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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 448b8e20a7982ce⋯.jpeg (30.66 KB,400x400,1:1,mister salty.jpeg)


Are Proko courses worth buying?

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I would say yes, 100% worth it. The extra and extended videos are certainly a plus but a big value is his 3D models which are not only great to study from individually but which he uses in his lectures and .pdfs to great effect.

Alway rember that there are people out there who spent six gorillion dollars getting a worthless art degree that sent them straight to the gutter after graduation. You could give yourself a budget of five grand and have a much better education than them in the end and it’s thanks to guys like Stank Porkopeño compartmentalizing their own costly Atelier, art school or industry training that have made that possible.

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No. There's nothing you cant learn from free resources. You arent going to improve watching slightly longer videos. You need to sit down and actually draw. Then draw more. And more. He isnt giving you personal lessons. You can download books, but you wont read. You can watch videos, but you wont draw. Stop looking for some magic cure and sit down and draw.

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>He isnt giving you personal lessons.

Which makes me remark that personal lessons or things like life drawing classes are, on the other hand, worth paying for.

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I agree to an extent. I think the Skelly app is fantastic, and worth purchasing, but while I haven't seen his premium lectures and lessons, if we're going by his free public ones? They're probably pretty basic. I say this because you can learn a tremendous amount, via pirating books, and getting feedback in art communities. Speaking of those books,


Honestly you'll learn the most by just continually making deliberate practice, with things you know you suck at. But after studying a ton of shit on my own, this is the order of stuff I'd recommend:

>Drawabox (just through the primitives)

>buy the Skelly app, and use with

>Hampton: Figure Drawing Design and Invention

>Anatomy for Sculptors (use in parallel with Hampton)

>FORCE Dynamic Life Drawing, Michael D Matessi

>Vilppu lectures

>Hyper Angle

Drawabox teaches you motor control, and perspective. Hampton will teach you how to assemble those forms into a figure. AfS teaches you the intricacies of the forms, and actions. Vilppu teaches you how to draw, by having you treat drawing from imagination, and reference, the same (as well as loads of other good shit.) And Hyper Angle, you can think of as the "final boss" of all this. Hyper angle is literally weird obtuse camera angles, that are brutal to draw, with tons of foreshortening, extreme perspective, and all around insanity.

Note, however, this isn't the order I studied all this stuff in. In actuality that order would be: just drawing whatever, drawabox, Proko, quickposes for a few years, FORCE, Hampton without AfS for most of it, AfS anatomy studies, Vilppu lectures, and then Hyper Angle. And I say that, because in the end what I said earlier is most important. Study yourself, study what you ''can't' do, and then go study material that pushes you in that.

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Proko’s 3D models are better than anything you can get for free on sketchfab, far more valuable than any individual anatomy book and certainly any deviantart-tier “infographic” you might have access to. A couple hundred dollars, which is something anyone with even a menial job in the western hemisphere has access to within a few short days of working, is well worth the exchange for these models alone to say nothing of his instruction (which is-thankfully-consistently good relative to his hit-or-miss sense of humor.)

To imply that having lifetime access to two dozen (and counting) high quality 3d models and a ton of videos from a specialized instructor isn’t worth the kind of money someone can make working at McDonald’s for a few afternoons because you might be able to scour the internet for static anatomy tracings by teenagers on deviantart or books with often extremely limited topical illustrations for free is a little misguided.

I can see being this protective of your money if you’re more concerned with filling your steam library than you are improving your art-but as somebody familiar with many of the alternatives, paid and not, I’d personally encourage anybody to make the investment.

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File: 6f8a9ee2bae0808⋯.png (101.82 KB,279x516,93:172,hitler what.png)

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He's probably happier than all of us

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File: 84cfdc68fa82ec0⋯.png (48.59 KB,1332x600,111:50,ClipboardImage.png)


>Skunk is sad that George H.W. Bush has died

My fucking sides.

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>I can see being this protective of your money if you’re more concerned with filling your steam library than you are improving your art-but as somebody familiar with many of the alternatives, paid and not, I’d personally encourage anybody to make the investment.

Relax, Mr.Prokopanko, not everyone lives with their mom. A couple hundred dollars isn't trivial, especially for something intangible.

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Good old scuba flipper kodyboy

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>implying you don’t live with your mom

Nice try, mom-liver-wither

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>he isn't with his mom's liver

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Fuck no. Resources can be gathered and there's no one size fits all way to learn. If you're going to invest pay for direct instruction from a competent artist. Besides your mom already does so much for you. Get her something nice instead.

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>two sessions with a competent artist

>lifetime access to kangaroo man

Luckily I can afford both but if I was so hard up I had to choose I’d pick the latter (Atelier training was fun but didn’t have enough to do with what I want to do).

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