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File: a1433838e4b53a5⋯.jpeg (538.6 KB,900x1517,900:1517,hcLVVkf2.jpeg)

 No.712913 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Lets collect all backups in one thread. I'll start with my own since I've yet to find others publishing theirs.

~2.6 TB

Inline images are missing but it's better than nothing. All files are located under '/files/'.

Use your local ipfs daemon for best results.




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Oh wait. Nevermind. I finally found the proper link to the archive. I don't know why nobody just post the new link here, but whatever.

Here's the address to the Yiff.Party Archive:


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we have kemono party and coomer party now so that literally doesn't matter. You just wasted a ton of storage space and bandwidth for nothing.

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>>713273 Not quite. There were files and users that were posted to yiff.party and nuked before kemono was a thing.

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Quite. It works the same way just archiving all the content on the patreon page so it doesn't matter. Looser.

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link no longer working

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File: 6a9562f11beba91⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,854x1280,427:640,465288372_9438532756161859….jpg)

File: 0b04c82c19a8f05⋯.jpg (84.75 KB,854x1280,427:640,465288653_9438532736161861….jpg)

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File: 99ad5c20f9e6336⋯.jpg (131.39 KB,854x1280,427:640,465496653_9438532729495195….jpg)

 No.713342 [Open thread]

Anyone else loved this movie back then? I just found this great custom fursuit of Laila

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File: d61e403cf0f5a71⋯.jpg (62.48 KB,960x539,960:539,466775899_9502812993067168….jpg)

File: d8b1e3c05fa6c4e⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,539x960,539:960,466789071_9502812976400503….jpg)

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File: ade605d1e874532⋯.jpg (207.51 KB,2048x1536,4:3,466638020_9502813503067117….jpg)

File: 6023dc38397a5a1⋯.jpg (66.69 KB,720x960,3:4,466645428_9502813269733807….jpg)

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File: 74bc1eac5cc20c4⋯.jpg (72.14 KB,704x960,11:15,466375552_9502813293067138….jpg)

File: 3475d12f3668981⋯.jpg (66.02 KB,960x539,960:539,466386406_9502813286400472….jpg)

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File: e8a797bda4cec1c⋯.jpg (57.16 KB,539x960,539:960,466627562_9502813289733805….jpg)

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File: 038d746a672b1d0⋯.jpg (63.13 KB,960x539,960:539,466776503_9502813296400471….jpg)

File: 610bf70c1b1cf07⋯.jpg (54.64 KB,960x539,960:539,466620399_9502813279733806….jpg)

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File: 172545059641cf0⋯.jpg (74.05 KB,960x539,960:539,466731837_9502813519733782….jpg)

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File: 75330f63b28a72b⋯.jpg (237.38 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,466680239_9502813523067115….jpg)

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File: 80160e631f10529⋯.jpg (237.05 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,466407267_9502813533067114….jpg)

File: dbe3ac7c359fffe⋯.jpg (242.12 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,466676555_9502813516400449….jpg)

File: d18dd14f4253289⋯.jpg (227.2 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,466754654_9502813506400450….jpg)

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File: 0e64f74b471a4ed⋯.png (1.75 MB,1900x1128,475:282,785ecd2167df924fb71a6ddb55….png)

 No.713274 [Open thread]

Post Doggo Booties

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File: 075fc294b56f361⋯.jpg (156.06 KB,1280x976,80:61,a3cc34f35f88abac4530609d0c….jpg)

File: 1e792bb4d3bd5cc⋯.jpg (469.41 KB,876x1280,219:320,a358a8c892ee6adc77d1f07875….jpg)

File: 01476255ced1d29⋯.png (4.22 MB,1334x2048,667:1024,e77a19b44410e1eefdace38419….png)

File: 20cecc93fa09423⋯.png (10.55 MB,1920x3639,640:1213,_silvervale_indie_virtual_….png)

File: 99dca612c150b60⋯.jpeg (257.92 KB,1503x2048,1503:2048,_silvervale_indie_virtual….jpeg)

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File: fef84daa7a6f282⋯.png (1.67 MB,1800x1286,900:643,1698089047_lesspie_ych_ful….png)

File: 612230933dff566⋯.png (1.86 MB,1250x1800,25:36,1716315309_lesspie_porsha_.png)

File: a1f261927f18254⋯.png (748.34 KB,848x1200,53:75,1711902479_lesspie_closeup….png)

File: 0739d285ac5cf56⋯.png (2.18 MB,2000x1429,2000:1429,1709145368_lesspie_1.png)

File: 68bc1523bf55e4f⋯.png (5.92 MB,1010x1500,101:150,1724359519_lesspie_doggie2.png)

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File: b6c6b649a2b401a⋯.jpg (587.89 KB,825x1100,3:4,5b7c6527086bf1f23f14523e56….jpg)

File: d51922b7d445a0f⋯.jpg (90.97 KB,850x728,425:364,21647e9f60fdbce48ad5e1e790….jpg)

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File: 87288d24177dbdc⋯.jpg (209.92 KB,850x1464,425:732,3822287d1ffef3b8c0a89f29dc….jpg)

Post more dog butts

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File: 92d4d10ba55722d⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1985x2100,397:420,ffb983a9bc006b450f303b9404….jpg)

File: 30cace89c7ca323⋯.png (982.68 KB,1280x862,640:431,8e83d3927700bbfbf88d04a0b4….png)

File: eac83c9fac40276⋯.png (5.61 MB,2500x2666,1250:1333,7bcf9dbccaee48346db82318ba….png)

File: d33f04a3fb787a1⋯.png (2.75 MB,1492x2469,1492:2469,e09ccfa69799159f803807e12f….png)

Murry Yiffmas

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File: 0d91eda8aa0a98c⋯.png (12.68 MB,2730x3057,910:1019,a326fb66e41970595baacdf519….png)

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File: 26307907447b278⋯.jpg (11.93 KB,395x395,1:1,_.jpg)

 No.713334 [Open thread]

4chan better

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File: a2fa4a676035ccc⋯.png (366.9 KB,601x850,601:850,C9hninQVYAAtf66.png)

File: 2a625414ab5df64⋯.png (338.5 KB,340x570,34:57,cover_0_1659783274.png)

File: e1e2262c7ede75f⋯.jpeg (164.6 KB,1800x1440,5:4,FFF9a6VVkAIOg2T.jpeg)

 No.713282 [Open thread]

Although not full on furry does anyone else love Miqo'te girls? I especially love the hempen pantalettes that they wear, something about them just seems so hot. Specially the soft crotch portion that you just know is warm and humid it would smell so nice to huff on~ <3

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File: 1c207cdc1f886d4⋯.png (2.15 MB,1980x1020,33:17,iHhnlNu4_panties_1980x1020.png)

File: 1a47cfe33738640⋯.jpg (40.15 KB,640x873,640:873,bc8f2d564196c07719902441da….jpg)

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File: 9f5d14c0b372384⋯.jpeg (749.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image0.jpeg)

File: 4145ad584ca6c0c⋯.jpeg (819.11 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image1.jpeg)

File: f0804f6d3b533e4⋯.jpeg (350.79 KB,1024x600,128:75,image3.jpeg)

File: 861b3f446093197⋯.jpeg (343.68 KB,1024x603,1024:603,image4.jpeg)

File: a5725541e98d4fd⋯.jpeg (341.14 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image5.jpeg)

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File: 7d8ee6fbc624db5⋯.png (224.34 KB,340x570,34:57,fancy_kitty_0_1602728132.png)

File: a742b157d539c5f⋯.png (246.2 KB,340x570,34:57,fancy_kitty_1_1602728132.png)

File: b619a3046d176d2⋯.png (244.49 KB,340x570,34:57,miqote_adventurer_1_160263….png)

File: db7807dc4a1bd2d⋯.png (255.13 KB,340x570,34:57,miqote_adventurer_2_160263….png)

File: f02c88550a0cbe7⋯.png (282.16 KB,340x570,34:57,miqote_adventurer_3_160263….png)

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File: 077c88789899cf8⋯.png (282.46 KB,340x570,34:57,shisui_caster_cat_0_160306….png)

File: b4fbb29ea684cba⋯.png (301.95 KB,340x570,34:57,shisui_caster_cat_1_160306….png)

File: bb909755718d842⋯.png (286.61 KB,340x570,34:57,shisui_caster_cat_2_160306….png)

File: ada50277297e687⋯.png (228.39 KB,340x570,34:57,miqote_adventurer_0_160263….png)

File: e43daf5b3486247⋯.png (227.3 KB,340x570,34:57,shisui_caster_cat_1_160306….png)

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File: b713f24fca8e58f⋯.png (311.98 KB,340x570,34:57,dancing_kitty_1_1602801895.png)

File: 465423b426801e0⋯.png (272.95 KB,340x570,34:57,shisui_caster_cat_3_160306….png)

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File: 0a80638888c979b⋯.jpg (275.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20241212_234337….jpg)

 No.713327 [Open thread]

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File: b0d5b955b64b260⋯.png (879.6 KB,1914x2447,1914:2447,SCP096.png)

 No.713249 [Open thread]


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File: f4b94b2d2fcfe2d⋯.png (296.85 KB,782x782,1:1,fuckckcckk.png)

 No.713307 [Open thread]

hi i was wondering if anyones got the sam and eddie image pack from orf im looking for it

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they are so fucking cute

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File: a4ba78f3d408e65⋯.png (172.13 KB,900x800,9:8,b8b81775ae409ba8e08a382320….png)

 No.713300 [Open thread]

For those of you not aware, not long after the launch of 8kun the remains of 8chan's furry boards left over moderation issues. You're welcome to post over at 8chan.moe's board, which is a bit more lively than here.


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It's a pity 8moe is such a dumpster fire.

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Jesus christ that site theme is trash, all the posts are mashed together and the cursor is a pain. They're also probably modded by autistics that don't let you post anything cool.

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File: a80036db72d8c97⋯.mp3 (124.88 KB,2024_12_08T04_23_56.mp3)

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File: 4a1e7c0f2f9b69c⋯.png (672.17 KB,900x617,900:617,katt_banner.png)

 No.713310 [Open thread]

This was from a donation campaign in 2013 and never released. Please use and repost it everywhere to help spread. This is the transparent background PNG. The different resolution wallpapers are in the immediately following comments. <3~

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File: 1010077b76d57b0⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x768,4:3,Kattwp_1024x768.png)

File: 9f016f00418dcb7⋯.png (1.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kattwp_1280x720.png)

File: 1fac0351b469db3⋯.png (1.79 MB,1280x800,8:5,Kattwp_1280x800.png)

File: a049f091388984f⋯.png (2.34 MB,1280x1028,320:257,Kattwp_1280x1024.png)

File: d39cab64541922c⋯.png (1.96 MB,1366x768,683:384,Kattwp_1366x768.png)

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File: c03335a6bf95d39⋯.png (2.23 MB,1440x900,8:5,Kattwp_1440x900.png)

File: 1a19e730101789c⋯.png (2.67 MB,1600x900,16:9,Kattwp_1600x900.png)

File: cdc77552a14207f⋯.png (3.04 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Kattwp_1600x1200.png)

File: 5b19e10d29b7fae⋯.png (3 MB,1680x1050,8:5,Kattwp_1680x1050.png)

File: d421ef2355fed85⋯.png (3.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Kattwp_1920x1080.png)

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File: d9c0197981fce25⋯.png (3.88 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Kattwp_1920x1200.png)

File: 3bb92112d30252c⋯.png (6.96 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Kattwp_2560x1440.png)

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File: 0a4d1aab4fa603a⋯.png (14.9 MB,3697x2080,3697:2080,Kattwp_fullsize.png)

And this is the complete full non-rescaled original version.

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File: 050be542511e439⋯.jpg (56.53 KB,602x682,301:341,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….jpg)

 No.713303 [Open thread]

Chat via whatsapp

+593 97-988-1766

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File: bda7726457c1d7a⋯.jpg (89.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,WIN_20240208_23_22_06_Pro.jpg)

 No.713297 [Open thread]

John McCain, is racist.

He saw a prostitute, with a cane.

Four more years, Biden.

Donald J. Trump, failed Reagan, he got placed in prison.

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File: 74fd76cdde6ca80⋯.png (15.17 KB,655x90,131:18,yessssss.png)

 No.713296 [Open thread]


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File: 928604ed5edcaa8⋯.jpeg (499.74 KB,1284x918,214:153,e1cd07fe872df53ec956aeda9….jpeg)

 No.713279 [Open thread]

Some site leaks of premium yiff websites from back in the good ole days of 2014 to 2015. SexyFur, Jay Naylor, WetBlush etc as well as even an .apk demo for some yiff game.


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We be needing some patreon leaks now. I know there's the Kemono SU site but a thread for posting some nice image finds would be great.

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fuck how do i bypass the OK/mailru login screen i cant even download a single one can you even sign protonmail on this thing?

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anyone tried this? https://github.com/Geograph-us/Cloud-Mail.Ru-Downloader/issues/18 i get pageID now found for some reason

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We haven't had a nice SexyFur leak in almost 10 years, is it even possible to download the images anymore when you subscribe to the website? Can someone do an updated leak with all the new images please, I know his style is dated but I really like the Fox as well as Orchid bunny character.

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I'd like furries with the genitalia of their animals, my anthros would be animals who were uplifted into anthropomorphism by being given stuff like sapient minds and humanoid forms, so they have only the bare minimum needed to live as humans do, and fill the niche of humans (as socially organized technological beings).

For the most part they are still the animals they were.

They eat one another since there are no animals that weren't uplifted, and they can only bear children with others of a species who are reproductively compatible with their species (something many take advantage of in dating anthros of noncompatible species).

Over the generations evolution will have them all becoming more humanlike, but for now they are just animals who are changed just enough to walk and talk and use science & technology like clothes and writing.

Also there are humans, but no anthros from species that existed post-humanity, especially those from the species that resulted from human intervention, so wolf girls but no dog girls, aurochs are represented, but not modern bovines.

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File: 63ca777d47338a3⋯.jpg (146.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,WIN_20240206_11_40_58_Pro.jpg)

 No.713285 [Open thread]

Den Mothers:

Queen Cleo.


Kate Thompson.


Queen Jasmine, Queen Victoria.

Pornographic Actresses:

Empress M, Goddess J.


Mistress Lucinda, Lady Kim, Goddess Arsine, Vixen Rachel.


Cassie-Leigh Stock, Jenna Williamson, Allison Haimes, Jessica Bailey.


Silver Laventi, Ellen Page, Mistress Rhiannon, Venus Terzo.

Sperm Donations:

Una Barry, Julianne Moore, Silver Laventi, Christine Warren, Cassie-Leigh Stock, Amanda Lennox.


Frederick Brennan.

Police Instructor Lessons (To Alias Jessica Jones; Rosa Klebb):

Street Fighter II Ken Theme Original (youtube.com)

Chilton: A pot dealer, is someone who has a mercenary ware, and cannot sell it. Therefore, they trade in a criminal deal, as an allegation, a relationship; not narcotics as an act, but distribution as a sale, a hidden fee of something higher amiss beyond the drug dealer's field of view.

Street Fighter AST Theme of Geki (youtube.com)

U'Niall: A child is soft and young and afraid, and upon taking that first venture in prehistory, found a berry, that later led to the dog. You have seen us as your knights and your spies Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No nonsensical autism paperwork please. No one cares for your mentally challenged need to babble and make it look official. kthx

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