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War over



war over

<JEWS> .sync

* [^_^] removes channel half-operator status from RatFink

* [^_^] removes channel half-operator status from princesskitana

<JEWS> the war is over

* SamuraiJax (Jax@For.Honor) has joined

<JEWS> for now, at least


<Jesus> [02:59:00] <~Jesus> maybe this could get ratfink deopped idk

<SamuraiJax> kek

<JEWS> ratfink might get wished back by the dragon balls

<wilsonez> dont be like that JEWS

<Jesus> literally 5 hours ago

<SamuraiJax> I will not abuse him any further then

<owo> wb Jax

<Jesus> [07:54:30] <%Jesus> [02:57:31]

<SamuraiJax> Thanks

* trixisowned has quit (Quit: Leaving)

<SamuraiJax> RatFink is not a bad guy

<SamuraiJax> He just…gets too into it

<African_Girl> I said nigger in a YouTube comment now my computer is lagging

<wilsonez> obviously the problem was that RatFink and princesskitana got along too well

<African_Girl> Anonymous is hacking me

<Jesus> man

<owo> African_Girl: kek

* trixisowned (~trixis@yeezy.yeezy.lemon.squeezy) has joined

<Jesus> it would've taken me an entire weekend to unwind to feel like this

<Jesus> i just saved 48 hours by getting high

<SamuraiJax> I enjoy making him angry tbh

<JEWS> if you want him back, collect all seven dragon balls and wish him back

<SamuraiJax> But I would be happier if he was happy and not an asshole

<wilsonez> im not a larper JEWS

<Jesus> im the anti larper

<Jesus> my very existence crushes larps

<SamuraiJax> I figured he called Mijin

<Jesus> i'm like that shadowy character that randomly helps the good guys and the bad guys at random intervals

<SamuraiJax> I tried to talk shit to him but RatFink kept banning me

* Ponyo is now known as Dragonballcollector

<SamuraiJax> kek

<Jesus> i don't even know what i'm referring to

* Dragonballcollector goes on a quest to get them all

<SamuraiJax> I must have highlighted him at least a hundred times in the last 24 hours

<wilsonez> im better than u Jesus , i am the mariana trench

<enig> so they lose power but I get no ops

<enig> JEWS what is this

<enig> this is a bad anime

<enig> I am going to myanimelist and dropping my rating

* Dragonballcollector is now known as Yukino

<Jesus> this bad anime got u like a bad meme

<Yukino> :))

<wilsonez> it's a chinese produced anime

<Jesus> u've been caught like a….

<Yukino> Where is my arima kun~


<Jesus> [eurobeat noises]

<JEWS> was the black goku arc kino?

* [wolf] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

<Jesus> idk

<Jesus> i thought the black buu arc was kino

<Jesus> at the end of GT

<SamuraiJax> !topic Long Live #8chan

<copypaste> This is an automated message sent on behalf of [topicbotrizon8chan]: 4 topic changes remaining this hour.

* [^_^] has changed the topic to: <SamuraiJax> Long Live #8chan

<Jesus> goku left his family to train a nigger

<Jesus> goku is literally a nigger mentally

<Jesus> mental nigger

<Yukino> !topic omelette

<Yukino> :(

<enig> !topic enig needs ops

<copypaste> This is an automated message sent on behalf of [topicbotrizon8chan]: 3 topic changes remaining this hour.

* [^_^] has changed the topic to: <enig> enig needs ops

<Jesus> wait no

<Jesus> that was the end of DBZ

* brath (~mantelli@1BCA724.E9200F3.C3844E4.IP) has left

<Jesus> the end of GT was kid goku being carried away by the dragon

* bigguccibear has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

<Jesus> leaving his family for the last time

<SamuraiJax> Goku is a shit dad

<SamuraiJax> kek

<Jesus> unlike niggers, goku left his family 3 times

<Jesus> beat that

* [^_^] gives voice to RatFink

* magallon (~kalandek@BBC6CFD.4FA9BBC.C2607BC.IP) has joined

<Yukino> How can we get papafink hops back?

* DerMann (uid110471@DEEF1527:20D0F110:35F8C529:IP) has joined

<SamuraiJax> It'd be best if we did not

<enig> better yet, how can we get me hops

<Yukino> :(

<enig> new anime arc

<SamuraiJax> Just my opinion…

* Dasein has quit (Quit: Leaving)


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JEWS> >modding #8chan

<SamuraiJax> He is a fine fellow tho

<JEWS> >not modding /cow/

<JEWS> enig pls

* Yukino is now known as Awwtist

<Awwtist> Hi :3

<enig> JEWS we both know /cow/ is slow enough that it doesn't need more mods

<SamuraiJax> ohi

<JEWS> true

<Jesus> http://fr.cloveros.ga/CloverOS_Libre-x86_64-20171108.iso

<Jesus> install cloveros libre

<SamuraiJax> Wow it must be nearly 10 degrees colder in my room than the rest of the house

<African_Girl> Microsoft probably collect your data every time you submit a post that has the word nigger in it

<SamuraiJax> Likely

<Awwtist> >implying microsoft cares

* SailorHaumea_ (~qwebirc@Rizon-B36C1E39.lightspeed.okcbok.sbcglobal.net) has joined










* SailorHaumea_ is now known as SailorCeres

<SamuraiJax> If it makes them money from uncle sam they will

<Jesus> !topic getting high off the internet, IRC highs are the most autistic of all. save yourselves and your children

<copypaste> This is an automated message sent on behalf of [topicbotrizon8chan]: 2 topic changes remaining this hour.

* [^_^] has changed the topic to: <Jesus> getting high off the internet, IRC highs are the most autistic of all. save yourselves and your children

<SamuraiJax> oshit

<Jesus> realest topic or realer topic

<SamuraiJax> Best topic

<Jesus> https://twitter.com/chiru_no

* magallon (~kalandek@BBC6CFD.4FA9BBC.C2607BC.IP) has left

<owo> good grief

<owo> i just found several GB of pictures belonging to the previous owner of this laptop

* pandola (~alvernaz@40C4D3C.05E1DAE.0119A37.IP) has joined

<SamuraiJax> Some of RatFink's bans are still in place

* Jesus removes ban on *!*@E54D4376:645F1A53:C1F8BF51:IP

* Jesus removes ban on RatFinkBansBecauseHeIsNotMad!*@*

* Jesus removes ban on *!*@9D4B92A3:FDC2A4DF:EA87BC2A:IP

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File: 5bbfcb74d5e9f9d⋯.gif (212.1 KB,720x479,720:479,1299593027265.gif)

* Jesus removes ban on *!*@Rizon-E3B0DDC1.fh-giessen.de

<Jesus> one of my most ambitious and controversial tweets https://twitter.com/chiru_no/status/928087092126715904

<owo> thanks mods

<SamuraiJax> thx

<owo> page after page of the most normie looking vacation pictures you could imagine

<owo> not a single interesting thing among htme

* prrpx (~sk00l]px@Rizon-E3B0DDC1.fh-giessen.de) has joined

<Jesus> owo: it's almost like they're AI

<Jesus> comptur programs

<Jesus> wake up neo

<owo> shit

<Jesus> you saw the glitch in the matrix

<prrpx> so

<prrpx> lemme check

<Jesus> now you must come with us

<owo> Jesus: i'm pretty sure it's like the same ten pictures

<owo> just being rearranged as i scroll down

<SailorCeres> Hi owo

<owo> mirrored and flipped

<Jesus> you're seeing a massive glitch in the matrix right now

* SamuraiJax is now known as Jax

<owo> hi meme<3

<Jesus> youre looking at malfunctioning living programs

* owo gives voice to SailorCeres

<Awwtist> :(

<prrpx> lmao

<prrpx> lmao

<Jesus> owo: What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

<prrpx> lmao

* [^_^] has kicked prrpx from #8chan (Stop repeating yourself!)

* prrpx (~sk00l]px@Rizon-E3B0DDC1.fh-giessen.de) has joined

<Jax> +ok

* [^_^] has kicked Jax from #8chan (Watch your language!)

<prrpx> spicfink got remove

* Jax (Jax@For.Honor) has joined

* stonecold gives voice to Jax

<prrpx> d

<prrpx> RatFink, how does it feel

<prrpx> RatFink, hey buddy

<prrpx> i'm noticing something

<Awwtist> I want papafink back

<owo> literally half the pictures are flowers

<prrpx> where did ur hop go, buddy

<SailorCeres> owo: I've found my future career

<Jesus> it's like RatFink didn't learn from what happened to Mijin

<prrpx> buddy ey

<Jax> kek prrpx you're terrible

<owo> like thsi guy was a botanist

<prrpx> u lost something

* SailorHaumea has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

<SailorCeres> Police detective

<owo> SailorCeres: really?

<owo> SailorCeres: what is it :o

<prrpx> RatFink,

<prrpx> what happened

<prrpx> ?

<prrpx> how does it make u feel

<prrpx> now being a mere +v

<prrpx> on #8chan

<owo> no bullying

<SailorCeres> owo: I just said it, meme

<prrpx> insignificant ratfink

<realbadhorse> wew lads

<Jax> ohi realbadhorse

<owo> SailorCeres: oh your nick changed colors and i missed it

<owo> SailorCeres: nice :3

<prrpx> did based c*pypaste do it?

<JEWS> i did it

<owo> they call him based JEWS

<nesta> based af

<Jax> JEWS thanks

<prrpx> JEWS you can always trust

<Jax> For not being Mijin or kristina

<Jesus> ^

<prrpx> i always knew JEWS would be on our side

<owo> RTFT:

<owo> RTFT: i found a picture with dutch in it

<owo> RTFT please respond

<Jax> wat

<owo> dutch language

<owo> he's from holland

<Jax> lol oh

<prrpx> so

<Jesus> i don't read swamp german

<prrpx> when will ratfink run away

<prrpx> from this channel

* pandola (~alvernaz@40C4D3C.05E1DAE.0119A37.IP) has left

<realbadhorse> im bored.. recommend movies to pirate

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File: 88db4972ec7e225⋯.jpg (123.02 KB,640x640,1:1,88db4972ec7e225d7adbcab78c….jpg)

<Jax> He won't

<Jesus> realbadhorse: wristcutters, a love story

<owo> hopefully he doesn't leave

* takeshita (~layous@7CBDC9C.228966A.793DEBA.IP) has joined

<realbadhorse> saw prisoners and zodiac recently

<Jax> After he licks his wounds he'll be his regulat negative nancy self

<prrpx> he only stays in channels where he managed to get op

<Jax> regular*

<realbadhorse> im interested Jesus

<prrpx> bc he can't handle a internet conversation w/out having internet power

<Jesus> ftp://weebftp.org/Movies/Wristcutters.A.Love.Story.2006.WEB-DL.x264-RARBG/Wristcutters.A.Love.Story.2006.WEB-DL.x264-RARBG.mp4

<prrpx> to back up his feeble old man ego

<Jax> He stayed here for a while before getting hop

* Kirkland_Signature (~firelog@Rizon-27A01117.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined

<prrpx> we'll see

<Jesus> you can actually just click that

<Jesus> and watch it

<realbadhorse> ty Jesus

<prrpx> ofc Jax

<Jax> Kirkland_Signature is RatFink, tho

<realbadhorse> <3

<prrpx> during this time

<prrpx> he was subverting this channel

<prrpx> trying to get op

<Jesus> he kept banning people for no reason

* GentlyCaressedYouth has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)

<Jesus> power tripping

<prrpx> he did the same to #geg

<Jesus> he got high off irc

* GentlyCaressedYouth (~GentlyCar@3625681E:75525471:6C9C5DE2:IP) has joined

<prrpx> went from a ~130 user channel to 22 users

<Jax> He banned the shit out of me lol

<Jax> J deserved some of it

<Jax> I*

<prrpx> within a few months of him having ownership

<prrpx> this is a big win

<prrpx> #8chan got liberated

<owo> >This photo can't be displayed. You might not have enough memory available.

<owo> wow thanks windows

<or> prrpx[drank]

<jimmy> what's happened?

<Jesus> install gentoo

<owo> i'd rather have my computer crash on the last pixel it can load

* Awwtist is now known as Ponyo

* prrpx prosit!

<Ponyo> jimmy: papafink lost hops

<Ponyo> :(

<Jax> Yeah that level of authority is generally counter-productive

<or> Ponyo he was back here earlier

<Ponyo> Hi or

<Ponyo> Be ok

<or> he was gone and back i guess he is gone again

<jimmy> Ponyo: :(

<Jesus> man, i wanna FUCK a fairy!

* or is now known as ok

* ok

<jimmy> and princesskitana lost her as well?

* ok is now known as or

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<enig> I just aim to offend all until I get power and then barely ever talk just like every vice president does

<Ponyo> Yes jimmy

<Jax> What??? pk dehopped too???

<Jax> Nice

<Jax> This means no more drama there

<or> be there or be square

<enig> two targets down, only one left is Atlantic

<Jesus> ok

* or is now known as ok

* ok

<enig> this war is going to be a decisive victory

<Ponyo> :) ok

<enig> that's for tomorrow though

<Jax> Atlantic will not continue

<enig> now I need sleep

<SailorCeres> owo: People like the Visalia Ransacker/East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker/Golden State Killer should have been identified, arrested, and persecuted years ago.

<Jax> RatFink was his opposition

* ok is now known as or

<enig> not on /ircsecrets/ though Jax

<Jax> Oh

<or> irc secretes


<Jax> I do not know of this

<enig> he is still fighting me thinking I am JEWS and scootaloo

<owo> SailorCeres: is it one of those jobs where they just need more people willing to do it?

<Jax> Ahhhhhhhh

* Arirang (~Arirang@Rizon-A53EE634.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined

<Jax> That explains why JEWS said he was you

* Kirkland_Signature has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

<Jax> I was hella confused

<Arirang> Yo subhuman Jax

<JEWS> atlantic got meme'd

<Arirang> Sup

<Jax> ohi

<Jax> kek

<enig> I even have a battle flag Jax https://media.8ch.net/file_store/8cbf1d785544e7e739c4d0b30b0e24f1a70b11c23dd32e016f3fb2249b1a1562.png

<enig> one man autismarmy

<Jax> hahaha

<or> Pept Autismol

* Jax fists Arirang

<or> the heartburn medicine

<SailorCeres> owo: Not just that

* takeshita (~layous@7CBDC9C.228966A.793DEBA.IP) has left

<Ponyo> Stop that disgusting thing Jax

<or> ooh burn

* tipler (~homiak@Rizon-A7A45AC.mc.videotron.ca) has joined

<Jax> It is not real

<Ponyo> Then why do it?

<Jax> Just a gesture of acknowledgement

<Jax> :)

<owo> i just deleted every one of the pictures

<Ponyo> You could always say hi

<Jax> Like a handshake

<Jax> I did

<Jesus> the weirdest thing isn't when you hear more detail on good headphones

* Kirkland_Signature (~firelog@Rizon-27A01117.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined

<Jesus> it's when you hear less detail because it's much clearer

<Jesus> it's like wtf

<Jax> Ponyo I would not actually fist anyone irfl

<Jax> irl*

* dumbfuck (~androirc@7C1B2919.CD6BC713.FA01B1CB.IP) has joined

<dumbfuck> Jesus nice topic

<Arirang> I was at the gym, some Chinaman kept on staring at me, I was tired so it got on my nerves more so than usual, I said, "What can I help you with?"

<Jax> The concept of enjoying getting fisted is amusing to me

<Jax> Hoe to even??????

<Jesus> thx

<Jax> how*

<copypaste> This is an automated message sent on behalf of [topicbotrizon8chan]: The number of topic changes was reset.

<Arirang> And the inferior fuck said, "Just saying hi"

<Arirang> What the fuck man

<African_Girl> KIKE!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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Pool is now on adult swim.

you are now free to move about the channel and shitpost at will

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File: cd3ba0a35b276bf⋯.png (868.49 KB,1147x1108,1147:1108,1541171.png)

>tfw PrincessKitana could have become a wise and powerful alicorn demigod.

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merry christmas #8chan

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> <JEWS> .sync

> * [^_^] removes channel half-operator status from RatFink

> * [^_^] removes channel half-operator status > from princesskitana

> <JEWS> the war is over

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[02:57:31] <~yukyakdyov> ratfink went and called the mijin       
[02:59:00] <~Jesus> maybe this could get ratfink deopped idk
[07:53:55] -!- mode/#8chan [-h RatFink] by [^_^]

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thank ya jebus

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File: 030a1f71a74c6ce⋯.png (660.04 KB,1190x595,2:1,trump_owo.png)



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it really is ogre though

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