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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

76e3e8 No.202093 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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93 posts and 132 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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93dd42 No.202189

File: 77b0a20724f1f3d⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921195.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) "She doesn't have a plan. She copied Biden's plan, and its like four sentences.

Run Spot Run."


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93dd42 No.202190

File: 6afd7423c1d24bb⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921197.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ(T.me) "Everything that she believed three years ago and four years ago is out the window. Shes going to my philosophy now.

In fact, I was going to send her a MAGA hat."


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93dd42 No.202191

File: 3526247776b3d0d⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921198.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) "Shes a Marxist. Everybody knows shes a Marxist.

Her father is a Marxist professor in economics.

He taught her well."


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93dd42 No.202192

File: 26b2c1a2137219a⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921199.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ(T.me) "Her vice presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine.

He also says EXECUTION AFTER BIRTH - its execution and no longer abortion because the baby is born - is OK.

And thats not OK with me."


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93dd42 No.202193

File: 625a76c148083d1⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,848x484,212:121,1_5118650119662601298.MP4)

>>202188 MRC (T.me) They left Kamala‘s mic on


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76e3e8 No.202194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: 🚨Watch Donald Trump DEMOLISH Kamala Harris in Presidential Debate LIVE Right NOW! w/ Special Guests (YOUTUBE)

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93dd42 No.202195

File: 0347f1823f82af5⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921200.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) "In Springfield, they are eating the dogs - the people that came in - they are eating the cats. They are eating the pets of the people that live there.

And this is whats happening in our country, and its a shame."

(Kamala's cackling heard in the distance)


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76e3e8 No.202196


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93dd42 No.202197

File: 77a204e61a7ea5c⋯.jpg (88.48 KB,857x1200,857:1200,5fdb8fb735f7756c8510db8feb….jpg)

>>202196 yeah man!! Kek

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93dd42 No.202198

File: 534776a84ce4b00⋯.mp4 (79.25 KB,478x270,239:135,4_5984693243692975648.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Reminder: 6 states allow abortion in all 9 months.


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93dd42 No.202199

File: 4ed97d4101aef42⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881699.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) KAMALA: There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking.


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93dd42 No.202200

File: 66c8c63b620b59a⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881700.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Kamala: We need to address the needs of the American people.

She's had 3.5 years to "address" them. She failed.


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93dd42 No.202201

File: 938eb5e9d6373a6⋯.mp4 (4.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881701.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Every one of those cases was started by them against their political opponent. And I'm winning most of them – It's called weaponization. They weaponized the Justice Department."


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93dd42 No.202202

File: 454fa6c74a64e01⋯.mp4 (672.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881702.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) KAMALA: Yes, I am a radical.


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93dd42 No.202203

File: 3684525f8a235e4⋯.jpg (107.25 KB,797x594,797:594,Screenshot_20240911_025243….jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Fake News ABC “fact checked” Trump despite police reports existing that PROVE his claims about his claims about Springfield Ohio.


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93dd42 No.202204

File: cbb7f39da4cf51b⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,1080x617,1080:617,IMG_20240911_025354_275.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) This isn’t Trump vs Kamala

It’a 3 on 1

Kamala and ABC News vs Trump


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93dd42 No.202205

File: 2b762b35f1888af⋯.jpg (71.53 KB,896x704,14:11,IMG_20240911_025537_323.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Kamala Harris is lying about what Trump said at Charlottesville. She repeated the lie about how he said there were "fine people on both sides," cutting off and removing any sort of context to the statement he made.

Even Snopes, a far-left publication, agrees with Trump.


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93dd42 No.202206

File: b03c0c2c2d7048f⋯.jpg (84.68 KB,1080x616,135:77,IMG_20240911_025900_112.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) David Muir is now debating Trump more than Kamala is!


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76e3e8 No.202207

I hate this fucking cunt. The wire she is wearing getting answers from a team of motherfuckers..


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93dd42 No.202208

File: 83198de11cda30b⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881707.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump just challenged Kamala Harris on live tv to go to the White House, wake Joe Biden up and sign a bill close the the border down tonight! This might have just won the entire debate!


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93dd42 No.202209

File: 3a2ca93138c28dc⋯.jpg (82.21 KB,1080x774,60:43,IMG_20240911_030351_658.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) MTG: This is ABSOLUTELY disgraceful by ABC.

These moderators are members of the Harris campaign.

Kamala lies and lies, but they don’t correct her.

An absolute attack on Trump.


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93dd42 No.202210

File: ec79bfc9758d493⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921201.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things [the Democrats] say about me.

They talk about Democracy and that I am a "threat to democracy."

THEY are the threat to Democracy with the fake "Russia Russia Russia" investigation that went nowhere.


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93dd42 No.202211

File: fa69e2cdf7b9550⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921202.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) 🚨 MIC DROP 🚨

"She was big on defund the police.

In Minnesota she went out [Kamala interrupts]

Wait a minute, I'm talking now, if you dont mind. Please.

Does that sound familiar?"


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93dd42 No.202212

File: df368c8851a9f77⋯.jpg (75.78 KB,968x873,968:873,IMG_20240911_031101_571.jpg)

>>202188 BC (T.me) Holy shit…

Kamala just said she’s the “only one onstage who has prosecuted transnational criminal originations trafficking weapons, drugs, and humans”.

Executive order 13773 was one of the first things Trump did when he came into office in 2017.

Meanwhile, Kamala and the Dems have done everything in their power to prevent Trump from building a wall, and they said human trafficking was a conspiracy theory.

Kamala is completely full of shit, and actually evil.


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93dd42 No.202213

File: d815df8bfe50f4e⋯.jpg (178.11 KB,858x730,429:365,Screenshot_20240911_031501….jpg)

>>202188 BC (T.me) ABC had inaccurate “fact-checks”prepared for topics they knew Trump was going to cover.

Yet they let Kamala lie unchecked.

If you think the “Deep State” doesn’t exist, you aren’t paying attention.

The story of this debate is how the MSM are exposing themselves right now.


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93dd42 No.202214

File: b91d1230ba39050⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1_5118466217752921205.mp4)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) "Where is our President?

We dont even know if hes a President.

They threw him out of a campaign like a dog.

We dont even know - is he our President?

We have a President that doesn't know hes alive."


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76e3e8 No.202215

File: 2ae0c56aa7921c6⋯.png (1.19 MB,1044x1004,261:251,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_2….png)

File: 83390893c04d355⋯.png (89.46 KB,482x820,241:410,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_2….png)


(TwiX) Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!

10:44 EST



Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


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93dd42 No.202216

File: 53fdc8379d1ca20⋯.jpg (180.76 KB,856x690,428:345,Screenshot_20240911_032151….jpg)

>>202188 BC (T.me) Kamala continues to say that we must continue funding a war against Russia to defend “democracy”.

Meanwhile, in reality, Kamala did not receive a single vote, and was selected by the bureaucracy/oligarchs.

And Zelensky is a totalitarian dictator that cancelled all elections…


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93dd42 No.202217

File: f7e8a8671e06c96⋯.jpg (54.09 KB,1080x411,360:137,IMG_20240911_032343_813.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) ABC’s next question: “Madame vice president, would you agree with us that Trump is a terrible?”


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93dd42 No.202218

File: 69e982c1bc6e22b⋯.mp4 (6.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881714.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Kamala Harris has had almost a year since the 10/7 attack on Israel to secure a ceasefire agreement and hostage deal.

She and Biden FAILED.

Now, she's trying to "both sides" her way until the election.


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93dd42 No.202219

File: 873f62be3d8bd03⋯.mp4 (568.09 KB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881717.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) COMRADE KAMALA: "Donald Trump is weak and wrong on national security and foreign policy."

Kamala is currently presiding over two major wars on multiple continents.

More than 250 migrants on the terrorist "watch list" entered the US illegally since Kamala took office.


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93dd42 No.202220

File: 8499b3a3842290a⋯.jpg (150.59 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_20240911_032853_217.jpg)

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93dd42 No.202221

File: a9cc78d7e1e2d0f⋯.jpg (100.65 KB,1080x850,108:85,IMG_20240911_033312_500.jpg)

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93dd42 No.202222

File: dc9a71df9cc2ded⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,1278x978,213:163,IMG_20240911_033638_835.jpg)

>>202188 CMZ (T.me) Moderator: "Vice President Harris, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?"

Moderator: "Former President Trump, why are all the problems of the last four years your fault?"


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93dd42 No.202223

File: 11070326f0e0867⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,1080x455,216:91,IMG_20240911_034424_538.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Mike Pompeo: Let’s be clear: when Kamala says she executed the Trump plan for her Afghanistan withdrawal, she is lying.

It’s that simple.


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93dd42 No.202224

File: dadafa8e1eed797⋯.jpg (115.08 KB,1080x861,360:287,IMG_20240911_034957_791.jpg)

>>202188 (T.me) The moderators didn't fact check Kamala when she invoked the Charlottesville lie.

The moderators didn't fact check Kamala when she lied about changing her position on fracking.

The moderators didn't fact check Kamala when she repeatedly lied about President Trump positions.


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93dd42 No.202225

File: 2962ee00e7ea493⋯.jpg (100.93 KB,1080x580,54:29,IMG_20240911_035144_156.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Kamala accuses Trump of dividing Americans based on race. This is a woman who bailed out BLM rioters and has amplified every race hoax for the last thirty years. Trump should have pointed that out. Some crucial missed opportunities tonight.


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93dd42 No.202226

File: b714c02c39ae2ba⋯.mp4 (984.99 KB,1296x720,9:5,4_5983543081515881748.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Here's a clip of Kamala saying she would confiscate your guns


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76e3e8 No.202227

Bacon new one.

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93dd42 No.202228

File: f6194f82b197b4e⋯.mp4 (283.47 KB,848x642,424:321,VID_20240903_234643_095.mp4)

>>202227 ThanQ Baker

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93dd42 No.202230

File: 73c0bbd7223933c⋯.jpg (87.02 KB,1080x675,8:5,IMG_20240911_040413_787.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) Trump had the cost of insulin at $35! Then Biden got rid of that and it jumped to over $1000.!Then Biden changed it back to $35, once again stealing Trump’s policy and taking credit!


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93dd42 No.202231

File: 2ca5c111a9aff28⋯.jpg (124.68 KB,799x1280,799:1280,IMG_20240911_040549_713.jpg)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) A user on X declared, "This debate has completely flipped my opinion of Donald Trump. I'd now crawl over broken glass, leap out of a plane, and—wait for it—let white people bring food to a Black BBQ, all just to cast my vote for Trump!"


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93dd42 No.202232

File: f9fdba7eba39a90⋯.mp4 (6.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881755.mp4)

>>202188 SNN (T.me) 🔥WATCH: President Trump's full closing statement at the presidential debate:

"They've had three and a half years to fix the border, three and a half years to create jobs, and all the things we talked about. Why hasn't she done it?"


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93dd42 No.202239

File: 1f846b4938315a9⋯.jpg (77.83 KB,926x546,463:273,IMG_20240911_041508_363.jpg)

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93dd42 No.202243

File: eab85adc7ffc12d⋯.jpg (150.53 KB,1003x1280,1003:1280,IMG_20240911_041853_976.jpg)

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93dd42 No.202244

File: 18fa3813f5db059⋯.jpg (88.92 KB,1011x720,337:240,IMG_20240911_042151_906.jpg)

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93dd42 No.202246

File: 067196f82058770⋯.jpg (62.58 KB,963x783,107:87,IMG_20240911_043308_491.jpg)

Kamala Harris had an interesting choice of earrings for the debate against President Trump.

EAR MICS to cheat with

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93dd42 No.202248

File: c90c8abdd3a342f⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,5_6271725633206752139.mp4)

ISZ (T.me) 🇷🇺🇺🇦Footage of the destruction of what is claimed to be the S-300PS SAM system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by a Geran-2 drone. The process was adjusted from a reconnaissance drone.

The footage shows a kamikaze diving towards a target, a powerful explosion, and the subsequent spontaneous launch of one of the anti-aircraft missiles of the destroyed complex.


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76e3e8 No.202251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep (YouTube)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>202108, >>202109, >>202110, >>202111, >>202112, >>202124, >>202125, >>202126, >>202136, >>202141, >>202143, >>202145, >>202147, >>202148, >>202149, START A WAR: ETR (T.me) 🚨 BREAKING Russia: Residents are being evacuated from a house in Ramenskoye urban district of Moscow that was hit by a drone.

>>202114 SoE (TwiX) The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation conducted a raid on the Millersville Police Department, seizing all records tied to active investigations into global corruption.

>>202115 CR (T.me) Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative,Haiti - state Department derp

>>202116 CR (T.me) Google's lucrative ad tech business goes on trial

>>202117 CR(T.me) Watch: Nevada Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Audrey Williams, a soldier with the 2/238th Aviation unit, captured footage of a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter executing a crucial water bucket drop to combat the Davis Fire, Washoe Valley, Nevada. Nevada Guard

>>202118, >>202124 CR (T.me) The Democrat Party is now a bizarre and frightening alliance of communists, globalists and warmongering neocons.

>>202119 LA (T.me) ‼️Breaking: House Education Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx subpeoned Tim Walz's admin. related to the "largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the nation" that stole $250 million in taxpayer funds intended to feed children in need.

>>202120 LA (T.me) The disease is famous for use as a biological weapon, including in the wake of the 9/11 attacks when it was sent out in the mail.— Article

>>202121 LA(T.me) Pfizer Deploys Mobile ‘School of Science’ to Teach Kids the ABCs of Pandemics and Vaccines

>>202122 LA (T.me) Adverse reactions for the newly approved ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine, include “death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with a vaccinated individual”.

>>202123 SAR (T.me) BREAKING! 205 people arrested during operation targeting online predators.

>>202127 CK (T.me) El9n Musk replied LOL

>>202128 USArmy (TwiX) Rest in peace, Soldier. The force is with you. James Earl Jones has passed away at the age of 93. Before he was an award-winning actor, he was an Army officer.

>>202129 VIDEO: Sean Hannity: The deck will be stacked against Trump during the debate (YouTube)

>>202130 SNN (T.me) Social Media Influencer Speaking Out About Being Paid To Push Democrat Propaganda

>>202131, >>202134, >>202137, >>202139, >>202142, >>202153, >>202167, >>202168, >>202169, >>202170, >>202171, >>202172, >>202173, >>202174, >>202175, >>202176, >>202177, >>202178, >>202179, >>202180, PapiTrumpo (9/06/2024)

>>202132 SNN (T.me) 🔥Texas continues to work on the southern border wall

>>202133 SNN (T.me) ⚠️NEW: Kamala Harris is holding mock debates with a ‘fake Trump’ to prepare for the debate on Tuesday.

>>202140 VIDEO: 9/11 Secret Service K-9 Officer Dan Hughes (YouTube)

>>202144 ElonMusk (TwiX) Mad Max is becoming real fast

>>202146 (TwiX) Around 5% of the Haitian population has now migrated to the United States over the past four years under the Harris-Biden administration. Let that sink in.

>>202150 SpaceForceRecruiting (TwiX) 10,000+ satellites in orbit and we’ve got eyes on all of them.

>>202151 VIDEO: Government records system is "compromised," former Defense Department official Ezra Cohen says (YouTube)

>>202152, >>202159 TAM (T.me) 🇺🇸⚠️ BREAKING: Protests and small riots have erupted in Washington, D.C., as numerous individuals break into high-end stores, set fires, and commit assaults.

>>202155 STD (T.me) Researchers have demonstrated that cold atoms can be used to simulate gravitational waves in a laboratory setting.

>>202156 SNN (T.me) Trump needs to win and fix this now, or we are finished as a country.

>>202158 SNN (T.me) President Trump will deport migrants who eat pets.

>>202160 VIDEO: Before the Fame: The Lost 1980 Interview with Donald Trump (YOUTUBE)

>>202162 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#WATCH: As firefighters battled a large tractor trailer fire, when it exploded, resulting in the tragic death of one firefighter

>>202163, >>202164, >>202165 VIDEO: Extended interview: F-16 pilots recall mission to intercept Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001 (YouTube)

>>202166 VIDEO: Bernie Kerik - NYPD Police Commissioner on 9/11/2001 | SRS #013 (YouTube)

>>202182 World Trade Center 7 building did not collapse due to fire: Report(canada.constructconnect.com)

>>202183 Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust

>>202184, >>202185 Lung Conditions Caused by 9/11

>>202186 VIDEO: Google's Latest Legal Battles Might Change Things Forever (YouTube)

>>202188, >>202189, >>202190, >>202191, >>202192, >>202193, >>202195, >>202198, >>202199, >>202200, >>202201, >>202202, >>202203, >>202204, >>202205, >>202206, >>202208, >>202209, >>202210, >>202211, >>202212, >>202213, >>202214, >>202216, >>202217, >>202218, >>202219, >>202220, >>202222, >>202223, >>202224, >>202225, >>202226, >>202230, >>202231, >>202232 KamalHOE Debate

>>202194 VIDEO: 🚨Watch Donald Trump DEMOLISH Kamala Harris in Presidential Debate LIVE Right NOW! w/ Special Guests (YOUTUBE)

>>202215 (TwiX) Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!

>>202246 Kamala Harris had an interesting choice of earrings for the debate against President Trump. EAR MICS to cheat with

>>202248 ISZ (T.me) 🇷🇺🇺🇦Footage of the destruction of what is claimed to be the S-300PS SAM system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by a Geran-2 drone. The process was adjusted from a reconnaissance drone.

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76e3e8 No.202254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I feel a "Donald Rumsfeld, fact covering FF incoming.. I hope I am wrong.. but..







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VIDEO: Into the Mystic | Van Morrison | Lyrics ☾☀ (YouTube)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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