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Hello world! We'll just see how this goes...

File: ce7fff877b3fdf6⋯.png (87 KB,600x350,12:7,whocoulditbe.png)


It's no secret that I'm looking to reboot the anarchic imageboard scene after getting kicked out one too many times of that pointless rebelnews circlejerk.

They claim they're "FrEe SpEeCh"; they are absolutely not and never have been

They claim they're "BaEsEd" (squeek); there's maybe a handful of people of that character on the entire site

It's the same story from my experience with every one of these hybrid lite/right networks. Low information types start freaking out when offbeat politics gets discussed and try to gatekeep information with the banhammer. Anonymous debate and commentary, whatever the downsides associated, is simply better at separating egos from ideas. I think I'm not the only one who wants a better venue than a stale forum full of crusty established conventions and with poweruser drama?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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