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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: ebcc8c46323690b⋯.png (1.23 MB,754x1280,377:640,7 83876b2b0c7c6ae468908e56….png)


Anybody got a good customized setup/settings and a recommended workflow for either Manga Studio or SAI? I have both of those programs but i don't know which one i should main, i have problems with importing images on SAI (in case i want a reference for body, pose, character, etc), but it's easy to do so on Manga Studio (it kinda reminds me of Photoshop a little).

Also i don't even have a mentor to help me with learning art fundamentals, it's kinda difficult learning fundamentals myself since i don't know which books and tutorials should i follow in chronological order.

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File: 33d7853e44f566b⋯.png (87.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Fundamentals-in-Art.png)

File: cdc197e90ba41ab⋯.jpg (131.45 KB,791x634,791:634,davidrevoy_what-skills-are….jpg)

Don't know about the software. About the fundamentals, first thing is to know what the fundamentals are, then you can look for books and vids on your own.

For me it's something like the following:

>0 - Representation

Ways to represent stuff. What materials and tools you can use to make art. You should learn about line drawing, tonal drawing, painting, digital art, all that jazz. Maybe read something about the history of art.

Some books:

* E. H. Gombrich - The story of art

* Edmund J. Sullivan - Line: an art study

* Howard Simon - 500 years of illustration

* Arthur L. Guptill - Rendering in pen and ink

* Peter Stanyer - The complete book of drawing techniques

>1 - Objects

All things you're gonna be drawing. For instance about the human figure:

* Loomis - Figure drawing for all it's worth

* Loomis - Drawing the head and hands

* Vilppu - Basic figure drawing

* Hampton - Figure drawing for artists

* Zarins, Kondrats - Anatomy for sculptors

* Goldfinger - Human anatomy for artists

* Winslow - Classic human anatomy in motion

* Proko video series

Same for different subjects. If you wanna draw animals, environments, vehicles, outfits, etc. You have to learn their structure, motion, landmarks, proportions, superficial form, textures, color, and so on.

>1.1 - Perspective

* Norling - Perspective made easy

* Chelsea - Perspective for comic book artists

* Scott Robertson - How to draw

>1.2 - Light and color

* Ted Seth Jacobs - Light for the artist

* Richard Yot - Light for visual artists

* James Gurney - Color and light

* Scott Robertson - How to render

* Margaret Kessler - Color harmony in your paintings

* Betty Edwards - Color

>2 - Design and composition

* Loomis - Creative illustration

* Charles Bouleau - The painter's secret geometry

* Arthur Wesley Dow - Composition

* Molly Bang - Picture this: how pictures work

* Marcos Mateu-Mestre - Framed ink

* Jack Hamm - Drawing scenery, landscapes and seascapes

>3 - Graphic narrative/storytelling

* Will Eisner - Comics and sequential art

* Scott Mccloud - Understanding comics

* Scott Mccloud - Making comics

* Walt Stanchfield - Drawn to life

* Richard Williams - The animator's survival kit

* Francis Glebas - Directing the story

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I like Ashcorp's panda girl but frankly his music can go kys itself lmoa

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