>>151641 VIDEO: Dana Perino: This is my beef with all the Biden 'comeback kid' stories (YouTube)
>>151644 VIDEO: Laura Ingraham: It’s all lies (YouTube)
>>151645 VIDEO: Jesse Watters: Biden is running our country like a king (YouTube)
>>151646 (QR) Moderna Sues Pfizer, BioNTech Over COVID Vaccines (ZeroHedge.com)
>>151649 (T.me) Woke Teacher Forced To Resign After Pushing Banned CRT Books On Students
>>151650 (T.me) Is this what they mean by Dark Brandon?
>>151651 (T.me) Biden said he has NOT spoken to the family members of any of the soldiers who were killed last year in Afghanistan on the anniversary of the Kabul attack
>>151652, >>151653 (T.me) Indiana Governor Meets Taiwanese President Following High-Profile US Visits
>>151654 (T.me) Surviving the Storm in Hong Kong
>>151655 (T.me) Let's be crystal clear: this is child abuse, and these people should all be locked up.
>>151656 TheEpochTimes (T.me) Former Federal Agent Warns Parents About Colorful, Candy-Like Fentanyl Pills Targeting Children
>>151658, >>151660 (T.me) MASSIVE revelations from Shanghai Cooperation Organization pertaining to US/Ukrainian war-crimes and crimes against humanity!
>>151659 (T.me) Putin increasing the size of the Russian MIL, to take effect on Jan 1, 2023.
>>151661 (T.me) Update on Zaporizhzhia.
>>151662 (T.me) This is crazy, allegedly Ukrainian MIL have been compiling evidence of Russian war-crimes in Ukraine, and they too now want to hold “Military Tribunals”, and the Western Media are spinning Putin being the target of tribunals.
>>151663 GatewayPundit (T.me) A Montage of Idiocy: Joe Biden Slurs, Mumbles, Loses His Train of Thought, Wanders from Podium, and Screams During MD Rally (VIDEO)
>>151664 GatewayPundit (T.me ) NEVER FORGET: One Year Ago Today Suicide Bomber Killed 173 Afghans and 13 American Heroes -- And Lloyd Austin and the Pentagon Knew Specifics of Attack in Advance
>>151665 GatewayPundit (T.me) Roger Stone Reviews New Documentary - Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power (Trailer)
>>151666 DIGITS GONFIRM: PURE FUCKING EVIL: (T.me) Children’s National Hospital Caught Admitting to Giving Children Under 16 Hysterectomies in Shocking Audio Recording
>>151667 (T.me) Trump Truths about Mueller & Witch Hunt as the affidavit goes unsealed
>>151668 GeneralFlynn (T.me) Not looking very good for the FBI…
>>151669 GeneralFlynn (T.me) Stand up, Step up, Speak up!
>>151670 (T.me) Deep State Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) sent a letter to Biden yesterday, begging him to investigate Putin for “crimes against humanity and genocide”.
>>151671 (T.me) Human-Machine Hybrids: "We'll Soon Have the Power to Reengineer Our Bodies and Brains"
>>151674 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Facebook PR meeting the next day
>>151676 ILPresidento (TruSoc) YOU WANT IT REDACTED?? F⬛CK JOE BIDEN!!!
>>151677 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Trump Won The FBI Cheated
>>151681 ILPresidento ReTrTH: DJT (TruSoc) Affidavit heavily redacted!!! Nothing mentioned on “Nuclear,” a total public relations subterfuge by the FBI & DOJ, or our close working relationship regarding document turnover - WE GAVE THEM MUCH.
>>151683 ILPresidento (TruSoc) WE WILL SAVE AMERICA!!!
>>151684 ILPresidento (TruSoc) TRANSPARENCY MY ASS!!!
>>151685 ILPresidento (TruSoc) THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF!!!
>>151686 VIDEO: Gutfeld! 8/26/22 | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP August 26, 2022 (YouTube)
>>151687 ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOM!!!
>>151688 ILPresidento (TruSoc) RIGGED ELECTION!!!
>>151689 ILPresidento (TruSoc) FJB SEASON IS HERE!!! LET'S HEAR IT!!!
>>151692 ILPresidento DJT ReTrTH: (TruSoc) WITCH HUNT!!!
>>151694 TheHill (Twatt) Officials confirm death of Jeffrey Epstein mentor Hoffenberg
>>151696 Q Deltas for Aug 27 -2 days per schedule ( 20 Deltas for --- Aug 29)
>>151700, >>151701 ILPresidento (TruSoc) 2024 Rep Presidential Primary
>>151702 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Bring Back Trump
>>151705 ILPresidento (TruSoc) A-HOLE IN ONE!!!
>>151706 ILPresidento (TruSoc) They missed a page!
>>151708, >>151709 ILPresidento (TruSoc) F - U READY FOR 2024
>>151710 ILPresidento (TruSoc) I LOVE YOU MORE!!!
>>151712 ILPresidento (TruSoc) WE'RE ONLY GETTING STARTED!!!
>>151714 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Praying for Our Beautiful Heroes and Their Families. Enjoy Every Precious Moment with Yours. Give Them a Big Beautiful Hug and Remind Them that You Love Them. I Love You.
>>151734 Wendy Rogers (T.me) ~ Christina Bobby has a...
>>151735 (T.me) Experts Warn US Has “No Good Options” For Looming Taiwan Crisis Anymore
>>151736 (T.me) War On Drugs Totally Lost: Cocaine Trade BOOMS Across Latin America
>>151737 (T.me) US Won’t Report Its Military Expenditures & Arms Transfers Anymore
>>151738 (T.me) US Patent Office DENIES Trademark Registration For Truth Social
>>151739 Edward Snowden (T.me) Never let them lie to you.
>>151740 Edward Snowden (T.me) AGENDA 2030 EXPOSED!
>>151742 (T.me) Project blue beam will be used when the time is right to fool the masses.
>>151744 (T.me) NWO symbolism in Seattle.
>>151745 (T.me) SHOOTING ALERT: Police responding to ‘active incident’ at shopping center in Bend, Oregon.
>>151749 (T.me) Thankful to Sharyl Attkisson for talking about our nonprofit's database: BidenLaptopEmails.com
>>151752 (T.me) Watters: ‘The FBI Rigged the 2020 Election’
>>151753 (T.me) Tucker: The FBI Is ‘Actively Working on Behalf of the Democratic Party’
>>151756 (T.me) DC Delays School Vaccine Mandate After Daily Signal Report
>>151763 #741
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
>>151600 #739, >>151642 #740,
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>>111785 #564, >>111964 #565, >>112112 #566, >>112301 #567, >>112403 #568, >>112527 #569, >>112622 #570,
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