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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

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Is Hemingway worth getting into? I read Old Man and the Sea back in high school but didn't really get a whole lot out of it. Where's a good place to get started with this faget?

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How as Old Man and the Sea? My dad talks about it a lot and makes it sound pretty decent.

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Read For Whom the Bell Tolls first. It's a classic tale of war. Then read A Farewell to Arms. Then read all his short stories, especially the Nick Adams tales but the collection The Snows of Kilimanjaro is excellent. Then go back and read The Old Man and The Sea.

That is the essential Hemingway in my recommended order. He is a maestro of action, of spare description and of understated honor.

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>Is Hemingway worth getting into?


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It's pretty good. Read it once in school, then read it again while I went boating, for the sake of immersion. Classic man vs. nature story.

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old man in the sea is mediocre, i haven't read any of his other books, and i do not plan on reading them

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