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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: e5294bf8aee1eaf⋯.jpg (62.84 KB,790x639,790:639,class_pet.jpg)


Does anyone know a good website like CTRL+Paint and drawabox that teaches art fundamentals without mostly gearing towards traditional drawing? I don't have time for wasting another money on papers and a expensive high quality pencils cuz i already got myself Wacom Intuos and want a website similar to drawabox or ctrl+paint but geared towards digital drawing.

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File: 2a21aee43bde28a⋯.jpeg (165.07 KB,1280x960,4:3,982.jpeg)

What are you missing on those?

I'm reading The artists complete guide to drawing the head but I don't have gray paper so I'm gonna make the exercises in MyPaint. I just need to figure out the brushes and colors.

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Can i learn traditional drawing while using WACOM and SAI?

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File: 411a13a1f62af95⋯.png (130.05 KB,832x704,13:11,032.png)


No idea about SAI but it seems PS and Corel something have all kinds of brushes that imitate traditional mediums. Or you can try MyPaint which is free (as in freedom), lightweight and pretty easy to use.

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Nigga ctrplaint is literally almost 100% digital, in fact in his redundant "unplugged" series of videos which make a small portion of the total he's still using photoshop if I recall.

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Yeah I just confirmed it. There's I believe not a single video on that site where he's not teaching digital painting. There's a reason why it says on the front page: "Learn Digital Painting, For Free".


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I said digital drawing, not painting, i can't do painting if i don't know how to draw.

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File: 8aa6ca9f693c8c3⋯.jpg (263.12 KB,1092x655,1092:655,lad.jpg)


Perhaps this section in ctrplaint about drawing will help; pretty much everything in this picture pertains more to drawing than painting, too.

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gosh i wish that were me

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Can i learn from these traditional drawing tutorials while doing digital drawing?

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Yes as I said earlier



He is never not using photoshop in these videos. Watch them or don't I'm kind of done, here, man.

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>He is never not using photoshop in these videos. Watch them or don't I'm kind of done, here, man.

Sorry that kind of came out rude lmoa

I guess all I can say is that the information is all there for you if you just take the time to look: ctrpaint is one of the best and most versatile free resources available today imho.

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Corel Paint has been getting more stable and continuing to add brushes that mimic traditional media pretty closely. I recommend giving the trail a shot, then wait for it to go on sale. SAI has a nice feature where you can easily make vector lineart; anyone know of any other programs that do that?

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Anon if you're posting that amateurish garbage here an example of what you like then I'm terrified of how bad your own drawings must be.

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File: dd0650de5bfe0ba⋯.jpg (102.7 KB,680x771,680:771,1af.jpg)


>that pic

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