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Sister site: [Fan-fiction]

File: 5103d95ab9892e9⋯.jpeg (26.28 KB,367x500,367:500,katana.jpeg)


Hello /lit/.

I am not a very well read man, i've barely read a couple of books; so you could say I'm very ignorant. I'm smart in that I can pick up on things easily but that's about it.

I'm 20something and I feel "insufficient" in the intellectual department. I know I should have read stuff like Plato, kant, Smith, heidegger and shit like that by now, but the problem is that I don't know where to begin.

How do I gain the philosophical foundation and 20th-21st century knowledge I need to be an above-average wise man who has a better understanding of the world around him? Which books and in what order should I read them? How can I stick to a reading plan that doesn't disrupt vydia+work time too much and is considered consistent and effective?

Which magazines or sites you read to stay up to date with geopolitics in a way beyond basic bitch pundit opinions? what should I read to understand Oil markets and gay jewish banker witchcraft?

Don't recomend me any fiction gay stuff, I'm not interested in reading some fantasy about the world through the eyes of some bleeding heart drunkard, I want more real stuff so that I can debate politics and philosophy like a real sexual tyrannosaurus. I'm currently reading crime and punishment but I find the descriptions of flowers on wallpaper and strange textile elements to be droll.

I've been memed into reading the following at some point in my life:

>The Ego and Its own

>Mein Kampf

>Harry potter 1,2 &3

>A bunch of Short Stories by Borges

>Promethus Rising

Other than that and a couple of mangas and Comics, that's pretty much it, as you can see i'm in a terrible position.

Thanks for your help.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I suggest just skipping all of the Greek philosophers, they are memes. Evola's "Ride the Tiger" is very good. Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are also great authors.

Video related is a fascist youtuber who is very informative.

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I don't want to skip on classical liberal and leftist books either for the sake of really knowing my enemy.

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Also, thanks.

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OP, have you thought of reading history? Books about times or events in which you have curiosity should hold your interest, but in my view an understanding of the past provides huge insight into the present - and possible futures. Biographies and diaries of significant characters can be very worthwhile and perhaps will cut through ideological bias

For sites to stay up to date with geopolitics above the average schmuck level, there's no better place to start than the propornot 200 list put out by the anonymous fake news deciders in the heat of Hillary's desperation. Pick a few randomly … you'll find the naked truth along with a few obvious nutcase websites to discredit the substance of the rest.


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File: cc008a7882af371⋯.pdf (4.9 MB,History of Western Philoso….pdf)

File: 73683d6d944cefb⋯.pdf (1.33 MB,generaltheory.pdf)

File: fc04b7187450615⋯.pdf (3.3 MB,Capital-Volume-I.pdf)


If you are interested in western philosophy the best possible thing you can do for yourself, before you read original sources, is to read Bertrand Russel´s ¨History of Western Philosophy¨. It is nearly a thousand pages long, but is very concise for the amount of content it covers. This will give you a very solid basic understanding of western philosophy as a whole, and you shouldn´t have much trouble knowing where you want to go from there. I have attached a pdf. Read half an hour to two hours a day from this.

After this, read the original sources of some of the greats. ¨Beyond Good and Evil¨ by Nietzsche is absolutely essential and would be a good place to start.

If you want to understand economics, there are three books you need to read. ¨The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money¨ by John Maynard Keynes, ¨An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations¨ by Adam Smith, and Volume of ¨Capital: A Critique of Political Economy¨ by Karl Marx. The second two are both <500 pages, but they really are not as inaccessible as normalfags will tell you they are. Each of these three books is absolutely essential for understanding economics. I have attached pdfs, except for the Adam Smith one which was too big. Here is a link instead:


As for geopolitics, the best current author is probably Noam Chomsky. He is an anarchist Jew, but still presents well researched, accessible information that challenges the status quo.

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Lovely! keep 'em comming guys this sounds great.

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In general, don't neglect criminology, economics and history. I notice instantly now when someone is going by standard narratives in any of these fields and not by any actual research on his part.

Here's my personal library, what's digital anyway:



It has a heavy focus on libertarianism and rightism, but it's still representing a lot of viewpoints. Still, get some stuff from Marx, Rawls, the positivists and what else you have.

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Adam Smith is really damn old. Still worth reading, but not the guy that classical liberals and libertarians will be following. (They're influenced by him, but every economist is.) Human Action by Ludwig von Mises would be representative for them. With him, Marx and Keynes you have read a communist, a libertarian and an interventionist, and Smith provides the historical foundation.

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>I know I should have read stuff like Plato, kant, Smith, heidegger

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You could have been constructive and provided with what you feel are better options instead of being le ebin snyde sageman.

unless of course you got nada to offer.


>In general, don't neglect criminology, economics and history.

yeah it's my view of it too.

>Here's my personal library, what's digital anyway:


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File: bf0effbb666efb2⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,3240x3600,9:10,start_with_the_greeks.jpg)


Start with the greeks

>But this is a meme!

Start with the greeks. There is a reason why these chars are made.

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What I meant was "go read them then", by which I also meant "if you know you should have read those but didn't, why dont you go read them now?"

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File: 37bb310eb78b99a⋯.jpg (17.35 KB,435x435,1:1,1352666730090.jpg)


I won't comment on what you should read, as I think many in this thread have given excellent suggestions. But I will say that one of the best ways to get yourself to read a lot is not to read for a certain amount of time, but for a certain amount of pages. When I first began reading I made it a point to read at least 50 pages a day total. I would be reading several books at once, but it didn't matter if I read 1 page out of 50 books or 50 pages out of 1 book. The dent you've made in your overall reading will be the same. Say you want to read "History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russel as >>13184 suggested. "Just under a thousand pages?" you'll say. "That's an enormous amount for an aspiring reader like me." But if you break it down into 50 page blocks, you'll realize you can read that over the course of 20 days. Sure, a few snobby anons on this board will comment about how they could finish that book in 10 minutes and blah blah blah who cares. However, put it into perspective and you'll realize that covering the entire history of western philosophy in 20 days is really quite an achievement.

A final word on the subject: the most important thing is to just start reading. Unlike many anons on this board, I really think that most sorts of reading are good, including low-tier fantasy. This is because I believe training the imagination and creative powers are also important to developing intelligence. So get out there and read champ, we're all cheering for you.

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>Preferred translation for Homer is Pope


Don't read Pope if you want to read Homer. Read Lattimore's translations. Pope is a farcry from the original.

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Sorry, I would prefer to read the original sources first. No matter how much this "Bertrand Russel" tries to be, no one is truly objective. I want the smallest amount of people possible between me and the original thinker/s as possible.

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Honest advice: you're too old to start and maybe you simply don't like reading. Maybe it isn't for you. "Plato, Kant, Smith" you're just spouting memes, boi. Most importantly, the idea that reading books makes you smarter is the dumbest memes. I know a lot of idiotic bookworms. They rip through books and come out dumber.

Read Nietzsche's Zarathustra or Beyond Good and Evil like some anon said, and if it doesn't make you feel like your blood is boiling, forget about books, they're not meant from you. Get your wisdom elsewere.

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This is a good idea. Russell's work is known to be unfairly critical in philosophers who hold ideas contrary to his own. I would say begin with Plato, and then figure out which issues Plato discussed that interest you specifically. Then read Aristotle's treatment of the topic. From there you can try to follow the issue by school of thought(Platonism is a rich history, commentators on Aristotle generally arrive later but are no less influential) or by topic. You could also go back to the pre-Socratics if Plato's and Aristotle's treatment of their ideas wasn't to your likingThough IIRC there isn't such a great amount of their works still available. Lots of stuff is learned by Plato's and Aristotle's accounts of them

There is generally a decisive split in philosophy centered around the time of Galileo and the scientific revolution. It is possible to view this as a return to a certain pre-socratic view of the world and in some cases this assessment is accurate. Certainly it builds up differently, but the core ideas that motivated modern philosophy can be glimpsed in the thoughts of the pre-socratics. Anyways, If after you read Plato and Aristotle, and decide you really disagree with what they are saying, then you could look for the moderns and contemporaries on the same topics and see if that more aligns with you.


>"Plato, Kant, Smith" you're just spouting memes, boi.

Obviously that is what he is doing, he doesn't know where to begin so what else can he do? A person new to carpentry will obviously say "I need a hammer, nails and a saw right?", why should a person new to philosophy not say the same?

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It took you two fucking years to reply to that, OP. If you haven't read the entirety of western philosophy by now then you were never really serious about this.

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>I suggest just skipping all of the Greek philosophers, they are memes

Ignore this retard

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>greek philosophers are memes

<ebola is totally legit and high iq though

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