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/lit/ - Literature

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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 14f7179d648ff94⋯.jpeg (2.77 MB,2160x3840,9:16,C9CBEC5B-3196-46DB-8F70-8….jpeg)


What are some unique, creative or impactful ways suicide has been presented/revealed to us in novels?

For example, In Huxley's Brave New World, where his dangling legs represented compass needles going different directions:-)

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thats quite the interesting topic. Im not sure I fully understand your question but I'll try. I havent read BNW beyond the beginning when I was really young- I remember it was cool, about the tour through the factory where they made kids- but something that might be tangential to your initial inquiry is when Clayton from the Tarazan movie was shown to be hanged by the jungle shrubbery, and a flash of lightening projected onto a tree his lifeless corpse hanging by a few tree branches. I never really picked up on it as a kid, but years later I laughed at how apparent it was. I loved that movie as a child. Again, I hope I wasnt way off your original topic.


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