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File: c5612a13a0ffdae⋯.jpg (151.63 KB, 1652x925, 1652:925, c5612a13a0ffdaeaf371a00ea0….jpg)

317698  No.27796[View All]

Welcome To QR Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Thursday 11.12.2020

>>>/qresearch/11618946 ————————————–——– [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming - NCSWIC (Cap: >>10266, >>10269)

>>>/qresearch/11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing! (Cap: >>10213, >>10215)

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150 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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30ecaf  No.27966

File: 1dbab2a297f4d78⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB, 1134x720, 63:40, Greta_WTF.mp4)

File: e831e5d7e6f35d7⋯.gif (2 MB, 686x448, 49:32, How_Dare_You_.gif)

File: 01de3f2b9a2add3⋯.mp4 (822.02 KB, 360x450, 4:5, How_Dare_You.mp4)

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cc07d2  No.27967

File: 2f5518d7873b3c3⋯.png (390.74 KB, 519x814, 519:814, 2f5518d7873b3c3ab579ab0a35….png)



greta isnt 18 until this jan, average life expectancy of women is ~75-80 years, imagine when the world finds out. cant even fathom being that F'd for 55-60 years

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9aad16  No.27968

File: 69c4d13aa2b5cc2⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 334x506, 167:253, 69c4d13aa2b5cc2bd9e5035fe0….jpg)


We'll be giving advice on BV's guidelines asap, but thanks for your suggestions, anon.

Aplologies for not organizing the BV gathering last week as planned. Christmas came around too fast, heh.

We'll do it asap though, even if it's a thread for now where everyone can get the guidelines from.

Illegal posts as per the 8kun Global Rules which are CP, threats of and incitement to violence, and animal crush content can be deleted right away, and please ask first about anything else.

This can be done by reporting the post.

If deleting an illegal post, please cap it before you delete it and post in the office thread for transparency.

I'll also post this in the Office thread.

Thanks again for the suggestions, anon.

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30ecaf  No.27970

File: 142e36fcb6092f8⋯.png (1.58 MB, 973x601, 973:601, ClipboardImage.png)


Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition – The Legendary Army Chaplain Of Pearl Harbor

Jul 5, 2017 Nikola Budanovic, Guest Author

Desperate times call for desperate measures. When Pearl Harbor was hit in a surprise attack at dawn, in 1941, the scattered American forces were pinned down by the charging Japanese Zero planes. The legend says that during the attack one army chaplain was among the defenders who were returning small-arms and machine gun fire on the oncoming fighters.

In the heat of the battle, he was asked by the men to say a prayer for them, as they were afraid that those were the last moments of their lives. It is said that the chaplain lay down his Bible, manned one of the machine guns and shouted: “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition”. This gesture boosted the morale of the soldiers and they continued the defense of the harbor.

A song was written dedicated to the fighting chaplain, by Frank Loesser in 1942, where the priest was credited as “The Sky Pilot”. The song was originally published as a sheet music piece by Famous Music Corp. Sheet music meant that it wasn’t recorded but written with notes and lyrics, so it can be reproduced by anyone in large numbers.

The true story is a bit different from the legend. According to author Jack S. Mcdowell, the Sky Pilot was indeed a chaplain – Lieutenant Howell Forgy, but he wasn’t manning the machine gun.

The story was exaggerated as a patriotic inspirational song for American soldiers on the battlefields, but also for the people on the home front. The stories made their way to the press which falsely attributed the phrase to other chaplains and Forgy was left out of the event.

Howell Forgy was aboard the USS New Orleans at the time of the attack. The story was reconstructed from several sources, one of them being Forgy himself. The officer in charge of the ammunition line on the USS New Orleans reported that he originally heard the phrase during the attack.

When he heard it, he turned around and saw Chaplain Forgy walking towards him through the line of scared man, patting them on the back and saying the famous sentence: “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition”. The officer reported that it had an effect on the man and on him also, for he felt comforted and prepared.


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30ecaf  No.27971

File: 1d9d2e5d5760f11⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1014x760, 507:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54cc7fd584a6462⋯.png (15.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PepeChaplainCorps.png)


>Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition – The Legendary Army Chaplain Of Pearl Harbor

Navy Chaplain

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9aad16  No.27974

Specific BV Guidance For Now


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4ddf2f  No.27975


Reading the office notes, they are good frby.

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30ecaf  No.27976

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d56a07  No.27978

copy that -wakes


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4ddf2f  No.27979

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406598  No.27980

File: 37bdb5e9b195f04⋯.png (366.2 KB, 547x346, 547:346, blackrock_mvf_preferred_sh….PNG)

File: 8952908f12d86f1⋯.png (431.65 KB, 607x322, 607:322, jd_take_that.PNG)

File: 109a3cff92f6645⋯.png (405.62 KB, 548x317, 548:317, larry_fink_anytime.PNG)

Blackrock Muni-Vest preferred shares sold by JP Morgan Chase: $243.80m-Dec 14

BlackRock MuniVest Fund, Inc.’s (MVF) (the 'Trust') investment objective is to provide shareholders with as high a level of current income exempt from federal income taxes as is consistent with its investment policies and prudent investment management. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its assets in municipal obligations exempt from federal income taxes (except that the interest may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax). Under normal market conditions, the Trust primarily invests in long term municipal obligations rated investment grade at the time of investment and in long term municipal obligations with maturities of more than ten years at the time of investment. The Trust may invest up to 20% of its total assets in securities rated below investment grade or deemed equivalent at the time of purchase. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.


from yesterday

BlackRock has named new leaders inside its Financial Markets Advisory (FMA) enterprise

BlackRock has named a number of new leaders in its Financial Markets Advisory enterprise, a small but elite group inside the firm that provides an array of advisory and consultative providers to powerful establishments just like the Federal Reserve, Business Insider has discovered. The enterprise has named Brandon Hall and Ben Leax, two veteran BlackRock leaders, to the newly created roles of co-heads. Leax was formerly FMA’s international head of capital markets and insurance solutions, and his previous obligations can be folded into his new position. Julien Wallen, one other longtime BlackRock chief, has changed Roberto Speranza as head of FMA’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) operations. Speranza is shifting into a unique client-facing, enterprise development-focused position inside the firm, a spokesperson stated. Kunal Khara, who ran FMA’s Americas business, has gone to BlackRock’s Aladdin business after the “success of his work” in his earlier position, a spokesperson stated, and Khara’s position might be folded into Hall and Leax’s remits.

These modifications have been effective in October, a spokesperson stated. Charles Hatami, international head of FMA and the monetary establishments group, will remain in his submit. The modifications come at an essential moment for FMA, which was shaped in April 2008, over the past financial crisis. Back then, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York had asked BlackRock’s FMA business to handle belongings of Bear Stearns and AIG, each on the verge of collapsing. The central financial institution again this year called on FMA to deal with an emergency asset-purchasing program in the hundreds of billions of dollars amid the coronavirus pandemic.



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d56a07  No.27981

File: 72636a31efa370f⋯.png (191.52 KB, 367x264, 367:264, 304CFEDD_7CAB_4B39_A69E_7C….png)

i be hongree. ordered a large pep pie with 1/2 blk olives and some linguini wif mothballs.

kek… dat meme was soooo me ln.

road anudder 20mi tonight. had to get dem creaky legz moov’n. get’n old sux.

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9aad16  No.27986


It's not frebe, it's nb

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9aad16  No.27987

What do you think's the plan from here on out, fam, regards the election?

What's your thoughts?

I realy thought everyone would be on the streets by now and there seems no direction.

Are we holdin out for a surprise intervention? What do you think?

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30ecaf  No.27988

File: f06ca83566c51a5⋯.png (690.29 KB, 500x453, 500:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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9aad16  No.27989

File: 362a7780a18d28b⋯.jpg (179.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 362a7780a18d28bc6a78262eb8….jpg)


That's some good food man. Them G's be takin it out of you.

Been on the semifreddo here. Salted caramel with dark chocolate. Man. That's the bomb.

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406598  No.27990

File: 59b5163acc6f4d5⋯.png (176.71 KB, 817x425, 817:425, SAM370_USAF_C_32A_on_desce….PNG)

File: 8f1a3de80904f0f⋯.png (27.03 KB, 597x233, 597:233, KANSAS_twat_PM_Iraq_Kurd_1….PNG)

>>27833, >>27933

SAM370 USAF C-32A on descent for Ramstein AFB and SAM205 USAF C-40B on approach at Shannon, Ireland-both from Dubai Int'l earlier


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9aad16  No.27992

File: a9252bb342e67f3⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LRuD_KSzbXfVGpf7.mp4)

File: 60efa24b5c16567⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 533x406, 533:406, 1341537886315950080.jpg)

Fresh DJT tweet & video

On the Covid Relief Bill


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30ecaf  No.27993

File: 3696c2ceea49111⋯.png (600.88 KB, 522x632, 261:316, ClipboardImage.png)


I posted this on Friday and emailed to to some friends. One of my friends passed this on and today I received some support.

We are the leaders that people are looking for. Start small and see what happens.

An idea came to me while having breakfast inside a restaurant in a closed lockdown state. The restaurateurs decided to violate the tyrannical orders of the commies and open their restaurant.

We need to form groups of Minutemen/Minutewomen who can come at a moments notice to protect our friends, neighbors and businesses in our area from the tyrannical authorities when they come to shut them down. We will be connected through social media, cell phones etc. Peaceful flash mobs to stop tyranny.

If two show up to shut down our neighbors, 20 show up to stop them. If the tyrants bring LEO's than we show up with 100 or more. This HAS to be peaceful, we have to make the LEO's choose sides. The tyrants have to know that 'We' the governed are removing our consent to their tyranny and the LEO's are free to choose sides, either Liberty or Tyranny.

There will be consequences no matter what choice all parties make, but the tyranny must end.

This was my reply:

Thanks Anon,

Greetings and Merry Christmas Anon and Anon,

We live in dangerous and perilous times. I am willing to make a stand no matter what the cost. Stand with me or at least provide me with aid and comfort.



[1]"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

[2]We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.–That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

[1] The Constitution of the United States


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406598  No.27995

Wut a shit-show next door

won't do that again-same as last night

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9aad16  No.27996


I saw that and admired you're foresight.

How can we do this? FB groups? They're where we can find our neighbours, in addition to out in the street.

We need to do this. Seriously.

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9aad16  No.27997




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9aad16  No.27998


There could be a national initiative set up.

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d56a07  No.27999


damn dat sounz guud bro

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30ecaf  No.28000



Start local with people you trust.

The protest Caroling is back on in less then 30 minutes.

I have to go.

Hoping for more than 1,000 people.

We'll talk when I get back, probably next bread.

Strike while the iron is hot.

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406598  No.28001

File: a41106b2a04cc7e⋯.png (340.37 KB, 806x762, 403:381, FLOTUS_chek_em.PNG)

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61aa9b  No.28003

File: f8999ecf3731ed0⋯.png (485.07 KB, 512x519, 512:519, ClipboardImage.png)



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9aad16  No.28004

File: e78edec55d9f9ba⋯.gif (28.79 KB, 220x344, 55:86, Party_Party.gif)



Nom it for the Parade.

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dd1a96  No.28005

File: 7029590276989ea⋯.png (839.18 KB, 736x552, 4:3, 0e9b0d3fcf683a1c76aca3472e….png)


nik'd that baby



guud lord, wakes now notorious wit da shoes


he a tree unto himself

well adorned he is

best wishes wakes


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4ddf2f  No.28006


Everyone world wide knows it is a fraudulent election.

Due course will mitigate ALL hearsay and conjecture, there are multiple options but only one path.

People always wait till the last minute to kick a stinct in the nuts. ('out of stinct' u.d.)

MSM, if following it's pathological path, will continue to piss people off, so much more than ever before. And in doing so, motivate the process of awakening the masses. People do get to a breaking point of questioning themselves by 'How long am I going to put up with this shit'. Once at that stage, action is taken.

Some will organize and sue (current litigation in MI etc.), some will ban polly's from restaurants, most will refuse to wear masks. Its happening at the right speed. Everyone is doing their respective parts and everything incrementally moving.

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9aad16  No.28007

File: d0a1be9cca9fc42⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 300x427, 300:427, _.JPG)

Lovin these maymays

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9aad16  No.28008


Hope so anon. Not a 'are we here yet' fag but damn.

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406598  No.28009

File: 6b2a79f0231c728⋯.png (197.14 KB, 821x444, 821:444, SAM341_USAF_G5_on_final_ap….PNG)

>>27369 pb

SAM341 USAF G5 on descent at Mesquite Metro Airport, TX-from a JBA depart earlier

This AC departed from Mesquite yesterday back to JBA as SAM430-it arrived on 1220 from JBA

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61aa9b  No.28010

>>28005 It just screamed for a plate of Christmas linguine.


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dd1a96  No.28011


it's perfect in every way

I swear

the Maymay of maymays!

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d56a07  No.28013


kek. that meme is living and breathing on itz own now kek. eben gotz muh meatballs. kek

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d56a07  No.28016

File: a4fd52b0eafc82a⋯.jpeg (86.54 KB, 800x800, 1:1, D3FF624A_2780_4BCA_89FD_1….jpeg)

errybody know wut time it is… i’ll bring em to the parade

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d56a07  No.28017

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4ddf2f  No.28020


Check em folks, bacon in abit

>>27800 Dough @189

>>27805, >>27809, >>27822, >>27833, >>27847, >>27897, >>27898, >>27933, >>27990, >>28009, planefagsfaggin

>>27992 POTUS tweet & video on the Covid Relief Bill

>>27990 Secretary Pompeo, A pleasure to speak with Iraqi Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani

>>27980 Blackrock Muni-Vest preferred shares sold by JP Morgan Chase: $243.80m-Dec 14

>>27970 , >>27963, >>27971, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition – The Legendary Army Chaplain Of Pearl Harbor

>>27924 Trump attorney Jenna Ellis opposes use of Insurrection Act, says American people don't want that

>>27921 The city of Detroit is suing BLM demonstrators for engaging in a ‘civil conspiracy’/reparations LMAO

>>27918 Voat goin down

>>27908 Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations

>>27902 , >>27907, ECW: Chair of Public Interest Declassification Board

>>27874 Incoming Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Video Statement from White House on Jan. 6 Electoral Objection

>>27865 Congress is poised to repeal the ban on prison inmates receiving Pell Grants for higher education if the coronavirus relief package becomes law.

>>27863 Google And Facebook Had "Secret Pact" To Divide And Conquer The Ad Market

>>27860 Holy Shit. The Relief Bill is an Omnibus. Which means POTUS can allocate it where ever he wants.

>>27859 “No one that was in that room could walk out and say Eric Swalwell should be on the Intel committee,”

>>27858 Scalise: Make no mistake: The media would have a meltdown if a Republican on the House Intelligence Committee had ties to a Chinese spy…………….

>>27857 @SecPompeo The Chinese Communist Party wants what we have, and it’ll do whatever it takes to get it………….

>>27855 #Taiwan's hydrochloroquine pharmaceutical factory has a big explosion, sensitive time & sensitive event.

>>27852 @RepTedBudd Yes, I plan to object on January 6th.

>>27846 , >>27849, @USMC No matter who you are, the holidays can be tough – especially, this year. If you’re a Marine, veteran or concerned about one, free and confidential help is always available./Q's/cues?

>>27845 @USMC Make Your Own Path

>>27837 , >>27843, @USArmy From Dec 20 to Dec 26, 1944, during the #BattleoftheBulge, the 101st Airborne Division formed an all-round perimeter of Bastogne.

>>27834 @usairforce Wheels up!

>>27831 @usairforce Razor Talon 21-1

>>27830 Communist Agitprop Bites Back After Nigel Farage Criticises China for Killing Christmas

>>27829 @usairforce Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm Snowflake

>>27825 Welsh Govt Bans Supermarkets Selling Toys Before Christmas

>>27821 , >>27836, Hafod Hardware Christmas Advert 2020 vid/2019 also

>>27818 , >>27922, It's clear both parties have turned their back on @realDonaldTrump


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406598  No.28022

File: a49acbdbd19a3a8⋯.png (979.5 KB, 790x478, 395:239, nightshift_pepe_christmas_….PNG)

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e846b5  No.28023

The JFK jr folks are losing it. Anyone seen the video yet? I'm looking for it but they are saying he walked out behind potus and boarded marine 1.

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4ddf2f  No.28026


Link please?

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4ddf2f  No.28028

File: eeb12fa33dfaf63⋯.png (24.61 KB, 255x107, 255:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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e846b5  No.28029


>I'm looking for it but

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4ddf2f  No.28031

File: f2171d2f11ac918⋯.png (107.84 KB, 255x247, 255:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55aaeadf5b1a476⋯.mp4 (459.27 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 55aaeadf5b1a4760ccdfe8b340….mp4)


“@NewtGingrich Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President” @OANN

Newt Gingrich gets it, we are going to WIN! http://washingtontimes.com/news/2020/dec/21/why-i-will-not-accept-joe-biden-as-president


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4ddf2f  No.28033


Check em folks, bacon NOW

>>27800 Dough


>>27805, >>27809, >>27822, >>27833, >>27847, >>27897, >>27898, >>27933, >>27990, >>28009, planefagsfaggin

>>28031 DJT, @NewtGingrich Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President” @OANN

>>28028 CM - 8 mins ago Live interview with @PatrickByrne

>>27992 POTUS tweet & video on the Covid Relief Bill

>>27990 Secretary Pompeo, A pleasure to speak with Iraqi Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani

>>27980 Blackrock Muni-Vest preferred shares sold by JP Morgan Chase: $243.80m-Dec 14

>>27970 , >>27963, >>27971, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition – The Legendary Army Chaplain Of Pearl Harbor

>>27924 Trump attorney Jenna Ellis opposes use of Insurrection Act, says American people don't want that

>>27921 The city of Detroit is suing BLM demonstrators for engaging in a ‘civil conspiracy’/reparations LMAO

>>27918 Voat goin down

>>27908 Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations

>>27902 , >>27907, ECW: Chair of Public Interest Declassification Board

>>27874 Incoming Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Video Statement from White House on Jan. 6 Electoral Objection

>>27865 Congress is poised to repeal the ban on prison inmates receiving Pell Grants for higher education if the coronavirus relief package becomes law.

>>27863 Google And Facebook Had "Secret Pact" To Divide And Conquer The Ad Market

>>27860 Holy Shit. The Relief Bill is an Omnibus. Which means POTUS can allocate it where ever he wants.

>>27859 “No one that was in that room could walk out and say Eric Swalwell should be on the Intel committee,”

>>27858 Scalise: Make no mistake: The media would have a meltdown if a Republican on the House Intelligence Committee had ties to a Chinese spy…………….

>>27857 @SecPompeo The Chinese Communist Party wants what we have, and it’ll do whatever it takes to get it………….

>>27855 #Taiwan's hydrochloroquine pharmaceutical factory has a big explosion, sensitive time & sensitive event.

>>27852 @RepTedBudd Yes, I plan to object on January 6th.

>>27846 , >>27849, @USMC No matter who you are, the holidays can be tough – especially, this year. If you’re a Marine, veteran or concerned about one, free and confidential help is always available./Q's/cues?

>>27845 @USMC Make Your Own Path

>>27837 , >>27843, @USArmy From Dec 20 to Dec 26, 1944, during the #BattleoftheBulge, the 101st Airborne Division formed an all-round perimeter of Bastogne.

>>27834 @usairforce Wheels up!

>>27831 @usairforce Razor Talon 21-1

>>27830 Communist Agitprop Bites Back After Nigel Farage Criticises China for Killing Christmas

>>27829 @usairforce Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm Snowflake

>>27825 Welsh Govt Bans Supermarkets Selling Toys Before Christmas

>>27821 , >>27836, Hafod Hardware Christmas Advert 2020 vid/2019 also

>>27818 , >>27922, It's clear both parties have turned their back on @realDonaldTrump


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9aad16  No.28034

File: 1512b44c4da9c2a⋯.jpeg (264.38 KB, 1200x1551, 400:517, 1512b44c4da9c2aa119deeb4c….jpeg)


We're countin' on ya

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3f531d  No.28036

File: f3bb9857746135e⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 720x1029, 240:343, 111.jpg)

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e846b5  No.28043

File: 5fbd356fda10297⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 561x259, 561:259, JFK_JR_hmmm_marine_one_12_….jpg)

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4ddf2f  No.28045

File: 7d8a089b46ce7ec⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 636x853, 636:853, 7d8a089b46ce7ec9531da448e4….jpg)

Fresh Bread




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