<HKM> damn
<JEWS> ranix: you have five minutes from now
<HKM> jews is openly shitting onu rainex
<ranix> <3 ircsecrets
<ranix> I'm not posting shit JEWS
<HKM> ^
<ranix> lol
<HKM> wtf
<ranix> nice shit skin
<JEWS> enjoy your ban at 5:58 i guess
<ranix> what are you hispanic
<HKM> ^
<HKM> ool
<HKM> he just called me illegal mexican
<HKM> ya this kid is ne
<HKM> w
<HKM> im done here
<HKM> time to go walk with my son
<ranix> watch out for dark areas
<ranix> someone might jump out at you
<JEWS> watch out for hidden marriage contracts
<HKM> what is this marriage contract meme jews
<ranix> don't worry I'm not interested in fornicating with the offspring of shitskins
<HKM> he got married?
<HKM> she assfucked him?
<HKM> he was crying about marriage contract here?
<JEWS> <ranix> I'm not sucking off your son without a prenup
<ranix> go walk to walmart with your son
<ranix> spend $200
<HKM> midget rainx
<HKM> how does it feel
<ranix> post a picture of your son
<HKM> to openly be humiliated
<HKM> knowing god damn well
<HKM> u r broke
<HKM> and there is NOTHING u can do about it
<ranix> so we can put it on ircsecrets
<HKM> midget rainx
<HKM> who is we
<HKM> u and who/
<ranix> me and JEWS
<HKM> u notice JEWS?
<ranix> JEWS is bad news
<HKM> u mean the guy who openly shit on u?
<HKM> now suck a dog dick
<ranix> he's a jew what else is he gonna do
<HKM> im sure u love that
<JEWS> ghoul had shipped him with me before
<HKM> he is ganna bend u over
<JEWS> god knows why
<ranix> his circumsized dick knows no boundaries
<ranix> at least he looks kind of white
<JEWS> the butthole is my boundary
<ranix> unlike you
<HKM> jews time=
<JEWS> he has 40 seconds
<HKM> 1min?
<HKM> damn rainx
<ranix> it was worth it to see you sperg for like 2 hours
<HKM> midget rainx
<HKM> whatever u need to tell urself ma
<HKM> we both know the answer
<HKM> have fun eating ramen noodles
<HKM> broke bitch
<ranix> nice runescape money faggot
<HKM> tang-q
— JEWS sets ban on ranix!*@*
<HKM> poor fella
— JEWS sets ban on *!*@dank.juicy.nugs
<JEWS> rip
<HKM> idk whats his fascination with sucking 'circumsized dick'
<JEWS> they're certainly better than uncut dicks
<HKM> i should send him pic
<HKM> of my 2tone dick
<HKM> he will kill himself on TikTok
<HKM> claim he has corona viirus