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Rules & About.

Hi guys, welcome to Leafnet! A truly free speech home for Canadian politics and commentary, with an imageboard twist!

This board is an experiment, a proof of concept to see this format is viable. If enough leafs are interested I'll run it full time and get a own server. If not, well, nothing personnel kids…

Some rules here:

1. If you're posting or advocating anything about how to do ebin memetic terrorism XDD or sharing howto guides of an offensive nature I'm going to have to ban you. Dissident politics is fine, but that's the limit

2. If you go from the merely expressing disdain realm of ethnic bants to undeniably inciting ethnic hatred zone your posts will get removed, because that could very likely lead to legal action

3. It goes without saying, but if you post unsavory sexual content I will scrub and ban your posts. Anything questionably underage is banned by default

4. In general, don't solicit or suggest anything illegal under US or Canadian law

5. Everything on this board will be scrubbed before bill c-36, Trudeau's hate speech law, passes.

6. Be nice to each other!

That's it! I'm going to try and be as hands-off as possible on moderation. Let's grow this community through world of mouth and make it a great place to post!

Remember: Always use a vpn or TOR!

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Turns out almost nobody in Canada believes they're a settler

Does this mean the white guilt indigenous complex is going to be stopped dead in it's tracks?


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Turdeau is done

There's no coming back from how hated this guy is. Although he has been a disaster, the one good thing to come out of it is many formerly apathetic NPC's have been forced to become politically active because of how bad things have gotten. New polls show young people in Canada are the most right wing age group, women are increasingly turning right and are even more against immigration than men now. Trudeau is now in 4th place and his Liberal party is projected by every polling company to get wiped out next election.

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Druthers Canada October edition was just released


Their editorials have steadily become less quirky and more professional with time

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Canada passes law mandating execution of any person talking about the 6,000,000 graves of indigenous kids in schools that were found empty after excavating them, kek


>Today, I tabled Bill C-413 to help combat Residential School denialism. In honor of Orange Shirt Day, I extend this gift to survivors and their families on behalf of myself and all my colleagues. May you find justice and healing in the protection of your stories.

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The Truth on Reconcilliation

>represent about 4% of the population of Canada yet are responsible for around 40% of the violent murders.


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The Absolute state of fedcanada, AKA Freecanada.swindle

It's no secret that I'm looking to reboot the anarchic imageboard scene after getting kicked out one too many times of that pointless rebelnews circlejerk.

They claim they're "FrEe SpEeCh"; they are absolutely not and never have been

They claim they're "BaEsEd" (squeek); there's maybe a handful of people of that character on the entire site

It's the same story from my experience with every one of these hybrid lite/right networks. Low information types start freaking out when offbeat politics gets discussed and try to gatekeep information with the banhammer. Anonymous debate and commentary, whatever the downsides associated, is simply better at separating egos from ideas. I think I'm not the only one who wants a better venue than a stale forum full of crusty established conventions and with poweruser drama?

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Mad Max on the absolute state of Canada™


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A new resident skeptic on the climate debate

Robert Lyman, a retired energy economist and former federal public servant of 27 years, has written three new reports showing the staggering costs of Canada’s climate policies. As the climate cult demands that we be a "climate leader" in the world, or when Mark Carney denounces his own country as a "climate laggard," Lyman scoffs at this nonsense. Lyman points out the Futile Folly of Canada trying to ‘save the planet’ alone, or even to do our (alleged) "fair share" of planet saving — by becoming virtuous climate martyrs through heat-or-eat poverty. Recently, the Fraser Institute issued a report by author and global energy expert, Prof. Emeritus Vaclav Smil on the technical challenges of Net Zero targets.

But Lyman looks at the costs — to you and your family. Public policy on climate has strayed far from reality, reason and accountability. In “What are Climate Policies Costing Canada?” Lyman notes that a global survey published in Nature in February 2024 found that people would be willing to spend 1% of their income on climate initiatives. Canadians are already spending more than that. According to Statistics Canada, the median Canadian Income in 2022 was $43,000. So, 1% of that income for climate change would be $431. Lyman used a list of Canada’s climate initiatives put together by Navius Research and found the figures add up to a grand total of expenditures made and planned of $172.8 billion by the federal government alone.

However, he writes, “The total federal and provincial expenditures on climate measures over the period 2020 to 2030 as listed by the Carbon Policy Tracker are $476 billion or $11,900 per resident of Canada. This equates to roughly $28,000 per household (i.e. an average of $2,800 per household per year). This is just what has been announced to date; there remain five more fiscal years before 2030 during which governments may add more initiatives.” A second report “Turning Taxpayers into Risk Takers” discusses the federal government’s efforts to enshrine in legislation a program of Contracts for Difference (CfDs). This is a program where, if there is a fall in market price for a new "clean" energy market, taxpayers make up the difference. Thus, CfD’s provide market certainty to investors. But they pick the pocket of taxpayers to do so!

Lyman writes, “To date, the federal government has announced only one CfD. On December 20, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that the Canada Growth Fund had concluded an agreement with Calgary’s Entropy Inc. Freeland proclaimed this could reduce emissions by up to 9 million tonnes over 15 years.” In the referenced article above the CO2 emissions abatement is 185,000 tonnes (instead of the projected 9 million tonnes). As such the math is: (185,000 tonnes x $86.5 per Tonne + $200 million) / 185,000 tonnes = $1,167.58 / tonne. That’s quite the carbon tax, eh?


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Canada Just Saw 1 In 20 Businesses Close In A Month, Biggest Wave Since Pandemic


>Canadian businesses are shuttering at a breakneck speed. Seasonally adjusted data shows 46,354 businesses closed in June, marking the largest wave in exactly 4 years. That’s right, the current environment is so rough that businesses are responding like 2020 pandemic lockdowns just kicked off. The closure rate (share as a total) also set a similar pandemic record. The rate climbed 0.2 points to 5.0% in June, meaning 1 in 20 businesses closed their doors for good last month. If that sounds high, that’s because it is—the highest rate since June 2020. Even more disturbing is the fact this issue is now widespread. Stat Can observed closures across industries, noting it was a broad issue. They did note that construction and retail were slightly ahead of the pack. This highlights how weak households are these days, since both industries should have seen a large boost just by sheer population growth.

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❗️Another church burns to the ground in Canada


The historic Notre Dame des Sept Allégresses Church in Trois-Rivières set on fire. Since 2021, over 100 churches in Canada have been burned or vandalized.

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21 year old held on accusations of trying to join atomic waffen


They're feds. AW is among the biggest entrapment schemes in all of North America and I'm surprised people still fall for it