I The Savior Return With Some Important Information Knowledge Wisdom
Source: https://saviorbox.wordpress.com
Hi, I am the Savior from many ancient prophecies.
After about 2-3 weeks since I am offline, there is one significant event cause world wide chaos you should know the Russia Ukraine conflict.
So I have decide return to share with you some important information related to global geopolitics and what will happen next in the society, so that you can know the truth of life and do not “shock”.
The official web address:
This time I will focus on the most important question: the global currency reset, how to replace US Dollar in the financial system with another fiat money paper (not silver gold or copper) and new era.
Expect some crazy talk with top-notch information that you cannot find on the internet, since I extract it from very high level above mortal humans.
This is my final attempt to connect with this civilization via online cyber internet.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha