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/kind/ - Random Acts of Kindness

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File: ffb466da34a5482⋯.jpg (99.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


So my phone got snatched from me yesterday (I'm from London, that should explain a lot)

The thief/thieves disabled GPS tracking thinking that would keep them safe. But I got their home IP address.

They were dumb enough to keep accessing my Mail through their home broadband and I've got their IP address and ISP now.

What are some fun things I can do with this info? DDoS isn't too fun since the ISP they use provides dynamic IP and so all they gotta do is reset the router.

Does anyone know how you can try mining info on different parts of the web this IP has accessed? I don't know what kinda magic powers hackermen have.

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File: c976023edd17ce8⋯.png (58.73 KB,172x336,43:84,Scihub_raven.png)

>asking /kind/

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