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/lit/ - Literature

Discussion of Literature

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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: a654c0377565f52⋯.jpg (5.05 KB,223x226,223:226,download (1).jpg)



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File: fd3315c9267da7d⋯.jpg (7.89 KB,156x157,156:157,239177.jpg)

>“It is doubtless true that the masses have always been led in one way or another, and it could be said that their part in history consists primarily in allowing themselves to be led, since they represent a predominantly passive element, a material in the Aristotelian sense of the word; but in order to lead them today it is sufficient to possess oneself of purely material means, taking the word matter this time in its ordinary sense, and this clearly shows to what depths the present age has sunk; and at the same time these same masses are made to believe that they are not being led, but that they are acting spontaneously and governing themselves, and the fact that they believe this to be true gives an idea of the extent of their unintelligence.”

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Looks like the halfchan shitters are here now

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Who are you talking to? This board is EMPTY.

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File: beb2ae6e8a73635⋯.jpg (58.99 KB,790x600,79:60,reviewbrah evola.jpg)


/litpat/ is empty. This one is almost active.

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Hello newfag

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File: 6a677f2f042fd13⋯.jpeg (37.7 KB,540x405,4:3,6a677f2f042fd13873502488b….jpeg)


I try to be trad, it's very hard.

t. Platonist

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Why did he look so microcephalic?

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>it's very hard.

Because it's very wrong. Try Epicurus.

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I would buy this just for that cover

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>Looks like the halfchan shitters are here now

>looking at catalog

I wondered what the actual fug was wrong with /lit/ until you mentioned this

What happened, did hitachi-san ban everyone on 4/lit/ for being faggots?

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File: 5f270614eeed3c2⋯.jpg (126.3 KB,554x507,554:507,1958-flying-car.jpg)


where my flying car at?

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File: d5ba1514d154721⋯.jpg (20.7 KB,345x500,69:100,45fd6e64eb1359b6129d7ff2e6….jpg)


Present, sir!

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fuck you butters

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>white man larping as hindu sufi


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here. though more like Baron Ungern

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File: 738e0cb963c1c5f⋯.jpg (10.63 KB,248x300,62:75,195868-004-AF89FB24.jpg)


Epicurus is only if you have nothing to live for. besides material conditions have changed and now you have Christian ones because of cultural hegemony being turned upsidedown.

Hegel is right, was right, has always been right.

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suicide is a worse alternative to homicide.

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>Epicurus is only if you have nothing to live for


>…now you have Christian ones…

Christian material? What is the rest of this even trying to say?

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Christian epicureans, you illiterate nigger-mam

>is on a board dedicated to the art of reading and literature and prose

>can't read

Get out.

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File: a4f01162d391c87⋯.png (19.04 KB,703x911,703:911,potato-brainlet.png)


>Christian epicureans

duck-billed tiger-moths.

flat-footed whales.

disease-ridden triangles.

… W-w-we are playing the "juxtapose absurd-pairs" game, right?

I have no idea where you get your meds from….


but I would consider upping the dosage ……..

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File: fdfa08af955787b⋯.jpg (59.83 KB,720x888,30:37,51371468_2056580751122724_….jpg)


I don't know, worked for Bataille.

never change, /lit/

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Bataille wasn't Christian though.

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>Ideas should be off-bounds because you were born somewhere because they weren't common


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File: 250dae8779e4c5c⋯.jpg (39 KB,654x720,109:120,250dae8779e4c5c961db13da07….jpg)


Late reply, but it is best just to assume it is because of /lit/ being a legacy board. Top it off with the usual newfags only coming over because they got banned for arbitrary reasons and you see /lit/ turn from a comfy slow board into a dead shitpost board.

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File: a2bca5bd7996032⋯.jpg (28.56 KB,255x255,1:1,1460604020588.jpg)


It hurts.

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Ouh yah

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File: 7fac6ebf6cb1765⋯.png (89.44 KB,500x522,250:261,i-came-here-to-laugh-at-yo….png)


Doesn't matter. I just came to Fuck with you guys

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Also it doesn't really matter whether he was or not, even opposition ideas can be applied to Christian ideas so long as the worm turns

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Big pharma is inherently Jewish anyways

Sup, Rabbi.

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File: 676d071f302ee61⋯.jpeg (132.91 KB,1280x720,16:9,image.jpeg)


im here brah, i went through all of Guénon years ago, great stuff its one hell of a trip to the Old World.

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Can I get that pic without the gay pedophile addition?

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yea just take a step back into this oven

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Sorry dude but since you're a gay jewish pedophile no matter what the picture will still have that addition, it's best to kill yourself now and save the picture's integrity.

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File: a09a2a2928d9eaf⋯.jpg (33.33 KB,324x500,81:125,51QOFCqyeIL_SL500_.jpg)



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Heydar Jemal

Read this

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