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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 3392cab88a3049a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,2907x2029,2907:2029,1551394517057.jpg)

File: a54d3a2033d0510⋯.jpg (113.44 KB,429x640,429:640,Coming_South_(AWM_ARTV0922….jpg)


How would I go write an alternate history novel about ethnic Europeans living under fascism, specifically under a victorious Imperial Japan in former Australia?

I've already got a vague idea of some of it, just wondering what lit could contribute.

> Europeans live at the bottom of the racial hierarchy "lower than chankoro"

> Europeans live inside ghettos, ramshackle and overcrowded. If they go outside the ghettos they are expected to be deferential to the Japanese colonisers and their second-class Korean and Japanese subjects. There are frequent lynchings of Europeans from Eucalyptus trees which the Japanese regularly ignore, alongside pogroms.

> Patrols of IJA often kidnap and whisk away European women who are never seen again or otherwise return brutalised and traumatised.

>The Japanese Empire is locked in a Cold War with the Third Reich which is about to go hot. The war will become a WWI style stalemate.

> Third Reich affiliated rebels constantly try to overthrow Japanese rule on the continent, only to be defeated and experimented on by unit 731. The only meaningful resistance is a couple of disparate communist cells which bide their time.

> The Japanese constantly bait their Chinese and Korean and other Asiatic subjects against the Europeans to keep them divided. The Chinese and Koreans don't have it much better than the Europeans, considered inferior to the Japanese.

> Karl Marx's memory and legacy is demonized as an evil white subversive who wishes to overthrow rightful Yamato supremacy over inferior Europeans. "Cultural Marxism" is a Japanese conspiracy theory about Europeans trying to corrupt "beautiful Asiatic souls" into joining with Europeans against "wise Japanese stewardship" . IJA propaganda constantly harps on about how "White Marxists" want "Yamato Genocide".

> Our protagonist, An "honorary Yamato" university student of indeterminate race who lives near the ghetto becomes fascinated with the white commies.

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You could start by writing a page.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


karl marx was a jew

your a fucking idiot who shouldn't be writing anything if you don't know about jews and your on this website

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File: c16bb2e0e342d37⋯.png (274.81 KB,359x400,359:400,ClipboardImage.png)

Sounds fascinating. Set up seems like Naughts and Crosses (alternate world when West African treasure ships arrived in Europe 3000 years ago and Europe is ruled by people of African descent).

I have some tips:

> Set it in the future

>Cyberpunk tech: genetic testing, surveillance, micro-chipping whites

>Eroticism (particularly BDSM race-play)

>Have it character driven rather than plot driven

>Larger events in this would could be revealed either in the form of news broadcasts and conversations

>Re latter, have differing accounts as the agenda of the government changes

>Drop the communism aspect and replace it with liberalism or social democracy

Also, I would suggest:

>Reading other books of this genre

>Reading the blogs of your favourite authors as well as 'making of' books

>Read the book pictured

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