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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 5ded20c43f2eb98⋯.jpg (15.52 KB,219x303,73:101,220px-Francis_Fukuyama_201….jpg)


whats the best place to start with Francis Fukuyama?

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File: 7dc2e1bb61ef401⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,314x475,314:475,CoC, SPH.jpg)


Start here …

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File: 5f44db45813d127⋯.jpg (96.98 KB,316x475,316:475,US, GV.jpg)


… proceed through here …

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File: 804b33837e1874f⋯.jpg (169.38 KB,312x475,312:475,TLaTLP, GC.jpg)


… and here …

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File: c41961f8ee149c6⋯.jpg (13.76 KB,261x400,261:400,Memes Analysis a-la Mode, ….jpg)


… then take this for a spin. Well worth it, being his take on the present cultural wars.

Afterwards, feel free to groove through his essays at will, and at random. I wouldn't bother with the rest of his oeuvre, although, keep an eye out for publications forthcoming.

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Did you read all this trash?

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File: 1e5d800db3b55b7⋯.png (2.1 MB,2496x2144,78:67,v3.png)


Yes some people out there are actually dumb enough to read multiple books just to prepare for reading one. It's a very good litmus test to help filter people.

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Is this the guy who did the precursor to dialectic of civilizations or some shit?

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Sorry I haven't been here in awhile. Like I already know Hegel and Kojeve though, wouldn't it be easier to just skip to the source.

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Come on now, I mean it already looks ridiculous

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File: b9b868ec04308c4⋯.jpg (85.47 KB,593x693,593:693,023d8.jpg)

I honestly think his example of his earlier work, is much to be preferred.

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File: 06ae820ce066246⋯.png (147.7 KB,335x150,67:30,Viva la Katz.png)

"We should stop going around babbling about how we're the greatest democracy on earth, when we're not even a democracy. We are a sort of militarized republic." –Gore Vidal

Francis Fukuyama is best known for his hypotheses about the path and shape of our worldly future with his End of History stance. From my vantage point, his analysis appears largely discredited. This is just as well, as the board appears largely unsupportive of his work as well.

Four suggestions were provided. Three of them intended as criticisms of Fukuyama's earlier positions. One directly so, one indirectly, and one tongue-in-cheek. Huntington is the direct one.

Vidal is indirect, albeit not everything is applicable to the topic at hand. Vidal's essay collection is divided into three sections. The relevant section needed to help one approach Fukuyama is: State of the Union. What are we? Why are we so? After assuming a firm handle on what Fukuyama means by "liberal democracy," these obvious questions present themselves.

Châtelet is a more humorous suggestion, but not inapplicable. He is criticizing the idea of what certain people desire us to become, as to be found in Fukuyama's vision. He's a bit too high level and bleu-blanc-rouge to be easy for those unfamiliar with him to follow. However, he does make a nice counter balance to Vidal's brazen all-things-Americana.

Stupides Américains!

Anyway, like him or not, Fukuyama is hardly a moron. He need not be dismissed out of hand. As with a fine wine, he becomes better with age. As such, as with the fourth selection, our guidesperson poster is politely suggesting one might start with his later works.

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If you meant to say that it wouldn't be easier to skip to the source, as you know from Hegel, I find this comparison between Fukuyama and Hegel hard to take seriously. Hegel has a cant all of his own which is hardly comparable to anything at all.


>This is just as well, as the board appears largely unsupportive of his work as well.

Please do not appeal to the opinions of anonymous posters.

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You realize I am OP and also American. Also France tends to harbor a lot of fruitcakes, so back at cha bud

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File: c311630a76691e9⋯.jpg (14.04 KB,267x400,267:400,The_End_of_History_and_the….jpg)


read this and realize that people only don't accept it because he's not white

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Francis Fukuyama is /r/asiandienty cringe

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You may find a lot of his works in the trash can.

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