Hey Jim, I'm not sure if you've noticed how difficult it is getting to post, but it's really getting out of hand.
Fredrick has had little to no communication with us for some time, similarly to how there was no communication or action while Josh was running a muck.
These are logs posted originally on /tech/
>22:44:28 StephenLynx: btw, copypaste how is going vfec? any news?
>22:45:08 ~copypaste: i barely wrk on it since 8chan is so fast now
>22:45:10 ~copypaste: it seems not needed
>22:45:40 ~copypaste: i work on my emoji language, which is much more fun. it has been many years since i made a conlang, and this is the first one i've made that actually works well
>22:45:54 StephenLynx: but the IO issue wouldn't happen again if it gets the traffic it used to have?
>22:46:12 ~copypaste: sure, but do you see any indication of that every happening?
>22:46:17 ~copypaste: ( ???)
>22:46:56 ~copypaste: i am happy to wait for lynxchan to develop, and odili to write the migration since he volunteered
And to copy and paste from a bit of the thread on /v/
>Since Hotwheel's last action only deleting some form of logging Josh screwed up he has apparently done little to no work on the VFEC solution voted upon by the poll.
>He has worked on his manurepost language while waiting for endchan's Odli to develop a migration tool for him. This is without a word directly to the community of the site.
Here's the thread if it is still up by the time you see this >>>/v/8492138
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