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/mental/ - Mental Health, Illnesses and Disorders

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You are the healing.


Happened one day that I just got up and then as the mirror

It's next to my bed when I wake up The first thing I see is my reflection

And I was afraid to see my reflection, I felt as if that was not me

(Awakening has happened to me daily since I have around

7 years and was accompanied by a partial amnesia osea remembered the data

About me and who I was but does not have the everyday memories of life

Daily and since then I've been recovering one or two but I never knew that I

I lead to that

And as if the supposed self from the mirror wanted me to look at her

And because at any moment it would come

(I'm not usually afraid of the murder stories

Or that your reflection is not what you actually think every morning when

I brush myself to see my reflection I think about it and I'm indifferent to the subject but

Not that time and if they ask, no, I had not thought anything of that subject)

Try to touch my own reflection but that's what made me nervous

So I set aside to the point that I was only the reflection of my hand but that

I did not help much (in my mind I only thought things like what happens to me? It's just

My reflection ect) in the end I had to close my eyes and put my hand in the

Mirror and so overcome it but still viea to my reflection as something very distnate

To me since that I only saw him as someone who would not do me harm,

Then I go through the mind play that game of hands that usually play

with kids already know in that they sing things and I did it

Note.1: today 5/24/15: I have given way to the "phobia" of seeing myself in and

The mirror or parts of me (for example my hands, legs, arms) is more

Everyday of what I thought, and I was given an attack and depersonalization

And anxiety like this, now I am reassured after reading that

"Anxiety and depersonalization affects 79% of the population"

A part of me knows that even so it is not only that which I have

But still call me a bit I suppose it is the effect "placebo"

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I suffer from depersonalization as well, it's best to give yourself a break and not do anything that would "trigger" a lucid episode.

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Do you have some sort of trauma?

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I thought these were lyrics

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