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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

2b7944 No.203695 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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2b7944 No.203813

File: 6def72b72fa0acb⋯.png (979.91 KB,1026x1222,513:611,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



TB (TwiX) In 2002 Sean "P. Diddy" Combs explained to Conan O'Brien his "Freakouts" - Including seducing women with liquor - Making sure bedroom doors on them were always locked while restricting air conditioning in their rooms while claiming "It depends on the way you look at it"


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2b7944 No.203814

File: d7bb1eb2d01cf77⋯.png (661.64 KB,1012x846,506:423,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Jill Biden is our first female president

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2b7944 No.203815

File: da65399bca6d586⋯.png (722.24 KB,1026x974,513:487,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


BennyJohnson (TwiX) 🚨BREAKING: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe holds a press conference on the Trump assassination attempts:

"Employees will be held accountable."

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2b7944 No.203816

File: b08895f13cfa84a⋯.png (1.66 MB,1034x1766,517:883,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


MattGaetz (TwiX) This should be illegal

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2b7944 No.203817

File: 0860e50aafeed8c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1030x896,515:448,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


BASoM (TwiX) This is Andy Duong, whose house was raided by the FBI as part of what appears to be a sex trafficking investigation involving Oakland, California Mayor Sheng Thao….

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2b7944 No.203818

File: 8895126107b8dc2⋯.png (686.54 KB,1030x1720,103:172,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


UL's (TwiX) NEW: Florida dad camps out in his backyard with a beer and a bat to catch man accused of peering into his daughter’s bedroom window BodyCAM Footage

“I sat in the chair, I grabbed a beer and a baseball bat l—— I was going to go for his head, and when I did, he started to run”

Damon Smith, 29, lives one block away and is the suspect

The father camped out with a Louisville Slugger, waiting for the man who had reportedly been terrorizing the neighborhood for a year

“Where [are] you going, boy? Come here… come here… I got something for you”

The suspect had reportedly been caught creeping around multiple homes, including the same house the day before

Smith faces charges of aggravated stalking, voyeurism, and prowling, with bond set at $86,000

He was previously arrested in 2013 for making a bomb threat at a Flagler County high school

BudLight.. this might be an honest "good" endorsement if you wanted to start getting back into the graces of the American People.. do what you want, I an only suggest to you something good….

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2b7944 No.203819

File: d3a1c2442879f48⋯.png (968.9 KB,1018x890,509:445,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


IP (TwiX) WATCH: Shocking video shows sinkhole swallowing up truck in Pune, India

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2b7944 No.203820

File: f5b140384465040⋯.png (817.64 KB,1024x1376,32:43,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


WSS (TwiX) OMG … is she drunk?

Listen to her.

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2b7944 No.203821

File: 4866215b3115318⋯.png (820.77 KB,1022x1590,511:795,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) Boulder Colorado Resident Describes What Democrats Have Turned The City Into

She went on a bike ride through a “beautiful bike path”, saying she “just biked through like a zombie apocalypse”

Tons of people so drugged out they were halfway folded over but still walking, “then a girl on all fours came scurrying and screaming” after her

Is this really the America we want to live in?

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2b7944 No.203822

File: 66dd5d230b751c6⋯.png (1006.79 KB,1012x1350,506:675,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


JB (TwiX) Now, they’re even robbing US Postal Service trucks in CA.

Gavin NewScum’s Commiefornia.

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2b7944 No.203823

File: c55112ced389258⋯.png (657.19 KB,1014x928,507:464,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


RepAnnaPualinaLuna (TwiX) The political rhetoric of the left has corrupted journalism. Reporters need to stop elevating themselves and start reporting the facts. We’re done talking to you if you're not a legitimate reporter and pushing an agenda.

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2b7944 No.203824

File: 67d5cf6bc5e2d5b⋯.png (936.27 KB,1008x1010,504:505,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



Texas National Guard just installed razor walls on its border with NEW MEXICO.

Illegals often invade TX from NM.

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2b7944 No.203825

File: bff6c39401c9151⋯.png (59.71 KB,1026x302,513:151,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


PaulSperry (TwiX) Never forget, it was Oprah who gave us Obama. And now she wants to give us Kamala, Obama's 3rd term.

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2b7944 No.203826

File: 4d6cfee571cf7b8⋯.png (650.38 KB,1030x1132,515:566,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



TimYoung (TwiX) Julia Roberts brags about traveling internationally and says:

"I want people to say ‘oh, you’re American’ - not ‘oh, how’s it going over there’”

1- So, people in other countries know Kamala has destroyed America.

2- Dems still pretend Kamala isn't VP.

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2b7944 No.203827

File: b4a83f0870862c1⋯.png (1.47 MB,1028x1550,514:775,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


HouseJudiciaryGOP (TwiX) Is he ok? #RentFree


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2b7944 No.203828

File: ffc2453d4a791f1⋯.png (178.54 KB,1020x880,51:44,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)

File: 38d33026a2fd7fc⋯.png (1.08 MB,1042x2588,521:1294,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) The American People Have Had Enough, This Video Has Over 116k Likes

“A message for Kamala Harris”

“Kamala Harris, you are as fake as press on nails, and I can see right through you. Let me help you out with something because maybe somebody must not have told you. On TV and on every interview, you’re giving the same tired answer. So let me just help you out.

When you are asked a question, why don't you try answering the question?

People are not stupid. We can tell when you're dancing around the issue instead of answering the question.

When you're asked, are people better off now or doing Donald Trump's president presidency? When you're asked about the border or your policies on immigration, answer the question.

- We don't care about your middle class upbringing

- We don't care that your mama had to save up to buy a house

- We don't care about your summer job at McDonald's

- We don't care about the lawns of the neighborhood that you lived in and how everybody took care of that lawn

That does not matter to me, and it doesn't matter to anybody else. I want you to answer the question because if people my mind is already made up too, Kamala, because I can see right through you and I know that you're fake.

But for somebody else whose mind is not made up, let me just help you out. Answer the question so that they can decide between you and your opponent. I don't know if you're just trying to paint him as the villain and try to skate by to be the like you, the hero or the nice person. We don't care about that because being a hero and voting for the nice person is not what pays the bills. You understand what I'm saying?

We can see through you. And now that fake black accent that you keep doing, girl, you need to stop because you know good and well that you ain't got no black accent. You know good and well that you was born in Sam you from San Francisco and in Canada. Where you get that black accent from? Stop doing that trying to be relatable.

This does not make you relatable. It makes you look fake. And those of us like me, we can see through that. We can see through that.

We can see through every interview that you do that instead of being that set of answering the questions that are on the minds of the millions of American people who have the power to elect you to the highest office in the land, you're dancing around the issue, and you wanna talk about how you was born a middle class kid and how your mother had to save up to buy a house.

I don't care, Kamala. So just just to recap, stop dancing around the issue. Answer the question. If you're gonna do an interview, answer a question that you are asked at the interview.”

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2b7944 No.203829

File: 3f9b2d362887518⋯.png (600.28 KB,1026x1388,513:694,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


CR (TwiX) NEW: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intends to seek sanctions against Elon Musk for failing to appear for court-ordered testimony for his Twitter takeover.

The Swamp doesn't like it when they can't control what you say.

The SEC is investigating whether or not Musk "broke federal securities laws" when he bought Twitter in 2022.

"In a court filing, the SEC said the sanctions motion would seek an order to show cause for why Musk should not be held in civil contempt for waiting until just three hours before the scheduled Sept. 10 testimony to advise he would not appear," Reuters reported.

Here is what Elon previously had to say about the SEC:

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2b7944 No.203830

File: 2183bc0bfce0561⋯.png (628.48 KB,1026x1264,513:632,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


(TwiX) White liberal women are the worst…

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2b7944 No.203831

File: 29486e92f55f3c2⋯.png (460.59 KB,1028x1296,257:324,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



CC (TwiX) BREAKING REPORT: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to Sanction Elon Musk regarding his acquisition of Twitter..


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has indicated its intent to seek sanctions against Elon Musk due to his failure to appear for scheduled testimony in connection with an investigation into his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, now known as X.

This action by the SEC follows Musk's non-compliance with subpoenas related to the probe, focusing on his stock purchases and statements during the takeover process.

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2b7944 No.203832

File: e9bfeb3c9453d4a⋯.png (996.9 KB,1016x1042,508:521,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


EW (TwiX) Gov. Newsom slams Proposition 36:

"It would bring us back to the 1980s. The impact this will have on black and brown residents is next level."

71% of California voters are planning to support the measure, which jails drug traffickers and shoplifters.

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2b7944 No.203833

File: 213babfb482cec3⋯.png (910.36 KB,1024x1312,32:41,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Democrats: Migrants don’t eat pets!

Meanwhile in New York Sh*tty…

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2b7944 No.203834

File: 0b3c5774b683ee8⋯.png (910.85 KB,1022x1002,511:501,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



EW (TwiX) BREAKING: The SEC will sanction Elon Musk in its Twitter acquisition probe

Biden right after Elon bought Twitter:

"There's a lot of ways [to get him]"

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2b7944 No.203835

File: 41500d5cb32d690⋯.png (888.76 KB,1036x810,518:405,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) Lol: New Poll Shows Donald Trump is More Liked Than Taylor Swift

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2b7944 No.203836

File: 139ed23b18b5e39⋯.png (476.32 KB,1022x1080,511:540,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


ZeroHedge (TwiX) The community notes on this one will be so long

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2b7944 No.203837

File: d0f96e4cd5943d1⋯.png (895.09 KB,1020x888,85:74,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



TheBabBee (TwiX) 15 Seconds Into Kamala Harris Interview, Oprah Decides To Endorse Trump https://buff.ly/3TBziQ6

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2b7944 No.203838

File: dd69a9f722ace37⋯.png (1.52 MB,1030x1596,515:798,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


TomFitton (TwiX) The Biden-Harris Pentagon and allied regime supporters lied about


and January 6. Will Jack Smith expand his "investigation" into this corruption?


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2b7944 No.203839

File: 324e90c113c68c4⋯.png (868.68 KB,1018x1318,509:659,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



UL's (TwiX) NEW: 15-year-old accused of m-rdering her mother and attempting to k-ll her stepdad giggles in court

Carly Gregg, 14 at the time, allegedly shot her 40-year-old mother, Ashley Smylie, in their Mississippi home in March

She is accused of luring her stepfather home before shooting him twice and fleeing the scene

Police claim she later called a friend over, asking if they'd ever seen a dead body, before showing them her mother’s body

Gregg turned down a 40-year plea deal, with her legal team now pursuing an insanity defense

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2b7944 No.203840

File: 6b3d3ccb03cd795⋯.png (941.01 KB,1022x1088,511:544,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



MM (TwiX) Lawyer explains what’s really happening behind the scenes of Diddy’s arrest, which could potentially lead to life in prison 😳

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2b7944 No.203841

File: 6def9aacc18c185⋯.png (2.06 MB,1026x2280,9:20,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



(TwiX) Jennifer Lopez says to vote for Kamala Harris and not for Donald Trump.

Yeah she makes great decisions.

Married 4 times ‼️

Engaged 6 times ‼️

These are not serious people, and if you listen or respect any of them, you are not a serious person.

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2b7944 No.203842

File: 3c86088b8054e19⋯.png (749.77 KB,1028x1072,257:268,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


TGR (TwiX) I am a member of Gays Against Groomers


not because I hate my fellow gays… but because I hate THIS!

Whether you're gay or straight, sexualizing children is WRONG!

Join with me in telling creepers to LEAVE KIDS ALONE!!!

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2b7944 No.203843

File: 944ee7796aa5744⋯.png (716.27 KB,1016x980,254:245,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



(TwiX) Jay Z kept a 16-year-old Rihanna in a room till 3 AM and forced her to sign to him

“There's two ways to leave here, either through that door with a signed deal or out that window, and we’re on the 29th floor” - Jay Z

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2b7944 No.203844

File: 4988e6960881088⋯.png (971.65 KB,1012x1122,46:51,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



DJHJ (TwiX) The most detailed account of what’s happening with Sean P Diddy Combs.

One of P Diddy’s executives walked into my friend


office and pleaded for help!

Sean Combs is about to flip in order to get a plea deal….

🎙️ M-F at 8pm est on Newsmax via the app.

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2b7944 No.203845

File: 03aa21e44040f37⋯.png (940.13 KB,1026x1702,513:851,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)



TB (TwiX) Why was this ever happening in the White House?

just gross..

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2b7944 No.203846

File: 67bca6d48567b7b⋯.png (879.25 KB,1030x848,515:424,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_2….png)


TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) PATHETIC: Kamala Harris Holds Georgia Rally in Small Ballroom at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre Due to Low Attendance (VIDEO)

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2b7944 No.203847

File: 617d93f55532c7e⋯.png (1.69 MB,1020x1452,85:121,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


(TwiX) Hillary Clinton and her husband were running a sex trafficking ring through orphaned children from Haiti

There. I said it.


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2b7944 No.203848

File: d8f13492264c4c2⋯.png (821.26 KB,1026x822,171:137,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


TheHill (TwiX) DNC launches ads linking Trump to Robinson after CNN report

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2b7944 No.203849

File: 7dd018c091dff62⋯.png (1.08 MB,1040x1494,520:747,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


CR (TwiX) NEW: Vivek Ramaswamy blasts the federal government for creating programs that *encourage* women to be single mothers, advocates for the nuclear family.

The comments came as Ramaswamy and Charlie Kirk spoke with Pitt students.

"You have a lot of single mothers that are paid more money not to have a man in the house than to have a man in the house because of the way the math of these aid programs work."

"If you have an earning husband in the household, that actually causes you to disqualify for forms of federal aid."

"The best way to get kids in your own household ahead is in a two-parent household. Because if you're raised in a two-parent household, you're less likely to end up in jail, less likely to end up in poverty, more likely to graduate from high school."

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2b7944 No.203850

File: bc0972aa3814617⋯.png (102.26 KB,1016x524,254:131,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 3bb52d0d0e87d94⋯.png (131.5 KB,992x578,496:289,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


FBI (TwiX) Two MPD Officers Sentenced for 2020 Murder of Karon Hylton-Brown and Subsequent Coverup,


18:00 EST



Threat received.

USSS acted appropriately.

This is not a game.




Please just keep POTUS safe, Q.


We will gladly end our lives to ensure he lives.

More than you can imagine.


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2b7944 No.203851

File: 0ea9969e4724c4a⋯.png (1.26 MB,1016x1308,254:327,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)



Amuse (TwiX) SWIFTIES FOR TRUMP: It turns out our joke about 'Swifties for Trump' wasn't that far off from reality. Americans prefer President Trump over Taylor Swift.

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2b7944 No.203852

File: 13f170bad2f00dc⋯.png (944.64 KB,1036x1382,518:691,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)



My friends and I at


designed this billboard and we will be putting them up in Pennsylvania next week for the duration of the Presidential election. The locations have been selected.

The first billboard will be placed near Butler, Pennsylvania and then the rest will be strategically placed throughout Western Pennsylvania to educate voters about how


wants to BAN FRACKING.


Donate to cover the costs of this grassroots billboard campaign here:


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2b7944 No.203853

File: c6f8e8ec0c54ff3⋯.png (809.25 KB,1010x1316,505:658,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


(TwiX) The NFL is backing the Kamala-Harris regime, but trying to not lose viewership by platforming


Pretty, but so many women are.. its not going to change opinions of NFL fans, will likely do the opposite. Why have an expert when you can just have some pretty tart in there? JFC they can't not fuck up everything can they???.

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2b7944 No.203854

File: 1948ef10cecb5e0⋯.png (1.12 MB,1032x2024,129:253,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


RepJimJordan (TwiX) Iran steals Trump campaign data.

Provides it to the Harris campaign.

That story disappears.

Why isn’t the media covering it like the Russia “collusion” scandal?

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2b7944 No.203855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Remember it's STILL a trap, 'FAULT' divorce is actually worse (YouTUbe)

Until the family court can be burnt to the ground, and built 100% from ground up where it is not just fucking men over.. no amount of "winning" are going to make things better. If these points are not heeded.. then there will be a YUGE problem with the future.

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2b7944 No.203856

File: 96385edaeee9dd1⋯.png (1.26 MB,1022x1708,73:122,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Over 50 juveniles ride their bikes and storm into a 7-Eleven, ransacking and trashing the store

📌#BeverlyHills | #California

Watch wild video as over 50 juveniles ride their bikes into a 7-Eleven parking lot in Beverly Hills, California. With their faces covered by hoods and masks, they storm the store, ransacking it and stealing numerous items. Some are seen laughing as they run back to their bikes, their hands and pockets filled with snacks and stolen goods. The group caused significant damage before fleeing the scene on their bikes, all before officers could arrive. The exact amount of merchandise stolen and the extent of the damage remain unclear.

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2b7944 No.203857

File: c4ebd0e63f6562c⋯.png (1.29 MB,1022x1650,511:825,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


Amuse (TwiX) DEI: Thousands of illegal aliens are in Chicago's public schools. They're not doing well. In response Chicago's teachers have been instructed to pass every illegal alien with at least a 70% - this sort of 'social promotion' is robbing these children of an education. God only knows what these children went through to get across the border - now they're being robbed of an education. If we're not going to give them a basic education we ought to send them and their parents back home. The fact is that these kids will likely remain in the United States for the rest of their lives - we ought to be teaching them to read, write, and do basic math.



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2b7944 No.203858

File: 223c7db9bf8ed68⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x1218,512:609,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)



MM (TwiX) Meek Mill wants to know why so many CEOs have been stepping down recently⁉️🤔

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2b7944 No.203859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


VIDEO: Why Diddy's "Freak Offs" Are A Nail In His Coffin! (YouTube)

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2b7944 No.203860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Dali Sets Sail | NTSB Finds Loose Wires | US Sues Owner | Ship to be Repaired in China (YoUTube)

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2b7944 No.203875

File: c906ef31b6634d9⋯.jpeg (52.18 KB,720x711,80:79,GXyaxH8WkAAK6yn.jpeg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>203712 VIDEO: WHAT Did Diddy Do To Justin Bieber?! | Candace Ep 69 (YouTube)

>>203713, >>203714, >>203715, >>203717, >>203724, >>203725, >>203727, >>203728, >>203729, >>203730, >>203731, >>203732, >>203733, >>203734, >>203735, >>203736, >>203737, >>203738, PAPI (9/20/2024)

>>203716 RE: Follow-up Media Call

>>203718 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Officials estimate that over 75,000 to 80,000 birds have died from a botulism outbreak at the Tule Lake

>>203719 TVF (TwiX) Alexis Lorenze is incredible 🔥

>>203720 (TwiX) Sean Combs (P Diddy), wasn't Stupid… When he started feeling the heat, he started Dropping names in the guise of his B-day Party Guest List…

>>203721 (TwiX) HOLY SH*T how did i miss this?!!

>>203722, >>203723 USCentComm (TwiX) A Royal Bahraini Air Force F-16 receives fuel from a @USAFCENT KC-135 Stratotanker during Exercise Ballast Cannon over the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility #People #Partners

>>203726 CatTurd (TwiX) The IRS endorses Kamala - 😂😂😂😂😂

>>203740 VIDEO: Ep. 3455b - [DS] Prepares Iranian Narrative, Trump Hints At Change Of Batter, Sum Of All Fears (Rumble)

>>203741 VIDEO: LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24 (YOUTUBE)

>>203742 USAF (TwiX) The Air Force will reorganize some its current wings into Units of Action by summer 2025. This will create organizations capable of conducting combat operations & base defense with separate commanders for each type of mission.

>>203743 DanScavino (TwiX) doggo into leaves

>>203745 WSA (TwiX) WOAH 🚨 Illegal Migrants ARE BEING SOLD GUNS

>>203746 TheAPee (TwiX) BREAKING: Federal agents have boarded a vessel managed by the same company as the cargo ship that collapsed the Key Bridge in Baltimore, the FBI says.

>>203748 RawsAlert (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Firefighters are battling a massive fire as explosions are taking place at a Salvage Yard Auto Shredding plant

>>203749 WSS (TwiX) He might be telling the truth this time.

>>203750, >>203751, >>203755, >>203763, >>203766, >>203775, >>203778, >>203785, >>203792, >>203794, >>203808, >>203810, >>203813, >>203840, >>203843, >>203844, >>203858, >>203859, (TwiX) Pee Diddler Facts coming out

>>203752 (TwiX) When I was a kid the media convinced us that we were on the brink of an ice age.

>>203753 Amuse (TwiX) Kamala Harris has some of the hardest working supporters. They load up on buses hours ahead of time and travel hundreds of miles to rally after rally.

>>203754 Amuse (TwiX) CENSORSHIP: Should political speech from conservatives receive the same protection as speech from Black Lives Matter, Trans Activists, or Palestinian Sympathizers?

>>203756 DanScavino (TwiX) “‘Pizza, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Mamma Mia!’ Says Kamala Harris In Mario Hat And Mustache While Addressing Crowd Of Italians”

>>203757 DanScavino (TwiX) Clear w/ a chance of Trump..

>>203758 (TwiX) SHOCK: President Trump is critical of Jewish Americans who are voting for the political party who supports genocide against the Israeli homeland and the Jewish people. State-sponsored media is suggesting Trump's criticism is somehow antisemitic.

>>203759 USCentComm (TwiX) A @USAFCENT A-10C Thunderbolt II conducts a hot pit refueling in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility #People

>>203760, >>203766, >>203767, >>203774, >>203826, >>203841, >>203845, (TwiX) 𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙖𝙣: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙤𝙤𝙡, 𝙈𝙪𝙡𝙚, 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙁𝙤𝙤𝙡

>>203761 CR (TwiX) Squatters have taken over a nearly 10,000 square foot, $6.5 million mansion in Hollywood Hills in CA.

>>203762 (TwiX) WEAPONIZATION? The shocking revelation that Iranian hackers successfully breached the Trump campaign is just the tip of the iceberg. Even more troubling is the fact that the FBI, ODNI, and CISA all knew about the breach as early as June

>>203764 (TwiX) A singer in the UK is going viral for taking to the streets to sing the things he isn't allowed to say on Facebook!

>>203765 USSC (TwiX) Maintaining nuclear security & a nuclear triad isn’t a @USNavy or @USAirForce imperative.

>>203768 (TwiX) Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>203769 GenFlynn (TwiX) And we’re NOT at war!?

>>203770 ElonMusk (TwiX) Awesome 🔥🔥

>>203772 Kid Rock’s Secret to Success, What They Won’t Tell You About Donald Trump, and the Diddy Arrest (YouTube)

>>203773 MelaniaTrump (TwiX) https://melaniatrump.com


>>203777 (TwiX) 🔥🚨DEVELOPING: This Texas man is now the first person in human history to be arrested by a police robot. He tried shooting at the robot and throwing a blanket on it, but got gassed and ended up jumping out the window which led to the robot pinning him down until officers arrive. The future is here.

>>203779, >>203806, >>203839 CR (TwiX) JUST IN: 15-year-old Carly Gregg found guilty of m*rdering her mother.

>>203780 (TwiX) Tim Walz is now filming videos pretending that he's working on his truck to appeal to "regular white dudes."

>>203781 DL's (TwiX) Girl exposes nipple to try to get Charlie Kirk in trouble on video platforms. These "BRATS" are just plain fucked. Same tactics that pAntifa used..

>>203782 WSS (TwiX) BREAKING: Montana's Democrat U.S. Senator Jon Tester just got busted trying to BRIBE college athletes with cash to endorse his re-election campaign.

>>203783 WSS (TwiX) Italy needs mass deportations now.

>>203784 FTWR (T.me) ⚫️ Gavin NewScum’s Commiefornia.

>>203786 FTWR (T.me) 👹 Satanic Mainstream Media: Good Morning America host/promote a Drag Child

>>203787 FTWR (T.me) ⚫️ NYC: The CIA staged color revolution is starting in New York. Brace yourself America. It’s about to get violent!

>>203788 CR (TwiX) NEW: Kamala Harris announces she will skip the Al Smith Dinner in New York, the same event where Trump roasted Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer in 2016.

>>203789, >>203793, >>203802 CR (TwiX) JUST IN: Kamala Harris campaign's Michael Tyler baits Donald Trump into debating Kamala Harris on CNN in October.

>>203790 SD (T.me) UN General Assembly Votes to Make Old Jerusalem Jew-Free – Orders Jews Out of the Old City

>>203791 SP (T.me) 🚨 HUGE Win for Pennsylvania 🙌

>>203795 (TwiX) 🔥🚨BREAKING: A Black woman is suing the New York Nets for $2 Million after she was told to remove her Trump MAGA hat before entering the stadium. I was wondering why the media has been silent on this but now I see why.

>>203796 SG (T.me) Border Patrol rescues two drugged children from smuggler at Mexico border:

>>203797 (TwiX) 3 year old caught singing “Eating the cats! Eating the dogs!” 😭😭😭🔊

>>203798 Benny (TwiX) Wholesome

>>203799, >>203837 GP (T.me) HILARIOUS: Oprah Says a Black Man Stopped Her at Airport and Told Her He’s Voting for Trump (VIDEO)

>>203800 WSA (TwiX) This Is What The Media Won’t Show You

>>203801 (TwiX) Yee-Haw, Great Balls of Fire

>>203803 SNN (T.me) 🔥BREAKING: Trump just received the greatest endorsement in political history. His grandson Luke came on stage and said, "VOTE FOR GRANDPA!"

>>203804 (TwiX) What happened to the Boy Scouts?

>>203807 MRC (T.me) Fat trans tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech.

>>203811 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Meta’s AI will provide stickers of Trump in a trash can but won’t create it for Kamala Harris

>>203812 CR (TwiX) NEW: Black undecided voters in Georgia say the economy was better under Donald Trump, think Kamala Harris is weak.

>>203814 (TwiX) Jill Biden is our first female president

>>203815 Benny (TwiX) 🚨BREAKING: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe holds a press conference on the Trump assassination attempts:

>>203816 MattGaetz (TwiX) This should be illegal

>>203817 BASoM (TwiX) This is Andy Duong, whose house was raided by the FBI as part of what appears to be a sex trafficking investigation involving Oakland, California Mayor Sheng Thao….

>>203818 UL's (TwiX) NEW: Florida dad camps out in his backyard with a beer and a bat to catch man accused of peering into his daughter’s bedroom window BodyCAM Footage

>>203819 IP (TwiX) WATCH: Shocking video shows sinkhole swallowing up truck in Pune, India

>>203820 WSS (TwiX) OMG … is she drunk?

>>203821 WSA (TwiX) Boulder Colorado Resident Describes What Democrats Have Turned The City Into

>>203822 JB (TwiX) Now, they’re even robbing US Postal Service trucks in CA.

>>203823 RepAnnaPualinaLuna (TwiX) The political rhetoric of the left has corrupted journalism. Reporters need to stop elevating themselves and start reporting the facts. We’re done talking to you if you're not a legitimate reporter and pushing an agenda.

>>203824 EW (TwiX) THIS IS THE WAY: Texas National Guard just installed razor walls on its border with NEW MEXICO.

>>203825 PaulSperry (TwiX) Never forget, it was Oprah who gave us Obama. And now she wants to give us Kamala, Obama's 3rd term.

>>203827 HouseJudiciaryGOP (TwiX) Is he ok? #RentFree

>>203828 WSA (TwiX) The American People Have Had Enough, This Video Has Over 116k Likes

>>203829, >>203831, >>203834 CR (TwiX) NEW: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intends to seek sanctions against Elon Musk for failing to appear for court-ordered testimony for his Twitter takeover.

>>203830 (TwiX) White liberal women are the worst…

>>203832 EW (TwiX) Gov. Newsom slams Proposition 36:

>>203833 (TwiX) Democrats: Migrants don’t eat pets!

>>203835, >>203851 TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) Lol: New Poll Shows Donald Trump is More Liked Than Taylor Swift

>>203836 ZeroHedge (TwiX) The community notes on this one will be so long

>>203838 TomFitton (TwiX) The Biden-Harris Pentagon and allied regime supporters lied about @RealDonaldTrump

>>203842 TGR (TwiX) I am a member of Gays Against Groomers @againstgrmrs not because I hate my fellow gays… but because I hate THIS!

>>203846 TheGatewayPundit (TwiX) PATHETIC: Kamala Harris Holds Georgia Rally in Small Ballroom at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre Due to Low Attendance (VIDEO)

>>203847 (TwiX) Hillary Clinton and her husband were running a sex trafficking ring through orphaned children from Haiti

>>203848 TheHill (TwiX) DNC launches ads linking Trump to Robinson after CNN report

>>203849 CR (TwiX) NEW: Vivek Ramaswamy blasts the federal government for creating programs that *encourage* women to be single mothers, advocates for the nuclear family.

>>203850 FBI (TwiX) Two MPD Officers Sentenced for 2020 Murder of Karon Hylton-Brown and Subsequent Coverup,


>>203853 (TwiX) The NFL is backing the Kamala-Harris regime, but trying to not lose viewership by platforming

>>203854 RepJimJordan (TwiX) Iran steals Trump campaign data.

>>203855 VIDEO: Remember it's STILL a trap, 'FAULT' divorce is actually worse (YouTUbe)

>>203856 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Over 50 juveniles ride their bikes and storm into a 7-Eleven, ransacking and trashing the store

>>203857 Amuse (TwiX) DEI: Thousands of illegal aliens are in Chicago's public schools.

>>203860 VIDEO: Dali Sets Sail | NTSB Finds Loose Wires | US Sues Owner | Ship to be Repaired in China (YoUTube)

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2b7944 No.203876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Great Balls of Fire (YouTube)


You broke my will.. oh what a thrill.. goodness gracious..







Locked & Loaded

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