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File: 42eeecf128654ab⋯.jpeg (86.63 KB,800x450,16:9,la-1513365210-h5ejzhbmqk-….jpeg)


Miss Genital Herpes 2019 –→>> now smells like a mix of a fish market in August, her breath like the stench cheapest massage parlor rubbing alcohol, the unwashed pussy of an genital herpes spreading jailbird buddy, the sperm of a 300 pounder, stale hobo ass, cat piss plus her own odor of fresh puke and luke warm urine! Meet missa the bed pissa, the small town jizza, she swallow for a dollah!

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File: caaff29fe9aafb7⋯.jpg (205.09 KB,1079x436,1079:436,Screenshot_20190705-211400….jpg)

21:00 SuspiciousPizza 04/05/19

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File: cae61c968f98dea⋯.jpg (14.35 KB,480x320,3:2,eight-week-old-tortoiseshe….jpg)

File: 3bfbda87f9af122⋯.jpg (176.91 KB,1079x372,1079:372,Screenshot_20190705-211645….jpg)

[20:54] SuspiciousPizza: [11:32]notacat:On the contrary, Miep, the smell of cat pee makes me feel comfortable, and protected. You see, my cat is spraying to mark his territory; our house and to mark me, as his and only his, to protect us from predators. I admire his diligence in protecting us and our worldly possessions.[02:47]notacat:My odor wards off predators

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File: 1d2f1e6360e355d⋯.jpg (33.37 KB,305x205,61:41,animal law image.jpg)

File: 44a43206c2f843b⋯.jpg (145.99 KB,1079x326,1079:326,Screenshot_20190705-213055….jpg)

[11:26]Miep:Tfw your house is so disgusting you don't even really know whether your cat peed in it[11:27]notacat:Well, obviously, I cannot say with 100% certainty that he did as I did not catch him in the act. If this was the court of law, he may be set free based on lack of evidence.:omg

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File: 56841358978f161⋯.png (9.75 KB,1345x95,269:19,wtf.png)

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File: a9c94553f0b1b6b⋯.png (3.07 MB,3454x1276,157:58,catpoop.png)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 02d1212b79b5eda⋯.png (1.03 MB,1066x580,533:290,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch a Bobcat play with this VR camera.

It's quite entertaining…

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ayyyyy lmao

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