War over
war over
<JEWS> .sync
* [^_^] removes channel half-operator status from RatFink
* [^_^] removes channel half-operator status from princesskitana
<JEWS> the war is over
* SamuraiJax (Jax@For.Honor) has joined
<JEWS> for now, at least
<Jesus> [02:59:00] <~Jesus> maybe this could get ratfink deopped idk
<SamuraiJax> kek
<JEWS> ratfink might get wished back by the dragon balls
<wilsonez> dont be like that JEWS
<Jesus> literally 5 hours ago
<SamuraiJax> I will not abuse him any further then
<owo> wb Jax
<Jesus> [07:54:30] <%Jesus> [02:57:31]
<SamuraiJax> Thanks
* trixisowned has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<SamuraiJax> RatFink is not a bad guy
<SamuraiJax> He just…gets too into it
<African_Girl> I said nigger in a YouTube comment now my computer is lagging
<wilsonez> obviously the problem was that RatFink and princesskitana got along too well
<African_Girl> Anonymous is hacking me
<Jesus> man
<owo> African_Girl: kek
* trixisowned (~trixis@yeezy.yeezy.lemon.squeezy) has joined
<Jesus> it would've taken me an entire weekend to unwind to feel like this
<Jesus> i just saved 48 hours by getting high
<SamuraiJax> I enjoy making him angry tbh
<JEWS> if you want him back, collect all seven dragon balls and wish him back
<SamuraiJax> But I would be happier if he was happy and not an asshole
<wilsonez> im not a larper JEWS
<Jesus> im the anti larper
<Jesus> my very existence crushes larps
<SamuraiJax> I figured he called Mijin
<Jesus> i'm like that shadowy character that randomly helps the good guys and the bad guys at random intervals
<SamuraiJax> I tried to talk shit to him but RatFink kept banning me
* Ponyo is now known as Dragonballcollector
<SamuraiJax> kek
<Jesus> i don't even know what i'm referring to
* Dragonballcollector goes on a quest to get them all
<SamuraiJax> I must have highlighted him at least a hundred times in the last 24 hours
<wilsonez> im better than u Jesus , i am the mariana trench
<enig> so they lose power but I get no ops
<enig> JEWS what is this
<enig> this is a bad anime
<enig> I am going to myanimelist and dropping my rating
* Dragonballcollector is now known as Yukino
<Jesus> this bad anime got u like a bad meme
<Yukino> :))
<wilsonez> it's a chinese produced anime
<Jesus> u've been caught like a….
<Yukino> Where is my arima kun~
<Jesus> [eurobeat noises]
<JEWS> was the black goku arc kino?
* [wolf] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Jesus> idk
<Jesus> i thought the black buu arc was kino
<Jesus> at the end of GT
<SamuraiJax> !topic Long Live #8chan
<copypaste> This is an automated message sent on behalf of [topicbotrizon8chan]: 4 topic changes remaining this hour.
* [^_^] has changed the topic to: <SamuraiJax> Long Live #8chan
<Jesus> goku left his family to train a nigger
<Jesus> goku is literally a nigger mentally
<Jesus> mental nigger
<Yukino> !topic omelette
<Yukino> :(
<enig> !topic enig needs ops
<copypaste> This is an automated message sent on behalf of [topicbotrizon8chan]: 3 topic changes remaining this hour.
* [^_^] has changed the topic to: <enig> enig needs ops
<Jesus> wait no
<Jesus> that was the end of DBZ
* brath (~mantelli@1BCA724.E9200F3.C3844E4.IP) has left
<Jesus> the end of GT was kid goku being carried away by the dragon
* bigguccibear has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Jesus> leaving his family for the last time
<SamuraiJax> Goku is a shit dad
<SamuraiJax> kek
<Jesus> unlike niggers, goku left his family 3 times
<Jesus> beat that
* [^_^] gives voice to RatFink
* magallon (~kalandek@BBC6CFD.4FA9BBC.C2607BC.IP) has joined
<Yukino> How can we get papafink hops back?
* DerMann (uid110471@DEEF1527:20D0F110:35F8C529:IP) has joined
<SamuraiJax> It'd be best if we did not
<enig> better yet, how can we get me hops
<Yukino> :(
<enig> new anime arc
<SamuraiJax> Just my opinion…
* Dasein has quit (Quit: Leaving)