>>131881 Justice Won’t Be Served In SpyGate Without John Durham Investigating More Confidential Human Sources(TheFederalist.com)
>>131882 DJT (TruSoc) TRUMP WAS RIGHT: China Placed Huawei Equipment Atop Cell Towers on Purchased Farm Land Near US Military Bases -- Capable of Disrupting and Capturing Signals
>>131883 DJT (TruSoc) TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Space Force Chief: Space Force Has Led to ‘Quantifiable Goodness’
>>131884 DJT (TruSoc) 'He's a gangsta': Rapper DaBaby praises Trump
>>131885 DJT (TruSoc) EU urged to prepare for Russian gas shut-off
>>131886 DJT (TruSoc) Trump gave order to 'make sure' Jan. 6 rally was 'safe event,' Pentagon memo shows
>>131887 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!!!
>>131888 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) We will miss mi Beautiful Paul Sorvino. Absolute Legend!
>>131889 DJT (TruSoc) Statement by DJT
>>131904. >>131921 TheHill (Twatt) Ex-US congressman among 9 charged in insider trading cases
>>131905 TheHill (Twatt) Dozens of University of Michigan medical students walked out of a weekend ceremony to protest a speaker who publicly opposes abortion rights.
>>131906, >>131909 RyanFournier (Twatt) Matt Gaetz went for the throat with this one
>>131907 Reuters (Twatt) WWE discloses expenses tied to ex-CEO Vince McMahon, to restate results
>>131910 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOM!!! LOVE MI MATTY GAETZ!!!
>>131911 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOM!!! THAT'S HOW YOU TREAT THE FAKE NEWS!!
>>131912 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) At current prices, teh average driver will spend WAY MORE FUCKING MONEY than they would under President Trump
>>131913 Our Ouija program is holding a Proposers Day on Aug. 3. Ouija aims to quantify the high-frequency (HF) noise environment in space & improve characterization of the ionosphere.
>>131914 Breitbart (Twatt) Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro officially launched his re-election campaign in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday with a fiery speech condemning communism.
>>131915, >>131916 KANSAS (Twatt) The Biden Administration continues to lose touch with reality. Its advice for Americans who are struggling to pay grocery and gas bills? Buy a $60K electric car!
>>131917 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BringBackTrump
>>131918 KANSAS (Twatt) Today is National Hire a Veteran Day. Before Congress, I ran two businesses in Kansas.
>>131919 KANSAS (Twatt) Congress must pass the CHIPS Act for both our national and economic security. We have to become less dependent on China for critical technologies --- and this is how we do it.
>>131920 Elon's response to the "affair" 'thing.. '
>>131922, >>131925 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) See what I can do to the people? This was an easy one!
>>131923 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LMAO x 3 (WE ARE ALREADY IN RECESSION!!)
>>131926 RepDavidRouzer (Twatt) After witnessing the situation at our border, I fear the United States will be subject to another large scale terrorist attack if the Administration continues to refuse to take action.
>>131927 TheBlaze (Twatt) Soros-backed group purchasing 18 Spanish-language radio stations to suppress 'disinformation'
>>131928 ProudArmyBrat (Twatter) If Trump runs again, he is planning on firing 50,000+ Gov officials from the Pentagon, DOJ, State Dept, and beyond. He’ll use an Exc Order on day 1 and clean house beyond what any President has ever done. He will thoroughly vet new staff w only “America First” agendas.
>>131929 NYPost (Twatt) Sergio Garcia pulls 180 on resigning from DP World Tour after joining LIV Golf
>>131930 USAToday (Twatt) While the storms are set to bring an end to a scorching heat wave in the region, they will come with a threat of damaging winds, hail and perhaps even a tornado on Monday.
>>131931, >>131932 SeeBS"news" (TWATS) Lead prosecutor Mike Satz removed the black semi-automatic Smith & Wesson from a cardboard box and carried it to Broward sheriff's Sgt. Gloria Crespo, who said it was found on the landing of a third-floor stairwell.
>>131933 SeanHannity (Twatt) ‘WHAT IS A RECESSION?’: White House Scrambles to Redefine ‘Recession’ Ahead of GDP Report
>>131934 (Twatt) With eye on the CIA, Moscow cracks the whip at Israel
>>131935 NBC"news" (Twatt) A Tennessee pharmacist was found dead in a luxury Fijian resort, leading to her newlywed husband's arrest in connection to the alleged murder, officials say.
>>131936 (Twatt) Putin speaking basic truths you'll never hear in mainstream media
>>131937 RepMattGaetz (Twatt) .@SaraHaines says “nobody is pro-abortion.”
>>131938 (Twatt) KEKS Press S3c really viewed like…
>>131941, >>131942 VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld: The Biden presidency is like a bad movie (YouTube)
>>131943, >>131944 VIDEO: New warning about the dangers of DNA tests (YouTube)
>>131946 Zuby (Twatt) I've started quietly taking down C0vid-19 poster ads in hotels, gyms, elevators, etc. Yes, they are ads. And they will stay up forever unless we take it upon ourselves to remove them.
>>131963 VIDEO: (04/20/2020) FISA Questions | Full Measure (YouTube)
>>131964 VIDEO: Nunes reacts to IG investigation into potential FISA abuses (YouTube)
>>131965 VIDEO: Bodycam Footage Captures Shootout Between Bakersfield Police Officers And Suspect (YouTube)
>>131966 (Twatt) YOU NEED TO QUESTION STUFF because if you don’t… they’ll get away with the greatest coverup of all time.
>>131967 FoxNews (Twatt) Paul Sorvino, 'Goodfellas' actor, dead at 83
>>131977, >>131978, >>131979 ANON: Muslim Brotherhood taking over our Gov DIG
>>131980, >>131982, >>131983 British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia (TheGuardian.com) + FISA warrant start Dig
>>132004, >>132005 Ezra Cohen (T.me) Psychopaths and Pedophiles
>>132008, >>132021 General Flynn (T.me) For four years they lied, leaked, spied on, and smeared President Trump in their attempts to defy the will of the people,”
>>132010 General Flynn (T.me) Guess I won’t be camping using ANYTHING from your company. What a loser company!!!
>>132014 General Flynn (T.me) The truth hurts but it also fears no enemies…
>>132019 General Flynn (T.me) America’s Future
>>132022 General Flynn (T.me) Documents Point to Stefan Halper Lying to FBI: Judge
>>132023 (T.me) The January 4th meeting with Kash, Miller, Meadows, and Trump was held because of a "foreign" issue that was directed toward our country?
>>132027 (T.me) Coming to a theater near you. Polanski / Pedowood
>>132067 2013 Timeline
>>132069 Q Deltas for July 26 -2 days per schedule ( 15 Deltas for --- July 28)
>>132082 We are experiencing food shortages
>>132083 The greatest POTUS of all-time returns to Washington, DC today - and the swamp is terrified.
>>132086 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) Mi Guy Benson hit the nail with the hammer… THEY'RE REALLY LOSING!!!
>>132087 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento ReTrTH: DonJr. (TruSoc) Apparently the White House is changing the definition of recession this week so we can pretend that we're not in one
>>132088 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) Who did this!!!
>>132089 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) 2024 Vibes…
>>132091 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) AMERICA FIRST AGENDA SUMMIT 3:00PM ET
>>132092 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) REAL LOVE!!!
>>132093 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) LOVER EYES x3!!!
>>132094 (7/25/2022) ILPresidento (TruSoc) Buenas Noches, my Beautiful Patriotos!!! Love Your Beautiful Family and give Them a Big, Beautiful Bear Hug!!! I❤️U!!!
>>132112 #728
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
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>>111785 #564, >>111964 #565, >>112112 #566, >>112301 #567, >>112403 #568, >>112527 #569, >>112622 #570,
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>>107452 #536, >>107549 #537, >>107704 #538, >>107899 #539, >>108063 #540, >>108214 #541, >>108412 #542,
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>>105434 #522, >>105757 #523, >>105767 #524, >>105865 #525, >>105992 #526, >>106248 #527, >>106297 #528,
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