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eba888 No.147897 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome To QR Midnight Riders Canada

The truths and ethics of the Western-Christian traditions, are infinitely precious, not only, as we believe, because they are true, but also because they provide the moral impulse which alone can lead to that peace, in the true meaning of the word, for which we all long. . . . There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves.

The countless who died during WWI, WWII, and the Korean War laid their lives for the red ensign, and not the current maple leaf which was implemented in 1967. Lets pay homage to our rich history, lets make Canada the True North Strong and Free Again.

There are many digs to be had based on the Canadian Swamp, involved in U1, SNC Lavalin, Ethics Violations by the Office of the Prime Minister, Huwaii, Oilsands, Human Trafficking. LETS FIGURE IT OUT AND DRAIN THE NORTHERN SWAMP!

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Bienvenue À QR Minuit Cavalier Canada

Les vérités et l'éthique des traditions chrétiennes occidentales sont infiniment précieuses, non seulement, comme nous le crois, parce qu'elles sont vraies, mais aussi parce qu'elles fournissent l'impulsion morale qui seule peut conduire à cette paix, dans le vrai sens du mot, pour laquelle nous aspirons tous. . . . Il y a peu d'espoir pour la démocratie si le cœur des hommes et des femmes dans les sociétés démocratiques ne peut être touché par un appel à quelque chose de plus grand qu'eux-mêmes.

Les innombrables morts de la première, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée ont donné leur vie au red ensign, et non à la feuille d'érable actuelle qui a été mise en œuvre en 1967. Rendons hommage à notre riche histoire, rendons le Canada à nouveau fort et libre.

Il y a beaucoup de fouilles à faire sur la base du Marais Canadien, impliqué dans U1, SNC Lavalin, violations de L'éthique par le Bureau du Premier ministre, Huwaii, sables bitumineux, traite de personnes. PERMET DE COMPRENDRE ET DE DRAINER LE MARAIS DU NORD!

Nous tenons ces vérités pour évidentes: que tous les hommes sont créés égaux; qu'ils sont dotés par leur Créateur de certains droits inaliénables; que parmi ceux-ci se trouvent la vie, la liberté et la poursuite du bonheur.

Nous sommes des chercheurs qui traitent d'informations open source, d'arguments raisonnés et de mèmes humides. Nous nous battons uniquement dans le domaine des idées et des idées.

Nous n'avons pas besoin ni n'approuvons le recours à la force dans notre travail ici.


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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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>>>/qresearch/2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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eba888 No.147898

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>88959 Canadian hospice vows to rebuild ‘completely independent’ from gov’t. to avoid euthanasia

>>89133 Feds withholding healthcare transfers to New Brunswick over abortion access

>>89143 Stephen Harper blasts woke culture in latest podcast appearance (video)

>>89528 Newly appointed “independent” senator made multiple donations to the Liberals

>>89890 The Road To Totalitarianism

>>90036 Great Reset: World Economic Forum Declares the ‘Age of Human Robots is Over’

>>90114 Liberal connections overshadow Trudeau’s latest “independent” senate appointments

>>90605 Feds grant $1.2 billion in loans to 4,927 unidentified businesses

>>90623 People Versus Predators pushing for legislative changes to better protect kids

>>90982 Convicted Ontario terrorist receives four-year peace bond with 26 restrictions

>>91184 UN Special Rapporteur On Torture: "Authorities Are Viewing Their Own People As An Enemy"

>>92291 Billboard campaign to highlight ballooning trillion-dollar federal debt

>>92740 Getting the Band Back Together: U.K. and Canada Send Troops Back to Afghanistan

>>98803 China Releases ‘Two Michaels’ After ‘Feeble’ Biden Admin Drops Charges Against Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou

>>105384 Leaders of U.S., Mexico and Canada to hold first summit in five years

>>105493 Canadian doctor diagnoses ‘climate change’ as reason for woman’s worsening health

>>105494 Data Breaches in NL Cyberattack Spread, Three of Four Health Regions Affected

>>105634 Canada Withdrawing Non Essential Staff From Haitian Embassy Amid Security Concerns

>>106348 Canadian society is obsessed with race (video)

>>106351 MPs making more, but sitting less: report

>>106622 Doctor denies woman medication for opioid withdrawal because she rejected birth control: report

>>106839 Statistics Canada reports 4.7% inflation rate in September

>>106844 Alberta plummets from top spot on economic freedom index

>>106848 Calgary City Council officially declares 'CLIMATE EMERGENCY' in the city

>>106861 Manitoba Premier Says She Will End Court Fight, Negotiate Carbon Price With Ottawa

>>106866 Censorship and Media Bun

>>106867 Covid Bun Part One

>>107173 Canada, Mexico Angry over Biden’s Support for Electric Vehicle Tax Credits, Citing Trade Agreements

>>107753 ‘Eco Warrior’ David Suzuki Says Pipelines will be “Blown Up” if Leaders Don’t Act on Climate Change (VIDEO)

>>107757 Report: Some Climate Change Activists Facing Mental Health Issues

>>108068 Why every politician is saying Build Back Better

>>108071 U.S. doubles softwood lumber tariffs; Biden 'didn't even warn' Trudeau

>>109983 Trudeau’s ‘conversion therapy’ ban could result in parents being jailed

>>110927 Minister Apologies to Victims of Military Sex Misconduct, Says Ottawa Failed Them

>>110928 New Brunswick Latest Province to Sign Child Care Deal With Federal Government

>>111251 Police Ask for Help to Identify Suspect in Sherman Murders

>>111255 Taxpayers group calls fiscal update “pouring fuel on the inflation fire”

>>111264 Contentious Conversion Therapy Legislation Clauses That Didn’t Get Parliamentary Oversight

>>112749 Emmy Award-Winning Canadian Director Shocks Hollywood After He Suddenly Dies of a Heart Attack at Age 58

>>113361 “Moronic woke judges” – Bernier slams decision to drop basic math test for new Ontario teachers

>>116371 Critical race theory is in Canada – and here’s what’s wrong with it

>>116380 Edmonton to teach kindergarteners “anti-racism” curriculum

>>116384 Police Ask for Help to Identify Suspect in Sherman Murders

>>116421 Liberals Delay New Regulations to Lower Price of Medicines in Canada

>>116422 Governments in Canada Are Spending and Collecting More Money Than Budgeted: Report

>>116427 The Charter at 40: How Canada Got Re-Colonized

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eba888 No.147899


>>116428 “Moronic woke judges” – Bernier slams decision to drop basic math test for new Ontario teachers

>>116436 Trudeau government greenlights Chinese purchase of Canadian lithium company

>>116439 Inflation rate in Canada hits 30-year high

>>116447 Independent Press Gallery demands federal counterpart reject Chinese state outlet

>>116448 FUREY: Justin Trudeau is making the inflation crisis worse (video)

>>116452 Russia Faces Severe Sanctions If It Moves Further Into Ukraine, Says Canada’s Joly

>>116456 Bill Gates wants to accelerate the Great Reset

>>116460 Canadian Led Battlegroup in Latvia at ‘High Readiness’ Amid NATO Russia Tensions

>>116462 LEVY: Waterloo school board trying to obliterate debate over sexualized children’s books

>>116469 Canada’s nat’l bank accused of ‘blacklisting’ certain media outlets, keeping an enemies list

>>116472 Updated Censorship and Media Bun

>>116473 Updated Churches and Pastors Bun

>>116474 Updated Trudeau Bun

>>116476 Updated Covid Bun Part Two

>>116478 Covid Bun Part Three

>>116479 Covid Bun Part Four

>>117338 ‘A History of Being Infiltrated’: Why Is Canada Not Catching Any Chinese Spies?

>>119385 Prostitution Legalization Possibility Worries Anti-Human Trafficking Advocates

>>119417 Trudeau gov delays handing over docs on increasing immigration until May 2022

>>120131 A Social Credit System Arrives in Canada

>>123359 Russia Sold Its Stake in Uranium One Shortly Before Invading Ukraine – The Same Company Clintons Helped Turn Over to Russians

>>126512 Horror: Tyrannical Government of Canada Will Pay to Euthanize Those Who Are “Too Poor to Continue Living With Dignity”

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eba888 No.147900

Final #9 Censorship and Media Bun

>>88575 Facebook and tech giants to target attacker manifestos, far-right militias in database

>>89166 Lacey Lee Elliott: Global News host cancelled after vid on NOT trusting the media

>>89355 Canada’s gov’t. proposes ‘Digital Safety Commissioner’ to shut down websites deemed ‘harmful’

>>90212 Trudeau-appointed senator says Canada has “no democratic tradition” of free speech

>>90609 BC nurse accused of being transphobic after advocating for women’s rights

>>90640 Toronto to ban Indigenous-themed sports team names for non-Indigenous people

>>104797 BC museum closes floor on Canadian history to “decolonize” exhibit

>>105921 Around the Globe, Millions Are RISING Up Against the ‘New World Order’ – Media Blackout

>>111518 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s security team assaults reporter standing on sidewalk (on camera) in an unprovoked attack.

>>116388 Government’s own research shows Canadians oppose censoring the Internet

>>116390 Trudeau orders two separate ministries to introduce new censorship provisions

>>116397 Bill Gates Calls For Governments To Censor Social Media And Celebrates ‘The New Normal’

>>119382 Why did the legacy media smear the Freedom Convoy? (video)

>>119399 Poll shows trust in media, government at all-time low

>>119583 CBC says Freedom Convoy protesters manipulated by Russian agents

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eba888 No.147901

Final #9 Covid Bun Part Four

>>116457 Viewers push back against Quebec TV show where kids called for forced vaccination

>>116458 Ontario Liberals demand vaccine passports require three doses

>>116461 Kenney Wants to Pause Truckers’ COVID Vaccine Mandate

>>116463 Randy Hillier blames Ford and Trudeau governments for food shortages

>>116464 'Enough is enough': Quebec sees one of its largest protests against the lockdown measures

>>116465 China Brings Back Anal Covid Swab Testing… Just in Time for Winter Olympics

>>116466 US To Close Borders To Unvaccinated Canadian, Mexican Truckers On Saturday

>>116467 Ivermectin Could Destroy Justification For Lockdowns And Vaccine Mandates

>>116468 Canadian MP backs truckers’ protest against vaccines, calls mandates ‘wrong, not ethical, not constitutional’

>>116559 The CDC acknowledges natural immunity is superior — but still get the vax anyway?

>>116560 FUREY: Canada has failed the children (video)

>>116561 Tens of thousands of Canadians protest COVID-19 restrictions at freedom rallies across country

>>116562 Professor Who Identified Unique Characteristics in COVID-19 Indicating It Was Built in a Lab Says He Was a Victim of a “Disgusting Whitewash”

>>116814 Cattle stalls for unvaxxed in Quebec

>>118456 Canadian Conservatives DEMAND an end to Covid-19 restrictions and mandates (video)

>>118954 La Crete, Alberta declared COVID-free without ever bringing in restrictions

>>118964 Ontario Health Minister: ‘No Plans’ to End Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandate Despite Protests

>>119384 Dad Feels Guilty After 10-Year-Old Son Died Following COVID-19 Vaccination

>>119389 MP blasts Liberals for treating unvaxxed soldiers worse than serial killer/rapist

>>119413 Manitoba dropping vaccine passports and mask mandates

>>119414 Bonnie Henry expands vaccine mandate to private practices

>>119415 Pfizer postponing emergency use request for vaccines for children under 5

>>119418 Ottawa Paramedic dusts entire system

>>119420 VIA Rail wants more bailout money after firing 1000 workers over mandates

>>119423 Mandates Are Necessary to Prevent Further Mandates Says Trudeau

>>119588 Minister's husband's companies awarded hundreds of millions in federal COVID contracts

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eba888 No.147902

Final #9 Churches and Pastors Bun

>>89135 Vandals behead statue of baby Jesus at Sudbury church

>>89306 Canadian church faces $85,000 in fines for breaking COVID rules

>>90112 “Our doors will always be open”: Fairview Baptist Church sees growth after pastor jailed

>>91387 Targeted for associating with a pastor? Volunteer for Artur Pawlowski speaks out

>>91616 “Politicians should be ashamed” for response to church burnings, vandalism

>>91617 RCMP investigating arson at Fox Lake Community Church in northern Alberta

>>92292 Trinity Bible Chapel remains shuttered by court order, but the sermon shall go on nevertheless

>>108069 HUGE WIN! Court of Appeal suspends punishment of Pastor Artur Pawlowski (video)

>>113281 Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his Wife Dawid Arrested after Peaceful Protest Outside of Minister of Health’s Home – No Dissent Allowed

>>116376 Edmonton's Church in the Vine beats a massive COVID fine

>>116429 Pastor Artur Pawlowski ARRESTED again (video)

>>119377 Pastor Artur’s family reacts to latest arrest at his home

>>119378 Shocking legal update: Pastor Artur faces historical charges

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eba888 No.147903

Final #9 Trudeau Bun

>>90107 Trudeau insults Albertans by ignoring senator voting tradition, appoints his own Liberal senator

>>90606 US senator slams Trudeau government’s silence on Cuba

>>92289 Trudeau’s foreign policy has been a failure (video)

>>92836 Trudeau officially triggers the 2021 federal election

>>93225 Trudeau announces he consulted with Hillary Clinton about Afghanistan crisis

>>97841 The Mysterious Death Of Michel Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister

>>110139 Trudeau's office emails on Keystone XL were REALLY bad

>>113246 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Unvaccinated People Are 'Racists'

>>113366 Canadian Prime Minister Satanist, Pedophile, Genocidal Maniac Justin Castro Trudeau has committed another crime | Arrest Trudeau

>>116389 Trudeau orders Finance Minister to use tax code to attack pro-life groups, churches

>>116407 Trudeau appoints Liberal donor to Alberta superior court

>>116431 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: ‘Unvaxxed Are Racist A**holes’

>>117369 Old Trudeau tweet tells Canadians to #ThankATrucker

>>118555 Canada Governor General Overwhelmed with Calls Demanding Trudeau Be Removed from Office

>>119405 Outraged Canadian Parliament Members Boo, Shout ‘Where Did Justin Go,’ After Trudeau Runs Away During Question Period on House Floor For The Second Time This Week

>>119422 Leftist Bill Maher Rips Justin Trudeau — “Now, You Do Sound Like Hitler”

>>119585 Multiple Canadian premiers oppose Trudeau invoking Emergencies Act

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eba888 No.147904

Final #9 Truckers Bun

>>116461 Kenney Wants to Pause Truckers’ COVID Vaccine Mandate

>>116466 US To Close Borders To Unvaccinated Canadian, Mexican Truckers On Saturday

>>116602, >>116605 What’s that feeling you ask? Pride in being Canadian! It’s been a long, long, long time coming!

>>116888 Empty Shelves Have Consequences, Canadian Multinational Business Groups Ask Government to Quickly Reverse Trucker Vaccine Mandate

>>116892 Canada’s Truckers will likely face a Jan. 6th “Event” in Ottawa

>>116888 Empty Shelves Have Consequences, Canadian Multinational Business Groups Ask Government to Quickly Reverse Trucker Vaccine Mandate

>>117041 They are turning off traffic cams along the trucker routes.

>>117098 The Truckers Are Coming: World Record Caravan Heads to Mandate-Imposing Tyrants

>>117369 Old Trudeau tweet tells Canadians to #ThankATrucker

>>117475 Protesters arrive on Parliament Hill ahead of main trucker convoy

>>117609 Good morning from Canada’s Parliament Hill

>>117752 Participants of the Freedom Convoy picked up trash following Saturday’s huge protest at Parliament Hill in Ottawa

>>117758 Truckers paying respect to the Canadians that fought for freedom.

>>117829 Hey let's just label everything we don't like a cult, said the blueanon cult

>>118446 GiveSendGo CEO Sends Gateway Pundit Exclusive Statement: Fundraising Platform Sees MASSIVE Surge in Traffic and One Million in Donations to Canadian Truckers in 12 Hours! – Relentless DDOS Bot Attacks

>>118450, >>119426 Several People Injured By Vehicle That Appears To Intentionally Ram Into Truck At Trucker’s “Freedom Convoy” (video)

>>118698 Ottawa teacher suggests ‘taking up arms’ against Freedom Convoy truckers

>>118955 Canada’s transport minister asks provinces to revoke licenses, insurance of Freedom Convoy truckers

>>118957 Bank Of Canada Warns "Very Distressing" Bridge Blockade Could Impact Economy

>>118963 Freedom Convoy Triumphs as Canadian Mandates Fall

>>119064 Ottawa Police say presence of children in freedom convoy 'complicates' efforts to end demonstration

>>119065 Police return fuel to Truckers, found contaminated

>>119209 Amnesty International chooses the regime over the peaceful, working class rebellion

>>119210 Freedom Convoy: Ontario Police at homes of Facebook Group Participants (video)

>>119383 Ottawa Police say presence of children in freedom convoy 'complicates' efforts to end demonstration

>>119387 Ottawa Police Quitting, Taking Leave Over Handling of the Protest - Freedom Convoy 2022 (video)

>>119401 Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario open letter to Ford full of radicalized rhetoric

>>119403 Ontario government asks the court to seize convoy crowdfunding

>>119407 Ontario Imposes ‘State of Emergency’ Hours After Report It Considered Dropping Mandates

>>119408 Biden Administration Urges Justin Trudeau to Use Federal Powers Against Trucker Blockade

>>119410 Amnesty International chooses the regime over the peaceful, working class rebellion

>>119416 TD Bank to hand nearly $1.4M in Freedom Convoy funds to Ontario court

>>119419 Summation of rapid growth of movement (video)

>>119421 Convoy Participants PICK UP Anti-Trucker Protester’s Car and MOVE IT Out of the Way After it was Parked in The Middle of the Road to Obstruct Them

>>119581 Police arrest 11 in Coutts after midnight raid

>>119584 Canadian Armed Forces members under investigation for alleged Freedom Convoy involvement

>>119586 Thousands take to Edmonton streets for third weekly protest as part of Freedom Convoy movement

>>119587 Freeland announces measures targeting crowdfunding platforms, cryptocurencies to curtail Freedom Convoy funding

>>120131 A Social Credit System Arrives in Canada

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6dfae9 No.148258


It would have been more believable if Hutchinson's testimony about Trump wasn't about grabbing the wheel but saying this then grabbing the wheel. Then we could have all identified with that.

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8432a1 No.148263

notable synchrony


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e7da56 No.148266

See, this is NOT the precipiss.

It's been 25 years of precipiss, AFAIC.

Anyone else feeling pissy about the quarter century of precipiss?

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8432a1 No.148281


>the bodies were covered in steak seasoning to possibly mask their scent.

Seasoned and ready on arrival. wtf is up with this people food?

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31cd83 No.148325


Thanks anon, I showed my daughter a cute pic someone posted a few nights ago and I had forgotten that shit was up there.

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47919e No.148331

How come the History Channel Video Cameras NEVER malfunction while filming Skinwalker Ranch? Everything else seems to glitch out… but NEVER their Video Cameras…

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db40a2 No.148333



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db40a2 No.148335


I think there's evidence they've been open for a long time. Ketchup.

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508e2c No.148337


UngaTheGreat, [03.07.22 01:45]

[ Video ]

Dr. Robert Malone: Western Regulatory Authorities Are All Compromised

MALONE: “Why is the corporate-controlled media acting as a propaganda arm for Pfizer and Moderna? I think that’s kind of self-evident. They’re completely captured and controlled… we’ve now got is a situation in which we can no longer count on any of the Western regulatory authorities. They are all compromised or, to put it less nicely, corrupted.”

@UngaTheGreat | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1awwzm-dr.-robert-malone-western-regulatory-authorities-are-all-compromised.html)

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0bbab4 No.148913



So gay men look at men's workout magazines and get all hot & bothered by seeing a naked guy, the way a straight guy gets hot & bothered looking at a girlie magazine.

That doesn't make the guy in the magazine gay, just because gay men like to look at him.

If a guy likes to workout and can get paid to have his body photographed, it's not his fault if gays jack off to his pics.

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ce4a77 No.148929



>black lives dont matter because vax is science

shots for tots

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18bbba No.148951



>I just cant note a self noted

At least you have that going for you.

However, check the cunt's UID and the faggot is calling notable on everything.


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f12ba3 No.149019



Yes, over the head, with a rock, repeatedly…

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94e5be No.149092


Sometimes I get so annoyed at the shills. Mostly because they're so shitty. I mean, I KNOW you're a shill. But I have to waste precious seconds filtering so many. But you're not tricking anyone, or convincing anyone.

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a2c22d No.149168


Translated again.

Schools are dangerous places, around the world! And you can see, no gun needed!

Esslingen: Knife attack at elementary school - police manhunt

A woman and a little girl were injured in a bloody attack at an elementary school in Esslingen. According to dpa information, the suspected perpetrator had attacked the caregiver and the seven-year-old child with a knife at the beginning of the vacation care on Friday morning and then fled.


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781fd4 No.149212



bring it in here; you know you need one

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4490bb No.149221



There's a lot of cocaine getting ceased lately.

Public figures being straight for the first time in years… I wonder if the reality will start to set in.

They'll be tearing up floorboards for the secret stash, to deal with what is coming…lol.

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63994f No.149233


Illinois Republicans chose conservative state Sen. Darren Bailey as their gubernatorial nominee in Tuesday’s primary to take on Democrat billionaire Gov. J.B. Pritzker in November. With 45 percent of the votes counted, Bailey leads his four rivals with a strong, 55.5 percent of the vote.

Meanwhile, Pritzker cruised to victory in the Democratic primary, earning a whopping 92.3 percent of the vote, as of this writing. He used a tactic familiar to those of us in California—candidates spend heavily to promote their preferred opponent because they believe they can easily defeat them in the general election. Pritzker reportedly “spent millions trying to get the rival he want[ed] and increase[d] his already sizable advantage in the state this fall.”

Bailey, a farmer from Xenia, received former President Donald Trump’s endorsement and is strongly pro-life, a position which Pritzker believes he can use against Bailey:

Pritzker, an heir to the Hyatt hotel fortune who is seeking his second term, and the Democratic Governors Association spent heavily on advertising to help Bailey win the GOP primary, including with ads noting he is “100% pro-life.”


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dbd0aa No.149288



we have come to realize this…

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0a9d0a No.149302


Are you autistic enough to watch a circular sock knitting video all the way through?

Sky King, Sky King, do not answer.

Due to the engaging quality of repetition and fish hook circularity demons permanently entranced may exchange worldly goods for a scheduled release.

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f72392 No.149316



this is second baker, used my collected notes, sorry if there were some missed, plz repost.

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3cf87a No.149333



Times of Israel is shit

Haaretz is shit

Jerusalem Post is shit

almayadeen is shit

JIDF hasn't been active in years but somehow a bunc of highschool kids has you shills rattled

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ba707a No.149336



Censor the board? Nah

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c36b24 No.149344


These people belong in jail.

This is a hill I'm willing to die on.


The establishments holding these events need their licenses revoked, and the owners investigated

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b09946 No.149345



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33dfa8 No.149352




They unironically use the word "pretend" in place of LIE.

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1b524d No.149381




One aspect that seems to be overlooked is the fact that they went back to basics with the law rather than use 'stare decisis' or legal precedent [Latin, Let the decision stand.] The policy of courts to abide by or adhere to principles established by decisions in earlier cases. (a doctrine or policy of following rules or principles laid down in previous judicial decisions unless they contravene the ordinary principles of justice).

Basically they decided on the facts and law rather than just following a decision made in another case.

Each and every case should be based on its own merits and facts and not on those of a preceding case.

Incrementally over a long period of time one poor decision gets used as a precedent for another, and then another, and so on.

This is an infiltration of the legal system much like the way the education and health systems have been infiltrated.


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6bcb27 No.149391



This decode is a bit more complex and Q-centric.

While I was rewatching the Betty Boop film to prepare the prior post, I noticed that the timestamp on Betty's clock matched one of Q's watches.

I did not add any text to the graphic, but I think it should make sense.

Notice that the two central images with Betty differ by 1 second.

In the second image, the clock is creating quite a loud clamor (look at the guards).

Thus you can see the relevance of Q115.

Also note that Q4072 (upper left) and Q3332 (lower right) are different drops, but with precisely the same text.

I suppose there are some anons who think that a "military" decode should be very serious.

But the Ghosts video itself makes clear that "PSYOP warriors" must be attuned to every facet of human experience.

If the military itself were to directly post Betty Boop cartoons, I bet the Chicoms would laugh at them.

But I'm not in the military and I can do decodes however I want.

Fuck China.

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d86d67 No.149400



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2d4740 No.149419



all pedos deserve the rope

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b86c8f No.149423



As more and more of your social life takes place online, you’re training yourself to believe that other people are not really people, and you have no duty towards them whatsoever. These effects don’t vanish once you look away from the screen. The internet is not a separate sphere, closed off from ordinary reality; it structures everything about the way we live. Stories of young children trying to swipe at photographs or windows: they expect everything to work like a phone, which is infinitely responsive to touch, even if it’s impossible to engage with on any deeper level. Similarly, many of the big conflicts within institutions in the last few years seem to be rooted in the expectation that the world should work like the internet. If you don’t like a person, you should be able to block them: simply push a button, and have them disappear forever.

In 2011, a meta-analysis found that among young people the capacity for empathy (defined as Empathic Concern, “other-oriented feelings of sympathy,” and Perspective-Taking, the ability to “imagine other people’s points of view”) had massively declined since the turn of the millennium. The authors directly associate this with the spread of social media. In the decade since, it’s probably vanished even faster, even though everyone on the internet keeps talking about empathy. We are becoming less and less capable of actual intersubjective communication; more unhappy; more alone. Every year, surveys find that people have fewer and fewer friends; among millennials, 22% say they have none at all. For the first time in history, we can simply do without each other entirely. The machine supplies an approximation of everything you need for a bare biological existence: strangers come to deliver your food; AI chatbots deliver cognitive-behavioral therapy; social media simulates people to love and people to hate; and hidden inside the microcircuitry, the demons swarm.

I don’t think this internet of demons is only a metaphor, or a rhetorical trick. Go back to those sigils, the patterns of weird loopy goetic lines that signify the presence of demons in online memes. Most of those designs come from the grimoires of the sixteenth and seventeenth century—and of these, probably the most significant is the Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, or the Lesser Key of Solomon. Unlike most old books of demonology, the Lesser Key is still in print, mostly because it was republished (and extensively tinkered with) by Aleister Crowley. But despite its influence, the Lesser Key is mostly plagiarized: entire sections were simply ripped out of other books circulating at the time. Most prominently, it reproduces much of the Steganographia, a book of magic written by Johannes Trithemius, a Benedictine abbot and polymath, around 1499.

The Steganographia is a blueprint for the internet. Most of the book is taken up with spells and incantations with which you can summon aerial spirits, who are “infinite beyond number” and teem in every corner of the world. Here, the purpose of these spirits is to deliver messages—or, more properly, to deliver something that is more than a message. Say you want to convey some secret information to someone: you compose an innocuous letter, but before writing you face the East and read out a spell, like this one to summon the spirit Pamersyel: “Lamarton anoyr bulon madriel traſchon ebraſothea panthenon nabrulges Camery itrasbier rubanthy nadres Calmoſi ormenulan, ytules demy rabion hamorphyn.” Immediately, a spirit will become visible. Then, once the other person receives the letter, they speak a similar spell, and “having said these things he will soon understand your mind completely.” A kind of magic writing that works like speech, instant and immediate. Not an object composed by another person, but a direct simulation of their thoughts—and one that’s delivered by an invisible, intangible network, covering every inch of the world.


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5313c6 No.149437

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20cd06 No.149446




>Is this Jack ?


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d76543 No.149456



Not the same -_-

It's not even a mirror.

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af6ffa No.149462


those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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1fbc8c No.149494



TY Baker

Hope you're fast as True

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d0df2a No.149500


Guatemalan President Says Biden‘s Border ‘Confusion’ Is Encouraging Smugglers To Exploit Children

Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei spoke one-on-one with The Daily Caller News Foundation about his concerns with the Biden administration’s messaging on immigration and the border.

Giammattei also spoke about his meeting with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the need for better intelligence sharing to combat crime crossing their borders.

“There are many things to be done still,” Giammattei said.

WASHINGTON, D.C.– The Biden administration’s messaging on immigration has created “confusion” that human smugglers and traffickers have exploited, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

Giammattei said smugglers know it’s easier to get people into the U.S. illegally under the Biden administration as a family, and that smugglers have used children, whether biological or not, in order to get their clients across the border. He mentioned the Biden administration’s effort to codify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which prevents migrants brought to the U.S. as children from being immediately deported, as exacerbating the problem.

“Right now there has been confusion with the messages. When they say we are going to codify all the children who have their parents here, what the coyotes say there is not convenient for them [the migrants]. ‘Let’s see. Grab the children and come,’ That child may be related, he may not be related. Wanting a child is the coyotes misinterpreting way of manipulating people,” Giammattei told TheDCNF.

The Biden administration in May 2021 reversed DNA testing of migrants, a policy Trump introduced in September 2020, according to CNN. When the policy was introduced it intended to expand biometric and DNA testing that “guards against identity theft and thwarts fraudsters who are not who they claim to be,” former Deputy Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said.

Giammattei said smugglers are exploiting the lack of checks on families, bringing in people who aren’t related as family units when they cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

In 2019, Cucinelli said that a pilot program for DNA testing of migrants had found about 30% of families to be “fake” and not actually related, according to the Austin American-Statesman.


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05a2f1 No.149522




>Potus In with 5:5

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beb0c2 No.149525





>Five planets align perfectly, visible until end of June


>Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible every morning until the end of June in an alignment not seen since 1864.


>Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have lined up in a rare alignment that won't occur again until 2040, according to AccuWeather.


What about Earf? Will it be visible too?

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ea8746 No.149526



Ephesians 6:17

New International Version

17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Read full chapter


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7efbfe No.149537



They are in our military, I had a trainee in the USAF, he had to explain it to me why I had to speak to OSI everytime he put in for leave. He was born on US soil, raised in mainland China. Military service is mandatory but they let them serve in the US armed forces if they qualify. That's what he did. I also had a Russian troop, only he wasn't even a citizen, he got offered some program and was allowed to enlist in the US Air Force. I went and asked the commander about it, he had no idea the guy was even Russian or what he was talking about. Both, exemplary troops btw and spoke English so well that I through they were BS'ing me until they spoke in their native tongues.

People really have no idea how infiltrated we are.

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6fec13 No.149542



watch the water

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919f97 No.149565



Why must you take out a MORTGAGE on tommorow to pay to fuck up today for? Your praying for it to happen.

Meanwhile I REPEAT myself, It hasn't happened yet.

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237403 No.149567


Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

who is WHO?

Good- B[y]e Old Guard


The calm before the storm.








No war.

No civil unrest.

Clean and swift.

Midnight Riders

Think EO's

Who controls the NG?

Military is the only way.


The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.

EVERYTHING has meaning.


Marker [9]



These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Crimes against Humanity.

Crimes against children.

















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a4eba7 No.149569



double dubs

i saved that shit nigga

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23936c No.149598

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c0860c No.149622



Noting that he was not the Kingdom's head, she added: “MBS [as the crown prince is known] is not the ruler of Saudi Arabia and the US should not recognize him as head of state. Doing so would grant him an authority and legitimacy he certainly does not deserve and hopefully will never receive.”

The Kingdom's critic murdered

At the time of his death, Khashoggi, a former Saudi insider who had fled the kingdom and was living in Virginia, was a critic of the young crown prince and was an active dissident in the face of MBS.

After years of delay by Donald Trump, who was president when Khashoggi was killed, the Biden administration decided to release an unclassified US intelligence report in 2021, shortly after Biden took office, concluding that MBS was likely to have ordered Khashoggi's murder.

The Saudi foreign ministry declared at the time of the study's release that the kingdom's leadership "categorically rejects what is mentioned in the report submitted to Congress."

While Saudi Arabia claimed to have held a trial against the hit squad responsible for the heinous murder, the proceedings were widely denounced as a hoax, and several of the team's most senior members have been spotted in a state security compound in Riyadh.

Other potential channels of justice have been obstructed due to political considerations. In March, a Turkish prosecutor concluded a long-running absentia trial against Khashoggi's killers, in a move regarded as part of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's efforts to restore relations with the Saudi Crown Prince.

MBS has accepted responsibility for the assassination on behalf of the Saudi government, but he has denied any personal involvement in its planning.

Part 2 - End

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2e3cc6 No.149629



>What about Earf? Will it be visible too?

yes look down at your feet

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a2a1f9 No.149636



Yes, it's happened lots of times. Single or double homicide depending on which of the 2 die.

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9e1de7 No.149641





The probability of a faked (Q) post is improbable

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49455e No.149649



>What does typing just the letter "Q" produce?


>am also curious


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2d74a6 No.149662



Yes he allowed others to kill him.

Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” (Matthew 26:53-55). He is sinless, yet was counted among the transgressors

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6eb5dc No.149709





>Who are they talking about anons?


A 70-year-old woman in India was trampled to death by an elephant — and her corpse was then bizarrely attacked by the same beast at her funeral, according to a report.

Police said Maya Murmu had been fetching water from a well in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on Thursday when an elephant came barreling toward her, according to the Print India. The tusked pachyderm had apparently escaped from the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, which is located in a neighboring state.

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4a395d No.149713



Sources contend that Hanley and Harkenrider, because of their activities at the Irish Pub, at the Lansing, Illinois Airport, are being threatened from all sides:

by the IRA not to co-operate with FBI Counter-Intelligence, Division Five, as protected witnesses

by their knowledge that Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court record in several of her cases, the corrupt operation of the Federal Witness Protection Program, and that Hanley and Harkenrider cannot expect to be actually protected as witnesses

by The Coca-Cola Company, in that they have had an entrenched spy in the camp of a major copyright case, where Robert E. Kolody is suing Coca-Cola and their marketing adjunct Simon Marketing now merged with a firm called Cryk

by various corporate interests whose planes apparently convey dope in and out of the Lansing, Illinois airport with impunity, with state and federal authorities playing the part of the three monkeys

and threatened by the Drug Enforcement Administration agents who often occupy a table at Shannon's Landing and also play the part of the three monkeys

It is perhaps ironic that the only non-threatening type that Hanley could confess to is Sherman H. Skolnick, a long-known, independent-minded court reformer and Cable TV Talk Show moderator/producer.

Much more about Chicago Federal District Judge Blanche M. Manning and the highly-corrupt Federal Witness Protection Program involved in a string of cases she is covering up.

This series is dealing with the type of harsh realities uncovered by our research and investigation group over 4 arduous decades of our work.

Sometimes whole groups of court cases are assigned, not by random selection, but random magic, intentionally to one or more judges part of "big fix". And involved is a malign, if not corrupt, influence upon the judge. Knowing who it is that bought the chair for the Judge is one type of influence.

Straight out bribery, another. And the major corruption, as we have repeatedly shown, is not in the state courts, but the big bucks federal courts. We have been showing as an example a group of cases assigned to Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608. FAX: (312) 435-7578.]

We have more details on her. And she is not the only one, just an example of the corrupted federal judiciary.

Worldwide, major enterprises are secret adjuncts of the American CIA. Privatizing the spy agency avoids Freedom of Information disclosures. One example is Wackenhut. An example dealt with here is The Coca-Cola Company.

Government agencies are supposedly set up to protect witnesses from harm in very sensitive case. For instance, the Federal Witness Protection Program. But they seem to have been penetrated by criminal interests, so that key witnesses, that finger corruption of top IRS and DEA officials, are NOT protected, but terrorized, and on occasion, snuffed out.

As we have specified, Judge Manning is covering up this situation in the case of USA vs. John Serpico et al., No. 99 CR 570. Serpico, a union purported criminal boss, is reportedly a business partner with a top official of the Federal Witness Protection Program.

There are places that operate reportedly as a criminal immunity zone. Anything goes. The state and federal authorities play the part of the three monkeys. One such that seems to fit that description, reportedly is a business on the property of the Lansing, Illinois Airport, a suburb of Chicago.

Called Shannon's Landing [(708) 895-6919], it is an Irish pub. Who seems to use that place? Corrupt top IRS officials blackmailing their way into all kinds of deals. [Visit our website series on the crooked IRS bosses and their ocean-going money laundry boat, "California Rose".]

Dope traffic through the airplanes there and such is used reportedly to raise funds for gun-smuggling, for purposes of the Irish Republican Army, IRA. Agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration often sit at that pub and hear and see nothing.

pt 9

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345d71 No.149807



Notice Junior said "You" and not we or us.

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1776bd No.149829



can't produce actual evidence, now you're just a sore loser.

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6795d8 No.149835



No, Satan means adversary.

A brother is born for adversity.

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d59a04 No.149836



One of the Sandy Hook fathers, who also played a cop at Sandy Hook, Played a cop at 9/11


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3fc187 No.149848



Repost of original archived post, they want two things from the public opinion trials, one that the D.O.J will start proceeding against trump and Federalize the elections


This video from 4th Jan 2022 talking about exactly the above with timestamps, notes and summary


note: times stamps and summary below under read moar.

if you do not understand what is going on then anons are not paying attention,

schumer stated in a speech at the start of 2022 that he wanted to federalize the elections, taking away the rights of individual states to give the results of their own elections.

they will be able to run them, but the result will have to be announced by D.C who will have the final say.

this is their plan, they have no other way of winning.

baker will try to find the video of that clip from january 2022.






Video is 6 hours and 24 minutes long

1) 8.50 minutes into video chucky starts speech. about harry reid

2) 11.30 minutes into video speech begins

3) 13.40 voting rights to be changed with senate rules over seeing, multiple calling over christmas by chucky to senators.

4) 18.20 into video the senate to have final say on election result due to jan 6th and state law changes

5) 21.00 minutes into video - chucky states the house will change look to change the rules and federalize the elections because of threats by trump and his movement.

6) 24.00 end of speech

Summary: They are doing what the did with the patriot act and weaponizing the 3 departments against the people, the D.O.J, the Judicary and lawfare to take away the rights of individual states to verify their own elections, the final decision will be with the senate,

What does it mean, it does not matter what the result is of any election across the usa 50 states, it who calls the winner.


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d59a04 No.149852


another other fags having problems with qagg.news?

page seems to refresh to this every few seconds, as if there is a repeated interrupt in progress. anon not particularly IT / Internet savvy

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0798d6 No.149853



most everything in his life turned against him job family community


never knew the man, but would have been fren

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d6b736 No.149869



Your tears are delicious eunuch.

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f94969 No.149910

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853fe3 No.149912


Feast of st jeans baptiste

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Roe vs Wade


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c68113 No.149916



anyone tell you, that you can embed twitter posts?

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ee724c No.149978

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054204 No.149999



She fits right in with the spirit of the US Military:

US Representative Cohen: 80% of White Males In Military Can’t Be Trusted




US Navy has released a training video which looks like a children’s TV show encouraging sailors to announce their pronouns in order to create a “safe space” and avoid “misgendering” people.




Command too stupid for doctrine


US Military subverted


Russia is playing NATO


"Why the US. will lose the next major war: Army lowered standards so women can graduate ranger school"


US Military offering to perform abortions?


US Military anti-White propaganda


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e6bafe No.150006


>le ebim






Last Notables:


oh boiii, where is the discord shitcrew?

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ee724c No.150010



fake and gay

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b2f137 No.150016




That's the thing that sucks about this dualistic reality .. in order for it to be true it also has to false !! Sucks for people like us !!

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eba888 No.151723

File: 62e6fcdd38cf840⋯.png (1 MB,880x1381,880:1381,62e6fcdd38cf840444decbe65c….png)

File: 08e8b60d0256046⋯.png (613.93 KB,770x1035,154:207,08e8b60d0256046ca613c6e939….png)

General Research #21392 >>>/qresearch/17453281

Anthrax kills nine livestock animals in Sask., herd isolating

Nine livestock animals are dead and the rest of the herd is in quarantine after the Ministry of Agriculture reported on Wednesday that anthrax was found on a pasture in southwest Saskatchewan.


Water fight: Sask. government accuses federal employees of trespassing for water tests

On Sunday, Premier Scott Moe tweeted, "We are demanding an explanation from federal Minister Guilbeault on why his department is trespassing on private land without the owners' permission to take water samples from dugouts."

Saskatchewan's Minister Responsible for Water Security Jeremy Cockrill posted a letter to social media addressed to federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault.


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14627d No.151730

File: 871f7780e0a0bf9⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB,853x528,853:528,871f7780e0a0bf9b298d9e411….jpeg)


There are no coincidences why I have all the "declassified" information.The news media are "knowingly" ignoring the truth.We have everything and justice is coming.Q=Alice in wonderland

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14627d No.151732


The "fake" news media knows I exposed Nancy Pelosi, in the underground rooms of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11, and all the names, of government swamp and Hollywood elite, in Epstein's flight log. President Trump gave me Q security clearance to archive all the "declassified" information. The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional disinformation. I was chosen to serve my country. It took courage exposing this demonic trafficking/pedophile ring.I have all the,"declassified" documents and files.President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice is coming.

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14627d No.152241


My father served in WW2. He was an army medic. My big brother was a green berut, and my daughter served in the Air Force National Guard. My father also had the maple leaf, adorning his military uniform.The true heroes have always been our military soldiers. God bless them all.

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14627d No.152889

File: f94f91f006f7590⋯.jpeg (39.41 KB,540x960,9:16,received_997746830875320.jpeg)

There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q security clearance. The news media knows, I exposed all the names of government swamp, and hollywood elites, in Epstein's flight log.They also know, I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms, of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11. It took tremendous courage exposing this worldwide, demonic, trafficking/pedophile ring. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and archiving all the "declassified" documents and files from QResearch. I have more than you could possibly know. The "elites" hide a dirty little secret drug(andrenochrome)The drug is derived from the adrenalized blood of victims experiencing painful trauma. I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind RSD/CRPS. I've endured twenty two years of 24/7 chronic pain, and painful trauma surgeries, requiring several units of life sustaining blood. I was chosen to serve my country and expose the swamp.The news articles trashing QAnon are intentional.I'm,certainly not a conspiracy theorist or a domestic terrorist.I'm an easy target to attack.The journalists targeting QAnon are clueless of "who" and "what" I had exposed. The misinformation and disinformation, attacking this military intelligence operation, are deceitful and hurtful. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.

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b3f004 No.184803


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