So we know Facebook got caught rigging their algorithm for their front page feed to suppress conservative leaning news stories and to shove Black Lives Matters and other SJW shit down peoples throats. They had to invite a bunch of conservative big wigs to their HQ for a photo op and to basically grovel for to get them to not press the issue further as they came up with a bullshit "there was no manipulating the feed to punish conservatives" response to the whole mess.
And now we have this, article:
Where you have a SJW thug bitch and crying that he's spent half the year being banned from Facebook for posting "assassinate trump" and other anti-Trump bullshit. And crying that Facebook is punishing people from cyberbullying conservatives who abuse the report button to ban Trump supporters/right wingers, from Facebook.
Is Facebook in a state of total schizophrenia? Are the conservatives at the company, who live in fear of being fired for not sharing Zuckerburg's SJW anti-white beliefs, using their position dealing with people who report other users, to fight back against Zuckerburg and the SJW agenda that is tainting Facebook? Or are Trump supporters getting a free pass for the sake of the illusion of impartiality, especially after Zuckerburg got caught shoving BLN down everyone's throat and rigging it so that conservative news pieces are never seen on Facebook?