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File: 5ea6bee35451291⋯.jpg (29.94 KB,500x300,5:3,designdoll_384231_full.jpg)


Does anyone here have a torrent or crack for DesignDoll or any other alternatives? Looking around for references is fine, but for more extreme poses i'd like to have something i can control.

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I don't, but isn't it like $60? Just buy it bro

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If it's just 60 bucks, you should be able to get it if you're serious enough to want it, yeah.

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The question is if anyone has a crack or a free alternative.Not if you think if it's a fair price or if it's worth it. If someone was willing to spend money on it, he would have done so to begin with.

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Just get the Skelly app, at that point. It's six bucks or something, and it's a good "quick and dirty" pose thing. Obviously nowhere near as in depth as DesignDoll, but it's still an anatomically correct skeleton, that can generally be posed into any pose you can think of.

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Learning how to pose DAZ3D models isn't ridiculously hard.

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Use Vroid, it's free.

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Clip studio Pro has a model posing feature that allows custom proportions.

On android I use Magic poser, which is very accessible.

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