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32f215 No.192331 [View All]

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fcef91 No.192415

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(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Four Russian warships, including a nuclear sub, are sitting 200 miles off the coast of Florida

Ronny Reyes

Four Russian warships including a nuclear submarine have reached Cuba, just 200 miles off the coast of Florida, ahead of a planned military exercise in the Atlantic.

The fleet — made up of a frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker and a rescue tug — arrived in Havana Bay on Wednesday, welcomed by a 21-cannon salute from Cuba.

Dramatic images from the arrival show the ominous and massive vessels entering the bay as Cubans lined up on the streets to take pictures of the Kremlin’s nautical forces.

The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kazan arrived in Havana Bay on Wednesday. 8

The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kazan arrived in Havana Bay on Wednesday. AFP via Getty Images

Four warships arrive in Cuba as locals line up to see the Russian fleet. 8

It was one of four warships arriving in Cuba as locals lined up to see the Russian fleet. Yander Zamora/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Some civilians could be seen wrapped up in Russian flags, with the frigate in turn flying the Kremlin and Cuba’s colors as its sailors stood in formation while approaching the island nation.

The sub in Cuba was identified as the Kazan, a Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine.

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While the submarine is typically equipped with Zircon hypersonic missiles, according to Russian government news agency Tass, it is unclear whether the Kazan is currently armed with such weaponry.

US and Cuban officials have also said that while the submarine is nuclear powered, it is not carrying nuclear weapons.

Some people came out to welcome the ships while draped in Russian flags. 8

Some people came out to welcome the ships while draped in Russian flags. REUTERS

Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov enters the Cuban shore. 8

Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov enters Cuban waters. REUTERS

The Russian fleet also included a massive oil tanker. 8

The Russian fleet also included a massive oil tanker. AFP via Getty Images

A fisherman observes the arrival of a ship belonging to the Russian Navy flotilla in Havana, Cuba. 8

A fisherman observes the arrival of a ship belonging to the Russian navy flotilla in Havana, Cuba. Yander Zamora/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

National security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters Wednesday that the US is closely monitoring the Russian military drills in the Atlantic, adding that there is no evidence that Russia is transferring any missiles to Cuba.

Experts believe the exercise is a show of force by the Kremlin after the US allowed Ukraine to fire American-made weapons into Russia in order to defend Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city.

“The warships are a reminder to Washington that it is unpleasant when an adversary meddles in your near abroad,” said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Latin America Program at the Washington-based Wilson Center think tank.

A Cuban child waves a Russian flag as the fleet enters Havana Bay. 8

US and Cuban officials have also said that while the submarine is nuclear powered, it is not carrying nuclear weapons. Yander Zamora/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, right, and his Cuban counterpart Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla shake hands in Moscow on Wednesday. 8

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (right) and his Cuban counterpart, Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla, shake hands in Moscow on Wednesday. AP

“It also reminds Russia’s friends in the region, including US antagonists Cuba and Venezuela, that Moscow is on their side,” he added.

Russian ships and submarines have been docked in Havana since 2008 as part of Russian military exercises. US officials said they expect the latest round of vessels to remain in the region through the summer, with a possible stop scheduled in Venezuela.

With Post wires

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fcef91 No.192416

File: 6f7c1af31b26f66⋯.png (1.81 MB,1532x1932,383:483,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Sen. John Fetterman ‘at fault’ after driving ‘well over’ speed limit when he rear-ended driver: police report

Victor Nava

Sen. John Fetterman ‘at fault’ after rear ending driver: police report

Sen. John Fetterman was “at fault” and driving “well over” the speed limit when he rear-ended a 62-year-old driver in Maryland over the weekend, according to a police report.

The Pennsylvania Democrat was traveling in his Chevrolet Traverse “at a high rate of speed, well over the posted speed limit” of 70 mph, a witness told authorities, shortly before he ran into a Chevrolet Impala on I-70, Maryland State Police said.

The six-page police report, obtained by USA Today, found Fetterman “at fault” for the crash.

Fetterman, 54, was not tested for drugs or alcohol, and neither was the woman behind the wheel of the Impala.

Maryland State Police Fetterman crash report 3

The police report states that Fetterman was “at fault.” Maryland State Police

It is “unknown” if the senator was distracted at the time of the crash, according to the report, but police noted the driver he collided with was “not distracted.”

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Fetterman’s office and Maryland State Police did not respond to The Post’s requests for comment.

The first-term senator was with his wife Gisele at the time of the Sunday morning accident.

Both were briefly hospitalized and “John was treated for a bruised shoulder,” a spokesperson for the senator told The Post on Monday.

John and Gisele Fetterman 3

The senator’s wife, Gisele, was traveling with him when he crashed. SenFettermanPA/X

John Fetterman 3

Fetterman was driving a Chevrolet Traverse at the time of the crash. REUTERS

The woman driving the other car was also hospitalized, suffering from a “suspected minor injury,” according to police.

“No citations were issued,” Maryland State Police said in a statement earlier this week. “The crash investigation remains active and ongoing.”

Fetterman has suffered from several health issues in recent years, including a stroke in May of 2022 while he campaigned for the Senate.

Doctors installed a pacemaker and a defibrillator in his chest after the health scare.

Last year, Fetterman checked himself into Walter Reed Hospital just weeks after being sworn into the Senate for treatment of clinical depression.

He was hospitalized for over a month.

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fcef91 No.192417

File: 59e4cdaba194e3e⋯.png (3.56 MB,1332x2876,333:719,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Violent El Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang linked to over 100 criminal cases in US: report

Jennie Taer

Federal authorities have opened more than 100 investigations into crimes allegedly committed by members of the violent Venezuelan El Tren de Aragua gang, according to a report by NBC News.

The transnational criminal organization — whose name means “The Aragua Train” in English, a nod to its roots as a railway worker’s union from that region — have been flooding the US with their members, many of whom have been illegally slipping over the Southern Border posing as asylum seekers.

Those members have infiltarated major cities across the country including New York, Chicago, Miami and Denver, where they engage in money laundering, theft and human trafficking, according to reports.

Suspected El Tren De Aragua member Bernardo Castro Mata, appearing from his hospital bedside 8

Suspected El Tren De Aragua member Bernardo Castro Mata, 19, arraigned from his hospital bedside after allegedly shooting two NYPD officers on on June 5, 2024. for New York Daily News

The shadowy group are hard for authorities to pin down or identify, a fact not helped by Venezuelan authorities refusing to share police data with the US.

Even if members are IDed, their home country also refuses to accept them back.

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One of the main identifiers police use are gang tattoos particular to members, including five-pointed crows, AK-47 rifles, trains, stars, gas masks and grenades.

However, many of these tattoos are popular designs throughout South America.

Incidents which have recently been attributed to the gang include an investigation focusing on a 19-year-old migrant charged with shooting two NYPD cops on June 3.

Bernardo Raul Castro Mata allegedly told police he was recruited by the Venezuelan gang’s Big Apple “coordinator” to join a crew of “snatch and grab” moped thieves, law-enforcement sources said Wednesday.

Mata illegally entered the US last July in Texas and allegedly said he was encouraged to get gang tattoos to show his allegiance, sources previously told The Post.

Sources have also told The Post that there’s suspicion that a gang tied to the assault of two cops in Times Square in January could be linked to Tren de Aragua.

Diego Ibarra posing with a gun 8

Diego Ibarra — who was arrested for presenting police with a fake ID card — had gang tattoos associated with El Tren de Aragua and posed with guns online. Still he was admitted into the US.

Photo showing Diego Ibarra's tattoo of a five-pointed crown 8

Diego Ibarra sports a tattoo of a five-pointed crown with three stars under it, associated with the gang. U.S. District Court

Tocoron prison in Aragua State, Venezuela, 8

Tocoron prison in Aragua State, Venezuela, which was the HQ of the Tren de Aragua gang, but was stormed by more than 11,000 soldiers and police in September 2023. AFP via Getty Images

Tren de Aragua are also believed to be connected to the brutal murder of a retired Venezuelan police officer, who was lured to his death in Miami by a group of prostitutes in April.

The feds have also been tracking the gang in Chicago, according to the local NBC5 station.

Border Patrol agents apprehended 41 Tren de Aragua members crossing the border between October 2022 and September 2023, according to federal data.

Another case the feds have zeroed in on is an alleged sex trafficking ring based in Louisiana involving members of the gang forcing Venezuelan migrant women into sex work to pay their smuggling debts, according to NBC.

NYPD intelligence bulletin shares common Tren de Aragua tattoos, including crowns and guns. 8

NYPD intelligence bulletin shares common Tren de Aragua tattoos, including crowns and guns. NYPD

NYPD intelligence bulletin shares common Tren de Aragua tattoos. 8

NYPD intelligence bulletin shares common Tren de Aragua tattoos. NYPD

Two of the women said they had been tracked down by three alleged members of the gang after enting the US.

The women were then flown from Texas to Louisiana, where they were taken to an apartment and forced to have sex with four men each day.

The men told the women that if they were to report the situation to authorities, their families back home in Venezuela would be killed.

Other prominent cases involving suspected ties to the gang include Jose Ibarra, alleged murderer of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, and his brother Diego.

Both had previously been let go by federal authorities at the southern border.

A tattoo of a crown linked to Tren de Aragua appears on an intelligence bulletin. 8

A tattoo of a crown linked to Tren de Aragua appears on an intelligence bulletin. NYPD

The number of Venezuelans crossing the southern border has skyrocketed under the Biden administration — and so have the number of criminals.

There were roughly 2,000 encounters of Venezuelans crossing the southern border illegally in the entire financial year 2019 compared to more than 200,000 in the financial year 2023, according to federal data.

A major concern with the rise in crossings is there is inadequate vetting being done. It’s also difficult to gang members if they don’t have the common tattoos.

Robert Almonte, a security consultant and former US marshal in El Paso, recently warned The Post the gang has started telling new members not to get them in order to evade police.

Building of the Chilean Consulate in Caracas 8

Chilean Consulate in Caracas, where concerns have been shared about the presence of Tren de Aragua. AFP via Getty Images

“We lack information-sharing with other countries. Most countries are decades behind us with technology and policing practices, so when we detain these guys, mostly there’s nothing on them except [if they have] terrorism or previous US charges,” a Border Patrol source previously told The Post.

The Biden administration has still been able to remove some Venezuelans to Mexico as part of a deal where the US can expel 30,000 migrants from Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba each month.

Still, more migrants with existing criminal records have attempted to cross the southern border during the Biden administration than under Trump, according to NBC.

Tren de Aragua remain a problem in their home country too and last year, the Venezuelan government sent 11,000 soldiers to take control of a prison the gang had seized in Tocorón, in the country’s interior.

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fcef91 No.192418

File: 01d53f151cef4d2⋯.png (1.33 MB,1326x2216,663:1108,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Secret Alito recordings are a new low in the left’s drive to smear justices

By Post Editorial Board

Associate Justice Samuel Alito poses during a group photo of the Justices at the Supreme Court in Washington, U.S., April 23, 2021.

Associate Justice Samuel Alito poses during a group photo of the Justices at the Supreme Court in Washington, U.S., April 23, 2021. REUTERS

In some combination of ignorance and cynicism, lefty circles are abuzz about the supposed “Christian Nationalist” threat to the republic, and now the hysteria has joined with the drive to delegitimize the Supreme Court, or at least the justices least inclined to rubber-stamp the left’s agenda.

On Monday, activist Lauren Windsor posted audio recordings of conversations with Justice Sam Alito, his wife and Chief Justice John Roberts, which she secretly taped while posing as a religious conservative at an event last week.

Her “big get” is a chat where she baits Alito by saying that “people in this country who believe in God” need “to return our country to a place of Godliness,” and Alito (wait for it) politely agrees with her.


A religious man agreeing that Godliness is a worthy value?

Cue the woke pearl-clutching.

More From Post Editorial Board

From the tape, it’s pretty obvious that the justice is just trying to gently disengage from an obsessive; he never breathes a word about the government enforcing religious ideals, let alone of letting his faith sway his jurisprudence.

But that didn’t stop The New York Times from running not just a report on Windsor’s “findings” but also a column headlined “Alito no longer tries to hide his theocratic worldview,” though he uttered not a “theocratic” word in the exchange and has spoken openly of his faith for decades now.

Nor from running a followup “news analysis” teeing off the Alito non-story to discuss the supposed rise of a “broader Christian movement” that Times readers should apparently be very worried about.

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Politico, Rolling Stone and other left-leaning outlets also ran with the activist’s hysterical interpretation of her exchange with the justice, all advancing the idea that Alito’s objectivity is compromised.

And never mind that other parts of the recordings Windsor released have Alito’s wife Martha-Ann taking full credit for the flag-flying that was last month’s completely bogus blitz on her hubby’s impartiality.

Look: America is a more secular nation than ever, with vastly less public “God talk” than in the past; Lauren Windsor might have a heart attack if she reviewed the speeches of Abraham Lincoln.

She posed as a right-wing crank to bait the justices, but in fact she’s an unhinged lefty, seeking confirmation of secret agendas that don’t exist.

All the recordings really tell us about Alito is that he tries to be courteous when chatting with strangers.

When it comes to Windsor and the larger media echo chamber, they expose a subculture eager to engage in dishonest and shady tactics in an ongoing attempt to smear right-leaning justices, and the Supreme Court itself, as biased and illegitimate.

They’re the threat to our democracy, but too oblivious to see it.

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fcef91 No.192419

File: f15bc38c917a77e⋯.png (3.59 MB,1590x2920,159:292,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Protege who beheaded CEO boss planned birthday for girlfriend despite knowing he wouldn’t get away with alleged $400K theft: witness

Kyle Schnitzer

A protege who beheaded his tech CEO boss knew he’d get caught but still planned the “most memorable birthday” for the French exchange student who took his virginity, an expert testified at his trial Wednesday.

Dr. Barry Rosenfeld, a clinical forensic psychologist who teaches at Fordham University, testified about the romantic relationship between Tyrese Haspil, 25, and his then-girlfriend, Marine Chaveuz, who he dated for two years and was living in New York City at the time.

“It’s the first person he ever had sex with,” Rosenfeld said, recalling Haspil’s confession after speaking with him in Manhattan Supreme Court.

Tyrese Haspil, 25, is on trial for allegedly murdering his former boss Fahim Saleh. 5

Tyrese Haspil, 25, is on trial for allegedly murdering his former boss Fahim Saleh. James Messerschmidt

“He decided very quickly – this is the love of my life. [He] can’t live without this woman, she means everything to [him].”

Haspil had allegedly stolen $400,000 from his employer and worked to keep up a faux high-profile lifestyle with his girlfriend.

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Rosenfeld, who interviewed Haspil three times, testified as the defense’s expert witness in their attempt to prove that Haspil hacked up 33-year-old Fahim Saleh at his Lower East Side apartment in July 2020 as a crime of passion due to “extreme emotional disturbance.”

To prove the insanity plea, Rosenfeld was brought in to detail Haspil’s tumultuous upbringing and shed light on his relationship which Chaveuz.

According to Rosenfeld, Haspil — who never met his father — said he was repeatedly told by family members that he was the “product of rape” and was sexually abused by his uncle multiple times while they watched anime cartoons together.

The expert said that Haspil lived a life of abuse, stemming from his childhood with a schizophrenic mother, to bouncing around homes and shelters and even finding himself sleeping on a bench at one point in his teens.

Haspil was seen walking with an unidentified woman days after he allegedly killed Saleh. 5

Haspil was seen walking with an unidentified woman days after he allegedly killed Saleh.

Haspil kept this a secret to himself, and was never able to settle down in any relationship in his life before he started dating Chaveuz in 2018, which is why he was so terrified of losing her, Rosenfeld said.

“He certainly doesn’t have any confidence that she will be with him if he isn’t who he seems to be,” Rosenfeld explained, detailing the inner mechanics of Haspil’s thinking.

Their relationship was a “little rocky” at the start when the two briefly broke up after a month of dating when Chaveuz complained to Haspil that he worked too much and wasn’t giving her enough “attention,” the psychologist testified, which left Haspil “miserable.”

A tech CEO’s personal assistant claims he beheaded his boss in a crime of passion, his attorney argued at trial. 5

A tech CEO’s personal assistant claims he beheaded his boss in a crime of passion, his attorney argued at trial. AP

He then became consumed with making time for her but it comes at a cost — he continued to embezzle from Saleh, a venture capitalist and the CEO of Nigeria-based motorbike startup Gokada — who once complained to Haspil that their working relationship was falling apart due to Haspil not working enough, the witness claimed.

Haspil thought that his romance with Chaveuz was going to end in May 2019 when she was supposed to head back to France, but she secured an internship which bought her another year in the Big Apple.

However, that meant Haspil had to keep up with his charade of milking his boss’s profits, and he eventually knew that was going to land him in trouble, Rosenfeld testified.

Police remove boxes of evidence from Fahim Saleh's apartment in 2020. 5

Police remove boxes of evidence from Fahim Saleh’s apartment in 2020. Taidgh Barron/NY Post

It was revealed that Haspil once footed the bill for Chaveuz and her friends to spend a weekend at a concert in Florida all on Saleh’s tabs, according to the defense’s expert, who also said that Haspil once stole $20,000 from a restaurant he worked at to fund a semester at Hofstra University.

Haspil’s attorney, Sam Roberts, said in his opening arguments that Haspil was worried he would be “abandoned” by Cheveuz if she found out he stole $400,000 from his boss, which prosecutors allege was the motive behind the gruesome 2020 Covid-19 murder.

At one point in the trial, jurors were shown receipts of purchases allegedly made by Haspil after the murder which included receipts from Louis Vuitton.

A beige Christian Louboutin shopping bag and a box of shoes were recovered at his loft-like spy-pad rental on Crosby Street, located across the block from Saleh’s $2.4 million apartment, according to evidence.

Haspil has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder charges which carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years to life behind bars if he is convicted. 5

Haspil has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder charges which carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years to life behind bars if he is convicted. Steven Hirsch

Haspil has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder charges which carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years to life behind bars if he is convicted.

His attorneys are hoping that a jury convicts him on manslaughter due to his “emotionally disturbed” defense, which carries a lighter sentence of five to 25 years.

“He wanted to get through Marine’s birthday. The phrase he used was he needed ‘runway,’ he needed to get a little more time with Marine to get through the birthday, and that’s all that matters,” Rosenfeld added.

“She’s supposed to go home a couple weeks after that anyway but he says, and I believe him, that he was convinced he’d get caught.”

His ex has since returned to France.

The expert will continue his testimony Thursday.

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fcef91 No.192420

File: b51fb916f702fdd⋯.png (966.21 KB,1324x1768,331:442,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Pennsylvania businesses Biden visited are mum on prez as his support slips in his birth state: ‘No story for ya’

Carson Swick

EMMAUS, Pa. — As a new Marist College poll shows Joe Biden behind in his birth state, businesses that hosted his Lehigh Valley visit to tout the area’s “economic comeback” in January didn’t want to talk about the president.

“I got no story for ya,” the owner of South Mountain Bicycle, a bike shop Biden explored in Emmaus, Pa., told The Post.

“No comment,” said a manager at the adjacent Emmaus Run Inn — also visited by Biden over the winter.

A recent poll shows President Biden trailing former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. 3

A recent poll shows President Biden trailing former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

A third business the president stopped at during his January trip, Nowhere Coffee, has since shut its doors.

The tone on the ground in Emmaus, a suburban borough of about 11,000 people, reflects an obstinate political reality Biden must confront.

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Though within the statistical margin of error — 47% support for former President Donald Trump and 45% for Biden — the Marist poll shows Pennsylvania voters souring on “Joe from Scranton’s” performance less than five months ahead of November’s election.

Particularly troubling for the president are the marks voters gave Trump on two big questions. Fifty-four percent of those surveyed said their families were “better off” during Trump’s presidency — compared with just 43% during Biden’s. A similar share of voters (54%) thought the country was better off under Trump than under Biden (45%).

Chris Bragg, an RV salesman from neighboring Northampton County, said his family was better off before the “skyrocketing” of gas and grocery prices in Pennsylvania and nationwide.

Biden visits Nowhere Coffee in Emmaus, Pa. on Jan. 12, 2024. 3

Biden visits Nowhere Coffee in Emmaus, Pa. on Jan. 12, 2024. AP

Though the Keystone State is rich in oil, its average gas price of $3.66 per gallon is more than 20 cents above the national average, according to AAA as of Wednesday.

“Under President Trump, the cost of living was much cheaper,” Bragg said.

Bragg also attributed Biden’s tough poll numbers to the ongoing US-Mexico border crisis, which has seen multiple migrant-encounter records broken in recent months.

In February, the Biden administration surpassed 9 million border crossings nationwide.

“The border wasn’t exactly under control, but it was by no means a free-for-all,” Bragg said. “Now, it’s a literal free-for-all.”

Joe Biden 3

Biden visited several stores in the Pennsylvania town in January. AP

Another Northampton County voter, history and economics teacher Charles Lewis, said Biden trumpets improved inflation numbers but leaves out the stubbornly high food and energy costs — which have remained significantly greater than the average rate of inflation this year.

“Biden quotes a lower inflation rate but excludes food and energy costs,” Lewis said. “He realizes that his economic plan is not working.”

Elsewhere in the Marist poll, Trump also edged out Biden among self-described independents (42% to 40%), voters under 35 (46% to 45%) and members of Generation X (50% to 43%).

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Chase Oliver were among the survey’s third-party options in the poll, receiving 3%, 1% and 1% in backing, respectively.

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fcef91 No.192421

File: 6886500d99cd546⋯.png (1.95 MB,1324x2850,662:1425,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Biden administration hit with first lawsuit over border ‘crackdown’

Victor Nava

The first lawsuit challenging President Biden’s recent executive order on immigration was filed in federal court on Wednesday as Democratic lawmakers pressure the administration to back off from asylum restrictions.

The suit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of two pro-immigration groups, claims the Biden administration failed to provide “advance notice” before implementing “illegal changes” to the US immigration laws.

“We were left with no alternative but to sue,” Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, said in a statement.

Joe Biden 3

Biden’s order has been panned by both Republicans and Democrats. Getty Images

“The administration lacks unilateral authority to override Congress and bar asylum based on how one enters the country, a point the courts made crystal clear when the Trump administration unsuccessfully tried a near-identical ban,” he added.

The complaint alleges that the Biden administration “harmed” immigrant advocacy groups by moving forward with an “Interim Final Rule without first providing notice and an opportunity to comment,” in “violation” of federal law.

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The order, issued last week, prevents individuals from applying for asylum when encounters with migrants between ports of entry average 2,500 per day over the course of a week.

The restrictions can be lifted two weeks after crossings average 1,500 per day for seven straight days.

The proclamation went into effect immediately as migrant encounters were at about 4,000 per day when it was signed by the 81-year-old president.

The lawsuit does not ask the US District Court in Washington, DC, for an emergency injunction to stop Biden’s order.

Border Patrol and migrants 3

The ACLU charges that Biden’s order is “illegal.” REUTERS

“The Biden administration’s actions effectively shut the door on countless individuals fleeing violence and persecution,” Arthur Spitzer, senior counsel of the ACLU of the District of Columbia, charged in a statement.

“Anti-asylum policies are cruel, ineffective, and unlawfully undermine the fundamental right to seek asylum in the United States,” he added.

The lawsuit comes one day after a group of more than a dozen House Democrats demanded that the Biden administration reconsider the new rules.

migrants on the border 3

The order halts the processing of some asylum claims when migrant encounters between ports of entry reach 2,500 per day. REUTERS

“Allowing the consideration of mandatory bars to asylum during initial asylum screening interviews will force asylum seekers to present legally and factually complex arguments explaining the life-threatening harms they are fleeing shortly after enduring a long, traumatic journey and while being held in immigration detention and essentially cut off from legal help,” the 18 lawmakers, led by Reps. Delia Ramirez (D-Ill) and Jesús “Chuy” García (D-Ill), wrote in a Tuesday letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ur Jaddou.

“The Biden Administration just two years ago concluded that the inclusion of mandatory bars in credible fear screenings would make the screenings less efficient, undermining Congress’s intent that the expedited removal process be swift, and would undermine procedural fairness, leading to substantial due process concerns,” they added in the missive obtained by the Hill.

Critics of Biden’s order note that the “crackdown” would still allow 1.8 million asylum seekers into the county if fully enforced due to several exemptions.

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fcef91 No.192422

File: 6cc24cc3a5c6626⋯.png (2.7 MB,1332x2236,333:559,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


17 state AGs sue Biden admin for allowing foreign farmworkers to unionize

Tom Joyce

Hispanic farmers manually planting amaranthus in a Mexican farming field

A group of 17 state attorneys general filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration this week over a rule that allows temporary farm workers in the country on H-2A visas the power to unionize. @Nailotl - stock.adobe.com

A group of 17 state attorneys general, led by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration this week over a rule that allows temporary farm workers in the country on H-2A visas the power to unionize.

Federal law bans American farm workers from collective bargaining.

“Once again, Joe Biden is putting America last,” Kobach said in a statement.

“He’s giving political benefits to foreign workers while American workers struggle in Biden’s horrible economy. I stand with American workers.”

Filed on June 10 in the Southern District Court of Georgia, the complaint argues that the new rule from the US Department of Labor is a rewrite of the National Labor Relations Act and that only Congress has the power to amend the NLRA.

President Joe Biden speaks to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund's "Gun Sense University," at the Washington Hilton, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Washington.

Filed on June 10 in the Southern District Court of Georgia, the complaint argues the new rule from the US Department of Labor is a rewrite of the National Labor Relations Act and that only Congress has the power to amend the NLRA. AP

Kobach contends that the new rule creates a situation where many temporary, foreign migrant farmworkers would have the power to unionize, unlike millions of American farmworkers — treating the foreign workers better than the Americans.

The lawsuit says that the US Department of Labor thinks the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) allows it to make this new rule.

Yet, the state attorneys general think differently. They contend that it doesn’t allow the department to provide H-2A visa workers with better working conditions than their American counterparts.

“The final rule goes above and beyond to provide… rights to H-2A workers. These are rights American farmworkers explicitly do not have under federal law,” the complaint reads.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach speaks during a news conference, Thursday, March 28, 2024, at the Statehouse in Topeka, Kansas

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach contends that the new rule creates a situation where many temporary, foreign migrant farmworkers would have the power to unionize, unlike millions of American farmworkers. AP

“…The final rule is simply a backdoor so that the agency can achieve a policy goal that requires legislation that it cannot convince Congress to pass.”

The lawsuit consists of two private agricultural organizations, plus attorneys general from Kansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

One can read the court filing here.

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fcef91 No.192423

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(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


American tourist dies, wife badly injured after being electrocuted in hot tub at Mexican resort: report

David Propper

An American tourist died and his wife was badly injured while lounging in a hot tub at a private Mexican resort Tuesday — and authorities believe they were likely electrocuted by the malfunctioning device.

The 43-year-old man, whom authorities only identified as Jorge G., of El Paso, Texas, was killed and Lizette Z. suffered life-threatening injuries around 10 p.m. at the Sonoran Sea Resort in Puerto Penasco, the General Prosecutor’s Office for the State of Sonora said, according to KTSM.

Lizette Z. was taken to the US and is in critical condition, the station reported.

A man and woman holding hands and walking down a resort walkway in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico 4

The 43-year-old man, whom authorities only identified as Jorge G., of El Paso, Texas, was killed and Lizette Z. suffered life-threatening injuries. Family Handout

A man from Texas died after he was electrocuted, Mexican officials said. 4

A man from Texas died when he was electrocuted, Mexican officials said.

The wife had burns that appeared to indicate she suffered electric shock that might have been caused by faulty wiring, the General Prosecutor’s Office reportedly said.

A witness who knew the couple said she saw the pair in the outdoor hot tub, but neither was moving, according to the General Prosecutor’s Office.

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When the bystander tried to help the couple, she was shocked and was forced to call for help.

A man and a woman in a jacuzzi at a private resort in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico 4

When the bystander tried to help the couple, she was shocked and was forced to call for help. Family Handout

The man's wife left in critical condition. 4

The man’s wife was left in critical condition.

The cause of death has not been officially determined, the El Paso Times reported.

The incident is under investigation.

An Arizona woman staying at the resort, Sara Gaitan-Perez, told Arizona Daily Star she and others tried to aid the victims, but the man didn’t have a pulse when she arrived.

“We had just come from the pool, and my husband and son were in that very same (hot tub) about an hour before,” she told the newspaper.

The resort could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

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fcef91 No.192424

File: 878f58ae4689109⋯.png (1.34 MB,1314x2002,657:1001,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Mail-in votes dominate Nevada’s primary as one GOP race remains too close to call after ‘deepfake’ released

Mark A. Kellner

A person votes in the Nevada primary at a polling place, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Henderson, Nevada

Democrats topped Republicans in voting, 95,346 Dem ballots recorded by midnight Tuesday versus 84,118 GOP ballots cast along with 28,199 "no party" votes. AP

Voter turnout in Nevada’s Tuesday primary was light — despite most ballots being mailed in — and state insiders believe the final tally will be thinner than the odds at a craps table.

Democrats topped Republicans in voting — 95,346 Dem ballots recorded by midnight Tuesday versus 84,118 GOP ballots cast — but those figures, along with 28,199 “no party” votes, only amount to 14.47% of eligible voters, Nevada Secretary of State Francisco V. Aguilar (D) reported.

The bulk of ballots in the primary came in via mail, Aguilar’s office said.

A total of 121,000 postal ballots were received, with 42,260 cast in person Election Day and 44,399 during early voting.

The overall turnout disappointed observers.

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Political expert Jon Ralston, editor of The Nevada Independent, predicted the final count would fall short of even one in five voters casting primary ballots.

The thin numbers left one congressional primary — to select a GOP nominee in the state’s 4th Congressional District — dangling like a hanging chad on Wednesday afternoon.

Republican John Lee, a former North Las Vegas mayor, led retired Air Force Lt. Col. David Flippo by 1,124 votes as of Wednesday afternoon.

The race remains uncalled by local media.

“I am grateful for the support we’ve received so far and remain optimistic as we await the final results,” Lee said via email Wednesday.

“It’s crucial that every vote is counted, and we will respect the process until the race is officially called.”

A campaign insider maintained Lee, a Democrat who switched parties in 2021 and earned former President Donald Trump’s coveted endorsement in this race, will emerge victorious: “There’s just not that many votes out there remaining.”

People vote in the Nevada primary at a polling place, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Henderson, Nev. (AP Photo/John Locher) 3

A total of 121,000 postal ballots were received, with 42,260 cast in person Election Day and 44,399 during early voting. AP

Lee’s electoral effort was apparently unaffected by the last-minute release on a website of what was purported to be an audio recording of the politician soliciting a mother and her teenage daughter for sex.

The campaign claimed this was a “deepfake,” and Lee sued activist Lou Colagiovanni — who was also connected to former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s scandals — along with Flippo, his campaign and a raft of unnamed individuals, alleging defamation, the “intentional infliction of emotional distress” and “conspiracy.”

A Flippo spokesman said the military vet’s campaign “was not involved in the publication of this website or recording in any way” and had alerted Lee to the recording’s existence “six months ago.”

Whoever wins the district, which stretches from just north of the Las Vegas Strip to a northeast border with Arizona, will challenge Rep. Steven Horsford, a three-term incumbent.

The Democratic congressman won his party’s primary with 90.19% of the vote, per the secretary of state’s office.

Poll workers in help people vote in the Nevada primary at a polling place, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Henderson, Nev. (AP Photo/John Locher) 3

Republican John Lee, a former North Las Vegas mayor, led retired Air Force Lt. Col. David Flippo by 1,124 votes as of Wednesday afternoon. AP

Election officials said postal ballots received by June 15 will be counted.

Those choosing to mail in ballots had until Tuesday night to get them postmarked.

The question of how mail-in ballots were to be handled this year sparked massive concern over US Postal Service plans to reorganize mail handling and shift some sorting and distribution hubs.

A plan to reroute mail from Reno and northern Nevada to Sacramento, Calif., some 140 miles away, is reportedly on hold until well after the November elections.

“We are unaware of current service issues or delays” in handling primary ballots in Clark and Washoe Counties, where the bulk of Nevada voters live, a USPS spokesman told The Post.

A person votes in the Nevada primary at a polling place, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Henderson, Nev. (AP Photo/John Locher) 3

Whoever wins the district, which stretches from just north of the Las Vegas Strip to a northeast border with Arizona, will challenge Rep. Steven Horsford, a three-term incumbent. AP

“Further, we have no indications of ballot delays, tampering with or inability to collect Election Mail from boxes or individual Post Offices.”

He said the agency “is committed to the secure, timely delivery of the nation’s Election Mail.”

But at an April 17 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was criticized by Missouri Republican Josh Hawley, who said he feared for mail-in voting this year.

“I’ve put together a specific infrastructure within the organization that works with all election boards throughout the year,” DeJoy replied.

He said the USPS lays on extra trips to transport mail, adds “extra people on site” and has “special oversight” areas for mail ballots.

“You should expect the same good service we’ve been delivering since I’ve been here,” he told Hawley.

Reliable postal voting could be important to the Donald Trump campaign, which this month said it will launch a “Swamp the Vote” effort to encourage early and mail-in voting, a marked change from its earlier stance.

The ex-prez said, “Republicans must win and we will use every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats because they are destroying our country. Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in-person or on election day, we are going to protect the vote.”

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fcef91 No.192425

File: d9569178afea08a⋯.png (3.45 MB,1336x2764,334:691,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Sandy Hook shooting survivors graduate high school without 20 of their slain classmates 12 years later

Allie Griffin

Sandy Hook shooting survivors graduated from Newtown High School on Wednesday without 20 of their classmates who were massacred nearly 12 years ago in one of the worst school shootings in US history.

The absence of the 20 students — who were killed when a gunman shot up their first-grade class — left a solemn shadow over what is typically a joyous day for most teenagers.

Those graduating shared mixed emotions over the milestone as they remembered their slain peers whose names were read aloud in a touching tribute, noting they too should be receiving their diplomas on stage.

Graduates in caps and gowns outside Newtown High School's graduation. 6

Survivors of the Sandy Hook school shooting graduated high school Wednesday without 20 of their former classmates who were killed in the shooting. Stephen Yang

Newtown High School class of 2024 graduates 6

Another graduating survivor, Matt Holden, said he thinks of grief in the moments unseen. AP

“We remember your 20 classmates who were tragically lost on Dec. 14, 2012, who will not walk across the stage tonight,” Principal Kimberly Longobucco said, according to the News Times. “We remember them for their bravery, their kindness and their spirit. Let us strive to honor them today and every day.”

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Longobucco read out all 20 names of the students who are forever first-graders followed by a moment of silence as attendees bowed their heads.

About 60 of the class of 335 graduates — who pinned green ribbons emblazoned with “Forever in Our Hearts” on their gowns — were former classmates of the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School and survived the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting that also killed six educators.

“To graduate and miss 20 kids out of your class, there’s no way to go about it without remembering them,” 17-year-old Sandy Hook survivor and graduate Lilly Wasilnak told People Magazine.

Graduates in caps and gowns outside Newtown High School's graduation. 6

“To graduate and miss 20 kids out of your class, there’s no way to go about it without remembering them,” said Sandy Hook survivor, Lilly Wasilnak, pictured above in a blue and white dress. Stephen Yang

Families arrive at the Newtown High School graduation 6

Families arrive at the Newtown High School graduation on Wednesday. Stephen Yang

Another graduating survivor, Matt Holden, said he thinks of grief in the moments unseen — the ones missed by the 20 students who should still be here, turning their tassels from one side to another, and in the smaller moments that are part of growing up.

“You can always see the moments when someone’s crying at the memorial or something like that, but every single day there are a thousand moments that you don’t even think about, where they should be here,” Holden told the Hartford Courant. “The empty seat at the lunch table, or the kid you don’t see in the halls, that’s what really defines it.

“Some people who didn’t even meet these kids, who went to another school in town, are affected by this. Not because they knew them, but because they should have,” he added. “Because we all should have gotten to know them better than we did.”

Newtown High School enterance sign 6

The names of the 20 slain students were read aloud during the ceremony followed by a moment of silence. Stephen Yang

“They should still be here and that’s the greatest tragedy of all,” Holden said.

Parents of those killed painfully marked what should have been the day they celebrated their teenagers at events advocating for resources to prevent shootings in the days before graduation, the Courant reported.

Gustavo Toledo, 18, left, and Juliano Barnes, 18, right, attend the Newtown High School graduation but were not present during the 2012 attack. 6

About 60 of the Newtown High School class of 335 graduates — who pinned green ribbons emblazoned with “Forever in Our Hearts” on their gowns — attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and survived the shooting. Stephen Yang

“This is a hard month because there should be twenty more kids graduating,” said Nicole Hockley, whose son Dylan was killed. “Dylan should be graduating. And [Principal] Dawn [Hochsprung] and the others should all be here watching them graduate.”

For many of the young survivors — who at just 6 years old witnessed or heard their peers and teachers being slaughtered — the shooting has impacted their whole life and future career paths.

“This is the generation that has grown up knowing nothing but school shootings,” Hockley said, according to the Courant. “This is the generation that will not let that be the future for their children.”

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fcef91 No.192426


total bullshit. A class/school/group of those who went along with a lie.

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fcef91 No.192427

File: e7e38f827c03920⋯.png (2.83 MB,1330x2840,133:284,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Trump has the stage set to nail Joe Biden for his lies about Hunter’s laptop

Miranda Devine

The last time Joe Biden met Donald Trump on a debate stage, he lied that his son Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, “a Russian plant” and “a bunch of garbage.”

This was two days after Biden’s senior campaign adviser Antony Blinken induced Mike Morell, a former acting CIA director, to write the dishonest “Dirty 51” letter claiming the laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian intelligence operation” and that “the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

The Biden campaign was desperately scrambling for a way to respond to The Post’s laptop scoops about Joe meeting Hunter’s foreign clients when he was VP.

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the first presidential debate against former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The last time Joe Biden met Donald Trump on a debate stage, he lied that his son Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, “a Russian plant” and “a bunch of garbage.” Getty Images

So Morell got 50 other former senior intelligence officials, mostly from the CIA, to sign the letter.

“Campaign will be thrilled,” he wrote in emails obtained by congressional investigators.

“We think Trump will attack Biden on the issue at this week’s debate and we want to give the VP a talking point to use in response.”

‘You know my character’

More From Miranda Devine

On that debate stage back in October 2020, after he was done lying about the laptop, Biden looked into the camera and told the American people: “You know his character. You know my character. You know my reputation is for honor and telling the truth.”

We sure do.

At their debate later this month, Trump will get his first opportunity to confront Biden about his lies.

Now that the laptop has been entered into the official record as government Exhibit 16 in the Delaware District Court, verified by the FBI as belonging to his son, and used for key evidence that convicted Hunter of three felony gun charges this week, Biden should be forced to come clean about his corrupt involvement in his family’s global influence-peddling scheme.

To this day, the liberal media, with egg on their face for naively toeing the party line, still can’t bring themselves to confirm the laptop.

Even after the ruling, the New York Times doubted the laptop’s veracity by declaring its contents are “unproven.”

It falsely claims that the FBI’s only authentication effort to confirm that the laptop was Hunter’s was by matching the serial number with his iCloud account.

Hunter and his lawyers are still pretending that computer repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac or Rudy Giuliani or somebody “tampered” with the contents of the laptop.

But as IRS whistleblower Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley told Congress, in the weeks after the FBI took possession of the laptop on Dec. 9, 2019, the bureau’s computer forensics experts performed a specific technical review of all the files on the computer.

Extensive forensics

Using metadata analysis, they found that the laptop “was not manipulated in any way” and therefore was eligible to be used as evidence in court, according to Shapley.

The experts were able to determine precisely when each file on the laptop was created, and whether anything had been added to or subtracted from the data.

They verified that it had not been modified or “tampered with” in the six months since Hunter had abandoned it.

But that’s not all.

FBI agent Erika Jensen told the court last week that IRS and FBI investigators obtained a covert search warrant for Hunter’s Apple iCloud account on April 16, 2019, coincidentally just four days after Hunter had abandoned his laptop at Mac Isaac’s Wilmington repair store.

Apple provided them with iCloud backup files for Hunter’s iPad and three iPhones.

When “investigators also later came into possession of the defendant’s Apple MacBook Pro, which he had left at a computer store, [it] was information investigators had already obtained from Apple,” said prosecutor Derek Hines.

In other words, we have established that the laptop wasn’t tampered with and that most of its content was corroborated by a mirror image in the iCloud files.

Only items that were excluded from backups like, say, text messages from an Android phone were not duplicated in the iCloud.

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But there were also other electronic search warrants that further corroborate the contents of the laptop that haven’t yet been mentioned in court.

Apple is not the only company that stores user data.

Then there is another layer of verification in which investigators focused on individual messages and emails which were corroborated by witnesses such as Hunter’s stripper girlfriend Zoe Kestan, for instance, or his widowed sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie Biden.

The Post performed similar verification of individual items on the laptop with sources who had duplicates on their own devices.

For instance, we were able to corroborate large portions of data involving Chinese deals, including WhatsApp messages, through troves of data provided by Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski.

Other former associates of Hunter’s have corroborated and augmented laptop material from the earlier Burisma years and provided context.

‘Fox guarding henhouse’

The due diligence we performed on the contents of Hunter’s laptop is far superior to whatever rudimentary scrutiny was applied to the bogus Steele dossier by the New York Times or any of the august media organs that won Pulitzers for their sloppy work.

The laptop is not a complete record of Joe’s corruption, but it contains evidence that he lied when he said he knew nothing about his son’s lucrative overseas business dealings, that he met with more than a dozen of Hunter’s foreign business partners, that Hunter paid some of his father’s bills and complained about having to be the bagman supporting the family for 30 years and giving half his salary to Joe.

It provides leads to witnesses and myriad other avenues of investigation if any journalist cares to look.

The House impeachment committees have filled in some of the gaps with subpoenaed bank records and witness interviews.

They will be presenting a damning interim report next month.

If IRS investigators had not been blocked by the DOJ and CIA from following the investigative trail to Joe, we would know much more.

“Don’t ask questions about the Big Guy,” they were told.

But thanks to Shapley and his fellow IRS whistleblower Joe Ziegler, Hunter is not getting off scot-free, as then-Delaware US Attorney David Weiss had planned before he was named special counsel by AG Merrick Garland in a damage-control tactic known as “the fox guarding the henhouse.”

The Delaware gun case that Weiss chose to run first, and could have run back in 2021, had no connection to Joe.

But Hunter’s upcoming tax trial in California, if it goes ahead, holds uncomfortable surprises for his father.

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fcef91 No.192428

File: 0c5735d1d6404dd⋯.png (3.79 MB,1324x2848,331:712,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Unanimous Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects Racine mobile voting van, keep polling places

Benjamin Yount

The entrance to the Wisconsin Supreme Court chambers is seen in the state Capitol in Madison, Wis. March 14, 2024

Conservatives on the Wisconsin Supreme Court say the order that bans Racine County's mobile voting van but keeps the city's Democrat-heavy other polling locations is nonsensical. AP

Conservatives on the Wisconsin Supreme Court say the order that bans Racine County’s mobile voting van but keeps the city’s Democrat-heavy other polling locations is nonsensical.

The liberal-majority court unanimously ruled that Racine, and other cities in Wisconsin, cannot use vans to collect ballots.

A Racine County judge said the same thing in January.

The judge also ruled Racine County chose the stops for its mobile voting van in areas of the city that favored democrats.

The liberal-majority court disagreed and issued a stay on that idea.

The majority wrote in their opinion that they don’t want the Racine judge’s ruling to “dramatically curtail the number of locations municipalities may designate as alternate absentee ballot sites.”

The City of Racine Clerk's Office mobile voting van is seen on July 26, 2022, at the Dr. Martin Luther King Community Center in Racine, Wisconsin

The liberal-majority court unanimously ruled that Racine, and other cities in Wisconsin, cannot use vans to collect ballots. AP

“We conclude that public interest weighs heavily in favor of staying the circuit court’s ruling regarding designating alternate absentee ballot sites,” the majority added.

“At this stage, just months before the August primary and November general elections, there is a risk that the circuit court’s ruling will disrupt ongoing preparations for those elections by creating uncertainty about which sites may be designated as alternate absentee balloting locations. Granting a stay will, as mentioned previously, simply ensure the status quo since 2016.”

Conservative Justice Rebecca Bradley said the majority’s reasoning is “nonsensical.”

“A first-year law student understands that courts stay orders, not reasoning,” she wrote.

“In its ongoing effort to resolve cases in a manner benefitting its preferred political party, the majority enters a bewildering order heretofore unheard of in the legal realm. While the majority (correctly) denies the motion to stay the circuit court’s order, the majority ‘stays’ a portion of the circuit court’s legal analysis. This is not a ‘thing’ under the law,” Bradley added.

“The majority doesn’t explain, but it obviously wants everyone to know it does not like the circuit court’s analysis, even if it cannot find fault with the circuit court’s actual order. The majority wreaks havoc with the law governing motions to stay, and egregiously misrepresents the circuit court’s decision.”

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fcef91 No.192429

File: 8480ec4287c4052⋯.png (1.17 MB,1326x1304,663:652,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


Heroic NYC coffee shop employees, customers fight off stabbing victim’s attackers: wild video

Desheania Andrews ,

Surveillance video shows NYC coffee shop customer and employees fight off stabbing victim's attackers

Wild video captured the moment a 39-year-old man was stabbed in the neck inside a Manhattan coffee shop Tuesday — leading heroic customers and staff to fight off his ruthless attackers.

The clip obtained by The Post shows the shirtless victim stumbling into Milo Coffee Shop in Washington Heights with four men racing behind him shortly before 6 p.m.

Two employees appear to prepare food as the chaos unfolds inside 2440 Amsterdam Ave.

photo of attack

Surveillance video captured chaos unfolding inside the Milo Coffee Shop during a stabbing.

“They go inside and stab him,” the coffee shop owner, who did not give his name, told NBC New York.

The coffee shop workers then jumped into action — with one employee leaping over the counter as her coworkers pushed the brutes off the cowering victim, according to the video.

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Moments later, another employee and a customer grab chairs and whack two of the attackers.

One of the men is seen putting an assailant in a headlock, prompting the violent perps to finally leave the shop.

photo of victim

The victim was rushed to the hospital in stable condition.

The victim was rushed to Harlem Hospital in stable condition, according to police.

The owner said they helped save his life.

“We step in and try to defend him. We even fight with them so they wouldn’t kill the guy,” he said.

“Thank God nothing worse happened.”

His attackers were still at large Wednesday night, police said.

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fcef91 No.192430

File: 9130809f4ce87f6⋯.png (1.33 MB,1328x2656,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


(6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com


‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ nova explosion will appear to add new star to night sky in dazzling spectacle: NASA

Patrick Reilly

Scientists around the world are anxiously waiting for a cosmic nova event that will appear to add a “new star” to the night sky sometime between now and September, according to NASA.

The spectacle will be so bright, it will be visible to the naked eye.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime event that will create a lot of new astronomers out there, giving young people a cosmic event they can observe for themselves, ask their own questions, and collect their own data,” said Dr. Rebekah Hounsell, an assistant research scientist specializing in nova events at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

nova event animated

Scientists anticipate the nova could happen between now and September. Nasa.gov

“It’ll fuel the next generation of scientists,” she added.

T Coronae Borealis — nicknamed the “Blaze Star” and known simply as “T CrB” to astronomers — is a small binary star system located in the Milky Way’s Northern Crown some 3,000 light-years from Earth, between the Boötes and Hercules constellations.

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It’s comprised of a white dwarf — a dead star only about the size of the Earth but with an incredible mass matching that of our sun — that is slowly ripping hydrogen from an ancient red giant, according to NASA.

About every 80 years, the hydrogen from the red giant builds up on the surface of the white dwarf, and ultimately sparks a violent thermonuclear explosion that spits the hydrogen back out into space in a fantastic light show.

The light show will appear to onlookers on Earth as if a new star popped into the sky.

The last nova on T CrB was in 1946. The first sighting was recorded more than 800 years ago by an Abbott in Germany, who spotted “a faint star that for a time shone with great light,” according to NASA.

map of space

“T CrB,” is a small binary star system located in the Milky Way’s Northern Crown some 3,000 light-years from Earth. Nasa.gov

“There are a few recurrent novae with very short cycles, but typically, we don’t often see a repeated outburst in a human lifetime, and rarely one so relatively close to our own system,” Hounsell said. “It’s incredibly exciting to have this front-row seat.”

Hounsell said the nova event should not be confused with the better-known “supernova,” when a massive star dramatically explodes at the end of its life, destroying itself. In a nova, the dwarf star remains intact but sends accumulated material flying through space in a blinding flash.

For a brief week, stargazers can see the eruption with the naked eye, which she is confident will wow viewers across the globe.

At its peak, it will look as if a new star has appeared.

While it’s possible the nova could happen after September, the binary system has recently been displaying similar behavior as it did before the 1946 event — leading researchers to predict it’ll occur by or shortly after the end of summer.

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fcef91 No.192431

File: ec295fcac878beb⋯.png (1.28 MB,906x1322,453:661,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)

File: 35166c31085b5bf⋯.png (311.52 KB,554x1798,277:899,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Numerous Emergency officials are on the scene after a chlorine explosion took place in or near a home multiple people have been exposed Hazmat has been requested

📌#Eastlake | #Ohio

At this time, numerous law enforcement and emergency personnel are on the scene in Eastlake, Ohio, following a chlorine explosion that took place near or in a home. Emergency officials report that at least five to eight people have been exposed to the hazardous substance. Multiple ambulances along with a hazmat teams have been dispatched as Authorities are investigating the cause of the explosion and are working to secure the area This situation is still developing



The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.

Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.

>[future proves past]

Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fcef91 No.192432

File: 7e9c3c4bec4fee4⋯.png (1.64 MB,1242x1227,414:409,ebd6a879a7421c3f.png)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ 2nd Note


>>192353, >>192354, >>192355, >>192356, >>192357, >>192358, >>192360, >>192361, >>192362, >>192363, >>192364, >>192365, >>192366, >>192367, >>192368, >>192369, >>192370, >>192371, >>192372, PapiTrumpo (6/12/2024)

>>192373 SUTB (T.me) BREAKING: Reform UK OVERTAKE the Tories for the first time in an opinion poll - as Nigel Farage hails 'inflection point' and crows that 'the only wasted vote now is a Conservative vote'.

>>192374 SUTB (T.me) King Charles 'in battle' with time as Prince William prepares for throne.

>>192375 SUTB (T.me) Britain, US and G7 allies agree $50billion loan deal for war-torn Ukraine.

>>192376 JW (T.me) NEW EPISODE: Rep. James Comer: "65 Pages of Evidence of Biden Corruption!"

>>192377 PF (T.me) Marlboro Adds Puberty Blockers To Cigarettes To Make Them Legal For Kids

>>192378 PF (T.me) Argentina: Violent protests broke out in Buenos Aires as Argentina's Senate approved a controversial reform package after hours of debate.

>>192379 PF (T.me) In a dramatic and dangerous incident, a chemical pipe bomb unexpectedly exploded, injuring the deputy who was inspecting the vehicle.

>>192380 MRC (T.me) Mitch falls in line and President Trump endorses Hogan

>>192381 MRC (T.me) President Trump talks to Fox after meeting with GOP lawmakers

>>192382 LNU (T.me) ⚠️ A series of Israeli airstrikes are ongoing in south Lebanon

>>192383 GP (T.me) Obama Portrait Artist Accused of Sexual Assault By Numerous Men

>>192384 GP (T.me) Transcript of Special Counsel Hur Interview with Biden Ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer Released – Biden Stolen Classified Docs Scandal MUCH WORSE Than We Thought

>>192385 GP (T.me) Joe Biden’s Drug Cocktail Reportedly Revealed

>>192386 GP (T.me) Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? Pentagon Worries That Stealth Russian Nuclear Submarines Will Haunt American Coastline Undetected

>>192387 TVF (T.me) Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than Official Reports — Analyst

>>192388 OANN (T.me) Police Report: Fetterman At Fault For Car Crash

>>192389 OANN (T.me) DeSantis Declares State Of Emergency As ‘Life-Threatening’ Rainfall Hits Florida

>>192390 OANN (T.me) 8 ‘Suspected ISIS Terrorists’ From Tajikistan Arrested In New York, L.A., And Philadelphia

>>192392, >>192393 LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

>>192401 Vincent Everett Ellison Exposes the Lies Sold to Black America: MLK, Hip Hop Culture, & Democrats

>>192410, >>192411, >>192412, >>192413, >>192414, >>192415, >>192416, >>192417, >>192418, >>192419, >>192420 >>192421, >>192422, >>192423, >>192424, >>192425, >>192427, >>192428, >>192429, >>192430 (6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com

>>192431 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Numerous Emergency officials are on the scene after a chlorine explosion took place in or near a home multiple people have been exposed Hazmat has been requested

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fcef91 No.192433

File: f8db12cb3a46ac0⋯.png (743.23 KB,904x814,452:407,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


RT (TwiX) A team of scientists from Russia and China drilling in an Antarctic magnetic anomaly have drilled so far down that they’ve found things hidden away for a billion years…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fcef91 No.192434

File: f016ee4739390bf⋯.jpg (84.02 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)

Gunna go hit the weights, back later

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ed29d4 No.192435

File: f5a4c339303a96b⋯.mp4 (824.58 KB,848x592,53:37,VID_20240614_024537_681.mp4)

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ed29d4 No.192436

File: e624c462454cbd2⋯.jpg (85.91 KB,1020x860,51:43,IMG_20240614_024932_401.jpg)

PF (T.me) ⚠️ Tornado Warning including Marceline MO, Bucklin MO and  Prairie Hill MO until 8:30 PM CDT


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ed29d4 No.192437

File: 220c65f517fabbf⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,1_5140982798550566141.MOV)

MRC (T.me) Joe vs The Fly 😂🤣😂


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ed29d4 No.192438

File: ec1e979b4c39ae6⋯.jpg (84.28 KB,952x1280,119:160,IMG_20240614_030732_902.jpg)

DMP (T.me) Well, it didn’t take long for Ukraine to take advantage of its new-found freedom to use Western weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia. A Ukrainian SU-75 Flanker like the one pictured above was reportedly used to deliver the missile.

Ukraine is boasting that it has launched its first successful airstrike by fighter jet inside Russian territory.

Zero Hedge reported an unidentified Ukrainian military source described to Sky News that an air-launched missile strike was conducted inside Russia's Belgorod region Sunday, hitting a "Russian command node.” 



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ed29d4 No.192439

File: 2ca39d499836058⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB,480x256,15:8,1_5138976692341048528.MP4)

AO (T.me) Contempt resolution to hold the AG Garland accountable for refusing to hand over evidence during Biden’s impeachment inquiry.




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ed29d4 No.192440

File: 795fecd27039ef1⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,640x352,20:11,1_5136724892527363057.MP4)

AO (T.me) Former Vice President of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon, confirms they tried to kill us.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ed29d4 No.192441

File: 841498127962788⋯.jpg (236.27 KB,1170x1280,117:128,IMG_20240614_031846_524.jpg)

File: b3a37bbaced0008⋯.jpg (43.97 KB,485x371,485:371,IMG_20240614_031846_790.jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🚀 🇺🇸 🛰 International Space Station images captured on June 7, it shows both Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Dragon crew capsule docked with the station.

📸 This was taken with a WorldView-3 satellite. Demonstrates "non-Earth imaging," or NEI, which captures images of space objects in low Earth orbit.


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ed29d4 No.192442

File: 6a94534a454ce59⋯.jpg (127.01 KB,1179x708,393:236,IMG_20240614_032201_393.jpg)

BC (T.me) I don’t give a damn about gun charges.

This is just a slap on the wrist to make it look like the DOJ were looking into Hunter’s criminality.

Just like Hillary with Comey’s speedy “investigation” of her private email server before the 2016 election, they are hoping this will appease the public so they can move past it.

Meanwhile, Hunter is heavily involved in the Ukrainian bio network, and is being alleged of crimes against humanity by the Russian and Chinese government.

Pictured is a slide from Russian MoD’s formal allegations to the UN, regarding US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Hunter, via Rosemont Seneca, secured the funding for these nefarious US labs in Ukraine that were doing research on bat coronaviruses as early as 2014.

The gun charges mean nothing if the true crimes go unpunished.


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ed29d4 No.192443

File: 20f69f801c17e73⋯.jpg (102.86 KB,1125x1277,1125:1277,IMG_20240614_032501_068.jpg)

BC (T.me) Back in Trump’s first term, myself and others like me, tried to warn everyone that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, Hollywood, Tech, MSM, etc., were all compromised by the Deep State.

Most people mocked us and called us “far-right conspiracy theorists”.

Not so funny now is it?


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ed29d4 No.192444

File: 3f81275e1e6c790⋯.jpg (88.7 KB,914x1280,457:640,IMG_20240614_032654_567.jpg)

BC (T.me) Just a reminder that if Elon never bought Twitter, the algorithms never would have been changed, and the broader public would still be asleep.

Most of the content in your feeds would not be there, and your favorite accounts would still be suspended.

The shift we are seeing in public perception, can be largely attributed to the liberation of Twitter and the construction of X.

Trump’s approval/polling numbers would not be as high as they are if traditional TV MSM was the only source of news. Trump might not even be the GOP nominee if citizen journalists did not have the reach and influence that they do on X.

Public perception is the game, and Elon gave us the tools to fight back against the corrupt MSM. It’s working.


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ed29d4 No.192445

BC (T.me) Let’s say you’re Trump in 2017.

You’re newly sworn in as President, and you’re surrounded by people who want you dead. They are trying to frame you with crimes, remove you from office, and obstruct any efforts to expose their criminality.

Your mission is to “drain the swamp” and eradicate the corrupt establishment, while all levers of government and the private sector are hellbent on stopping you. Intelligence community, Congress, MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Hollywood, Academia, etc.

Also, the majority of the population have been heavily propagandized to believe you’re a Russia asset. They have been brainwashed for decades to worship the politicians and institutions that have enslaved them, and they don’t believe that a “Deep State” exists.

How do you go about solving this problem? How do you convince hundreds of millions of brainwashed citizens that they are subjects of an Orwellian dystopia, their perception of reality is false, and their ruling class are legitimately evil?

Do you just start arresting all bad actors and deal with the uprisings, civil war, breakdown of society, and mass civilian casualties?

Or do you try to un-brainwash the population first? And what would an “un-brainwashing” process look like? What would be the timeline?

Once you start observing from this perspective, more pieces of the puzzle start to fit into place.


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ed29d4 No.192446

File: ec38bd8515481fa⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB,464x848,29:53,5_6294309322868396096.MP4)

HIPS (T.me) 💳Mastercard and the United Nations are joining forces to monitor the “Carbon effect” of your credit card purchases.

Smells like the start of a social credit system….🧐🤨


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ed29d4 No.192447

File: ec6d1b2614be5f3⋯.jpg (424.65 KB,829x1100,829:1100,Screenshot_20240614_034609….jpg)

BN (T.me) "Here's how you're funded…"

Senator Kennedy Tells Biden Regulator Point Blank His Agency is ‘Operating Illegally’



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ed29d4 No.192448

File: 33ca34466fb6fca⋯.jpg (216.78 KB,1280x851,1280:851,IMG_20240614_035218_263.jpg)

DEWS (T.me) US Nuclear-Powered Fast Attack Submarine Arrives In Guantanamo Bay, Near US Base In Cuba for "routine visit" after the Russian Navy docked In Cuba To Send "A Message To Washington":

Read This Alert:🡻



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ed29d4 No.192449

File: 13ccfcb48d22e66⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,720x1130,72:113,4_5998795828938936611.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️Testimony The VA Can’t Deal With Backlogs For Services For American Veterans, The VA Is Using Their Funds On Illegal Immigrants

US Congress Rep Greg Steube “I think that the VA's mission, being a veteran myself, should be to support veterans, not illegal immigrants.”


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ed29d4 No.192450

File: ac19d58733c0ae6⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,720x1280,9:16,4_5998795828938936610.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Some of you may not like Kennedy, but there's no denying he's hilarious


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ed29d4 No.192451

File: 5c61174a08a61b8⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,888x494,444:247,4_5998795828938936613.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Another reminder that the 2020 election was rigged.

This man casually fills out ballots live on Fox…

Would you be shocked if I told you this isn't the only evidence I have that was broadcast live?

Because it isn't…


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ed29d4 No.192452

File: a69ff2925adaafc⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB,886x468,443:234,4_5998795828938936679.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Gaza activists in NYC call for violence


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ed29d4 No.192453

File: fa16358f8fb559e⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5998795828938936676.mp4)

SNN (T.me) BIDEN'S ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION: Biden is now instructing Border Patrol agents to "CONTINUE MASS RELEASING" single adult illegals into the U.S. from all but six countries.

They know EXACTLY what they're doing — and they're lying about it to our faces.


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ed29d4 No.192454

File: c110a5dc550b337⋯.jpg (188.02 KB,855x1280,171:256,IMG_20240614_040902_413.jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING: Oprah Winfrey hospitalized with "stomach issue"


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ed29d4 No.192455

File: cf2910813b1912b⋯.jpg (79.61 KB,552x710,276:355,IMG_20240614_041335_194.jpg)

File: b82e445b1c69b1c⋯.jpg (58.53 KB,989x1280,989:1280,IMG_20240614_041334_750.jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING: Rep. Tim Burchett is requesting an immediate investigation into Secretary of State Blinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in “interfering in the 2020 election.”


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ed29d4 No.192456

File: 91f45564f4f5fd9⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,964x720,241:180,4_6001047628752622534.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️WTF?!! Biden wraps his grandchild’s head with both hands and kisses him in the lips, then he salutes his son who throws him a kiss.


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8393a4 No.192457

File: 6dba4da830366a0⋯.png (843.47 KB,934x1666,467:833,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Police are actively investigating after someone driving a red pickup truck was doing burnouts and left tire marks on pride mural after it was installed three days ago

📌#Huntington | #Westvirginia

Currently, Law enforcement is currently investigating an incident captured on video on Wednesday evening, showing someone driving a red pickup truck doing a burnout and leaving tire marks on the Pride mural and crosswalk in Huntington, West Virginia. This occurred less than three days after the crosswalk and mural were installed to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community. The police are collaborating with Huntington Pride to repair the damage and have confirmed their awareness of the video. Authorities are reviewing the footage to identify the driver and are asking the public for any additional information to assist in their investigation. Local officials and community leaders have condemned the act.

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ed29d4 No.192458

File: edfa0be95151d58⋯.jpg (131.12 KB,1125x894,375:298,IMG_20240614_041641_402.jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING - Zelensky's former personal stylist, Shura Ryazantseva has been killed in battle against the Russian Army.

She was originally from Crimea.


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8393a4 No.192459

File: e9b872dbea959c4⋯.png (784.42 KB,908x1902,454:951,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_2….png)


CR (TwiX) JUST IN: The man who went viral for nibbling on a young boy's ear is lashing out against critics, says he was simply "sharing love and affection."

43-year-old Stefano Voci is telling people to leave him alone after the incident was caught on tape.

The boy in the video was allegedly a relative of Voci who was visiting Sheffield from Italy to attend the World Snooker Championships.

"There are many clarifications to make but everything is in process. I was just someone sharing love and affection like anyone else, that was exposed maliciously," he said in a now-deleted post on Facebook.

"All the pictures are being edited in social networks, those pictures are not mine they are just setting this up to affect me… No more hate."

"My family are fine and closer than ever, I don't care that my face is all over social media with photomontages and fake posts. Just leave my family alone. God bless you all and best wishes to you all."

South Yorkshire police has ended their investigation, saying no crime has been committed.

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ed29d4 No.192460

File: b9ad0fcd67a6093⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,768x432,16:9,2_5429179192921052932.mp4)

WW3 (T.me) WW3 INFO – NATO to Russia: Our Nuclear Arsenal is Ready for Yours

"NATO's nuclear deterrent is our ultimate security guarantee," - Secretary General Stoltenberg said

"This is something that has been developed over many years: the nuclear sharing arrangements where the United States has nuclear weapons in Europe but where allies are providing the planes, storage, command, and control, and support to make this an effective and secure part of NATO's total deterrence and defense."


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ed29d4 No.192461

File: 86aa26b294fd89d⋯.jpg (203.67 KB,1080x711,120:79,IMG_20240614_043540_311.jpg)

I (T.me) 🚨 BREAKING – The G7 member countries agreed to give Ukraine the first $50 billion in frozen Russian assets to Ukraine - Huge Blow!


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ed29d4 No.192462

File: 10ddae4f05b5f29⋯.jpg (100.29 KB,1280x994,640:497,IMG_20240614_043900_328.jpg)

OD (T.me) Chinese scientists say further research on potential harm to reproduction from contamination is ‘imperative’

Microplastic pollution has been found in all human semen samples tested in a study, and researchers say further research on the potential harm to reproduction is “imperative”.

Sperm counts in men have been falling for decades and 40% of low counts remain unexplained, although chemical pollution has been implicated by many studies.

The 40 semen samples were from healthy men undergoing premarital health assessments in Jinan, China. Another recent study found microplastics in the semen of six out of 10 healthy young men in Italy, and another study in China found the pollutants in half of 25 samples.

Recent studies in mice have reported that microplastics reduced sperm count and caused abnormalities and hormone disruption.

Research on microplastics and human health is moving quickly and scientists appear to be finding the contaminants everywhere. The pollutants were found in all 23 human testicle samples tested in a study published in May.



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8393a4 No.192465

File: d50fd330e0861d9⋯.jpg (34.4 KB,568x605,568:605,2024_06_12_00_46_23.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon Note


>>192353, >>192354, >>192355, >>192356, >>192357, >>192358, >>192360, >>192361, >>192362, >>192363, >>192364, >>192365, >>192366, >>192367, >>192368, >>192369, >>192370, >>192371, >>192372, PapiTrumpo (6/12/2024)

>>192373 SUTB (T.me) BREAKING: Reform UK OVERTAKE the Tories for the first time in an opinion poll - as Nigel Farage hails 'inflection point' and crows that 'the only wasted vote now is a Conservative vote'.

>>192374 SUTB (T.me) King Charles 'in battle' with time as Prince William prepares for throne.

>>192375 SUTB (T.me) Britain, US and G7 allies agree $50billion loan deal for war-torn Ukraine.

>>192376 JW (T.me) NEW EPISODE: Rep. James Comer: "65 Pages of Evidence of Biden Corruption!"

>>192377 PF (T.me) Marlboro Adds Puberty Blockers To Cigarettes To Make Them Legal For Kids

>>192378 PF (T.me) Argentina: Violent protests broke out in Buenos Aires as Argentina's Senate approved a controversial reform package after hours of debate.

>>192379 PF (T.me) In a dramatic and dangerous incident, a chemical pipe bomb unexpectedly exploded, injuring the deputy who was inspecting the vehicle.

>>192380 MRC (T.me) Mitch falls in line and President Trump endorses Hogan

>>192381 MRC (T.me) President Trump talks to Fox after meeting with GOP lawmakers

>>192382 LNU (T.me) ⚠️ A series of Israeli airstrikes are ongoing in south Lebanon

>>192383 GP (T.me) Obama Portrait Artist Accused of Sexual Assault By Numerous Men

>>192384 GP (T.me) Transcript of Special Counsel Hur Interview with Biden Ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer Released – Biden Stolen Classified Docs Scandal MUCH WORSE Than We Thought

>>192385 GP (T.me) Joe Biden’s Drug Cocktail Reportedly Revealed

>>192386 GP (T.me) Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? Pentagon Worries That Stealth Russian Nuclear Submarines Will Haunt American Coastline Undetected

>>192387 TVF (T.me) Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than Official Reports — Analyst

>>192388 OANN (T.me) Police Report: Fetterman At Fault For Car Crash

>>192389 OANN (T.me) DeSantis Declares State Of Emergency As ‘Life-Threatening’ Rainfall Hits Florida

>>192390 OANN (T.me) 8 ‘Suspected ISIS Terrorists’ From Tajikistan Arrested In New York, L.A., And Philadelphia

>>192392, >>192393 LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

>>192401 Vincent Everett Ellison Exposes the Lies Sold to Black America: MLK, Hip Hop Culture, & Democrats

>>192410, >>192411, >>192412, >>192413, >>192414, >>192415, >>192416, >>192417, >>192418, >>192419, >>192420 >>192421, >>192422, >>192423, >>192424, >>192425, >>192427, >>192428, >>192429, >>192430 (6/12/2014) Headlines Recap NYPost.com

>>192431 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Numerous Emergency officials are on the scene after a chlorine explosion took place in or near a home multiple people have been exposed Hazmat has been requested

>>192433 RT (TwiX) A team of scientists from Russia and China drilling in an Antarctic magnetic anomaly have drilled so far down that they’ve found things hidden away for a billion years…

>>192436 PF (T.me) ⚠️ Tornado Warning including Marceline MO, Bucklin MO and  Prairie Hill MO until 8:30 PM CDT

>>192437 MRC (T.me) Joe vs The Fly 😂🤣😂

>>192438 DMP (T.me) Well, it didn’t take long for Ukraine to take advantage of its new-found freedom to use Western weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia. A Ukrainian SU-75 Flanker like the one pictured above was reportedly used to deliver the missile.

>>192439 AO (T.me) Contempt resolution to hold the AG Garland accountable for refusing to hand over evidence during Biden’s impeachment inquiry.

>>192440 AO (T.me) Former Vice President of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon, confirms they tried to kill us.

>>192441 CIG (T.me) 🚀 🇺🇸 🛰 International Space Station images captured on June 7, it shows both Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Dragon crew capsule docked with the station.

>>192442 BC (T.me) I don’t give a damn about gun charges.

>>192443 BC (T.me) Back in Trump’s first term, myself and others like me, tried to warn everyone that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, Hollywood, Tech, MSM, etc., were all compromised by the Deep State.

>>192444 BC (T.me) Just a reminder that if Elon never bought Twitter, the algorithms never would have been changed, and the broader public would still be asleep.

>>192445 BC (T.me) Let’s say you’re Trump in 2017.

>>192446 HIPS (T.me) 💳Mastercard and the United Nations are joining forces to monitor the “Carbon effect” of your credit card purchases.

>>192447 BN (T.me) "Here's how you're funded…"

>>192448 DEWS (T.me) US Nuclear-Powered Fast Attack Submarine Arrives In Guantanamo Bay, Near US Base In Cuba for "routine visit" after the Russian Navy docked In Cuba To Send "A Message To Washington":

>>192449 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Testimony The VA Can’t Deal With Backlogs For Services For American Veterans, The VA Is Using Their Funds On Illegal Immigrants

>>192450 SNN (T.me) Some of you may not like Kennedy, but there's no denying he's hilarious

>>192451 SNN (T.me) Another reminder that the 2020 election was rigged.

>>192452 SNN (T.me) Gaza activists in NYC call for violence

>>192453 SNN (T.me) BIDEN'S ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION: Biden is now instructing Border Patrol agents to "CONTINUE MASS RELEASING" single adult illegals into the U.S. from all but six countries.

>>192454 SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING: Oprah Winfrey hospitalized with "stomach issue"

>>192455 SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING: Rep. Tim Burchett is requesting an immediate investigation into Secretary of State Blinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in “interfering in the 2020 election.”

>>192456 SNN (T.me) ⚠️WTF?!! Biden wraps his grandchild’s head with both hands and kisses him in the lips, then he salutes his son who throws him a kiss.

>>192457 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#BREAKING: Police are actively investigating after someone driving a red pickup truck was doing burnouts and left tire marks on pride mural after it was installed three days ago

>>192458 SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING - Zelensky's former personal stylist, Shura Ryazantseva has been killed in battle against the Russian Army.

>>192459 CR (TwiX) JUST IN: The man who went viral for nibbling on a young boy's ear is lashing out against critics, says he was simply "sharing love and affection."

>>192460 WW3 (T.me) WW3 INFO – NATO to Russia: Our Nuclear Arsenal is Ready for Yours

>>192461 I (T.me) 🚨 BREAKING – The G7 member countries agreed to give Ukraine the first $50 billion in frozen Russian assets to Ukraine - Huge Blow!

>>192462 OD (T.me) Chinese scientists say further research on potential harm to reproduction from contamination is ‘imperative’

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Its a day that only comes around once a year.. but we celebtrate it for those other 364.25days..







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