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/lit/ - Literature

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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]


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File: 8137df1ca3c5f75⋯.jpg (108.77 KB,900x1200,3:4,photo_2018-10-04_02-31-01.jpg)

damn thanks

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File: 9b25548238a2c52⋯.jpeg (89.52 KB,960x540,16:9,9b25548238a2c527fe94b7149….jpeg)

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Stop spamming this washed up comedian

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I'm about two-thirds of the way through and I'm entertained so far. It's kind of what I'd expect from a book from MDE.

Overall though, I'm not really sure what to think of it. The jokes are all laid out within the first 60 or so pages and the rest is a strange narrative with a slowly evolving plot that's leading to an unpredictable resolution.

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thanks for that, I have wanted to read it for a long time

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It's great that there are people who share such materials in the public domain. It's just that I recently needed to write about an "inspector calls" book, I used https://writix.co.uk/essay-examples/an-inspector-calls for this since I couldn't find the book in stores to read. To be honest, I even liked this variant. I didn’t really bother and didn’t read the whole book in its entirety, I learned only all the most important things.

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