane look like a manlet and he was afraid of that. So afraid in fact that when he noticed a beard hair he died from the shock. Fucking lel. That's why his heart is visible when not disguised too.

I just hope for the ara in chief to take an interest

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9798b7 No.378100

File: b723fe4a1a893ab⋯.jpg (53.18 KB,601x337,601:337,adfbbb.JPG)

The plot thickens.

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aec8df No.378101


bet it was (((crunchyroll)))

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1496c9 No.378102


With all the music in this anime, I'm not sure why you'd want to watch it dubbed. Besides that, I doubt anyone else could match the Japanese voice actor's Kotaro.

Doesn't really surprise me if the dub tried to make the trap into a tranny, though. Either way, it's degenerate filth tarnishing an otherwise surprisingly comfy anime.

It's still hilarious that the trap literally died from his own rejection of his natural gender, though

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c66fd7 No.378103



Lily has a dick and balls, and an XY chromosome, dresses like a female, and describes himself like a female (Lily-chan, and not Lily-kun), so that's all I'm caring about here, IDC abt the rest.

trap, tranny, futa, it makes no difference to me, all that matters is that Lily is out as an option as far /monster/ goes.

And I'm disappointed by a trap for the very first time.

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1496c9 No.378105


>And I'm disappointed by a trap for the very first time.

Unless one happens to be the type who frequents Sabbath gatherings, I'd argue that every other girl was objectively better than Lily even before we knew he wasn't a girl.

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0586df No.378132


Hold on, the dub actually said he was trans?

As if I needed more reasons for sub only.

I didn't understand the name jokes tbh

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725a5f No.378136


thats crunchykike subs.

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b5d18b No.378175


Saw sub, said the same thing.

And i don't get the name stuff either, but i think Lily's original name, literally translated, is something like "War Man Go".

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746b24 No.378186

File: 9d431f704652890⋯.png (522.9 KB,600x900,2:3,9d431f7046528907e8182c89c6….png)

Into the trash it goes.

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316c76 No.378205

I don't know who to trust on this, no one claiming to be able to speak Japanese who's weighed in for or against the accuracy of the translation seems to be impartial so any of them could be lying. I would like to think that this sort of trash isn't in the original and that it was an invention of the translators at crunchyroll (who I have no doubt would absolutely do something like this) but I don't know, short of the creators of the show confirming or denying there's no way of knowing for sure.

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50d6fd No.378206


Considering traps are popular and japan has never made trans, other than maybe for jokes, I think it's way more likely that crunchyroll is cucked.

I remember they did something similar with dragon maid where they turned /ss/ dragon into a feminist.

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50d6fd No.378207



That said, I haven't actually watched the show, so unless someone posts the webm there's still that 1% chance.

Clicked reply too soon.

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67433c No.380044



The character never mentions being trans, but the situation is close enough depending on your definition. Masuo wants to be as cute as possible, utterly obsessed, and while it's not explicitly mentioned it seems the he felt he could achieve that best as a girl so he became a crossdresser at an early age. He insists on being called Lily because it's a cuter name than Masuo and matches his persona better. For all intents and purposes he just wants to be tiny and cute forever (and since he's undead now it seems he got his wish), appearing as a girl is just a means to that end, but he doesn't seem to be deluded into believing that he's female. He's upfront about what sex he is the entire episode and shows no conflict with that other than just wanting to be called Lily instead of his manly real name.

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5d3da8 No.381901

File: 43c42cbd6045ee2⋯.png (951.35 KB,1377x919,1377:919,LivingDeadGirl.png)

File: dabc974201937d8⋯.png (739.5 KB,981x827,981:827,DeadReign.png)

Although >>284045 mentions zombies/reanimator as a possibility, I think this thread should be about zombie girls in general since we do not have any other threads dedicated to zombie qts. Here are a couple that I like from some Palladium RPGs.

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