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File: 0e64f74b471a4ed⋯.png (1.75 MB,1900x1128,475:282,785ecd2167df924fb71a6ddb55….png)


Post Doggo Booties

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File: 5a12e273bbeb91a⋯.png (779.64 KB,744x900,62:75,776a5ce280d3ccbb7d95258d29….png)

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Acradors (and by extension Jacktors) are some of the most well built and tastiest of the Canine Booties. Like they were made for it. Pure wife mate material every one of them awoo~

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File: fef84daa7a6f282⋯.png (1.67 MB,1800x1286,900:643,1698089047_lesspie_ych_ful….png)

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File: 68bc1523bf55e4f⋯.png (5.92 MB,1010x1500,101:150,1724359519_lesspie_doggie2.png)

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File: b6c6b649a2b401a⋯.jpg (587.89 KB,825x1100,3:4,5b7c6527086bf1f23f14523e56….jpg)

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File: 87288d24177dbdc⋯.jpg (209.92 KB,850x1464,425:732,3822287d1ffef3b8c0a89f29dc….jpg)

Post more dog butts

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File: 92d4d10ba55722d⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1985x2100,397:420,ffb983a9bc006b450f303b9404….jpg)

File: 30cace89c7ca323⋯.png (982.68 KB,1280x862,640:431,8e83d3927700bbfbf88d04a0b4….png)

File: eac83c9fac40276⋯.png (5.61 MB,2500x2666,1250:1333,7bcf9dbccaee48346db82318ba….png)

File: d33f04a3fb787a1⋯.png (2.75 MB,1492x2469,1492:2469,e09ccfa69799159f803807e12f….png)

Murry Yiffmas

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File: 0d91eda8aa0a98c⋯.png (12.68 MB,2730x3057,910:1019,a326fb66e41970595baacdf519….png)

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