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File: e0d96efee93b674⋯.png (782.29 KB,1348x851,1348:851,vivaldi_2017-11-14_00-06-0….png)


Casey is best user btw

thought you ought to know

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File: 4a4c7a0c4c4ae5c⋯.jpg (22.68 KB,400x424,50:53,crazy_llama_by_coracee.jpg)

Casey kicks the llamas ass!

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File: ad35464b3054983⋯.jpg (425.27 KB,1540x924,5:3,volvopolice1-e145730187130….jpg)


this is true

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File: 45858d52a43ba33⋯.jpg (30.51 KB,640x480,4:3,one a fish.jpg)

how to correctly stormfag

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File: e3dcb41c9b61bcc⋯.jpg (31.71 KB,640x480,4:3,ur1.jpg)

of course, he is the cutest of all!

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someone kill this homo faggot

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File: 97e7dff93f1f7fe⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,4160x3120,4:3,feNV5mF.jpg)


clean that room, wierdo

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File: dcf9839fbde2e35⋯.gif (3.02 MB,4160x3120,4:3,Merch.gif)


>Not buying the merch in that bedroom

Get your Atlantic happy merch today!!!!!!!!1


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i already cleaned u waffle

that photo was from a deep clean.

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File: 376e695f2835047⋯.png (631.98 KB,858x482,429:241,neverlewdtheponyo.png)

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File: de408083a1852f3⋯.png (287.03 KB,362x478,181:239,7Mhx3A6.png)

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File: bdbedf214f71cb0⋯.gif (26.53 KB,587x289,587:289,fat indian girl.gif)

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File: c4c0ea2108efd65⋯.jpg (923.41 KB,1280x1656,160:207,fat indian girl HD remaste….jpg)

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File: 1d2df8c5517deef⋯.jpg (173.36 KB,1077x1280,1077:1280,1492840082705.jpg)

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>insert nationality and call fat


almost makes you like someone when their haters meme worse than leftypol

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File: 28976dacc3f345d⋯.gif (224.28 KB,1024x737,1024:737,Jax.gif)

File: 8055af3d9198fb7⋯.gif (47.87 KB,367x350,367:350,Atlantic.gif)



Is that you Jax?


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File: 9df331cfbb117a0⋯.jpg (38.49 KB,504x336,3:2,hotdogfingers.JPG)

File: f260bd21d9cb1ee⋯.jpg (101.03 KB,496x780,124:195,XtkVukRw1s.jpg)

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