/icup/ II OFFICIAL DRAW IS NOW FINISHED SEE http://infinitycup.wikia.com/wiki/Winter_2016_Infinity_Cup or http://www.hitbox.tv/icupCotton UNDER VIDEOS
Group A: /a/, /co/, /cow/, /hebe/
Group B: /v/, /tv/, /mu/, /cyber/
Group C: /k/, /pol/, /tg/, /tech/
Group D: /pone/, /leftypol/, /fit/, /baphomet/
Group E: /argentina/, /furry/, /r9k/, /starwars/
Group F: /bane/, /cuteboys/, /b/, /senran/
Group G: /sp/, /gamergate/, /n/, /kind/
Group H: /christian/, /monster/, /just/, /his/
'Original OP c: Team Reps:'
Alright it's now been around a month since /icup/ I so let's get teams prepared for /icup/ II as well as a possible warmup tournament event for the fall.
All current team reps please post to show if your interested or not interested in repping your board anymore. If you are still or if any newcomers want to volunteer to rep an old board that is vacant, express interest here.
If you are confirmed what you need to do is start a roster poll on your board. This can be done easily via Google Polls which would be made to decide on new medals, demoted and removed players from the /icup/ I roster and a section for new players that may fill their place. After new players are submitted, take popular ones (1 submission or more) and if possible do a strawpoll where most popular options would get on the team. And of course take the boards wantings into consideration as well and then share new completed rosters and team music in the appropriate sticky.
Also team reps for newly rep'd boards looking to register for /icup/ II and future events please post here letting us know who your volunteering to help and if the roster and music are confirmed let either me or Saviour know so we can allocate a spot for your team oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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