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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 33de3c50080df8c⋯.jpg (126.81 KB,800x800,1:1,TS-Web-Mobile_800x800px-sq….jpg)


All women I've talked to in my life have mentioned this book. Is it worth reading?

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>Is it worth reading?

Of course it isn't. It's sollipsistic drivel, no wonder women are enchanted by it. Don't waste your time with it OP.

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What is the secret?

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Think about something you want for long enough and you'll receive it.

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That's it?

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Look up the Law of Attraction and you'll find a good summary.

Most of it is common sense. If you want something enough and if you actually work towards getting it enough and keep a position expectation that you will receive it, then yes you'll get it. That's what happens.

The book takes it to the extreme with outlandish scenarios like curing cancer. It's all masturbatory garbage.

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If you're just getting into the law of attraction The Secret is a good intro, but watching the movie is faster. If you have tried the LOA and had results, you will probably want something deeper to try to understand the how's and why's.

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Holy fucking hell, why are you taking the recommendations of women. This is Scientology-level brainwashing.

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File: 21c8ece7e5a4095⋯.jpg (3.14 MB,3964x2334,1982:1167,160506160031-samoas-sogela….jpg)


Yes, that's it….those kids starving in booga-booga land just aren't thinking about food hard enough

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The Secret and LOA is just simplified hermetica for normies


Any recommendation?

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Fun fact, Elliot Roger was greatly impacted by this book. Specifically, he based all his hopes on it for about a year and when he realized it was bullshit first started thinking about rampaging. So no, it's probably not worth reading. Believe it or not, wishes don't really come true.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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This. Saint Elliot proved in his Manifesto that this book is clear gibberish bullshit.

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>taking reading recommendations from women

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>If you want something enough and if you actually work towards getting it enough and keep a position expectation that you will receive it, then yes you'll get it. That's what happens.

That's complete and utter horseshit.

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The fact women are recommending it is testament enough that it should be avoided. Do you not have a fucking brain?

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>All women I've talked to.

Shit, my deepest commiseration and sorrow man.

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