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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

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Ok so I made a thread with previous version of this creature (it supposed to live underwater) on the other board but it got deleted… Here… Take a look… Do you wanna see more? Can I make it?

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It's more appealing than the previous version, I'd say. It kinda looks like a caricature though.

Weird that the thread was deleted, it's always nice to have OC on /co/.

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>>13215 (all me)


I noticed I wasn't very clear with that: I meant a human with some of it's features slightly exaggerated, namely, the big forehead and the space between the eyes.

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yeah, I am sad that it got deleted, it was nice discussion blooming there, here there is little traffick

As for it looking strange…

I swallowed animu pill long time ago, tried to fight it, but I guess my taste will forever be influenced by it

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