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/midnightriders/ - QR Midnight Riders

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We Are Q

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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

47ba92 No.191738 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

Q's Private Board & Tripcode

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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100 Q Proof Graphics: http://qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

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QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

Backups: - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm -

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Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/midnightriders/catalog.html

40 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b8b8d4 No.191789

File: e0e28765969d94a⋯.png (674.5 KB,894x1062,149:177,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: c6e2fb35eb49d07⋯.png (222.92 KB,1030x806,515:403,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) Trump was right about everything

16:32 EST


Make Freemasonry Great Again.

The Clowns infiltrated it and have been abusing it's hierarchy for far too long.


Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.

With power comes corruption.

Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples.

Should the bad spoil the bunch?



ILPresidento (TruSoc) Trump was right about everything

16:33 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) Trump was right about everything

16:33 EST


Therapist confirmed



Everything stated has meaning.

Find paper articles re: Freemasons.



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b8b8d4 No.191790

File: 659d19cc97d2904⋯.png (596.51 KB,896x728,16:13,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: b62409b8a208480⋯.png (170.57 KB,906x1150,453:575,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: fdc33d4242bde79⋯.png (101.61 KB,464x592,29:37,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) VLADI GOING ALL IN TODAY!!!🤣🤣🤣

18:02 EST


Something BIG is about to drop.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) VLADI GOING ALL IN TODAY!!!🤣🤣🤣

18:05 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) VLADI GOING ALL IN TODAY!!!🤣🤣🤣

18:05 EST



Autists present?

No connection?

Logical thinking.

Re: VIP access.

Subject: Threat to POTUS thwarted?

Rally: USSS threat IDEN > action taken.

Comms dark.

Message sent.




Incorrect decoding.

Not the person.

Think connection.

Threat 1

Threat 2

1 = past (newspaper)

2 = future (rally)


Post noted (VIP access).

Message sent.

We know.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 29

Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

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b8b8d4 No.191791

File: aca1378db4db145⋯.png (617.34 KB,914x734,457:367,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 60ea114bbca618c⋯.png (135.58 KB,928x622,464:311,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 53515aa4de2b6b7⋯.png (307.91 KB,448x978,224:489,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)






20:10 EST









20:20 EST




20:20 EST



Please just keep POTUS safe, Q.


We will gladly end our lives to ensure he lives.

More than you can imagine.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 130

Singapore Islands AF1 pic

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b8b8d4 No.191792

File: aa477b11d505d88⋯.png (768.67 KB,904x708,226:177,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 990a36fa1928a53⋯.png (392.67 KB,1368x928,171:116,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 35bad64c71c4ba5⋯.png (93.44 KB,452x600,113:150,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🔥🔥🔥

20:35 EST






ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🔥🔥🔥

20:41 EST






IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🔥🔥🔥

20:42 EST







(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 20

Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

Was AG Sessions there?

How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting?

Could those meetings have been combined?

Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated?

Where was the meeting on Monday?

Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?

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b8b8d4 No.191793

File: ac5defaa6964348⋯.png (897.87 KB,916x1096,229:274,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: f82441e68f35d69⋯.png (286.27 KB,1362x768,227:128,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 63bdfc21b19d9db⋯.png (390.25 KB,460x2604,115:651,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)






20:49 EST


HRC = Alice

SA = Wonderland


Re_read drops re: SA

Have faith.

For God & Country.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENT!!!🇺🇸

20:52 EST





IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENT!!!🇺🇸

20:53 EST



"And, I hope you and Chris enjoy your time in the Land of Alice and the MH–all the best from Hanoi–H"

Nothing to See Here.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX):28


>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National

Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were

deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with

civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year

after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout

this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on

Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive

activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal

information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an

effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and

to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to

watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread

disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one

observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28

The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:

Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing

civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of

state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout

the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian

population expressed their sentiments about government

policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public

meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed

people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who

sympathized with the dissenters.


>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.


Well done. Picture being painted.

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b8b8d4 No.191794

File: c74f195dfda1d90⋯.jpeg (7.79 KB,255x255,1:1,e53da44f50219d7709a1f2399….jpeg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)



>>191760 VIDEO: President Nayib Bukele: Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, and His Advice to Donald Trump (YouTube)

>>191761, >>191762 Woman Struck & Killed by Train in Mexico While Trying to Take Selfie

>>191763 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Kamala Harris gets heckled on Jimmy Kimmel.

>>191764, >>191768, >>191769, >>191771, >>191772, >>191777, >>191778, >>191779, >>191780, >>191782, >>191783, >>191784, >>191785, >>191786, >>191787, >>191788, >>191789, >>191790, >>191791, >>191792, >>191793, PapiTrumpo (6/05/2024)

>>191765 Titanic Inside Job

>>191766, >>191767 DanScavino (TwiX)

>>191781 VIDEO: Donald Trump on facing jail time: 'I am very proud to fight for our Constitution' (YouTube)

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8efef3 No.191795

File: 34e4cba1a3685f8⋯.png (62.89 KB,940x376,5:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)

cant see these messages

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8efef3 No.191796

File: bae79c8bcb25981⋯.png (778.47 KB,908x1584,227:396,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


CR (TwiX) NEW: 39-year-old man starts shooting at random cars in San Jacinto, California, killing a father of four.

Julio Rodarte was arrested on suspicion of murder and 10 counts of attempted murder after firing off 30 shots & taking his clothes off.

The despicable act was triggered after Rodarte reportedly tried buying a shot of liquor at a nearby market but didn’t have enough money.

He then left and started firing at cars before taking his clothes off.

Multiple cars were damaged, one man was injured and 42-year-old Victor Hugo Leon was killed.

Leon was on his way home after his night shift at work.

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8efef3 No.191797

File: 67bb5550729a669⋯.png (1.8 MB,904x1342,452:671,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


PAB (TwiX) A man pretending to be a woman just won Miss Maryland USA.

What TF is happening to this world?

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8efef3 No.191798

File: 23c625f6f438c0b⋯.png (772.32 KB,912x866,456:433,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


NYPost (TwiX) COVID vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths since pandemic: study https://trib.al/1lB6B0u

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03db5b No.191799

File: f013a82a4e620a2⋯.jpg (88.7 KB,756x756,1:1,IMG_20240606_230243_437.jpg)

I (T.me) BIG –A pineapple-sized 'monster' hailstone measuring 18.4cm was found in Texas over the weekend and could be a new Texan record!

The US record was a bit bigger at 20cm and weighed 879g.

The world record hailstone from Bangladesh weighed 1.02kg - the same as a bag of sugar!


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03db5b No.191800

I (T.me) 💣 BOMBSHELL 🇮🇱💥 – Israel has been put on the UN's "black list" of countries that kill children, according to Israel Hayom and IDF military radio. An announcement is expected in the coming days and Israel fears that this will affect military aid

Russia was added last year


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8efef3 No.191801

File: b3ec9d331f4e503⋯.png (744.83 KB,904x1814,452:907,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


WSA (Twix) 🚨 EVERYONE In America Needs To See This

California State Rep Bill Essayli brought a Bill to protect children from pedophiles, Democrats responded BY REMOVING HIM FROM ALL COMMITTEES

“I just got word that I'm being removed from my committees. Some of you will recall last week, I brought a bill to remove sanctuary state protection for pedophiles in the state of California, and the Democrats here did not like that. So they cut off my microphone, and I just got word the speaker of the state assembly who runs the place has removed me from my committees.

But you know what? It's okay.

I wear this as a badge of honor. It means I'm doing the right thing. It means I'm looking out for the people of this state and for children who are being victimized by these illegal immigrants. So bring it on. More to come.”

When the Democrat Party shows you who they are, believe them.

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03db5b No.191802

File: 1b8b352d46d4ed4⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,2_5409019737420091918.mp4)

I (T.me) WW3 EFFECT – This was the moment of the massive power outage in the Metropolitan Region. A security camera captured the moment when the power supply failed and left more than 400,000 customers without electricity.


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03db5b No.191803

File: 2bdbc8bad4fee34⋯.jpg (89.19 KB,1280x536,160:67,IMG_20240606_232024_027.jpg)

File: eb1c60d1843f5b6⋯.jpg (102.37 KB,854x1280,427:640,IMG_20240606_232023_760.jpg)

File: 791420167625715⋯.jpg (134.12 KB,720x1280,9:16,IMG_20240606_232023_933.jpg)

I (T.me) BREAKING – Macron announces the transfer to Ukraine of Mirage2000-5F & the training of Ukrainian pilots in France.


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8efef3 No.191804

File: a2b75d876607bdd⋯.png (667.92 KB,908x1282,454:641,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)

File: 3432a553e9533af⋯.png (183.79 KB,1484x594,742:297,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


USArmyManeuverCenterOfExcellence (TwiX) Crawling, climbing, jumping to the finish line. 🏁

They've passed all the obstacles, tomorrow, we name our MCoE #DrillSergeantoftheYear!

#DSOY | #DSOY24 | #BeMoore

17:49 EST



Patriots are UNITED in their pursuit of common goals.





Patriots are NOT divided.

Borders DO NOT separate us.







Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

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8efef3 No.191805

File: 8d9c9055a0f0347⋯.png (807 KB,900x1166,450:583,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Elementary school students in NY march in a school pride parade waiving the progress flag and chanting slogans while staff look on with delight

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03db5b No.191806

File: 8ad62df6b3cab46⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,2_5409060384990583440.mp4)

I (T.me) HOLY MOLY, that was tricky by Marcon today during D-Day ceremony in the Normandy


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8efef3 No.191807

File: 0e3e39988da26cb⋯.png (1.33 MB,910x1810,91:181,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) HEARTBREAKING: Watch fallen state trooper Aaron Pelletier’s wife honor her husband. Aaron leaves behind a loving wife and 2 young children who will now grow up without a father.

Democrats led my Emily Zambrello decided to fly the PRIDE FLAG at half staff to honor Aaron. They refused a request to fly the American thin blue line flag because it “represents racism and antagonism”

This is how Democrats honor a fallen officer. How degrading and disrespectful. There’s no low for them.

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03db5b No.191808

File: cca8354e8ea669c⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,2_5409019737420090143.mp4)

I (T.me) ⚠️ URGENT 🌪️ 🇺🇸 – Massive injuries and destruction… devastating storms sweeping the US state of Maryland!


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03db5b No.191809

File: 848342c46bbbc9d⋯.mp4 (210.56 KB,640x358,320:179,2_5409161814938244378.mp4)

I (T.me) BREAKING ENDTime: Strong wild fires 🔥 raging tonight in the Almeria area of Spain


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8efef3 No.191810

File: 93d73ed81e568dc⋯.png (857 KB,902x924,41:42,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)

File: 7082b07906d4124⋯.png (2.32 MB,2246x2860,1123:1430,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


1stInfantryDivision (TwiX) Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day and Operation Overlord.

Big Red One Soldiers have participated in events throughout the week to honor the sacrifices made by U.S. and Allied service members 80 years ago. Their bravery continues to inspire future generations.

11:49 EST



We thought it was Scalia.

Thanks for spelling it out – Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I need to fix Muh SCOTUS meme.


Think timing.

LL remains AG HRC.

HRC appoints new AS replacement.

RBG steps down.

LL steps up.

New AG.

‘The Plan’.



You guys are missing the importance of Hugh Hefner! Think of it this way.

>Hugh invites over celeb/politician

>Hugh offers them "something younger"

>Hugh offers them a "safe space" to do it in

>Hugh tapes encounter

>Sends tape to CIA

>CIA has person by the balls for LIFE.

This is MAJORLY IMPORTANT to what has been keeping people in control for so long!




We need to get organized.

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

Snow White.

Wizards & Warlocks.


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8efef3 No.191811

File: be39ec16e8837b7⋯.png (886.23 KB,902x1532,451:766,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


CR (TwiX) NEW: Workers in Mexico City rip up the pride flag outside of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), building.

According to local reports, union leader Rafael Riva Palacio ordered the removal of the flag, calling it "unworthy."

"The façade of the building, as stated, is Infonavit's heritage and it is not justified to use it for advertising purposes, having placed banners to commemorate LGBTTTIQ+ pride," he said.

Palacio said he is committed to "promote, respect, protect and guarantee the safety and human rights of the Institute's entitled workers, as well as the LGBTTTIQ+ community."

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8efef3 No.191812

File: 849287abb8ba4e7⋯.png (433.36 KB,916x876,229:219,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)

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8efef3 No.191813

File: 828b49d982b1bda⋯.png (1 MB,908x1774,454:887,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


UnlimitedL's (TwiX) NEW: Chinese officials are forced to apologize after a hiker discovers a secret water pipe feeding China’s tallest waterfall

Millions of tourists visit the 1,024-foot-tall Yuntai Mountain Waterfall annually, attracted by its ancient geological formations over a billion years old

‘I didn't expect to meet everyone this way. As a seasonal scenery I can't guarantee that I will be in my most beautiful form everytime you come to see me,’ - social media post from officials for Yuntai Mountain Geopark

‘I made a small enhancement during the dry season only so I would look my best to meet my friends.’

Chinese social media users were still infuriated by the decision

‘It's not respecting the natural order, and not respecting the tourists’ one user said

‘How could it be called the No.1 waterfall anymore’ another user said

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8efef3 No.191814

File: 6fd3edb6e4570c4⋯.png (1.32 MB,900x1798,450:899,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) HEARTBREAKING: Watch fallen state trooper Aaron Pelletier’s wife honor her husband. Aaron leaves behind a loving wife and 2 young children who will now grow up without a father.

Democrats led my Emily Zambrello decided to fly the PRIDE FLAG at half staff to honor Aaron. They refused a request to fly the American thin blue line flag because it “represents racism and antagonism”

This is how Democrats honor a fallen officer. How degrading and disrespectful. There’s no low for them.

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03db5b No.191815

File: 7d2320d6f3b7642⋯.jpg (51.86 KB,637x606,637:606,IMG_20240606_234556_765.jpg)

BC (T.me) It’s amazing how far we have come.

Back in 2016, Trump supporters were demanding to “lock her up” and to drain the swamp.

The normies said that was fascist and that the swamp didn’t exist.

Now they are criticizing Trump for not locking everyone up the first time, even though they would have believed the media and called him a totalitarian dictator if he arrested anyone.

Trump had to earn the public’s trust first, and we had to destroy the trust in the MSM. Now after “Russian Collusion”, Covid, Ukraine, and four years of the disastrous Biden regime, the broader public don’t trust the MSM, and they are demanding Trump drain the swamp.

We got them right where we want them. Arresting corrupt swamp rats is the easy part. It’s getting the brainwashed public to go along with it that’s the challenge.


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03db5b No.191816

File: 9e0a3ae949de2c6⋯.mp4 (11.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,1_5121003907769697523.MP4)

BC (T.me) Trump brings up his slogan again.

“Too big to rig”.

Until we can move to all paper ballots and secure elections, the plan is to simply outvote the attempts to steal the election.

We have to overwhelm mail-in ballot harvesting with huge numbers.

It’s the only plan we’ve got.


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03db5b No.191817

File: 834f79a5aea4782⋯.jpg (58.34 KB,580x580,1:1,IMG_20240606_234907_146.jpg)

PF (T.me) BREAKING! Multiple news agencies are reporting that the Wilton Manors Police Department is on the verge of collapse. Due to the City Council’s actions.

Florida: The Wilton Manors Police Department is facing a mounting crisis as officers continue to flee due to poor pay, benefits and a loss of faith in city leadership. The department, which budgets for 32 sworn officers, could see up to a third of those positions open by early summer, with another 8 officers able to retire at any moment and more looking to leave every day.


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03db5b No.191818

File: a88f659bfc69f7a⋯.jpg (444.8 KB,787x1117,787:1117,Screenshot_20240606_235323….jpg)

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03db5b No.191819

File: c80084b89d5464f⋯.jpg (217.63 KB,948x550,474:275,Screenshot_20240606_235821….jpg)

PF (T.me) 194 WHO Countries Agree to Arrest Citizens Who Oppose Bird Flu Vaccine – Media Blackout.

194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states have agreed to begin arresting and prosecuting citizens who speak out against the Bird Flu vaccine, as part of tough new measures designed to stomp out so-called ‘misinformation’.


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03db5b No.191820

File: 8845b168a7fc9fb⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,938x1280,469:640,IMG_20240607_000128_205.jpg)

MRC (T.me) BANNON: In this movement, whatever happens to one individual, it isn't the end.

It's Next Man Up

If the heroes of Normandy can teach us anything, it's this

Next Man Up


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03db5b No.191821

File: 4bf52225298495e⋯.jpg (133.87 KB,851x799,851:799,20240607_000532.jpg)

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03db5b No.191822

File: 8e97dfce4464122⋯.jpg (76.93 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_20240607_000721_744.jpg)

RTM (T.me) Tucker Carlson just interviewed Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, who is well-known for his anti-gang policies that many argue are responsible for the nation’s massive reduction in homicides.

Should the US try something


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03db5b No.191823

File: 9ca60af2a8c95b2⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,526x320,263:160,4_5983291456561879265.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️America’s Two Tier Justice System

Sidney Powell Shows Barack Obama Was Involved In Covering Up Hillary Clinton Crimes Alongside The FBI Proven By The Anthony Weiner Laptop. No charges

Democrats Convict Donald Trump of 34 Felonies


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03db5b No.191824

File: 266bca79bdd391f⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,854x476,61:34,4_5983291456561879260.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Things Democrats DO Make A Priority:

Convicting Donald Trump Of 34 Felonies For A Filing Error

Things Democrats DON’T Make A Priority:

Colorado Rep Scott Bottoms Confirms That People Are Buying 1-5 Year Old Children For Sex. “Almost all the time, they get off on probation after buying a child and raping a little child.”


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03db5b No.191825

File: 2869f39e6e99f2f⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5985543256375564314.mp4)

SNN (T.me) "Are American weapons being used right now inside Russia?"



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03db5b No.191826

File: c32dba0a7320309⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,4_5986953581901645235.mp4)

SNN (T.me) HANDLER: "Sir…"

BIDEN: "I know, I gotta…"

HANDLER: "This way, sir…"

*shuffles away*


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03db5b No.191827

File: a60bdb2a8a88d5b⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,892x271,892:271,IMG_20240607_002955_062.jpg)

>>191819 SNN (T.me) The WHO is running a scam on Bird Flu

1) He died on April 24th

2) He was in the hospital for 3 weeks bedridden already for other reasons.

3) He likely died of those causes, not Bird Flu

They used a PCR test which have been widely criticized as set so sensitive that many result in false positives.

So they can now claim in headlines, "He died with Bird Flu" even though he probably didn't.

Dying WITH Bird Flu (false positive PCR test) is very different that dying FROM Bird Flu.


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03db5b No.191828

File: 290d5a8207b31be⋯.mp4 (6.51 MB,480x270,16:9,4_5985543256375564335.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Steve Bannon: “They’re not going to shut up Trump … and they’re not going to shut up MAGA”


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03db5b No.191829

File: f8ba73bf137ff40⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB,640x360,16:9,VID_20240607_003613_346.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Reporter: “Have you talked to President Trump since his conviction?”

Steve Bannon while smiling: “It’s confidential”


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03db5b No.191830

File: 92099a606048ac9⋯.jpg (74.46 KB,633x680,633:680,IMG_20240607_003920_563.jpg)

SNN (T.me) That's probably 500,000 new votes for Trump


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03db5b No.191831

File: 9e58946d1f8f4ee⋯.jpg (162.34 KB,1280x1169,1280:1169,IMG_20240607_004036_127.jpg)

File: 20b71ade377c7af⋯.jpg (123.9 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_20240607_004036_478.jpg)

>>191820 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Steve Bannon was just ordered to prison for ignoring a Congressional subpeona.

Hunter Biden ignored a subpeona for months and wasn’t sentenced to prison.


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03db5b No.191832

File: c359f2644eda986⋯.jpg (65.33 KB,1024x684,256:171,IMG_20240607_005447_239.jpg)

CR (T.me) Thanks for all the DNA samples tho chump.



And another one bites the dust

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03db5b No.191833

File: 08d413d6b4eb72c⋯.mp4 (14.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,VID_20240607_005652_051.mp4)

CR (T.me) Is he a local, or did he migrate like a bird?


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03db5b No.191834

File: 330b0d01fb4d680⋯.jpg (119.06 KB,708x1022,354:511,IMG_20240607_005741_354.jpg)

File: b9bc683d1e0c540⋯.jpg (117.12 KB,708x1022,354:511,IMG_20240607_005741_303.jpg)

>>191819 CR (T.me) A Cell-based, adjuvanted vaccine for avian flu (AKA Bird flu) is being shipped to Finland and the U.S. have ordered almost 5 million doses.

This is for humans by the way. It's not mRNA but cell-based.


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88d332 No.191835

File: a740919b091cdcd⋯.png (745.63 KB,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_2….png)


WSA (TwiX) This Is Concerning. We’re Definitely In An Election Year

Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police

“These shipping containers that are hauling military equipment. If you try to even go near there, cops will start coming, and they will try to steal your footage. This is no joke. I'm putting my life on the line to bring you guys this footage”

This man has been documenting this and multiple times these containers have been showing up and unloaded full of military equipment. People in the comments say they’ve seen these in multiple states and it’s being speculated they could be used to arm illegal immigrants or for nefarious actions taking place before the election.

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3b346e No.191850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: FULL SPEECH: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024 (YouTube)

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3b346e No.191851

File: 64dfdebf8645cc0⋯.jpg (215.29 KB,1022x1004,511:502,848d9b82aa96a6ce.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>191760 VIDEO: President Nayib Bukele: Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, and His Advice to Donald Trump (YouTube)

>>191761, >>191762 Woman Struck & Killed by Train in Mexico While Trying to Take Selfie

>>191763 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Kamala Harris gets heckled on Jimmy Kimmel.

>>191764, >>191768, >>191769, >>191771, >>191772, >>191777, >>191778, >>191779, >>191780, >>191782, >>191783, >>191784, >>191785, >>191786, >>191787, >>191788, >>191789, >>191790, >>191791, >>191792, >>191793, PapiTrumpo (6/05/2024)

>>191765 Titanic Inside Job

>>191766, >>191767 DanScavino (TwiX)

>>191781 VIDEO: Donald Trump on facing jail time: 'I am very proud to fight for our Constitution' (YouTube)

>>191796 CR (TwiX) NEW: 39-year-old man starts shooting at random cars in San Jacinto, California, killing a father of four.

>>191797 PAB (TwiX) A man pretending to be a woman just won Miss Maryland USA.

>>191798 NYPost (TwiX) COVID vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths since pandemic: study

>>191799 I (T.me) BIG –A pineapple-sized 'monster' hailstone measuring 18.4cm was found in Texas over the weekend and could be a new Texan record!

>>191800 I (T.me) 💣 BOMBSHELL 🇮🇱💥 – Israel has been put on the UN's "black list" of countries that kill children

>>191801 WSA (Twix) 🚨 EVERYONE In America Needs To See This

>>191802 I (T.me) WW3 EFFECT – This was the moment of the massive power outage in the Metropolitan Region.

>>191803 I (T.me) BREAKING – Macron announces the transfer to Ukraine of Mirage2000-5F & the training of Ukrainian pilots in France.

>>191804 USArmyManeuverCenterOfExcellence (TwiX) Crawling, climbing, jumping to the finish line. 🏁

>>191805 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) Elementary school students in NY march in a school pride parade waiving the progress flag and chanting slogans while staff look on with delight

>>191806 I (T.me) HOLY MOLY, that was tricky by Marcon today during D-Day ceremony in the Normandy

>>191807 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) HEARTBREAKING: Watch fallen state trooper Aaron Pelletier’s wife honor her husband. Aaron leaves behind a loving wife and 2 young children who will now grow up without a father.

>>191808 I (T.me) ⚠️ URGENT 🌪️ 🇺🇸 – Massive injuries and destruction… devastating storms sweeping the US state of Maryland!

>>191809 I (T.me) BREAKING ENDTime: Strong wild fires 🔥 raging tonight in the Almeria area of Spain

>>191810 1stInfantryDivision (TwiX) Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day and Operation Overlord.

>>191811 CR (TwiX) NEW: Workers in Mexico City rip up the pride flag outside of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), building.

>>191812 ReedTimmer (TwiX) Best ever

>>191813 UnlimitedL's (TwiX) NEW: Chinese officials are forced to apologize after a hiker discovers a secret water pipe feeding China’s tallest waterfall

>>191814 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) HEARTBREAKING: Watch fallen state trooper Aaron Pelletier’s wife honor her husband. Aaron leaves behind a loving wife and 2 young children who will now grow up without a father.

>>191815 BC (T.me) It’s amazing how far we have come.

>>191816 BC (T.me) Trump brings up his slogan again.

>>191817 PF (T.me) BREAKING! Multiple news agencies are reporting that the Wilton Manors Police Department is on the verge of collapse. Due to the City Council’s actions.

>>191818 RSBN (T.me) LIVE: President Trump takes the stage in Phoenix!

>>191819, >>191827, >>191834 PF (T.me) 194 WHO Countries Agree to Arrest Citizens Who Oppose Bird Flu Vaccine

>>191820, >>191831 MRC (T.me) BANNON: In this movement, whatever happens to one individual, it isn't the end.

>>191821 RTM (T.me) 🔴 Shock as Plane Quarantined on Landing After Passengers Get Sick Mid-Flight

>>191822 RTM (T.me) Tucker Carlson just interviewed Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele

>>191823 SNN (T.me) ⚠️America’s Two Tier Justice System

>>191824 SNN (T.me) Things Democrats DO Make A Priority:

>>191825 SNN (T.me) "Are American weapons being used right now inside Russia?"

>>191826 SNN (T.me) HANDLER: "Sir…"

>>191828 SNN (T.me) Steve Bannon: “They’re not going to shut up Trump … and they’re not going to shut up MAGA”

>>191829 SNN (T.me) Reporter: “Have you talked to President Trump since his conviction?”

>>191830 SNN (T.me) That's probably 500,000 new votes for Trump

>>191832 CR (T.me) Thanks for all the DNA samples tho chump.

>>191833 CR (T.me) Is he a local, or did he migrate like a bird?

>>191835 WSA (TwiX) This Is Concerning. We’re Definitely In An Election Year

>>191850 VIDEO: FULL SPEECH: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024 (YouTube)

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3b346e No.191852

File: b057617cd44096b⋯.jpg (121.35 KB,1165x1280,233:256,2024_06_07_02_09_01.jpg)


Whales are now in pageants.. and apparently winning???







Locked & Loaded

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