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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 90bc6b54c406229⋯.jpg (862.07 KB,1448x2048,181:256,__android_18_and_sailor_ur….jpg)


What's the best resource/book/video/etc. for learning female manga head proportions and mapping? Body too if you know of a good one.

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(seriously just look closely at an given anime picture and use the head measurement convention yourself)

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look through user made guides on pixiv

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How to Draw Manga books :)

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Those actually are good as f*ck tbh

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Pixiv is shit because the site never loads properly for me. It's sad, because there actually are a lot of good resources on there.

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I experienced this as well. Think it was because of some privacy related redirection setting (FF based browser). Only site I've experienced that shit on and their spaghetti was too strong for me to properly fix it with a userscript.

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