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File: a4ba78f3d408e65⋯.png (172.13 KB,900x800,9:8,b8b81775ae409ba8e08a382320….png)


For those of you not aware, not long after the launch of 8kun the remains of 8chan's furry boards left over moderation issues. You're welcome to post over at 8chan.moe's board, which is a bit more lively than here.


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It's a pity 8moe is such a dumpster fire.

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Jesus christ that site theme is trash, all the posts are mashed together and the cursor is a pain. They're also probably modded by autistics that don't let you post anything cool.

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File: a80036db72d8c97⋯.mp3 (124.88 KB,2024_12_08T04_23_56.mp3)

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