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They're just LARPing, right?...right???

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File: 148c83a3cc78ca8⋯.jpg (44.1 KB,300x415,60:83,charles-zi-britannia-1973.jpg)

File: d5e2e902b77f786⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB,854x480,427:240,ALL-HAIL-BRITANNIA.mp4)


Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the E.U. which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Britannia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Britannia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my son, Clovis, demonstrates Britannia's unswerving commitment to progress. We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours.


Thread on egalitarianism

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File: 7b69866eff05a64⋯.jpg (57.84 KB,565x640,113:128,UQaS9XC.jpg)


Equality of Results is a Marxist lie told to plebs to manipulate and control them. It hinders the natural talents of talented people so the talentless can feel good about themselves.

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File: b21cfe120627561⋯.jpg (82.41 KB,736x446,368:223,hoppe democracy.jpg)


I've never heard it put more succinctly.

The only problem I see with your thread, OP, is that there's no much room for discussion, as I don't think any of us here cares much for equality, so there really isn't much to discuss.

How good's the dub on that chinese cartoon? Finished the sub not too long ago.

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>I've never heard it put more succinctly.

I, too, like Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn.

I remember a discussion earlier in the forum where someone reversed the causation and was arguing that there should be inequality. It was a pretty interesting discussion. I think I was the one arguing that the symbolic view of a monarch is important because it's sort of putting something as inequal as a monarch front-and-center in the pinnacle of your society and forcing them to deal with it and find meaning, liberty, and purpose in spite of it.

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but uk is cucked af mate

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Actually, in the Chinese cartoon, the empire isn't the UK but Americans LARPing as bongs after the royal family moved their seat of power there.

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Anglo's are the most powerful race in the world

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File: 01e33a27a72df01⋯.jpeg (110.38 KB,532x719,532:719,uk.jpeg)


so why are they so cucked?

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File: ca3f22c2f826779⋯.jpg (509.82 KB,2560x1620,128:81,18Z9A6PnVLw.jpg)


>If Oswald Mosley won nya~


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