>>150480 USArmy (Twatt) Lead from the front!
>>150481 VIDEO: Wokesters want you to believe food is racist: Gutfeld (YouTube)
>>150482 VIDEO: How has the media covered the FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid? (YouTube)
>>150483 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Cant wait for the FBI to raid Michelle Obamas wardrobe! YUUUGE suprise!!!
>>150484 ILPresidento (TruSoc) STOP COMMUNISM IN OUR COUNTRY!
>>150485 ILPresidento (TruSoc) What happened to the 30 million pages of documents taken from the White House to Chicago by Barack Hussein Obama? >>150486 ILPresidento (TruSoc) 5 DAYS!!!
>>150487 ILPresidento (TruSoc) I can't even…????????????
>>150488 VIDEO: Grassley: They raided Trump, but negotiated with Hillary (YouTube)
>>150490, >>150491 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Nobody is buying the FBI's "armed suspect" Cleetus trick anymore…
>>150506 JamesCorney Blast from Twatts past...
>>150641 (T.me) Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding that they cease their attempts to illegally obtain information from local sheriffs on Missourians who have concealed carry permits.
>>150649 (T.me) Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene @ RepMTG will soon be introducing articles of impeachment against AG Merrick Garland after the raid of Trumps Mar-a-Lago
>>150687 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Jeffrey 'Zoomin' Toobin Out at CNN
>>150694 Gateway Pundit (T.me) OAN Network Runs Spoof on FBI's Outrageous Mar-a-Lago Fishing Expedition -- With Exclusive List of Items Sought by FBI (VIDEO)
>>150701 Gateway Pundit (T.me) IRS Annual Report Shows Training of Heavily Armed Agents Raiding Suburban Homes (PHOTOS)
>>150714 (T.me) REAL Journalism Is Dead⛔️ ALL truth journalists should be supporting & demand that Julian Assange gets freedom & #NOExtradition2US???????? happens???? #AssangeAThon???? FULL STORY ->
>>150723 (T.me) These new "Smart" streetlights are actually technology that's working on the same principles as 5G, producing high levels of EMF, quite dangerous for our health.
>>150763 Techno_Fog (T.me) The Trump search warrant was never about classified materials.
>>150764 (T.me) The dam is about to break bigly…LFG!!!!!
>>150767 (T.me) Trump Whitehouse Archive Link:
>>150770 (T.me) FBI Trump raid exposes Washington's secrecy shams Another Solid Read:
>>150773 ILPresidento (TruSoc) MERRICK GARLAND CAN KISS MY ASS!!!
>>150774 ILPresidento (TruSoc) KarineJean-Pierre We just received news that our economy had 0% inflation in July…
>>150775 ILPresidento (TruSoc) In Case You Missed It….
>>150776 ILPresidento ReTrTH: DJT (TruSoc) My attorneys and representatives were cooperating fully, and very good relationships had been established.
>>150778 ILPresidento ReTrTH: DJT (TruSoc) ….Just learned that agents went through the First Lady’s closets and rummaged through her clothing and personal items. Surprisingly, left area in a relative mess. Wow!
>>150779 ILPresidento (TruSoc) By the way…
>>150780 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Melanita did not approve…????????????
>>150782 ILPresidento ReTrTH: DJT (TruSoc) DJT Posts
>>150783 ILPresidento (TruSoc) WINNING!!!
>>150784, >>150785 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Hageman leading Cheney by 57 points among likely republican voters
>>150786 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Daily Reminder!!!
>>150787 VIDEO: Gutfeld: AG Garland has not told us why he did it (YouTube)
>>150789 ILPresidento (TruSoc) THEY KNOW WE'RE COMING HOME!!!
>>150790 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Working for Russshia, choking secret service agents, stealing the presidential limo and obtaining the top secret nuclear codes…
>>150791 ILPresidento (TruSoc) We Will Win because We Have God on Our Side. We Have Love, Truth and Purpose in The Fiercest and Strongest of Hearts, and last but not least… WE HAVE THE BIGGEST BALLS!!! Buenas Noches my Beautiful Patriotos!!! I❤️U!!!
>>150797 (T.me) You may have trouble keeping up with events over the next several weeks.
>>150798 (T.me) NEW - Biden officials wanted Twitter to ban the former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, a vocal critic of government lockdowns, mask mandates, and mRNA vaccines.
>>150799 (T.me) Stephen Miller 'Donald Trump Is The Umpire Of What Is Classified'
>>150800 (T.me) Fedbois gonna fedboi.Our shill-dars spot ‘em easy.
>>150801 (T.me) Migrant openly masturbating on the Paris metro, this is what Western "leaders" have allowed our nations to become, resist it with all your might Eastern Europe.
>>150802 (T.me) Keep watching.
>>150803 (T.me) What was so important they had to stage a raid and try to shut camera feeds off and remove witnesses?
>>150804 (T.me) According to Ukrainian Finance Minister Marchenko, The multiple billions US citizens sent to Ukraine are slated to be used for….
>>150805 (T.me) Let's discuss headlines for a moment, and how news is twisted.
>>150806 (T.me) The FBI are killers. The CIA are killers. The IRS are soon to be killers.
>>150807, >>150808, >>150809 (T.me) Here we come
>>150850 Tommy Robinson News (T.me) Trump: “I have truth on my side”
>>150851 (T.me) Thailand and Indonesia have signed a "weather modification deal" to control and change the weather.
>>150852 (T.me) The briefing at the pit is complete.
>>150853 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Trump Says Documents Seized by FBI From Mar-a-Lago Were Declassified Under a "Standing Order" While He Was President
>>150854 Gayeway Pundit (T.me) WORRIED? Biden Advisers Pushing Him For Early Launch Of 2024 Presidential Campaign
>>150855 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Clarifying the System and Authorities to Classify Information--Based on this, Trump Followed the Law
>>150856 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Doxed the Names of Couple of FBI Agents Who Raided Mar-a-Lago - Yet Same People Dox Conservatives Regularly
>>150857 Gateway Pundit (T.me) The Gateway Pundit Tried to Warn the World About Crackpot Michael Hayden -- Now the Nutcase is Spitting Out Death Threats at President Trump
>>150858 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Leo Hohmann: What is Biden administration trying to tell us with its recent violent actions against nonviolent Americans and hiring of 87K militarized IRS agents?
>>150859 (T.me) Ok Fam, so a few really interesting things happened last night.
>>150861 (T.me) BREAKING! Berwick, PA: A MASS casualty incident has been reported after a car allegedly drove through a crowd of people gathered to honor victims of the recent Nescopeck fire.
>>150862, >>150863 (T.me) Let’s learn more about corrupt FBI agent Steven D’Antuono:
>>150864 (T.me) Well said.
>>150865, >>150866, >>150867 (T.me) Kash puts the raid at Mar-a-Lago into perspective:
>>150869 (T.me) FBI concludes Alec Baldwin pulled trigger in Halyna Hutchins shooting on movie set.
>>150870 Il Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I KNEW THAT WITCH WAS INVOLVED!!!
>>150975 (QR) The FBI is a criminal RICO enterprise whose covert “sources and methods” include criminal acts, sedition, subversion of American laws and the Constitution, while lying and obfuscating their activity from Congress and the people of the United States. Congress is ok with this arrangement as long as they’re able to claim plausible deniability and / or classified activities status. (Investorshub.advfn.com)
>>150979, >>150980 (T.me) Can I just say how BADASS it is that @realDonaldTrump straight up ReTruthed @wwg1wga?!?!?!
>>150981 (T.me) Large scale military exercises begin in Venezuela with China, Russia, Iran and a few others ????
>>150982, >>150993 (T.me) The Netherlands joins the Britain-led training program for the Ukrainian military
>>150988 (T.me) British propaganda video of training Ukrainian soldiers serves as a reminder that the Ukrainian forces have been under intense training by USA & UK since 2014.
>>150994 (T.me) Vanguard Group has ushered in a New World Order in the fixed-income exchange-traded fund arena."
>>150996 (T.me) US records record 1,424 new monkeypox cases on Monday
>>150997 Gateway Pundit (T.me) British Man Restrains Woman Who Stripped Down to Her Underwear, Tried to Storm Cockpit While Screaming "Allahu Akbar"
>>151029 (T.me) ???????? Power-Sharing Electoral Reform Will Save Bosnia and Herzegovina
>>151030 (T.me) ???????? Poland mandated obligatory firearm training for students
>>151031, >>151034 (T.me) ???? Where does the grain exported from Ukraine go? Anywhere but "starving Africa" | Russian-language channel Rybar reports.
>>151039 The Epoch Times (T.me) ‘It’s About Intimidation’: Roger Stone Responds to FBI Raid After Seizure of Trump Clemency Letter
>>151040 The Epoch Times (T.me) 2 Killed When Small Plane Crashes on Roadway in Illinois
>>151042, The Epoch Times (T.me) The recent collapse of one of the largest Chinese-funded #realestate developments in the #UK has sparked a new wave of civil investigations into the infiltration of the #CCP into British political and business circles.
>>151404 #736
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
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